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1、Unit 10Write an order confirmation emailLearning objectivesAfter learning this unit,you will be able to:note down specific information about an order,such as quantity,delivery time,terms of payment etc.;list two to three key points you need to consider when writing an order confirmation email;write

2、an order confirmation email.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Unit OutlineScenarioSet the taskPrepare for the taskDevelop the strategiesFulfil the taskTo extend职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10ScenarioFashion Library is an international high-street brand.Recently,the company has received an order from Mary Smith,a regular c

3、lient from the UK.Jack Wayne,Director of the Sales Department,asks Wang Rui,a sales representative,to write an order confirmation email to Ms Smith.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Discussion:Work in pairs and discuss the following question.Imagine you are Wang Rui.What information should be included in an orde

4、r confirmation email?Whats the purpose of an order confirmation email?give the customer with a service overview;offer the customer an opportunity to clarify any misunderstandings;If you are a customer,what information do you want to get from an order confirmation email?price,quantity,payment method,

5、delivery time职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Scenario1.Fashion Library is an international high-street brand.high-street brand 高街品牌e.g.Nowadays,high-street brands are also very popular with many Chinese young people.如今,高街品牌也很受中国年轻人的欢迎。2.Jack Wayne,Director of the Sales Department,asks Wang Rui,a sales represen

6、tative,to write an order confirmation email to Ms Smith.representative/reprzenttv/n.代表 e.g.John delivered a speech as a student representative in the graduation ceremony.在毕业典礼上,约翰作为学生代表发表了演讲。职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Scenario职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10高街品牌最早指开在英国主要商业街上的某些品牌。这些品牌仿造时装秀上的最新设计,迅速将其制作为成品销售,成为人人都能买得

7、起的品牌。现在,凡是大批量零售,价格和定位都比较大众化的服饰连锁店品牌,都可以归入高街品牌。ScenarioJack is talking to Wang Rui about the new order from their UK client.Listen to their conversation and get a clear idea of the task given to Wang Rui.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Set the task职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Jack:Hi,Rui.Ive received an email from Mary

8、 Smith,one of our UK clients this morning.Wang Rui:What did she say in the email?Jack:She wants to order four of our clothes products.Wang Rui:Great!Is there anything I can help with?Jack:Yes,I want you to write an order confirmation email to her before we start producing the products.Wang Rui:No pr

9、oblem.Set the task职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Jack:Ill forward Ms Smiths email to you later,and you can get an overview of her order.Wang Rui:OK,I see.When should I send the confirmation email to her?Jack:If you have any difficulties,come and tell me about it.Ill see if I can help.Wang Rui:Its kind of a pr

10、essing matter.Can you finish it by the end of tomorrow?Jack:Sure,I can.Wang Rui:Thats great.You can come and find me if you have any questions.Jack:I will.Thanks so much.Set the task1.Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the following question.What does Jack Wayne want Wang Rui t

11、o do?A.Order some clothes products.B.Invite Ms Smith to their company.C.Ask Ms Smith more about her order.D.Send a confirmation email to Ms Smith.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Set the task2.Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).p Ms Smith is a client from the USA.p T

12、he client places an order on four kinds of clothes products.p Wang Rui will complete the email by the end of tomorrow.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10F T TSet the taskSet the task1.Ill forward Ms Smiths email to you later,and you can get an overview of her order.overview/vvju/n.概要;概述 e.g.The preface gives an o

13、verview of the books contents.序言对全书内容作了一个概述。2.Its kind of a pressing matter.pressing/pres/adj.紧迫的 e.g.It is one of the most pressing problems facing this country这是该国面临的最紧迫的问题之一。职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Set the task1.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.1)This file gives u

14、s a(n)_ of the companys development.2)Lily didnt go to the party because she had some _matters to deal with.3)Jenny is our companys sales _ in Italy,and she needs to cooperate with local retailers.representpressingoverview职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10overviewpresssingrepresentative 职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Set

15、the taskproduct,goods和commodity均与产品有关,但具体含义有所区别:product是指大量生产或种植、用以销售的产品;goods是指用来销售的商品,尤指家庭用品;commodity较为正式,多指商品或生产中需要用到的原材料,如金 属、燃料等。外贸函电是指对外贸易中用到的各种信件、传真和电子邮件等。相较普通信函,外贸函电有其特殊的格式、术语和习惯用语。从交际目的来看,常见的外贸函电可以用来寻求代理、推销产品、询问报价、订购货物等。职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Set the taskPrepare for the taskThe following is

16、the order email that Jack forwards to Wang Rui.Read the email and get detailed information about Ms Smiths order.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 101.Read the text and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following does Ms Smith confirm with Jack Wayne in the email?A.Price of the products

