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1、2021英语人教版选择性必修第一册同步课件:UNIT-4-Section-A-核心词汇教材原句教材原句 Just like spoken language,body language varies from culture to culture.就就像口语一样,肢体语言也像口语一样,肢体语言也因文化因文化而异。而异。1 vary vi.(根据情况)变化;改变 vary with 随而变化vary in 在方面不同vary from.to.由到变化vary between.and.在与之间变化The menu varies with the season.菜单随季节而变动。flowers tha

2、t vary in colour and size 色彩和大小各异的花朵The catalogue of goods varies from supermarket to supermarket.各超市的商品目录有差异。The wires lengths vary between 25 cm and 50 cm.这些电线的长度从 25 厘米到 50 厘米不等。【词语积累词语积累】various adj.各种各样的variety n.种类;多样化a variety of(=varieties of=various)各种各样的题组练领悟方法搭配搭配单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Peoples cl

3、othes usually vary the season and taste.(2)Generally,pulse rates vary slightly person person.(3)These shoes vary size and colour.(4)In these open spaces are numerous plants in stages of growth that attract a of other plant-eaters.(vary)(5)If you come to visit China,you will experience a culture of a

4、mazing depth and (vary).完成句子完成句子(6)Typing patterns (因人而异).with from to invariousvary from person to person教材原句教材原句 The crucial thing is using body language in a way that is appropriate to the culture you are in.关键是关键是使用肢体语言的方式要适合你所处的文化。使用肢体语言的方式要适合你所处的文化。2 appropriate adj.合适的;恰当的 be appropriate for/

5、to 适合搭配搭配 It is appropriate(for sb.)to do sth.(某人)做某事是合适的。It is appropriate that sb.(should)do.某人做是合适的。appropriate measures/method 恰当的措施/方法 an appropriate time/place 合适的时间/地点 She was so delicate that the tough job was not appropriate for her.她那么纤弱,那项艰苦的工作不适合她。It is not appropriate(for me)to make adj

6、ustments to the plan now.现在(我)对计划作出调整是不合适的。It is appropriate that you draw a conclusion with enough evidence.有足够的证据,所以你下结论是合适的。【词语积累词语积累】appropriately adv.合适地;恰当地 inappropriate adj.不合适的单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The book was written in a style appropriatethe age of the children.(2)Is now an appropriate time (ma

7、ke)a speech?(3)She says dressing (appropriate)for interviews helps applicants feel confident.完成句子完成句子(4)Plain,simple clothes (适合)school wear.(5)(是合适的)you should adopt his suggestion.to/forappropriately to makeare appropriate forIts appropriate that教材原句教材原句 In other countries,by contrast,eye contact

8、is not always approved of.相反相反,在另一些国家,眼神,在另一些国家,眼神接触接触并不总是被认可。并不总是被认可。3 by contrast 相比之下(=in contrast)She had almost failed the exam,but her sister,by contrast,had done very well.她考试差点不及格,而她的妹妹相比之下考得很好。The coastal areas have mild winters,but by contrast the central plains become extremely cold.沿海地区的

9、冬天天气暖和,可是相比之下中部平原却异常寒冷。完成句子完成句子(1)The company lost$7 million this quarter(与形成对照)a profit of$6.2 million a year earlier.(2)When you look at their new system,ours seems very old-fashioned (相比之下).(3)Mary was short and fat,(与形成对比)her sister who was tall and slim.in contrast toby contrast in contrast to

10、4 approve vi.赞成;同意 vt.批准;通过搭配搭配 approve of sth.同意/赞同某事 approve of ones/sb.doing sth.同意/赞同某人做某事He doesnt approve of my/me taking up the job as an editor.他不同意我从事编辑这份工作。The president approved the building plans you submitted.董事长批准了你递交的建筑计划。【词语积累词语积累】approve v.approval n.批准;认可;赞成 disapprove v.不批准;不赞成 di

11、sapproval n.不赞成 单句单句语法填空语法填空(1)Her mother doesnt approve her going to study in the United States alone.(2)Alan is someone who always needs the (approve)of other people.(3)After a lot of hard work and efforts,the project (approve)eventually by the government.完成完成句子句子(4)Her father will never (同意她嫁给)th

