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1、Stinky StreetInterpretation of the Text 文本解读A storyhowwherewhenwhywhowhatInterpretation of the Text 文本解读(Who)Mrs.CoxJoshMr.BraggFranklinNeighborHis fathers friendbuyer of their houseInterpretation of the Text 文本解读(When)1.1.Next day,there was a“For Sale”sign stuck by Next day,there was a“For Sale”sig

2、n stuck by Franklins door.Franklins door.2.2.But a few days later,Franklin came home But a few days later,Franklin came home from school to find a man in the kitchen.from school to find a man in the kitchen.3.Franklins heart sank when Mr.Bragg said he 3.Franklins heart sank when Mr.Bragg said he wan

3、ted to come back for a second visit on wanted to come back for a second visit on Saturday morning.Saturday morning.Interpretation of the Text文本解读(How)FranklinFranklin家即将增添一对双胞胎,原来的房子就不够住了,父家即将增添一对双胞胎,原来的房子就不够住了,父母决定把房子卖了。然而母决定把房子卖了。然而FranklinFranklin非常喜欢非常喜欢Stanley StreetStanley Street,那,那里有着他喜欢的味道,

4、还有友好的邻居、最要好的朋友,他舍不里有着他喜欢的味道,还有友好的邻居、最要好的朋友,他舍不得离开。但是父母还是决定卖掉房子,甚至还出现了一个很有可得离开。但是父母还是决定卖掉房子,甚至还出现了一个很有可能购买他家房子的人能购买他家房子的人Mr.BraggMr.Bragg。于是。于是FranklinFranklin决定想办法破坏决定想办法破坏Mr.BraggMr.Bragg的购买计划。的购买计划。文本开始呈现的都是积极美好的情感。文本开始呈现的都是积极美好的情感。FranklinFranklin非常喜欢非常喜欢Stanley Street Stanley Street 以及以及Stanley

5、StreetStanley Street上所有的一切。但是从上所有的一切。但是从FranklinFranklin父母决定搬走开始,父母决定搬走开始,FranklinFranklin的心情就开始的心情就开始变的糟糕变的糟糕,Mr.BraggMr.Bragg的出现让的出现让FranklinFranklin的心情糟糕到了极点。但是想到可的心情糟糕到了极点。但是想到可以想办法让以想办法让Mr.BraggMr.Bragg改变主意让改变主意让FranklinFranklin的心情有所好转。的心情有所好转。Interpretation of underlined words and given inform

6、ation划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)1.Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para.1Franklin cupped his hand over Joshs ear and began whispering his plan.Given Information1.He loved living on Stanley Street.He loved living on Stanley Street.Everyone was friendly.All his mates Everyone was friendly.All his mates w

7、ere there and the smells from the pie were there and the smells from the pie factoryfactory.Mmm,delicious!There was just.Mmm,delicious!There was just one problem.Franklins mum and dad one problem.Franklins mum and dad wanted to move.wanted to move.(Para 1)(Para 1)Interpretation of underlined words a

8、nd given information划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)1.Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para.2 Mr.and Mrs.Gates were very angry.“Youd better explain whats going on!Given Information He loved living on Stanley Street.He loved living on Stanley Street.Everyone was friendly.All his mates Everyone was friendly.A

9、ll his mates were there and the smells from the pie were there and the smells from the pie factoryfactory.Mmm,delicious!There was just.Mmm,delicious!There was just one problem.Franklins mum and dad one problem.Franklins mum and dad wanted to move.wanted to move.(Para 1)(Para 1)Interpretation of unde

10、rlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)1.Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para.1 Franklin cupped his hand over Joshs ear and began whispering his plan.New InformationWhat did Franklin say?What did Franklin say?Whats Joshs reaction?Whats Joshs reaction?What did Franklin do with the

11、 help of What did Franklin do with the help of Josh?Josh?Whats Mr.Braggs reaction and how Whats Mr.Braggs reaction and how did he feel?did he feel?Interpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)1.Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para 2.A few days later,we visited Mr.

