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1、(新教材)【人教版】20版高中全程学习方略选择性必修一Unit-4-Using-Language(英语).单词拼写单词拼写1._(打钩号打钩号)the question out2._(倚倚;靠靠)towards the talker3.have a _(趋势趋势;倾向倾向)to listen to the class4._(把把放低放低)your head5._(占据占据)much spacetickleantendencyloweroccupy6.it is easy to _(感知感知;察觉察觉)7._(区分区分;辨别辨别)from8.experience learning _(焦虑焦虑)

2、9.have _(冲突冲突)with other students10._(调查调查;研究研究)into the problem11._(调整调整;调节调节)class activities12._(干预干预)in the conflictperceivedistinguishanxietyconflictsinquireadjustintervene13.an important_(组成部分组成部分)of being a teacher component.用合适的介词填空用合适的介词填空1.tend _ 倾向于倾向于2.occupy oneself _从事于从事于,忙于忙于3.stare

3、_ 凝视凝视;盯着看盯着看4.be ashamed _对对感到羞耻感到羞耻 toin/withatof5.call _(短暂地短暂地)访问访问;正式邀请正式邀请6._ work 有某种影响有某种影响,在工作在工作 7.adjust _调整调整,调节调节;适应适应8.as _仿佛仿佛,好像好像onattothough/if.文本细节理解文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节信息探寻语篇细节信息1.How can the writer know what makes each student tick?A.By having one-on-one conversations with each person.

4、B.By talking with some students.C.By observing students body language.D.By asking them to write a letter to the teacher.2.When students are not interested in a lesson,they may _.A.look up and make eye contactB.lean forward and look at the teacherC.lower their heads and watch the watchD.smile when th

5、e teacher makes a joke3.When students have their arms crossed in front of their chests and their legs crossed,they may feel _.A.happy B.excited C.shocked D.angry4.Where is the text likely to be taken from?A.A social magazine.B.A science book.C.A research report.D.A health magazine.答案答案:14.CCDA.文本素养提

6、升文本素养提升:阅读技能综合运用阅读技能综合运用1.根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句(1)译文译文:尽管当学生感兴趣、感到无聊或心烦意乱时尽管当学生感兴趣、感到无聊或心烦意乱时,我我们很容易就能察觉到们很容易就能察觉到,_。但是当学生遇到麻烦时但是当学生遇到麻烦时,我们我们有时就很难分辨了有时就很难分辨了(2)译文译文:_是成为一名教师的重要组成是成为一名教师的重要组成部分。部分。对肢体语言的反应对肢体语言的反应2.阅读主题活动阅读主题活动Talk about the following questions in pairs.(1)How to recogn

7、ise when students are interested in a lesson?_ At the first place,they tend to look up and make eyecontact;At the second place,when the teacher makesa joke,they smile;Last but not least,they can answerthe questions correctly and even ask questions.(2)In your opinion,why reacting to body language is

8、an important component of being a teacher?_ _ _Because the students body language lets the teacherknow when to adjust class activities,when tointervene,and when to talk to students individually.Therefore,they can all get the most out of school.文本整体理解文本整体理解:理清文章架构理清文章架构Introduce the topic(paras.1、2)T

9、eacher knows what makes each student tick by looking at their body language.How to deal with students condition(paras.35)1.How to judge when students are interested in a lesson.2.How to judge whether students are amused by something else?3.How to distinguish when students are troubled?Draw a conclus

10、ion(para.6)Reacting to body language is an important component of being a teacher.课文概要填空课文概要填空(1)_ at students body language makes me know what makes each student(2)_.It is easy to(3)_(识别识别)when students are interested in a lesson through their body language.If I find students are(4)_ by something e

11、lse,I will(5)_ them to pay attention in class.It is hard toLookingtickrecogniseamusedremind(6)_(辨别辨别)when students are troubled.If they have(7)_ with other students or at home,I will(8)_ and assess what is going on.Their body language makes me know when to(9)_ class activities,when to(10)_,and when

12、to talk to students individually.distinguishconflictsinquireadjustintervene1.occupy vt.占据占据,占用占用*With their chins on their hands,they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling.他们双手托着下巴他们双手托着下巴,专注地盯着窗外或天花板发呆。专注地盯着窗外或天花板发呆。*Only six percent of policetime is occupied with crim

