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1、Unit1 words and expressions Part 11.put forward put sth/pron.forward put forward sth1)提出(计划、建议等)提出(计划、建议等)They all agreed with the idea which was put forward by Tom.他们都赞同汤姆提出的建议。他们都赞同汤姆提出的建议。2)将将提前提前 The womens final has been put forward to 2:00 p.m.女女子决赛提前到下午两点举行。子决赛提前到下午两点举行。3)把钟、表拨快把钟、表拨快 He put

2、his watch forward to avoid being late for the meeting.他把表拨快以避免开会迟到。他把表拨快以避免开会迟到。4)提名(推荐)某人提名(推荐)某人 We put Lily forward to take part in English competition.我们推荐李莉参加英语竞赛。我们推荐李莉参加英语竞赛。(1)他提出了一个更好的计划。他提出了一个更好的计划。(2)他们得把会议提前。他们得把会议提前。The suggestion _(提出)提出)by the teacher is available.He put forward a bet

3、ter plan.They had to put the meeting forward.put forward拓展:拓展:put away 收拾好收拾好 put out 扑灭扑灭 put up 举起,搭建,张贴举起,搭建,张贴 put on weight增加体重增加体重 put off 推迟推迟 put on 穿上,上演穿上,上演 put up with 容忍容忍 put down 放下,写下,镇压放下,写下,镇压运用:运用:a.The forest guards often find campfires that have not been _ completely.b.He is suc

4、h a rude man that I cannot _ him.c.The meeting had to be _ till next Sunday.d.If you have any questions,_ your hand.put output up with put offput up2.conclude v.总结总结 1)conclude(sth.)with sth./by doing sth.以以.结束结束(某某事事)They concluded the meeting with a song.They concluded the meeting by singing a son

5、g.2)conclude.from.从从.中推断出中推断出.Thomas concluded the theory from investigation.3)to conclude最后,总之最后,总之(常作插入语常作插入语)To conclude,I hope you can come.conclusion n.结论,结束结论,结束make/draw/reach/come to/arrive a conclusion 得出结论得出结论 It is too difficult to make a conclusion.in conclusion 总之,概括来说总之,概括来说In conclusi

6、on,I will say a few words about my visit to Beijing.to conclude=in conclusion 最后,总之最后,总之 draw at a conclusion 得出结论得出结论运用:运用:(1)(最后),(最后),Id like to thank you Ive enjoyed staying in your beautiful countries.(2)We (得出结论得出结论)that the room must have been empty then.In conclusiondrew a conclusion3.defeat

7、 使受挫;打败使受挫;打败例句:例句:He has been soundly defeated at chess.他在象棋他在象棋比赛中一败涂地。比赛中一败涂地。辨析:辨析:defeat/win/beatdefeat 击败,宾语是击败,宾语是人或团体人或团体(失败者失败者).win 多指赢得比赛,奖励,尊重多指赢得比赛,奖励,尊重,战争等。宾语是战争等。宾语是比赛,比赛,奖品,奖金等奖品,奖金等.beat 打败,连续击打。宾语是打败,连续击打。宾语是竞争中的对手或者队伍竞争中的对手或者队伍(失败者失败者)。运用:运用:1)We _ their team by ten points.2)Jack

8、 _the race at last.3)He returned to his hometown after the army _ Japan.defeatwonbeated/defeated54.attend:参加,出席,上学,到场参加,出席,上学,到场;照顾,看护照顾,看护用法:用法:1)attend sth 参加参加attend a wedding/a ceremony/a funeral/a lecture/a party/meetingattend school 2)attend(on/upon)sb.伺候某人伺候某人 He has attended his grandfather

9、fr a long time.attend to sb/sth 护理或医治某人护理或医治某人,处理,注意,专心,处理,注意,专心 I ll attend to the matter.If you dont attend to work,youll not succeed.Could you _(处理这个问题)处理这个问题)immediately?他生病了,所以没来上课他生病了,所以没来上课.她日夜护理那位负伤的警察。她日夜护理那位负伤的警察。He was ill,so he didnt attend school.attend to this problemShe attended(to)th

