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1、聚焦高考英语阅读语篇之聚焦高考英语阅读语篇之长难句长难句Heart-warming citations(引用引用)of ancient Chinese poems posted on the delivery boxes have reminded us of the shared cultural bonds between the two nations,what makes us different and bringing us,with an often checkered(多波折的多波折的)history,closer together in this time of need.(


3、的丰富内容和复杂结构往往会导致理解的困难。理解长难句的关键是了解长难句的导致理解的困难。理解长难句的关键是了解长难句的类型,理清句子成分,抓住句子中的关键部分。类型,理清句子成分,抓住句子中的关键部分。She studies hard.She studies hard outside a room.She studies hard outside a room which is the office of the village committee.Accompanied by her father,she studies hard outside a room which is the of

4、fice of the village committee.Accompanied by her father,she studies hard outside a room which is the office of the village committee and many people show respect for them.Section One:How is a long and difficult sentecnce formed?(prepositional phrase)(clause)(non-finite verb)(parallel structures)prep

5、ositional phrases(介短)(介短)clauses(从句)(从句)non-finite verbs(非谓语)(非谓语)adj./adv.parenthesis(插入语)(插入语).长难句长难句1.trunk(主干部分主干部分):S.+V.+(O.)2.branches 枝干部分枝干部分3.parallel structures(并列结构)(并列结构)(A and/or B;A,B,and/or C)小结Section Two:Three steps to analyze a long and difficult sentence.一划一划 (二括二括)“三会意三会意”(以近年高考

6、真题长句为例)(以近年高考真题长句为例)一划一划:划主干划主干(trunk),给主谓宾给主谓宾.(S.V.O.)划划_。2.Bed that are too small,shower heads(淋浴喷头淋浴喷头)that are too low,and restaurant tables with hardly any leg-room(腿部空间)(腿部空间)all make life difficult for those of above average height.1.Charles Darwin,over 150 years ago,imagined a world that is

7、 far busier,nosier and more intimate(亲密的亲密的)than the one we can see and hear.(2017年全国二卷年全国二卷)Lets practise more for the TRUNK(主干主干)。3.He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in a strange city,thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again

8、 from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.(2014全国新课标全国新课标阅读理解阅读理解A)4.The friendship that grew out of the experience of making that film and The Sting four years later had its root in the fact that although there was an age difference,we both came from a tradition of theater an

9、d live TV.(2017全国全国卷阅读理解卷阅读理解B)二括二括:给给(branches)加加()。1.Two of the authors of the review made a study published in 2014 which showed a five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes.(2018全国一卷语法填全国一卷语法填空空)2.For many older people who lived in the

10、country,driving was very important for preserving their independence,giving them the freedom to get out without having to rely on others.(2017全国二全国二卷卷D篇篇)()()()()()()()Lets practise more for the BRANCHES。3.If someone knocks and its not an important matter,excuse yourself and let the person know your

11、e busy so they can get the hint that when the door is closed,youre not to be disturbed.(2017全国全国卷阅读七选五卷阅读七选五)()()()4.Given that many peoples moods are regulated by the chemical action of chocolate,it was probably only a matter of time before somebody made the chocolate shop similar to a drug store o

12、f Chinese medicine.()()1.In an effort to prevent language loss,scholars from a number of organizations,including UNESCO and National Geographic,have for many years been recording dying languages and the culture which they reflect.(2014年全国一卷阅读年全国一卷阅读D篇篇)Many scholars are making efforts to _ promote g

13、lobal languages.rescue the disappearing languages.search for languages communities.set up languages research organizations.三会意:抓主干,去枝干,逻辑关系要注意。三会意:抓主干,去枝干,逻辑关系要注意。)()()()2.The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their ki

