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1、Unit4 Friends forever1Click for a friend?2 1.Students learn to understand the text,be familiar with the topic,get the authors purpose in writing the passage,and further develop their language awareness and sense of English.2.Students learn to form correct values on making friends online and guide th

2、em to build positive self-confidence and self-improvement.3.Students learn to understand the meaning of expressions in the context,analyze the structures and internal logic of the argumentative essay,and creatively develop their own ideas.4.Students learn to expand their learning channels,try to use

3、 different strategies to monitor and evaluate their learning process.Learning Aims3Should auld asquaintance be forgotAnd never brought to mindShould auld asquaintance be forgotAnd days of auld lang syneFor auld lang syne my dearFor auld lang syneWell take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syneAnd h

4、eres a hand my trusty friendAnd gies a hand of thineWell take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syneFor auld lang syne my dearFor auld lang syneWell take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syneFriends forever4How do you make friends?Pre-readingPair work5Fast-reading What is the authors purpose in w

5、riting the passage?1.To prove that making friends was easier in the past.2.To illustrate how it is better to make friends online.3.To persuade people to abandon traditional ways of making friends.4.To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of making friends online.61.Complete the diagrams with exp

6、ressions from the passage.Careful-reading Ways of making friends People lost track of their friends after1_.The only way to stay in touch was 2_.moving to a new townwriting lettersPastIts easy to 3_ with social media tools.Online,people can easily make new friends with those who 4_.Presentmaintain f

7、riendshipsshare their interests7 Online friendship:real or not?It can be real if people5_ online.It might not be real becausesocial media doesnt present6_,and peopletend to 7_.exchange true personal informationthe whole truth about a personpost only positive updatesCareful-reading 82.What are the ad

8、vantages and disadvantages of making friends online?Careful-reading AdvantagesDisadvantages1.Nowadays,we can move around the world and still stay in touch with the people that we want to remain friends with.Social media tools let us see what our friends are up to and maintain friendships.2.The digit

9、al age also enable us to find people who share our interests.On social media sites,people tend to post only positive updates that make them appear happy and friendly.But smiling photos can hide real problems.9On the Internet,nobody knows you are a dog.在互联网上,没人知在互联网上,没人知道你是一条狗道你是一条狗”是一是一句互联网上的常用语,句互联

10、网上的常用语,因为作为纽约客因为作为纽约客1993年年7月月5日刊登日刊登的一则由彼得的一则由彼得施泰施泰纳(纳(Peter Steiner)创作的漫画的标题而创作的漫画的标题而变得流行。变得流行。103.What is the authors opinion on making friends online?Careful-reading But this doesnt mean that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater.Why?Because there are both advantages and disadvantage

11、s to online friendships,and the author wants to remind us to treat them wisely.114.Analyze the passage structureDeep thinking Argumentation 论说文论说文structureLead-in(para1)Agreement(para2-3)Disagreement(para4-7)Authors opinion(para8)12 phrases1.lose track of 2.What if?3.thanks municate with5.in advance

12、6.stay in touch with7.connect with8.keep in mind that1.失去联系失去联系2.要是要是怎么样?怎么样?3.归功于;多亏归功于;多亏 4.与与交流交流5.提前提前6.与与保持联系保持联系7.把把和和联系起来联系起来8.记住记住13 Language Learning14 1.How would you feel if moving to a new town mean losing track of your friend?【知识链接知识链接】keep/lose track of:to have/not have information abo

13、ut what is happening or where sb/sth is 了解/不了解的动态;与 保持/失去联系 track:n 踪迹 v to follow or find someone or something by looking for evidence that shows where they have gone.追踪【实战演练实战演练】翻译句子翻译句子1).It is important to keep track of current affairs.2).modern methods of tracking polar bear populations了解了解时事很重

14、要。时事很重要。追踪追踪北极熊数量的现代方法北极熊数量的现代方法如果搬到一个新的城镇意味着有朋友失去联系,你会做何感受?如果搬到一个新的城镇意味着有朋友失去联系,你会做何感受?15【知识链接知识链接】What if:what would happen if?要是要是怎么样?怎么样?What about:used to make a suggestion=how about 怎么样?怎么样?【实战演练实战演练】_they talked a long time about a painting that you werent that interested in?(2018 天津阅读天津阅读B)要

15、是长时间谈论一幅你不那么感兴趣的画要是长时间谈论一幅你不那么感兴趣的画会怎么样?会怎么样?_having lunch at that new restaurant?去那家新餐厅吃中午饭去那家新餐厅吃中午饭怎么样怎么样?2.What if the only way of getting news from faraway friends was writing letters?如果从远方的朋友那里得到消息的唯一途径就是写信会怎么样?如果从远方的朋友那里得到消息的唯一途径就是写信会怎么样?What if What about 16【知识链接知识链接】【实战演练实战演练】Even when the

16、two girls went to different colleges at the age of 18,they _through email and still stay best friends.甚至当这两个女孩甚至当这两个女孩18岁去了不同的大学时,她们还通过电子邮件保持联系,仍然是最好岁去了不同的大学时,她们还通过电子邮件保持联系,仍然是最好的朋友。的朋友。stay/keep/be in touch with sb 和某人保持联系(状态)和某人保持联系(状态)get in touch with sb 和某人保持联系(动作)和某人保持联系(动作)lose touch with sb

17、和某人失去联系(动作)和某人失去联系(动作)be out of touch with sb 和某人失去联系(状态)和某人失去联系(状态)kept in touch 17.Social media tools let us see what our friends are up to and maintain friendships.【知识链接知识链接】be up to:(informal)to be occupied or busy with 忙于做某事忙于做某事 be up to还有还有“从事,忙于;到从事,忙于;到.为止;达到;胜任;取决于为止;达到;胜任;取决于”等意思。等意思。【实战演

18、练实战演练】1).What shall we do tonight then?Its up to you,whatever you want.2).I can take up to four people in my car.3).John was fired because he wasnt up to his work.4).Social Media tools let us see what our friends are up to.5).She continued to care for her father up to the time of his recovery.取决于取决于

19、达到达到 胜任胜任从事,忙于从事,忙于直到直到为止为止社交工具使我们了解到朋友们在忙些什么并使我们维持友谊。社交工具使我们了解到朋友们在忙些什么并使我们维持友谊。185.Although technology has changed the way we acquire friends,the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends remain the same.【知识链接知识链接】当当way后面的定语从句中缺少后面的定语从句中缺少_时,关系词用时,关系词用that或或 which,作宾语时可省略,作宾语时可省略当当way后面的定语

20、从句中缺少后面的定语从句中缺少_时,时,关系词用关系词用that/in which,也可以,也可以省略省略。【实战演练实战演练】1.The way _ he explained to us was quite simple.2.The way _ he explained sentences to us was not difficult to understand.句中句中_是是定语从句,修饰定语从句,修饰_we acquire friendsthe way主语或宾语主语或宾语状语状语that/which/略略 in which/that/略略虽然科技改变了我们联系的方式,友情的意义和我们队

21、友谊的渴望依然不变。虽然科技改变了我们联系的方式,友情的意义和我们队友谊的渴望依然不变。19【知识链接知识链接】【实战演练实战演练】翻译翻译正如亚里士多德所说:没有人会选择没有朋友的生活,哪怕他拥有了其他财富。正如亚里士多德所说:没有人会选择没有朋友的生活,哪怕他拥有了其他财富。20Role-PlayTom has made an online friend,and his classmates A and B hold different views.Class show21HomeworkPolish your role play and write the lines down(pay attention to their spelling and grammar).22


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