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1、 Unit 1 Language pointsput forward 1.提出 提出论据,计划,建议an argument,a plan,a suggestion提出一个新的理论 put forward a new theory2.拨快(钟表的)指针Put your watch forward;youre five minutes slow.3.将某事物提前Theyve put forward the date of their wedding by one week.我们将不得不提前开会We shall have to put the meeting forward.put on 穿上;戴上

2、;增加 put out 熄灭(灯);扑灭 火)put up with 忍受忍受 put down 写下来;放下;(使)着陆put off 耽误;延期put up 建立建立;建造建造conclude v 1.(sth)(with sth)(使)(某事物)结束The story s with the heros death.这故事随主人公死亡而告终她以一个有趣的故事结束谈话She d her talk with a funny story2.推断出,推论出After waiting for an hour they d that she wasnt coming.3.达成,缔结(条约等)concl

3、ude a treaty 缔结条约conclude an argument with sb 同某人达成协议4.decide esp after discussion 决定(尤指经过讨论或协商)We concluded to go out/that we would go out.我们决定出去conclusion 1./C/end 结束;结尾at the conclusion of his speech他讲话的结尾2./C/结论,推论draw/reach/come to a conclusion得出结论3./U/缔结;仪定;决定the conclusion of an argument合同的订立

4、expert adj 熟练的,有专门技术或知识的an rider 熟练的骑手an job 需要专门知识的工作他擅长烹调 He is expert in/at cookingn.专家,能手an agricultural 农业专家an on ancient Greek history 古希腊史专家1.He decided to attend the meeting himself.2.Which doctor is attending to/on you?3.The work attended with much difficulty.4.Attend carefully to what he i

5、s saying.attend 1.To be present at;go to(meeting,conference,lecture)出席,参加 2.To look after,care for,serve照顾,看护 3.To go with伴随 4.专心;仔细考虑eg:1.The wolf opened its mouth to _ a row of sharp teeth.2.Dont _ your skin to the sun;your skin will be hurt.exposeexposeexposeexpose3.People in many provinces of Ch

6、ina exposed themselves to the SARS in 2003.Meaning?“to show sth.that is usually covered;to leave unprotected;to put sth.in a harmful situation”4.The police began to look into the case,but the eyewitness was afraid to _ the murderer.Meaning?expose“to make known;to tell the truth”control v 统治,控制The go

7、vernment tries its best to control prices.政府努力控制物价He cannot control his anger.他无法控制自己的愤怒n.控制,统治,掌握1)lose control of/be(go)out of control失去控制The driver lost control of his car and it knocked into a tree.司机失去控制,车撞到树上The car was out of control and ran into a tree.车失去控制,撞到树上2)in control of 在控制下Mr Brown

8、is in control of the money掌管钱财3)under the control of被控制着the money is under the control of Mr Brown 钱财由掌管cure v 1.sb(of sth)make sb heathy again 治愈某人医生治好了她的癌症The doctor cured her of her cancer.2.sb(of sth)矫正某人的不良行为父母总是试图改正孩子们的坏习惯Parents try to their children of bad habits.n.1./C/治疗;治愈a complete cure

9、完全治愈2./C/疗法 饮食疗法 a diet 3./U/(有治愈疗效的)药治感冒没有特效药物There is no cure for the common cold.6.suggest *She suggested a picnic at the weekend.I suggested leaving early for the airport.*She suggested that her father(should)give up smoking.*The smile on her face suggested that she agreed with me.他建议我们参观长城。他建议我

10、们参观长城。He suggested to us a visit to the Great Wall.He suggested us visiting the Great Wall.He suggested that we(should)visit the Great Wall.Clever children absorb knowledge easily.The little girl was absorbed in reading a tale.The writer was so absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ash

11、es from his cigar.Chinese history absorbs his attention recently.absorbbe absorbed in=concentrate onsuspect v sb of(sth/doing sth)怀疑某人有某罪He was suspected of theft.severe adj 1.严重的;剧烈的severe pain,injures 剧痛,重伤2.严格的;严厉的(on/with sb/sth)He is very severe with his children.A.unpleasant or dangerous weath