14、ds when it comes to reading.(2018年全国卷年全国卷 C)How should parents encourage their children to read more?A.Act as role models for them.B.Ask them to write book reports.C.Set up reading groups for them.D.Talk with their reading class teacher.()()()三会意:抓主干,去枝干,逻辑关系要注意。三会意:抓主干,去枝干,逻辑关系要注意。3.Given that many

15、 peoples moods are regulated by the chemical action of chocolate,it was probably only a matter of time before somebody made the chocolate shop similar to a drug store of Chinese medicine.)()鉴于很多人的情绪是由巧克力的化学作用来调节的,那么把巧克力店做得像中医药店一样,可能只是时鉴于很多人的情绪是由巧克力的化学作用来调节的,那么把巧克力店做得像中医药店一样,可能只是时间的问题了。间的问题了。三会意:抓主干,

16、去枝干,逻辑关系要注意。三会意:抓主干,去枝干,逻辑关系要注意。4.The friendship that grew out of the experience of making that film and The Sting four years later had its root in the fact that although there was an age difference,we both came from a tradition of theater and live TV.(2017全国全国卷阅读理解卷阅读理解B)三会意:抓主干,去枝干,逻辑关系要注意。三会意:抓主干

17、,去枝干,逻辑关系要注意。()()()我们在制作这部电影和四年后的我们在制作这部电影和四年后的The Sting的经历中所产生的友谊根植于这样一个事实:所有年龄有所的经历中所产生的友谊根植于这样一个事实:所有年龄有所不同,但我们都出身于传统的戏剧和电视直播。不同,但我们都出身于传统的戏剧和电视直播。高考长难句分析口诀高考长难句分析口诀长难句,看仔细。长难句,看仔细。一划二括三会意。一划二括三会意。主谓宾主谓宾,先注意。(一划),先注意。(一划)(介短非谓和从句介短非谓和从句)。(二括)。(二括)抓主干,去枝干。(三会意)抓主干,去枝干。(三会意)逻辑关系要注意。逻辑关系要注意。Practice

18、 (一划,二括,三会意一划,二括,三会意)1.Back in 1983,as two scientists reported,young maple trees getting bitten by insects send out a particular smell that neighboring plants can get.(2017年全国二卷年全国二卷)What does a plant do when it is under attack?A.It makes noise.B.It gets help from other plants.C.It stands quietly.D.

19、It sends out certain chemicals.Practice(一划,二括,三会意一划,二括,三会意)2.Any fishy or the strong smell means the fish isnt fresh._ When you have bought a fish and arrive home,youd better store the fish in the refrigerator if you dont cook it immediately(2016年全国三卷年全国三卷7选选5阅读阅读)When buying fish,you should first s

20、mell it.The fish will go bad within hours.Do not buy it.The easiest is to steam it.This is how you can do it.It requires a little knowledge.The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.Practice(一划,二括,三会意一划,二括,三会意)3.In his first years of high school,he would look pityingly at music stud

21、ents,_1_ across the campus with their heavy instrument cases,turning up at school for practice hours before anyone else had to be there.(2017年江苏卷完形填空年江苏卷完形填空)1.A.traveling B.marching C.pacing D.struggling1.The opinion that breakfast is the most basic meal of the day is so widespread that an increasi

22、ng number of people are surprised to learn that there is a lack of scientific evidence showing how breakfast may directly cause changes in our health.Try again for translation!(一划,二括,三会意一划,二括,三会意)()认为早餐是一天中最基本的一餐的观点是如此普遍,以至于越来越多的人惊讶地发现,缺乏科学证认为早餐是一天中最基本的一餐的观点是如此普遍,以至于越来越多的人惊讶地发现,缺乏科学证据表明早餐可能会直接导致我们的健

23、康变化。据表明早餐可能会直接导致我们的健康变化。()(2.Dr.Prinstein has also found that the qualities that made the neighbors want you on a play date sharing,kindness,openness carry over to later years and make you better able to relate and connect with others.()()破折号的作用:解释说明;破折号的作用:解释说明;两个破折号中间的内容是两个破折号中间的内容是qualities的同位语的同