17、.B.Stock of the products.C.Packaging of the products.D.Delivery methods of the products.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the task1)Ms Smith wants to order _ kinds of products.2)Ms Smith wants to receive the goods _.3)Ms Smith needs to know how Jack Wayne likes to receive the _ for the order.4)The di

18、scount code of Ms Smith is _.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 102.Read again and fill in the blanks.four payment AD609by the end of MarchPrepare for the task3.Work in pairs and discuss the following question.After receiving the email,what should Wang Rui do next to reply to Ms Smith?职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Wang Rui

19、should check the product stock,delivery time and payment method with the company so she can provide the information to Ms Smith.Prepare for the task 1.Red and white striped shirtsstriped/strapt/adj.有条纹的 e.g.There is a striped sofa along the wall.靠墙有一个条纹沙发。2.Cream cashmere overcoats overcoat/vkt/n.大衣

20、 e.g.The man in the black overcoat is very tall.身穿黑大衣的男子非常高。职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the task 3.Please let me know as soon as possible if any items are out of stock,so that I can choose something else.stock/stk/n.存货;现货 e.g.That particular model is not currently in stock.那种型号目前没货。4.Finally,I

21、received a discount code after my last purchase,and I would like to use it for my current order.discount code 优惠码 e.g.Use this discount code and you can get a discount of 20%off.使用这个优惠码,你可以享受八折优惠。职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the task1.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words or

22、phrase in the box.1)Your _ is MC25.You can use it on Christmas Day.2)He is wearing a blue and white _ sweater.3)This colour is out of _ now.Could you choose another one?4)This _ is very popular.We suggest you get it.stripe overcoat stock discount code职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10 discount code leatherstocko

23、vercoatPrepare for the task2.Complete the sentences by choosing the words in the box that collocate with the italicised words.1)I would like to hear _ you as soon as possible.2)Our clients are very satisfied _ our products.3)We will delivery the goods _ the end of the month.4)We look forward _ our n

24、ext cooperation.withfrom to by职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10 fromwith bytoPrepare for the taskwould like与want同义,但是语气更为委婉、礼貌,用于表达请求、邀请、建议等。以邮件中的一个句子为例:I am opening a new shop in the middle of April and would like to attract customers with these new items.would like后接名词或者动词不定式,肯定句中的would经常跟在主语后面,略写为d。would lik

25、e to 在答句中,常可省略 to 后面的词语,以免重复。Will you join us?Yes,Id like to.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the task3.Translate the following sentences into English by using“would like”.1)她想参加学校举办的辩论比赛。2)我们想要在月底前收到货物。3)我想要订购一批新的笔记本电脑。职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10 She would like to join the debate contest held by the scho

26、ol.Wed like to receive the goods by the end of the month.Id like to place an order of new laptops.Prepare for the taskTo answer Ms Smiths question about the stock of the products,Wang Rui turns to Phil,assistant manager of the Production Department for help.Listen to their conversation for details.职

27、场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the task职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Wang Rui:Hello,Phil.Could you do me a favour,please?Phil:Sure,Rui.What can I help you with?Wang Rui:Ive got an order from a UK client who wants to order four of our products.And I want to check the production schedule.Phil:I see.When does

28、the client want the products?Wang Rui:The client wants them by the end of March,which isnt far away from now.Phil:OK.Lets see.What products are on the order?Wang Rui:Heres the list.Phil:Er.The leather jackets are ready.Prepare for the task职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Wang Rui:Great!What about the other item

29、s?Phil:The trousers and the shirts will be ready by the middle of February.Wang Rui:Thats good.And what about the overcoats?Phil:The overcoats are going to take more time because they require fine workmanship.It looks like they might not be ready until the first week of March.Wang Rui:Oh.Thats a lit

30、tle too close to the deadline.Im not sure if they will be ready in time.Ill talk with Jack about it.Thanks so much for your help!Prepare for the task1.Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the following question.Whats the conversation mainly about?A.The deadline of the order.B.The

31、 quantity of the products.C.The production process of the products.D.The production schedule of the ordered items.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the task2.Listen again and fill in the blanks.1)The _ are ready for sales now.2)The _ and the _ will be ready by the middle of February.3)The overcoats m

32、ight not be ready until _.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10leather jacketstrousersthe first week of MarchshirtsPrepare for the task3.Work in pairs and discuss the following question.Since the overcoats may not be ready in time,can you come up with any solutions so that Ms Smith can receive the order by the dead

33、line?职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10 On the one hand,Wang Rui can ask the factory to speed up production;on the other hand,she could consider other delivery methods,for example,by air.Prepare for the task 1.Can you do me a favour?favour/fev/n.善意的行为 e.g.Ive come to ask you to do me a favour.我来这儿是想请你帮个忙。职场实用英语交

34、际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the task 2.The overcoats are going to take more time because they require fine workmanship.fine/fan/adj.精巧的 e.g.My grandfather can make fine bone china.我的祖父可以造出精致的骨瓷。workmanship/wkmnp/n.手艺;工艺e.g.Our buyers insist on high standards of workmanship and materials.我们的顾客对工艺和材料坚持要