12、e old man with lots of money.ofapprovalwas approvedapprove of her marrying教材原句教材原句 In Japan,someone who witnesses another person employing the gesture might think it means money.在在日本,有人如果看到另一个人用这个手势,日本,有人如果看到另一个人用这个手势,可能可能认为这意味着钱。认为这意味着钱。5 witness vt.当场看到;目击;见证 n.目击者;证人 be(a)目击某事发生 bear/give 为某事作证;证

13、明某事Recent years have witnessed the development of the tourist industry.近几年旅游业得到了发展。She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed.她被亲眼看见的暴虐场面震惊了。The police are looking for witnesses to the accident.警方正在寻找这个事故的目击者。【图解助记】【学法点拨】witness 作“见证”讲时,同 see 等词一样,可以用时间或地点名词作主语,使用拟人化的手法。The last forty y

14、ears have witnessed great changes in our country.过去的 40 年见证了我们国家的重大变化。搭配搭配:witness to sth.单句单句语法填空语法填空(1)One witnessthe accident said the driver appeared to be drunk.(2)It was an extraordinary experience (witness)the first sunrise of the new millennium.完成句子完成句子(3)The police found (一个的目击证人)the accide

15、nt and asked her to _(作证).(4)She was (唯一目击者)to the murder.(5)Many people (目睹了那场事故)because it happened during the rush hour.同义句同义句转换转换(6)Tom witnessed the argument.Tom was the argument.翻译句子翻译句子(7)这所大学多年来经历了很多变革。_to to witnessa witness to give witnessthe only witnesswitnessed the accidenta witness toT

16、his university has witnessed quite a few changes over the years.6 employ vt.使用;应用;雇用 employ sb.to do sth.雇用某人做某事搭配搭配 employ sb.as sth.雇用某人当 be employed in(doing)sth.=employ oneself in(doing)sth.忙于(做)某事,从事某活动A number of people have been employed to deal with the work.已雇用一些人来处理这项工作。He has been employe

17、d in researching the wildlife protection in recent years.最近几年来,他一直忙于研究野生生物保护。【词语积累词语积累】employee n.雇员;雇工 employer n.雇主employment n.工作;雇用;从业 unemployment n.失业employment rate 就业率 unemployment rate 失业率单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)For the past three years he has been employeda firefighter.(2)More than 3,000 local work

18、ers (employ)in the tourism industry at present.(3)The report examined teaching method (employ)in the classroom.(4)Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find (employ).完成句子完成句子(5)She (忙 于)making a list of all the jobs to be done.asare employedemployedemploymentwas employed in/employed he

19、rself in教材原教材原句句 Even the gestures we use for“yes”and“no”differ around the world.甚至甚至我们用来表示我们用来表示“是是”与与“不是不是”的手势在世界各地都不一样。的手势在世界各地都不一样。7 difer vi.相异;不同于 differ from 与不同/有区别(=be different from)搭配搭配 differ in 在方面不同 differ with sb.on/about/over sth.与某人在某事上持不同看法Apparently,the twins differ from each othe

20、r in character.很显然,这对双胞胎在性格方面不一样。The examples illustrate that the two words differ in meaning.那些例子说明了这两个词在意思上有区别。It is not an easy thing to team up with those who differ with you on it.与那些在这件事情上与你意见不同的人合作并非易事。【词语积累词语积累】different adj.不同的differently adv.不同地difference n.区别;不同之处make a difference 有影响单句语法

21、填空单句语法填空(1)The two applicants differ each other in their ability to handle stress.(2)Leaves are found on all kinds of trees,but they differ greatly size and shape.(3)Ignoring the (differ)between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.(4)2017北京卷 Hannah is one of many exa

22、mples of young people who are making _difference in the world.(5)I have to say I differ you that problem.from in differencea with on教材原句教材原句 By comparison,in Bulgaria and southern Albania,the gestures have the opposite meaning.相比之下相比之下,在保加利亚和阿尔巴尼亚南部,这两种姿态的含义,在保加利亚和阿尔巴尼亚南部,这两种姿态的含义是相反是相反的。的。8 by comp