13、inal incidents.只有只有6%的警察时间被犯罪事件占据。的警察时间被犯罪事件占据。*The speech occupied three hours.这场演讲持续了三个小时。这场演讲持续了三个小时。【词块积累】【词块积累】occupy oneself with sth./(in)doing sth.忙于忙于(做做)某事某事be occupied with sth./(in)doing sth.专心于专心于(做做)某事某事【知识延伸】【知识延伸】下列短语也表示下列短语也表示“忙于做某事忙于做某事”:be engaged in doing sth.be busy in doing sth

14、./with sth.be buried in doing sth.【即学活用】【即学活用】(1)语法填空语法填空Aging parents look for ways _(occupy)their time and connect others.The young couple are always occupied_ endless argument.to occupy with(2)_,during the day at least.我有别的事要做我有别的事要做,至少白天要被占用。至少白天要被占用。(3)She is _with her homework.她正在专心致志地做家庭作业。她正

15、在专心致志地做家庭作业。I had other matters to occupy mefully occupied/occupying herself2.perceive vt.察觉察觉;看待看待;理解理解*I cant perceive any difference between these coins.我看不出这些硬币之间有任何区别。我看不出这些硬币之间有任何区别。*People tend to perceive television as entertainment.人们倾向于将电视视为娱乐。人们倾向于将电视视为娱乐。*New technology was perceived to

16、be a threat to employment.新技术被认为是对就业的威胁。新技术被认为是对就业的威胁。*They perceived that the enemy was trying to wear down their resistance.他们明白敌人试图削弱他们的抵抗力。他们明白敌人试图削弱他们的抵抗力。【词块积累】【词块积累】(1)perceive sb./sth.as 视为视为;把把当作当作(2)perceive+sb./sth.+to be/have sth.认为认为/发现发现是是的的(3)perceive+that 从句或从句或what/where/who等从句等从句【即

17、学活用】【即学活用】(1)The thief _.小偷被看到溜进房间。小偷被看到溜进房间。(2)I perceived that _.我意识到我不能使她改变主意。我意识到我不能使她改变主意。was perceived to steal into the houseI could not make her changeher mind(3)Stress _contributing to coronary heart disease.压力被普遍认为能造成冠心病。压力被普遍认为能造成冠心病。is widely perceived as3.distinguish vi.&vt.区分区分;辨别辨别*Th

18、ere is something about music that distinguishes it from all other art forms.音乐中一些因素使它有别于其他艺术形式。音乐中一些因素使它有别于其他艺术形式。*People who cant distinguish colours are said to be colour-blind.不能辨别颜色的人被称为色盲。不能辨别颜色的人被称为色盲。*He has already distinguished himself as a pianist.作为钢琴家他已享有盛名。作为钢琴家他已享有盛名。*He is distinguish

19、ed for his profound learning in mathematics.他以其数学上的渊博学识而闻名。他以其数学上的渊博学识而闻名。【词块积累】【词块积累】(1)distinguish A from B显示出特性显示出特性;将将A与与B区别开区别开(2)distinguish between A and B辨别辨别,识别识别(两者两者)之间的之间的不同不同(3)distinguish oneself(as.)(作为作为)使出众使出众;使著名使著名(4)be distinguished for因因而出名而出名【即学活用】【即学活用】(1)语法填空语法填空Youre old eno

20、ugh _(distinguish)between fact and fantasy.His suit was perfectly cut and he looked very _(distinguish).to distinguishdistinguished(2)他以其幽默感著称。他以其幽默感著称。译译:_ He is distinguished for his sense of humour.4.embarrassed adj.难堪的难堪的;尴尬的尴尬的*They may also hide their faces in their hands like they are embarra

21、ssed or ashamed.他们会用手捂着脸好像感到尴尬或惭愧。他们会用手捂着脸好像感到尴尬或惭愧。*We believe the company will be seriously embarrassed if it does not get the loan.我们认为如果这家公司得不到这笔贷款我们认为如果这家公司得不到这笔贷款,势必陷入严势必陷入严重的经济困难。重的经济困难。*Linda felt embarrassed about breaking the bosss glass carelessly.琳达因不小心打破了老板的玻璃杯而感到尴尬。琳达因不小心打破了老板的玻璃杯而感到尴尬