12、er B.very strict C.very bad or serious to worry about D.extreme criticism or punishment Q:Which of the following definitions is suitable for each sentence?1.He has such a severe illness that he has been in hospital.2.I was caught in a severe storm last night and couldnt go back home in time.3.Come o

13、n!Dont be so severe with the children.4.His report contains severe criticism of the companys actions.CABD泵泵(油泵油泵;气泵气泵),抽水机抽水机,打气筒打气筒pump1.If have a flat tyre,you will pump air into the tyre.(You will pump up your tyre.)2.When my car was short of gas,I went to the gas station,where the guy pumped gas

14、.3.We had a debate yesterday.The lively debate really pumped us up.4.His heart was pumping fast.5.During the drought last year,the villagers had pumped the well dry,but got no more water.pumpforesee(pt foresaw,pp foreseen)see or know that sth is going to happen in the future;predict预见;预知;预料They coul

15、d not have foreseen how things would turn out他们不可能预知事情的结果blame 1.blame sb(for sth)/sth on sb consider or say that sb is responsible for sth done(badly or wrongly)or not done责责备;备;责怪;指责;埋怨;归咎于责怪;指责;埋怨;归咎于她把婚姻的触礁归咎于他她把婚姻的触礁归咎于他She blamed him for the failure of their marriage/blamed the failure of thei

16、r marriage on him.2.be to blame:be responsible for sth.badeg.The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.n./U/(for sth)(对做坏的或做错的事所负对做坏的或做错的事所负的的)责任责任bear/take/accept/get the blame(for sth)(对某事对某事)承担责任承担责任eg.He is ready to take the blame for what had happened.handle8A.操作操作;运用运用 B.经销经销;买卖买卖 C

17、.管理管理 D.对待对待 E.应付应付 F.控制控制;管理管理handle v.Choose the Chinese explanations in the box.1.Ms Hawkins,the chief accountant of the company handles the companys accounts.2.The children are so naughty that I cant handle them.3.She handled a difficult argument skillfully.CFE4.Handle children kindly,if you wan

18、t them to trust you.5.This shop handles paper and stationery.6.He learnt how to handle the axe.DBA2.The two towns are linked by a railway.1.A lot of links fitted together form a chain.3.The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.link94.研究人员发现了吸烟和心脏病之间的研究人员发现了吸烟和心脏病之间的关系。关系。Researchers have

19、detected a link between smoking and heart disease.9die of 的意思是“因而死”,常表示由于疾病、饥饿、年老、情感等原因引起的死亡。例如:He died of old age.他寿终正寝了。In a cold winter,many wild animals may die of hunger.在严寒的冬天,很多野生动物可能饿死。The old woman died of grief soon after her husbands death.那位老太太在丈夫去世后不久因悲伤而死。die from的意思是“因而死”,但一般指因疾病或感情以外

20、的原因而造成的死亡,例如:He died from a chest wound.他因胸部受伤而死。We felt sad at his death because he died from overwork.我们对他的死感到悲伤,他是因过度工作累死的。announce v 1make(sth)known publicly宣布;宣告;发表The news was announced to the public on TV.这则消息经由电视向大众宣布2.make known the presence or arrival of(sb/sth)通报(某人/某事物)的出席或到来 His servant

21、 announced Mr and Mrs White.他的仆人通报怀特夫妇驾临1).-Who instructs your class in history?-Mr Black.He is our instructor.2).She instructed me in the use of this telephone.instructor.person who instructs教员教员;教练教练;指导者指导者1.to teach sb(in sth)教教,讲授讲授;训练训练;指导指导instruct2.to order指示指示;命令命令;吩咐吩咐3).医生嘱咐他卧床休息医生嘱咐他卧床休息T

22、he doctor instructed him to go to bed and restdetailed directions on procedure;an order;teachinginstruction 1.The boss gave me so many instructions at one time that I got muddled up.2.We forgot to read the instructions.(an instruction book)3.Under Berrys instruction,I slowly mastered the art of glas