23、arison(与)相比较By comparison,this house has the advantage of low price and that house has the advantage of convenient transportation.相比较起来,这幢房子的优点是价格低,而那幢房子的优点是交通便利。By comparison,British artists seemed to lack imagination and invention.相比之下,英国艺术家似乎缺乏想象力和创造力。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】make a comparison 作比较in comparison

24、with 与相比compare A with B把 A 和 B 进行比较compare A to B把 A 比作 Bcompared with 与相比单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The first unique human characteristic is that humans have extraordinarily large brains (compare)with other animals.(2)The tallest buildings in London are small in (compare)with New Yorks skyscrapers.完成句子完成句子(3)

25、After months of being in a tropical climate,Spain seemed cool(相比之下).(4)You cant (作比较)between American schools and Chinese schools;they are very paredcomparisonby comparisonmake a comparison教材原教材原句句 Elsewhere,people favour shaking hands,bowing from the waist,or nodding the head when they meet someone

26、 else.在在其他地方,人们见面时更其他地方,人们见面时更喜欢握手喜欢握手,弯腰鞠躬或者点头。,弯腰鞠躬或者点头。9 favour vt.&n.(1)vt.较喜欢;选择;有利于Personally,I favour travelling by bike with a companion.就我个人而言,我更喜欢跟同伴骑自行车旅行。Chances always favour those who make adequate preparations.机会往往垂青那些有充分准备的人。The warm climate favours many kinds of plants.温暖的气候有利于多种植物的

27、生长。(2)n.帮助;恩惠;赞同 do sb.a favour 帮某人一个忙ask sb.a favour=ask a favour of sb.请某人帮忙搭配搭配 owe sb.a favour 欠某人一个人情in favour of 支持,赞同in ones favour 对某人有利Could you do me a favour and take this pile of books to the classroom?你能帮个忙,把这摞书搬到教室去吗?Im all in favour of equal pay for equal work.我完全支持同工同酬。【词语积累词语积累】favo

28、urite adj.最喜欢的favoured adj.受到优待的;得到偏爱的favourable adj.赞成的;同意的;有利的;给人好印象的单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The young girl left a (favour)impression on him.(2)Brittany is a (favour)destination for families.(3)It used to be my (favour)restaurant but the standard of cooking has fallen off recently.完成句子完成句子(4)My sister was

29、against my suggestion while my brother was (赞成)it.(5)Could you (帮我个忙)and pick up Sam from school today?(6)It seems that some parents tend to (偏爱最小的孩子).翻译句子翻译句子(7)Opportunity favours prepared people._ favourablefavouredfavourite in favour of机会青睐有准备的人机会青睐有准备的人。do me a favourfavour their youngest child

30、ren教材原句教材原句 A smile can break down barriers.微笑微笑能够消除障碍。能够消除障碍。10 break down 消除;分解;打破;(机器等)出故障;失败Food is broken down in the stomach.食物在胃里分解。It takes a long time to break down prejudices.消除偏见需要很长的时间。He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead,because the air-conditioning syst

31、em broke down.他不得不时而停下来擦擦额头上的汗,因为空调系统出故障了。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】break up 解散;破碎;结束break through 突破;冲破break away(from)脱离;逃脱break in 强行进入;插话break into 强行进入(某处);突然开始(笑、唱等)break out(战争、火灾等)爆发单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Their study in college would break up the next month,so they decided to break_ their band.(2)A big fire broke l

32、ast night and its cause is being looked into.(3)When he got home,he found his house broken.(4)See,your computer has broken again!It doesnt make sense to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars.(5)This printer is of high quality.If it should break within the first year,we would

33、repair it at our expense.into out down down11 barrier n.隔阂;障碍 the language barrier 语言隔阂(因语言不通而无法交流)the removal of trade barriers 贸易壁垒的消除 The mountains acted as a natural barrier to the spread of the disease.群山成为了阻止该疾病扩散的天然屏障 There was no real barrier between reality and fantasy in his mind.在他的头脑中,现实