12、Dans tidy house What did Mr.and Mrs.Gates do and What did Mr.and Mrs.Gates do and what did they say?what did they say?Whats Franklins reaction?Whats Franklins reaction?Did they solve the problem at last?Did they solve the problem at last?NewInformation 2.Interpretation of underlined words下划线词解读:Char

13、actersPlacesObjectsTimeMrs.Cox;Mr.Bragg;Joshfactory;house;fortysmice;damp;fishSaturday morningInterpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读Mrs.CoxJoshMr.BraggFranklinarrived and came up with a good ideabeggedrang the doorbellInterpretation of writing ideas 写作思路解读Mrs.CoxJoshMr.Br

14、aggFranklinconstantly winkedopened wide enough to swallow a dentistrang the doorbellInterpretation of writing ideas 写作思路解读The Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能之动作神态:愤怒篇Para.4:Josh frowned.“Has your house got problems?在续写文本中,我们可以通过情绪情感、心理活动、具体动作、对话独白、场景描写以及修辞更多种方式使得文章血肉丰满,厚实感人。词的积累:动词:anger,anno


16、续写作文中的使用。本篇着重从愤怒的动作神态描写来反映人物的心理活动和情感变化。The Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能之动作神态:愤怒篇II.词块和句的积累:1.常见表生气的词块(1)arouse ones displeasure(2)be easily annoyed at(3)complain constantly about sth (4)ignore/disregard a complaint(5)explode with anger;boil with a rage;get mad/cross at sb.(6)run out of the

17、 room in a burst of anger(7)rage at sb.(8)get irritated at(9)stamp ones foot in anger (10)a resentful look(11)could hardly/scarcely contain/restrain his rage.(12)be seized by anger(13)trembled with anger(14)a look of burning anger2关于生气表达的佳句(1)Rage flowed through her like lava.(2)Anger poured through

18、 her.(3)Her temper sparked.(4)Anger stirred within her.(5)Rage nearly consumed her.(6)Raw anger shot through him.(7)Rage pulsed through his veins.(8)Anger flooded his veins.(9)He felt a flash of irritation.(10)He felt a flicker of irritation.(11)Anger rushed through her.(12)Anger overpowered her.(13

19、)Rage/Fury overtook him.(14)He swallowed down his frustration.(15)She tamped down her irritation.(16)He kept his frustration in check.(17)Fury roared through her mind.(18)A fresh swell of rage rose in her.(19)Anger rose in him like a tide.(20)Anger welled up in his chest.(21)He trembled with rage.(2

20、2)She was breathless with anger.(23)Tom felt so angry that he stormed out of the room,slamming the door furiously behind him.(冲出房间;狠狠摔门)(24)Boiling with rage,Tom shook his fist at me.(怒火中烧;挥舞拳头)(25)Filled with fury,Tom was unable to utter a single word.(充满愤怒;说不出话)(26)Her reply fuelled his anger and

21、he erupted like a volcano.(火上加油;火山爆发)Have a try 牛刀小试:句子翻译与句型转换1.1.富兰克林默默地站着,悲痛和怜悯扯着他的心,他掂量着该谈些什么。富兰克林默默地站着,悲痛和怜悯扯着他的心,他掂量着该谈些什么。Franklin stood silently,torn by sorrow and compassion,_.(运用连动句句型)Franklin stood silently,torn by sorrow and compassion,_.(运用非谓语动词结构)weighing what to say2.2.她勇敢地走近他,递给他一束红玫瑰

22、。她勇敢地走近他,递给他一束红玫瑰。She bravely approached him _.(运用连动句句型)She bravely approached him _.(运用非谓语动词结构)and handed him a bunch of red roseshanding him a bunch of red rosesand weighed what to sayHave a try 牛刀小试:句子翻译与句型转换3.3.当被问到他发生了什么事时,他一句话也不说。当被问到他发生了什么事时,他一句话也不说。_ what had happened,he kept silent.(运用时间状语从

23、句)_ what had happened,he kept silent.(运用非谓语动词结构)When he was askedAsked4.4.她怒视着儿子,发出愤怒的喊声。她怒视着儿子,发出愤怒的喊声。She let out a cry of anger _.(用“with+n.+非谓语动词”改写句子)She let out a cry of anger,_.(用独立主格结构改写句子)her eyes glaring at her sonwith her eyes glaring at her son5.他无法控制自己的怀疑和愤怒,转过身来怒吼,“到底是谁干的?”Unable to co