23、s blowing.construct vt建设;建筑a factory construction.建造,建筑,建设建造,建筑,建设 The construction of a large bridge takes about two years.结构结构这个图显示了细胞的结构。这个图显示了细胞的结构。The diagram shows the construction of a cell.The sentence construction was strange.under construction 正在修建中Most of the buildings under construction

24、havebeen designed by Chinese engineers.B4.contribute.#贡献古代中国人为世界贡献了四大发明。The old Chinese people contributed four inventions for the world.#捐献,捐助The Chinese people contributes 50 million yuan for the people who suffered tsunami.#(sth)to sth撰稿;投稿给报纸撰稿contribute(articles)to newspapers#contribute to.有助于,

25、促成(某事物)Plenty of fresh air contributes to good healthThe drivers carelessness contributed to the accident.contribution n.1./U/捐款捐款;捐助捐助;贡献贡献;投稿投稿2./C/捐赠物捐赠物;稿件稿件apart from =besides,=except forin addition to 1.他除了鼻子之外,哪儿都好看Apart from his nose,hes quite good-looking.2.Ive finished apart from the last

26、question.3.他除了脸部和双手受伤之外,两条腿也断了Apart from the injuries to his face and hands,he broke both legs.two more.再,另 数词+more another+数词 数词+other7.I had expected it be better.我本来 think,hope,suppose,expect,want,mean 等动词用 过去完成式,表示过去想做,但因故未成实现的,想法,希望,计划,打算或意图等。本来认为,想,打算 I had wanted to go to the party,but I coul

27、dnt,for I was very busy.I had meant to give you this book today,but I forgot.The boss isnt strict _ his workers,but he is strict_ their work.A.with,in B.in,with C.to,with D.with,forlead to 引起,导致,通向 Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness.这个大学的学生都在学取得学位的课程。The students in the college

28、are all taking courses leading to a degree.All roads lead to Rome.lead 带路She led a blind man across the street.The discovery of new evidence led to _.A.the thief having caught B.catch the thief C.the thief being caught D.the thief to be caughtConly+状语 放句首,句子部分倒装Only then did I realize the importance

29、 of knowledge.Only with hard work can you expect to get a pay rise Only when the war was over did Einstein begin his research workmake sense:1.讲得通;有意义;有道理This sentence doesnt make any sense.这个句子完全讲不通。2.be sensible 言之有理,是合情合理的,是明智的This plan made sense.这项计划是合情合理的It makes sense to take care of your hea

30、lth.make sense of 理解,弄懂的意思你看得懂这首诗吗?Can you make sense of this poem?arise arose arisen1.呈现;出现;发生A new difficulty has arisen.出现了新困难2.out of/from sth由引起,由产生他的病是营养不良引起的His illness arose from malnutritionat times=a little now and thensometimesfrom time to timeoccasionally at times=sometimes at a time at

31、one time (at)any time at no time at the same time有时,不时有时,不时一次,每次一次,每次曾经,一度曾经,一度随时,在任何时候随时,在任何时候决不,在任何时候都不决不,在任何时候都不同时,然而同时,然而 work on 从事于,致力于 Im working on a new novel.work out 1.想出;制订出;产生出a method a plan2.解决 difficulties3.计算 ones tax 计算税款4.理解,弄懂;知道I cant work out the meaning of this poem5.产生结果;发展;成

32、功Things turned out quite differently.结果情况大不相同6.锻炼,训练He works out with the team three times a week.We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very well.A.worked out B.tired C.went over D.carried outenthusiastic adj about/over sth/sbfull of enthusiasm热情的;热心的她非常喜欢唱歌Shes very about singingenthusiasm n1./U/热爱;热心;热情2./C/热中的事物cautious adj(about/of sb/sth)careful reject.refuse to accept 拒绝,不肯接受a gift,an opinion,a suggestionHe rejected our help.He wanted to join the army but was rejected.抛弃,扔掉The farmer had to rejected some fruit that was overripe.He rejected some old books.


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