24、位语米奇米奇普林斯坦还发现,身边的人会邀请你一起玩,是因为你具有如下品质普林斯坦还发现,身边的人会邀请你一起玩,是因为你具有如下品质爱分享,与人友爱分享,与人友善,开放率真。而这些品质会使你在今后更好地与人相处。善,开放率真。而这些品质会使你在今后更好地与人相处。3.He likes that he can sit and check his phone in peace or chat up the barkeeper with whom hes on a first-name basis if he wants to have a little interaction.(2019高考全国高

25、考全国卷阅读理解卷阅读理解C)()()他喜欢安静地坐着看手机,如果他想交流的话,他就会和一个可以直呼其名的酒保聊聊天。他喜欢安静地坐着看手机,如果他想交流的话,他就会和一个可以直呼其名的酒保聊聊天。4.I cant live in fear of the possibility that as the earths population grows and we use more and more of our nonrenewable resources,our children may have to lead poorer lives.()()我不能总是生活在对这种可能性的害怕中:随着地

26、球上人口的不断增长,我们正在消耗掉越来越多我不能总是生活在对这种可能性的害怕中:随着地球上人口的不断增长,我们正在消耗掉越来越多的非再生资源,我们的孩子可能不得不过着更加贫穷的生活。的非再生资源,我们的孩子可能不得不过着更加贫穷的生活。A test 5 points10 points15 points20 points难度难度:(5 points)Those who were highest in status in high school,as well as those least liked in elementary school,are“most likely to engage(从

27、事从事)in dangerous and risky behavior.”(2019高考全国高考全国卷卷 阅读理解阅读理解D)Question:What is the subject of it?those选择题:(选择题:(10 points)难度难度:Car sharing is usually run by a service like Zipcar,though there are nonprofit and informal car sharing services.We can learn from the passage that _.A.Zipcar cant help you

28、 if you are running urgent errands(使命使命)B.Zipcar,different from other services,is aimed at green driving with no profitC.Zipcar is a company supplying car sharing services for a monthly payment D.Zipcar is a company providing formal car sharing free翻译题:翻译题:(15 points)难度:难度:Malaysia Airlines deeply r

29、egrets that we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board survived.马来西亚航空公司深表遗憾马来西亚航空公司深表遗憾:我们必须排除合理的怀疑,假设我们必须排除合理的怀疑,假设MH730已经消失,飞机上无人生还。已经消失,飞机上无人生还。选择题选择题:(20 points)难度难度 :In fact,the analysis showed,normal children aged 9 to 17 exhibit a h

30、igher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 50 years ago Question:According to the analysis,compared with normal children today,children treated as mentally ill 50 years ago _ Ahad little communication with friends Bwere probably less self-centered Cprobably suffer

31、ed less from anxiety Dwere considered less individualisticSelf-exploration:hand-out The Guardian I Growing up,we are constantly reminded that young people are the demographic(特定年龄(特定年龄段的人口)段的人口)most affected by technology.We are the“antisocial social club”,those who prefer to text our friends in the

32、 same room rather than having to make eye-contact with them.We are the“digital natives”,ruining the English language because we favour using heart-eye emojis to tell someone we fancy them,instead of spelling it out.And even though never-ending studies reveal to us the extent of our social media addi

33、ction,warning us that we are slowly turning into tech-zombies(科技僵尸科技僵尸),we should at least consider that its not only the problem of us young people.尽管有无穷无尽的研究向我们揭示了我们对社交媒体的上瘾程度,警示我们正在逐渐变成尽管有无穷无尽的研究向我们揭示了我们对社交媒体的上瘾程度,警示我们正在逐渐变成“科技僵尸科技僵尸”,但,但我们至少应该想到,这不再仅仅是年轻人的问题了。我们至少应该想到,这不再仅仅是年轻人的问题了。在成长的过程中,我们被不断