24、ntain/conceal his disbelief and anger,he turned around _,“Who on earth did it?(运用连动句句型)Unable to contain/conceal his disbelief and anger,he turned around _,“Who on earth did it?(运用非谓语动词结构)and roared with rage/in angerroaring with rage/in anger6.他悲伤而疲惫,瘫倒在扶手椅上。He was sad and exhausted and _._,he coll

25、apsed into his armchair.(用形容词主补结构)collapsed into his armchair(Feeling)Sad and exhausted)7.太阳下山了,透过漆黑的一片很难看到任何东西。Slowly,_ and it was hard to see anything looking through the thick darkness.(运用拟人的修辞手法)the sun hid himself behind the mountains8.真是难以置信,他能够在屋顶和墙壁倒下之前把考克斯夫人抱出来 _ he was able to carry Mrs.Co

26、x out before the roof and walls fell.(用形式主语)_,he was able to carry Mrs.Cox out before the roof and walls fell.(用副词作状语主语)Incredibly/UnbelievablyIt is incredible/unbelievable that9.过了仿佛有一个世纪以后,富兰克林最终鼓起勇气走了出来After _,Franklin finally gathered courage to walk out.(用名词性从句)what seemed for agesPossible vers

27、ion 1 Franklin cupped his hand over Joshs ear and began whispering his plan.When Josh heard what Franklin wanted,his mouth opened wide enough to swallow a dentist.He cried.“Ill get into trouble!”“You have to!Its my only chance”Franklin begged.In the end,Josh nodded.On Saturday morning Mr.and Mrs.Gat

28、es were still outside when Mr.Bragg rang the doorbell.Entering the house,Mr.Bragg stopped and sniffed the air,asking curiously“whats that disgusting smell?”Franklin told him the factory does fish pie on Saturdays,which made Mr.Bragg frowned.“Mind the mouse poo,”Franklin grinned,pointing to a pile of

29、 brown lumps.“It gets stuck in the carpet.”“Urgh!”Mr Bragg pulled a face.He ran downstairs and out of the door.Possible version 1Mr.and Mrs.Gates were very angry.“Youd better explain whats going on!”Franklin knew he was in big trouble.He ran back and vacuumed up the chocolate drops on the carpet in

30、his bedroom.Then he dried the lemonade on his bedroom wall.He said sorry to Josh for getting him into trouble,too.At last,he said sorry to his mum and dad.His mum was very upset.Mrs.Cox arrived and came up with a good idea,that is,swap her house with Franklins.“So we had one big house,”grinned Frank

31、lin.So everybodys happy except Mr.Bragg,hes bought number forty.评点:首先,续写部分和原文及首句的融洽度高,第一段开头Franklin cupped his hand over Joshs ear and began whispering his plan.说明Franklin的计划跟Josh有关。在所提供的最后一段文章中作者也提到了Josh的姐姐在鱼长工作,这些都给第一段的故事情节发展埋下了伏笔。所以作者在这个段落里重点写了Franklin怎样利用那些鱼去布置一些假象。使得Bragg先生很生气冲出了他家,从而很自然三与第二段衔接

32、上了。第二段开头作者说父母很生气,那么Franklin又做了什么去弥补他所犯的错。最后也提供了解决问题的方法,和考克斯太太交换了房间,结局皆大欢喜。其次,在语言上,这篇文章并没有一味采用大词、难词,而是在高中词汇范围内精挑细选,活用了许多小词,增加了许多阅读趣味。例如,文章第一句“mouth opened wide enough to swallow a dentist”中,“swallow a dentist”一词就使用了夸张的修辞手法,把Josh惊讶的表情描写的非常生动、形象。同时“Mr.Bragg pulled a face”拉下脸中的“pull”也很形象、到位。Possible ver