10、at injuried policeman day and night.辨析:参加辨析:参加 attend vt (不起积极作用不起积极作用)join 指加入某人或团体,成为其中一员,如指加入某人或团体,成为其中一员,如“参军,入团,入党参军,入团,入党”等。等。join in 指参加比赛或活动指参加比赛或活动。take part in 指参加某项活动,并在其中起积极作用,指参加某项活动,并在其中起积极作用,可指参加工作,活动,学习等。可指参加工作,活动,学习等。1)Anyone who is interested in _us should speak to me after this me

11、eting.2)It is the most instructive lecture that I_since I came to this school.3)Well _ social activities during the summer vacation.4)I even_the local fishing club and started to_ the monthly meetings.joininghave attendedtake part injoinedattend6.expose expose sb./sth./oneself to sth/ving.使使面临面临(做某做

12、某事事),使,使遭受遭受,使某人接触使某人接触;使某人体验使某人体验Dont expose babies to strong sunlight.He exposed himself to giving up.We want to expose the kids to as much art as possible.(2)be exposed to 遭受到遭受到,经历到,体验到经历到,体验到The student has been exposed to English for about six years.翻译:翻译:Those who were exposed to the bird flu

13、 were separated and treated without delay.Keep indoors and_.(不要暴露你的皮肤于阳光下不要暴露你的皮肤于阳光下)_(暴露于阳(暴露于阳光下太长时间)光下太长时间)will do harm to your shin.dont expose your skin to the sunlightBeing exposed to the sunlight for so long7.cure v治愈疾病,纠正,去除(弊端等)治愈疾病,纠正,去除(弊端等);n 治治愈,治疗方法,对策愈,治疗方法,对策 vt.治愈,治疗治愈,治疗 cure sb.o

14、f sth.治好某人的病治好某人的病,改掉某人的坏习惯改掉某人的坏习惯The doctor cured Tom of headache.treat sb.for sth.The doctor treated Tom for headache.n.治愈,痊愈;措施,对策治愈,痊愈;措施,对策a cure for a diseaseThe doctor wants to find the cure for headache.练习扩展练习扩展Scientists have recently succeeded in developing a kind of new vaccine(疫苗疫苗)to_(

15、治愈人们治愈人们得的禽流感)得的禽流感)effectively.拓展:拓展:动词动词+sb+of sth._ sb.of sth.说服某人某事说服某人某事_sb.of sth.治愈某人治愈某人 _ sb.of sth.通知某人某事通知某人某事 _ sb.of sth.提醒某事某事提醒某事某事_ sb.of sth.抢某人某物抢某人某物 _sb.of sth 警告某人某事警告某人某事cure people of bird fluconvince/persuae cureinformremindrobwarn8.absorb:v 吸收(液体,声音,光线,知识等),吸吸收(液体,声音,光线,知识等)

16、,吸引(注意力)引(注意力)We should absorb useful knowledge like a sponge(海海绵绵).搭配:搭配:absorb ones attention 吸引某人的注意力吸引某人的注意力The handsome man absorbs our attention.absorb oneself in=sb be absorbed in sth/doing 全神全神贯注于贯注于 运用:运用:(1)She was absorbed in that novel that she didnt realize the food had got burned.(2)Ju

17、st now I saw him sitting under the tree,and_(absorb)himself in his games.(3)She sat on the chair,_(absorb)in her book.“专心于专心于”的表达方式还有:的表达方式还有:absorbingabsorbed(1)concentrate on sth./doing(2)be absorbed in sth./doing(3)devote/dedicate ones mind/time/life to sth./doing(4)pay attention to sth./doing10.

18、suspect:v怀疑,认为是怀疑,认为是 n.嫌疑犯,可疑嫌疑犯,可疑的人的人用法:用法:suspect sb./sth.怀疑某人怀疑某人/某事某事We suspect him/this news.suspect sb of(doing)sth 怀疑某人做某事怀疑某人做某事They suspect him of giving false evidence.suspect sb to be 怀疑某人是怀疑某人是I suspected him to be a liar.suspect+that .怀疑怀疑.They suspected that he was a murder.翻译:我疑心他跟我

19、们撒谎。翻译:我疑心他跟我们撒谎。我觉得他可能是对的。我觉得他可能是对的。I suspected him of lying to us.I suspected that he lied to us.I suspect him to be right.I suspect that he is right.说谎说谎lie lied lied lying 躺,位于躺,位于lie lay lain lying 下蛋下蛋lay laid laid layingUnit1 words part21.blame v.责备责备 blame sb.for sth./doing 因为因为(做做)某事责备某人某事责