34、与幻想之间没有真正的界线。The organisation was set up with the duty to break down barriers in language,culture and geography.这个机构建立的初衷是消除语言、文化和地域障碍。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)To study abroad,you need to break the language barrier first.(2)The skin,which acts as a barrier disease,poisons and the suns harmful rays,is an essen

35、tial part of your body.(3)2019天津卷 The passage starts with the story of Cervantes to show that age is not a barrier achieving ones goal.down against to 重点句式教材原句教材原句 In Japan,it may demonstrate respect to look down when talking to an older person.在在日本,日本,和年长和年长的人说话时目光向下以表示尊敬。的人说话时目光向下以表示尊敬。教材原句教材原句 Pl

36、acing your hands together and resting them on the side of your head while closing your eyes means“sleep”.双手双手并拢放在头的一侧,同时闭上并拢放在头的一侧,同时闭上眼睛眼睛表示表示“睡觉睡觉”。【句式分析句式分析】在以上两个句子中,when talking 和 while closing 都采用了省略的形式。完整的 形式是 when they are talking 和 while you are closing。1 状语状语从句中的省略从句中的省略状语从句的省略是指在时间、条件、比较、让

37、步状语从句中,将从句的主语和 be 动词一起省略。通常需要具备以下条件:(1)从句主语与主句主语一致,或从句主语为 it;(2)从句中含有 be 动词。Video games can be a bad influence if(they are)left in the wrong hands.电子游戏如果落入一个错误的人手中就能够产生不良影响。It is so cold that you cant go outside unless(you are)fully covered in thick clothes.外面太冷了,你不要出去,除非用厚衣服完全裹起来。While(you were)wal

38、king the dog,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.遛狗的时候,你太大意了,它挣脱了,被车撞了。The disease was spreading faster than(it was)expected,but they took action in time.疾病比预计的传播得快,但是他们及时采取了措施。【学法点拨学法点拨】惯用省略结构:if so 如果是这样的话 if not 如果不是这样;否则if necessary 如果有必要 if possible 如果可能的话if any 如果有的话 if eve

39、r 如果曾经有的话单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Unless (invite),I wont go to his party this weekend.(2)If(ask)to look after luggage for someone else,inform the police at once.(3)While (watch)TV,I heard a strange noise.(4)They had no fault.They did everything as (tell).(5)The weather was worse than (expect).同义句转换(6)Whenever

40、 possible,the children should play outside in the fresh air.Whenever,the children should play outside in the fresh air.(7)His opinion,whether it is right or wrong,should be considered.His opinion,whether ,should be considered.(8)When completed,the library will be open to the public next year.When ,t

41、he library will be open to the public next year.invited asked watchingtoldexpected it is possible right or wrong it is completed教材原教材原句句 And if we are feeling down or lonely,there is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend.而且而且如果我们感到沮丧或孤独,没有如果我们感到沮丧或孤独,没有什么比什么比看到好朋友的笑脸更好的了。看到好朋友

42、的笑脸更好的了。【句式分析句式分析】本句使用了“否定词+比较级”结构,否定词 nothing 与比较级 better 连用,表示最高级含义。2 “否定词否定词+比较级比较级”表示最高级含义表示最高级含义(1)基本结构:否定词+形容词或副词的比较级(+than)(2)常用的否定词:no,not,never,nothing,nobody,hardly 等(3)意义:再没有比更的了,再不过了 I have never seen a more energetic man.我从未见过比他精力更充沛的人。I couldnt agree more.我完全同意。/我再同意不过了。Nothing is more

43、 precious than health.健康是最宝贵的。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)No one could be (generous);he has a heart of gold.(2)Mr.Stevenson is great to work forI really couldnt ask for a(good)boss.(3)Nothing is (pleasant)than staying home listening to music.(4)The weather couldnt be(bad),so we will not go out.同义句转换同义句转换(5)He is the tallest student in his class.There is than him in his class.more generous bettermore pleasantworseno taller student


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