33、sion 2Franklin cupped his hand over Joshs ear and began whispering his plan.When Josh heard what Franklin wanted,his mouth opened wide enough to swallow a dentist.He cried.“Ill get into trouble!”“You have to!Its my only chance”Franklin begged.In the end,Josh nodded.On Saturday morning Mr.and Mrs.Gat

34、es were still outside when Mr.Bragg rang the doorbell.Entering the house,Mr.Bragg stopped and sniffed the air,asking curiously“whats that disgusting smell?”Franklin told him the factory does fish pie on Saturdays,which made Mr.Bragg frowned.“Mind the mouse poo,”Franklin grinned,pointing to a pile of

35、 brown lumps.“It gets stuck in the carpet.”“Urgh!”Mr Bragg pulled a face.He ran downstairs and out of the door.Possible version 2Mr.and Mrs.Gates were very angry.Unable to contain/conceal their disbelief and anger,they turned around and roared with rage/in anger,“Youd better explain whats going on!”

36、Franklin hid himself in the bedroom,shaking in his boots.After what seemed for ages,Franklin finally gathered courage to walk out.Quite out of his expectation,Mr.Gate knelt down and embraced Franklin in his arms,murmuring,“Im sorry,my lovely boy.You are much more important than the house.”Over Mr.Ga

37、tes shoulders,Mrs.Cox constantly winked at him.Clearly,she explained to Dad what had happened.评点:首先,在逻辑上,文章前半段对剧情的合理拓展非常符合情境:主评点:首先,在逻辑上,文章前半段对剧情的合理拓展非常符合情境:主人公从向朋友求助到用尽办法让人公从向朋友求助到用尽办法让Mr.Bragg打消买房子的念头,最后向父母打消买房子的念头,最后向父母道歉。情节的丰富曲折增强了故事的可读性。在语言方面,文章使用了多道歉。情节的丰富曲折增强了故事的可读性。在语言方面,文章使用了多个非谓语句型个非谓语句型“F

38、ranklin hid himself in the bedroom,shaking in his boots.”表达了主人公紧张的状态;表达了主人公紧张的状态;“Mr.Gate knelt down and embraced Franklin in his arms,murmuring,”反映出了反映出了Mr.Bragg后悔的心情。地道的表达同后悔的心情。地道的表达同样也给文章增添了文学色彩,如表示愤怒的样也给文章增添了文学色彩,如表示愤怒的“Unable to contain/conceal their disbelief and anger”;夸张的修辞;夸张的修辞“After what

39、 seemed for ages”。A few days later,we visited Mr.Dans tidy house.Reminders of Mary still proudly displayed everywhere.He had gotten a haircut,shaved,and put on slacks and dress shoes.He looked ten years younger.Hed set out a childs table,blank paper,and crayons for my little girl.He asked if shed dr

40、aw some pictures for him to display on his refrigerator.Norah excitedly agreed and went right to work.We ended up spending nearly three hours with Mr.Dan that day.Norah asks about Mr.Dan every day.She wants him to be OK and feel loved.Mr.Dan thinks about Norah too.After another recent visit,he told

41、me that he had slept soundly every night since meeting my girl.“Norah has healed me,”he said.That left me speechless and my cheeks wet with tears.Seventy-eight years separate these two people in age.Somehow,their hearts and souls seem to recognize each other from long ago.评点:评点:第一段中老人说的简短的一句话,第一段中老人

42、说的简短的一句话,“自从妻子去世后好久都没这么自从妻子去世后好久都没这么放松和开心过了放松和开心过了”并且脸上的微笑如钻石般闪耀,此处的人物喜乐情绪描并且脸上的微笑如钻石般闪耀,此处的人物喜乐情绪描写把老人写把老人DanDan开心激动又深受感动的心情刻画地非常到位,对于故事后续开心激动又深受感动的心情刻画地非常到位,对于故事后续的发展起到了推波助澜的作用。第二段中,的发展起到了推波助澜的作用。第二段中,excitedly agreedexcitedly agreed恰当地表现恰当地表现出了小女孩出了小女孩NorahNorah作为一个四岁小孩子非常天真又单纯的开心情绪,对于作为一个四岁小孩子非常




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