1、英语课程:许老师01words review one two three four five six seven eight nine0 zero 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 How old is he?How old is she?02new wordseleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteenHow many How many _ _ _ _?cars arethereHow many boys are there?How many How many _ _ _ _?horses are
2、thereHow many How many rabbitrabbits s are thereare there?How many How many duckducks s are thereare there?How many How many _ _ _ _?pencils arethereHow many bikes are there?03小游戏04课文学习There are bonesunder the bed.Kim!There are bones next to the window.Kim!There arebones onthis table.How many?There
3、arebones behindthe door.Oh,dear!Theyre my bones!How manybones arethere?13,14,15.16,17,18,19!Youre a bad dog!Kim!There are nineteen bones in the house!Nineteen bones!Bad dog!Lucky dog!05语文题T h r e etwo Threefourseveneight看数字猜成语看数字猜成语例如:seven eight 七上八下七上八下三长两短三长两短颠三倒四颠三倒四横七竖八横七竖八06课堂检测翻翻 译译 下下 面面 的的
4、句句 子子1 多少棵树?这里有15棵。How many trees?There are fifteen.2 这里有多少根骨头?这里有一根。How many bones are there?There is one.1、有计划地开展青年教师的培养,对新教师实施跟踪听课,做好教学常规工作的指导和调研。2、积极组织教师外出学习,扩大教师的视野,抓住到市、镇各园的听课机会,学习别人的长处,逐步提高自己的教育教学水平。3、创设体现班级特色的主题环境。在主题环境的设置和提供上,我们应本着以幼儿为主体的宗旨,鼓励幼儿大胆参与到环境创设中,要重视环境随教学内容的变化而随时调整,让环境体现幼儿的学习过程,使环境始终起到引导幼儿发展的作用。4、创设普通话语言环境,一日活动中利用多种鼓励手段,激发幼儿用普通话表达意愿及培养良好的倾听习惯。5、幼儿园组织丰富多彩的活动,让幼儿得到快乐体验。如,各班主题活动展示、亲子活动、庆十一、迎中秋等系列活动。6观察图画内容,使学生初步了解学校生活、自己的国家、民族、,感受教师的亲切,同学的友爱,语文学习的快乐。校园生活的丰富多彩。7依据画面提示,对学生进行热爱祖国、热爱学习、遵守纪律、团结友爱等方面的入学常规教育和良好学习习惯的养成教育。