20、备某人 sb.be to blame(for sth.)某人(因为某事)应负责任某人(因为某事)应负责任 blame sth on sb/sth 把某事怪到某人把某事怪到某人/某事头上某事头上运用:运用:(1)Now he has no one but himself to blame_losing the job.(2)_(blame)for the breakdown of the school computer network,Alice was in low spirts.(3)We consider that _.(你不应该负这个事故的责任你不应该负这个事故的责任)(4)不要总是把你

21、自己的失败怪罪到别人头上。)不要总是把你自己的失败怪罪到别人头上。forBlamedyou are not to blame for this accidentDont awalys blame your failure on others.2.handle:v.处理,操纵;处理,操纵;n.柄,门把手柄,门把手 turn a door handle_1)门的把手断了。门的把手断了。2)我不知道如何对付这些人。我不知道如何对付这些人。3)他会操纵这台机器。他会操纵这台机器。3.apart from:除除之外之外 Apart from them,I had no one to talk to.Ap

22、art from some spelling mistakes,the composition is fairly good.总结:总结:apart from具有多重意义,具有多重意义,_The handle is broken.I dont know how to handle these people.He can handle this machine.besides(还有还有),except(没有没有),except for(除去个别,其他还可以除去个别,其他还可以)“除了除了之外,还有之外,还有”的单词和短语的单词和短语 _翻译:翻译:_(除了)(除了)English,he spea

23、ks French well.4.link:v/n 连接连接 例句:例句:After investigation,they linked the accident to speed driving.搭配搭配 linkto 把把和和连接起来连接起来(该短语常用于被动该短语常用于被动结构结构)我们的快乐与我们的工作有很大联系。我们的快乐与我们的工作有很大联系。与与有关:有关:1)have_ 2)connect _ 3)relate _besides=in addition toApart frombe linked toOur happiness is greatly linked to our

24、work.have something to do withbe connected withbe related with5:vt 宣布,宣告宣布,宣告announce to sb sth announce sth to sb例句:例句:Please announce to your class that there will be a football game tomorrow._:n 宣布,通知宣布,通知 _:n 播音员,播音员,广播员广播员 辨析:辨析:announce/declareannounce指正式公布,宣布,侧重预告人们关心或感指正式公布,宣布,侧重预告人们关心或感兴趣的事

25、情,尤指新闻。兴趣的事情,尤指新闻。declare指正式向公众宣布,侧重指正式向公众宣布,侧重“当众发表当众发表”,多用,多用于宣战,议和或宣判等。于宣战,议和或宣判等。1).China has _ war on Japan.2).The government _ its new economic policies to the public on TV.announcementannouncerdeclaredannounced6.construct vt n.construction在建设中 be under construction这个房子正在建设中。7.contribute:v 捐助,

26、捐献,投稿;对有贡献,有助于(常和介词to搭配使用)1).contribute.to.把.捐献给.2).contribute to有助于.Most people contributed some money to/towards the new church.Proper exercise contributes to good health.n.contribution make a contribution/contributions to sth.1)大量新鲜空气有助于健康。(contribute)The house is under construction.Plenty of fre

27、sh air contributes to good health.2)科学家为科学的发展做出了巨大的贡献(contribution)8.strict:adj.严格的,严厉的的严格的,严厉的的My mother is very strict with me in my study.搭配:对某人要求严格搭配:对某人要求严格 _ 在在方面严格要求方面严格要求 _ 9.make sense:有意义,讲得通:有意义,讲得通例句:例句:No matter how I tried to read it,the sentence didnt make sense to me.make sense to sb

28、 对某人有意义对某人有意义扩展扩展:make sense of 理解,懂理解,懂 in a sense 在某种意义上在某种意义上 make no sense 毫无道理毫无道理 There is no sense in doing sth 做某事毫无意义做某事毫无意义Scientists make great contribution to the development of science.be strict with sb.be strict in运用:运用:1)他说得话对我没什么意义。)他说得话对我没什么意义。2)你能听懂他的话吗?)你能听懂他的话吗?3)_(没有意义)(没有意义)arguing with her.4)_(从某种意义(从某种意义上说)上说),what you say is true.What he said doesnt make sense to me.Can you make sense of what he said?There is no sense(in)In a sense


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