22、。*To my embarrassment,they all ignored me.让我难堪的是让我难堪的是,他们都不理我。他们都不理我。【词块积累】【词块积累】(1)be embarrassed about/at(doing)sth.因因(做做)某事而尴尬某事而尴尬(2)to ones embarrassment使某人难堪的是使某人难堪的是【熟词生义】【熟词生义】Lack of trucks embarrassed the armys movements.卡车的缺少阻碍了军队的行程。卡车的缺少阻碍了军队的行程。()使陷入困境使陷入困境;使为难使为难【即学活用】【即学活用】语法填空语法填空(1

23、)It was _(embarrass)to ask the salary of his job.(2)He was embarrassed _ many debts.(3)We apologize for any _(embarrass)that may have caused.embarrassedbyembarrassment5.call on(短暂地短暂地)访问访问;要求要求(某人讲话等某人讲话等);正式邀请正式邀请*Some students act this way merely because they are afraid of being called on by the t

24、eacher.有些学生这样做只是因为他们害怕老师叫他们有些学生这样做只是因为他们害怕老师叫他们(回答回答问题问题)。*He called on the workers to fight for their rights.他号召工人们为争取自己的权利而斗争。他号召工人们为争取自己的权利而斗争。*Im going to call on one of my former classmates.我要去看望我的一位老同学。我要去看望我的一位老同学。*You have no experience at all to call on;you have never seen anything like thi

25、s.你完全没有任何经验可以遵循你完全没有任何经验可以遵循;在这之前你也没有见在这之前你也没有见过类似的情况。过类似的情况。【词块积累】【词块积累】call for要求要求;需要需要;提倡提倡;邀请邀请;为为叫喊叫喊call in召集召集;召来召来call back回电回电;收回收回call sth.back使恢复使恢复;回忆起回忆起call up打电话给打电话给;召集召集;使想起使想起;提出提出【即学活用】【即学活用】语法填空语法填空(1)This medicine should call your strength _.(2)The director has just called _ to

26、 say that shell be late.(3)I felt quite nervous when the teacher called _ me to answer the question.backupon6.bother vi.&vt.费心费心;麻烦麻烦;因因操心操心n.麻烦麻烦;不便不便*Lots of people dont bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days.如今很多人不费心举办婚礼了。如今很多人不费心举办婚礼了。*It bothered me that boys werent interested in l

27、anguage learning.让我烦恼的是让我烦恼的是,男孩们对语言学习不感兴趣。男孩们对语言学习不感兴趣。*He never bothered about his breakfast and hell eat what is left over yesterday.他从不为他的早餐费心他从不为他的早餐费心,昨天剩什么他就吃什么。昨天剩什么他就吃什么。*He has been observed to look for bother in every possible way.人们注意到他老是千方百计地制造麻烦。人们注意到他老是千方百计地制造麻烦。【词块积累】【词块积累】(1)bother(

28、oneself)to do sth./bother doing sth.费心做某事费心做某事(2)it bothers sb.that令某人担心令某人担心/苦恼的是苦恼的是(3)bother sb.about/with sth.打扰打扰,烦扰烦扰(4)look for bother找麻烦找麻烦=make trouble【即学活用】【即学活用】(1)I just cant be bothered _.我只是懒得照看那所房子。我只是懒得照看那所房子。(2)The problem _.那问题已经困扰了我几个星期。那问题已经困扰了我几个星期。to look after the househas bee

29、n bothering me for weeks(3)Why do you _?你何必为这样的琐事操心呢你何必为这样的琐事操心呢?(4)Dont _.你不必为了回复他的信而烦扰。你不必为了回复他的信而烦扰。bother yourself about such triflesbother about answering his letter7.Of course,not everyone who looks up is paying attention in class.当然当然,并不是每个抬头的学生都在专心听讲。并不是每个抬头的学生都在专心听讲。【句式解构】【句式解构】“not everyon

