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1、attributive clause and writing定语从句与写作定语从句与写作1.He who laughs last laughs best.2.Chances are given to those who are well prepared.3.All good things come to those who wait.Lead in1.But the one million people of the city,_thought little of those events,were asleep as usual that night.2.Workers built she

2、lters for survivors _ homes had been destroyed.3.This gift was the Amber Room,_ was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it.4.This is the best film _ I have ever seen in this cinema.whowhosewhichFill in blanksthat5.He failed the exam,_ made his parents angry.6.The time _ I

3、 met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.7.The school _ I studied for only 2 years was three kilometers away.8.The reason _ he failed to make progress was that he didnt focus on studying.whichwherewhywhen1.I feel sorry for the woman.The woman was put in prison last month.I feel sor

4、ry for the woman who was put in prison last month.2.The movie is very popular.The movie is based on a real story.The movie which is based on a real story is very popular.Combine sentences3.This is the first book.The book was sold out in that shop.This is the first book that was sold out in that shop

5、.4.The girl speaks English very well.Her mother teaches English in our school.The girl whose mother teaches English in our school speaks English very well.5.I remember the year.In that year we set up a new company.I remember the year when we set up a new company.6.This is a big factory.Bicycles were

6、 produced in this factory.This is a big factory where bicycles were produced.7.He wanted to know the reason.I was late for the reason.He wanted to know the reason why I was late.8.The Olympic Games of 2008 will be held in Beijing.It is exciting news.The Olympic Games of 2008 will be held in Beijing,

7、which is exciting news.Our class is a big family.It consists of 15 girls and 21 boys.Most of them are mainly from small towns.They are hard-working students.They are making progress day by day.This is the reason.I like them for this reason.Rewrite the passageOur class is a big family which consists

8、of 15 girls and 21 boys,most of whom are mainly from small towns.They are hard-working students,who are making progress day by day.This is the reason why I like them.1.Yuan Long Ping is a scientist who _2.The book which _ is very interesting.3.The lady whose _ has lived here for years.makes great co

9、ntribution to our country.I have read many times husband died in the warComplete the sentence4.The day when _ was unforgettable.5.This is the village where _.6.The reason why _ is obviouswe went camping togetherI grew uphe told lies I dont know the reason _.The box _ was made many years ago.The moth

10、er _ was very proud.Susan loves to go to museums _.I remember the time _why he gave up the chancewhich was given to mewhose daughter got the medal prize in the Olympicswhere there are lots of exhibitionswhen we got along well with each other.who/that/whom/whoseJin Xiuxian is a famous actor who/that

11、has a large number of fans.金秀贤是一个有金秀贤是一个有着大批粉丝的著着大批粉丝的著名演员名演员Jin Xiuxian is considered as the most popular star whose fans come from different countries.who/that/whom/whose金秀贤被认为是最受金秀贤被认为是最受欢迎的明星,他的粉欢迎的明星,他的粉丝来自不同的国家丝来自不同的国家which/thatThe computer which/that makes our life more convenient is one of t

12、he greatest inventions in 20th century.使人们生活更便捷的使人们生活更便捷的电脑是电脑是20世纪最伟世纪最伟大的发明之一大的发明之一wherePeking University is a place where many students look forward to go.北京大学是北京大学是许多学子期许多学子期待去的地方待去的地方whenThe Spring Festival is a time when families get together to celebrate the coming of a new year.春节是一个家人团春节是一个

13、家人团聚一起庆祝新年到聚一起庆祝新年到来的一个时间来的一个时间whyMother didnt know the reason why Jack cried.The reason why Jack cried was that his toys were broken by his sister.妈妈不知道妈妈不知道Jack哭的原因哭的原因Jack哭的原因是他的哭的原因是他的玩具被他姐姐弄坏了玩具被他姐姐弄坏了I have a friend whose nickname is“Loser”.I still remember those days when we played trick on e

14、ach other.1.我有个朋友,他的外号是屌丝。我有个朋友,他的外号是屌丝。我仍然记得我们互相取笑的那些日我仍然记得我们互相取笑的那些日子子Translate sentencesMy uncle has gone to the city where you live to attend a meeting.He brought you the painting that you want.2.我叔叔已经去了你居住的城市我叔叔已经去了你居住的城市参加一个会议。他把你想要的那参加一个会议。他把你想要的那幅画带去给你了幅画带去给你了Nowadays parents do everything f

15、or their children,which makes them rely on their parents.This is the reason why they cant become independent.3.如今父母们为他们的孩子做所有的事如今父母们为他们的孩子做所有的事情,这使得他们依赖于他们的父母。这情,这使得他们依赖于他们的父母。这就是他们没法变得独立的原因就是他们没法变得独立的原因He is a warm-hearted man who is willing to help others.Last year he went to a small village where

16、 he became a volunteer teacher.4.他是一个热心肠的人。他乐于帮助他他是一个热心肠的人。他乐于帮助他人。去年他去了一个小村庄,在那里,人。去年他去了一个小村庄,在那里,他志愿成为老师他志愿成为老师世界上的每个国家都有自己的节日,世界上的每个国家都有自己的节日,有些节日非常有趣且历史悠久。在中有些节日非常有趣且历史悠久。在中国,春节是最重要的节日。在春节人国,春节是最重要的节日。在春节人们相聚一起憧憬新年的到来。所有人们相聚一起憧憬新年的到来。所有人都很开心,尤其是孩子们。他们能收都很开心,尤其是孩子们。他们能收到红包。人们会去走亲访友和去一些到红包。人们会去走亲访

17、友和去一些他们能拍照的地方。就我个人而言,他们能拍照的地方。就我个人而言,我喜欢春节的原因是我可以穿新衣服,我喜欢春节的原因是我可以穿新衣服,还有和朋友见面。还有和朋友见面。书面表达:书面表达:120词左右表达所有内容词左右表达所有内容 使用定语从句使用定语从句Every country in the world has its own festivals,some of which are very interesting and have a long history.In China,the Spring Festival is the most important festival w

18、hen people get together to look forward to the coming of a new year.All people are very happy especially children who can get the red paper/red packets/lucky money.People will go to visit their relatives and friends as well as go to some places where they can take photos.As far as I am concerned,the

19、 reason why I love the Spring Festival is that I can wear new clothes and meet many friends.1.话题要一致或相关。仿写有时会和续写相结合,在仿写时我们要注意话题或中心的一致性,使前后语意连贯。2从分析情节入手,把握人物的性格特征 从整体到部分,只有了解了故事的全貌,才能更好地把握人物的性格,因为人物的性格是通过完整的故事情节,在矛盾的冲突中展现出来的。3.从分析环境入手,探究人物命运及其思想性格之所以如此的社会原因 首先,人物的成长变化、人物性格的形成与社会环境有着密不可分的关系。4.赏析主要人物形象的

20、作用,主要是赏析人物形象的社会意义 首 先要结合情节分析人物形象的典型性,然后结合社会现实分析人物形象折射的社会现象及给人带来的某种启示。5.根据材料一中孩子们的自述,可见他们偏爱自然界中的某一方面,没有接受完整的自然教育,他们在自然界的行为比较自我随性,可能会妨害生物。6.这部带有自传色彩的长篇小说以“我”的经历和视角来安排结构和故事情节。通过“我”的人生经历和感情遭遇来展示人物性格的发展。它既有利于直接展示人物的内心世界,也在无形中拉近了作品和读者之间的心理距离,易于取得感人的艺术效果。7.散步是一篇叙事抒情的散文。本文从一件小事入手,表达了深刻的内涵。这种以小见大的写法给读者留出了想象空



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