35、求高标准。职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the task3.Thats a little too close to the deadline.deadline/dedlan/n.最后期限e.g.I finished the work several days ahead of the deadline.我在最后期限的几天前就完成了工作。职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the taskWang Rui is talking to Jack to confirm the delivery time of Ms Smiths or

36、der.Listen to their conversation for details.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the task职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Jack:Are you OK,Rui?You look a bit worried.Wang Rui:Im fine,Jack.Its just that theres a small problem with the order from Ms Smith.Jack:Oh,really?Whats the matter?Wang Rui:Well,the jackets,trou

37、sers and shirts will be ready in time.It looks like the overcoats will take longer though.Jack:When are they scheduled to be ready by?Wang Rui:The first week in March.Jack:Well,that is a little too close,but I think we could make it.We usually transship from Tianjin,but in this case we can transship

38、 from Shanghai.Though the cost will be a bit higher,the goods can arrive in time.Prepare for the task职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Wang Rui:Great!Also,the client is asking about the payment.What should I advise?Jack:Well need an advance of 30 percent of the amount on the invoice.The rest of the payment shoul

39、d be made once the goods are ready for shipment.Wang Rui:I see.Thanks for your help,Jack!Prepare for the task1.Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the following question.Whats the problem with Ms Smiths order?A.She cannot make the payment in time.B.One of the products may not be

40、 ready in time.C.The products cannot be transshipped from Shanghai.D.The cost of the order is much higher than expected.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the task职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 102.Listen again and fill in the blanks.1)The jackets,_ and _ will be ready in time.2)Jack suggests transshipping the go

41、ods from _.3)Ms Smith needs to pay an advance of _ of the amount on the invoice.4)The rest of the payment should be made once the goods are _.trousersshirtsShanghai Port30%ready for shipmentPrepare for the task1.We usually transship from Tianjin,but in this case we can transship from Shanghai.transs

42、hip/trnsp/v.中转;转运e.g.Dont you think its troublesome to transship the goods at Sydney?你不认为在悉尼中转太麻烦了吗?in this case 在这种情况e.g.Is it going to rain?In this case,you should take an umbrella with you.要下雨了吗?这样的话,你得带把伞。职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the task2.Well need an advance of 30 percent of the amount

43、 on the invoice.advance/dvns/n.预付款e.g.She was paid a$100,000 advance for her next two novels.她得到了接下来两本小说的10万美元的预付款。invoice/nvs/n.发票e.g.Well send you an invoice for the goods by this Friday.我们将在本周五前给您寄出发票。职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the task1.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the w

44、ords or phrase in the box.1)To cut the delivery costs,we _ our goods from Guangzhou last month.2)The client should pay a(n)_ of 40%of the total amount.3)You had better keep your _ in case you need to change the goods.4)Professor Smith said she couldnt go to our workshop this Saturday._,we have to lo

45、ok for another speaker.deadline transship in this case advanceinvoice workmanship favour fine 职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10 transshipped advanceinvoice In this case Prepare for the task1.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words or phrase in the box.5)The task has to be finished before the _

46、 of 1st July.6)This shirt is made of _ silk.You should be very careful when wearing it.7)The product is of superior _,so it takes more time to produce.8)Could you do me a(n)_?I have a problem here.职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10 fine deadline workmanshipfavourPrepare for the taskdeadline transship in this cas

47、e advanceinvoice workmanship favour fine 2.Complete the sentences by choosing the words in the box that collocate with the italicised words.1)The firemen arrived _ time and saved many lives.2)The goods will be transshipped _ Hong Kong.3)The client needs to pay 20%of the amount _ the invoice in advan

48、ce.4)There is a problem _ the quality of the goods.We need to fix it as soon as possible.5)The goods will be ready _ shipment at once.within from for on职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10infrom on with forPrepare for the task根据世界航运理事会2018年的数据,世界排名前五的集装箱港依次为上海港、新加坡港、深圳港、宁波舟山港和广州港。根据中国交通运输部发布的数据,2020年上海港集装箱年吞吐量实现4,

49、350万标准箱,连续十年位居世界第一;宁波舟山港年集装箱吞吐量首次突破2,800万标准箱。目前,全球仅有三个港口年集装箱吞吐量超2,800万标准箱,分别是上海港、新加坡港、宁波舟山港。职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10Prepare for the taskDevelop the strategiesAfter getting the specific information about Ms Smiths order,and making clear the production schedule as well as the delivery method,Wang Rui sta

50、rts to write the order confirmation email.Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.1)What is the purpose of an order confirmation email?职场实用英语交际教程(初级)Unit 10In a confirmation email,the sales company should reply with information on price,stock,delivery and payment etc.so that the other part


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