34、提醒着:年轻人是受科技影响最大的群体。在成长的过程中,我们被不断提醒着:年轻人是受科技影响最大的群体。II Theres the rise of the Instagram mums,who like to post an abundance of cute baby pictures,showcasing their seemingly put-together lifestyles and sharing their many momfeelings along the way.They are the so-called“Facebook mum generation”,a growin

35、g group of parents that like to overshare and,in the process,are slowly pushing out young people who cant bear to see another one of mums embarrassing gin-and-tonic-on-a-holiday selfies.While many millennials(千禧一代千禧一代)are slowly leaving Facebook because our timeline seems to only clog up with(阻塞,充斥)

36、(阻塞,充斥)fake news,dog videos and repetitive memes(表情包表情包)these days,our parents might see the platform as a way of keeping up with the social lives of their old schoolmates.Instagram上出现了一个上出现了一个“妈妈群体妈妈群体”,她们喜欢上传大量的可爱宝宝的照片,展示她们看似光鲜亮丽的生活,她们喜欢上传大量的可爱宝宝的照片,展示她们看似光鲜亮丽的生活方式,并分享她们一路走来的众多做母亲的感想。方式,并分享她们一路走来的

37、众多做母亲的感想。许多千禧一代正在逐渐退出许多千禧一代正在逐渐退出Facebook,因为近来我们的时间线上似乎只充斥着虚假新闻、小狗视频和千,因为近来我们的时间线上似乎只充斥着虚假新闻、小狗视频和千篇一律的表情包,但我们的父母可能把这个平台看作跟老同学保持社交往来的一种途径。篇一律的表情包,但我们的父母可能把这个平台看作跟老同学保持社交往来的一种途径。III And while all of this might be fine,and even a little humorous,new research suggests that parents technology addiction

38、is negatively affecting their childrens behaviour.According to the study,40%of mothers and 32%of fathers have admitted to having some sort of phone addiction.This has led to a significant fall in verbal interactions within families and even a decline in mothers encouraging their children.“Technofere

39、nce”is the term used here to describe the increasing trend that sees people switching their attention away from those around them to checking their phones instead one that seems to be infiltrating(渗透渗透)far beyond friendship circles and now also into family life.“技术干扰技术干扰”一词在这里被用来描述这种增长的趋势,即人们将注意力从周围

40、的人身上转移到手机上一词在这里被用来描述这种增长的趋势,即人们将注意力从周围的人身上转移到手机上它似乎已经渗透出友谊圈外,现在也渗透进了家庭生活中。它似乎已经渗透出友谊圈外,现在也渗透进了家庭生活中。IV There is no denying that I get annoyed when I receive the“Ill be with you shortly line”from a parent,when all I want to do is ask one question.But,at the same time,leaving the room to wait until my

41、 father is finished with his“serious business”(ie Farmville),has now become the norm.Whether you want to escape your pestering children for a bit,or want to stay up late flicking through Twitter,know that wanting to do all of this is normal.We your children know how addictive it can be and how diffi

42、cult it is to switch off.But before telling us to“put our phones away at the table”or even worse,pulling up statistics of how damaging social media can be for us,maybe lead by example and consider how much time you spend on the phone as well as how this is impacting your children and your relationship with them.Maybe in this way we can work on our addiction together.无论你是想暂时摆脱你那纠缠不休的孩子,还是想熬夜浏览无论你是想暂时摆脱你那纠缠不休的孩子,还是想熬夜浏览Twitter,要知道所有这些想法都是正常的。,要知道所有这些想法都是正常的。但与此同时,离开房间等父亲完成他的但与此同时,离开房间等父亲完成他的“重要事务重要事务”(比如开心农场),现在已经成为了一种常态。(比如开心农场),现在已经成为了一种常态。Persistence produces miracles!坚持铸就奇迹!坚持铸就奇迹!


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