30、e”为部分否定。不定代词为部分否定。不定代词all,both,every,everyone,everything,everybody,everywhere等与否定词等与否定词not,no连用时连用时,表示的是部分否定表示的是部分否定,而非全而非全部否定。部否定。*I dont know all of them.我并不认识他们所有人。我并不认识他们所有人。*I dont like both of the books.这两本书我并非都喜欢。这两本书我并非都喜欢。*Not every student goes to the farm on Sunday.周日不是每个学生都去农场。周日不是每个学生都去

31、农场。*Not everyone in our class likes football.我们班里不是每个人都喜欢足球。我们班里不是每个人都喜欢足球。【名师点津】【名师点津】全部否定全部否定不定代词不定代词none,nobody,nothing,no one,neither等等表示否定意义的词与肯定式谓语连用表示否定意义的词与肯定式谓语连用,构成全部否构成全部否定。定。*I know none of them.他们我全都不认识。他们我全都不认识。*I like neither of the books.这两本书我一本也不喜欢。这两本书我一本也不喜欢。*No student goes to th

32、e farm on Sunday.周日没有学生去农场。周日没有学生去农场。*No one/Nobody in our class likes football.我们班里没有人喜欢足球。我们班里没有人喜欢足球。【即学活用】【即学活用】(1)语法填空语法填空We havent enough books for _;some of you will have to share.Which of the two computer games did you prefer?Actually I didnt like _ of them.everyoneeither(2)Not all the parts

33、 of the car will be made in the factory._(3)Every student can not answer the question._车的所有零件并非都在这个工厂生产。车的所有零件并非都在这个工厂生产。不是每个学生都能回答这个问题。不是每个学生都能回答这个问题。【要点拾遗】【要点拾遗】1.stare vi.盯着看盯着看;凝视凝视 n.凝视凝视*With their chins on their hands,they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling.他们

34、双手托着下巴他们双手托着下巴,专注地盯着窗外或头顶上的天花专注地盯着窗外或头顶上的天花板发呆。板发呆。*When the country boy visited the big city for the first time,all he could do was to stare at the tall buildings in wonder.那个乡下男孩第一次游览这个大城市时那个乡下男孩第一次游览这个大城市时,他只能好奇他只能好奇地盯着高楼大厦。地盯着高楼大厦。*She stared after him as he left her,tears blinding her eyes.他离开她

35、时他离开她时,她凝视着他的背影她凝视着他的背影,泪水模糊了她的眼泪水模糊了她的眼睛。睛。*The two children were having a competition to see who could stare the other out/down.这两个孩子在较量这两个孩子在较量,看谁能把对方瞪得受不了。看谁能把对方瞪得受不了。【词块积累】【词块积累】(1)stare out of sth.向外凝视向外凝视(2)stared after盯着盯着的背影的背影(3)stare at sb./sth.盯盯/凝视某人凝视某人/某物某物(4)stare sb.down/out盯得盯得(某人某

36、人)转移目光转移目光【易混辨析】【易混辨析】glance,stare,glare这组动词都与这组动词都与“看看”有关。有关。glance意为意为“匆匆一瞥匆匆一瞥”,是不及物动词是不及物动词,其后必须接介其后必须接介词词at,over等才可以接宾语。等才可以接宾语。stare意为意为“凝视凝视”,它也是一个不及物动词它也是一个不及物动词,其后通常接其后通常接介词介词at才能接宾语。才能接宾语。glare意为意为“怒视怒视;瞪眼瞪眼”,也是不及物动词也是不及物动词,其后要接介其后要接介词词at才能接宾语。才能接宾语。【即学活用】【即学活用】(1)Dont _,which will make yo

37、ur eyes tired.不要长时间盯着电脑屏幕或教科书不要长时间盯着电脑屏幕或教科书,这会让你的眼睛这会让你的眼睛感到疲劳。感到疲劳。stare at a computer screen or textbookfor long(2)Dont _,which will be taken as an offensive gesture.别盯着野生动物的眼睛别盯着野生动物的眼睛,那会被视作一种攻击性的姿那会被视作一种攻击性的姿势。势。(3)I would _my watch and our conversation continued.通常我会看看表通常我会看看表,然后继续我们的对话。然后继续我

38、们的对话。glare at wild animals eyesglance at(4)_makes me relaxed for a while.盯着窗外发呆做个白日梦让我放松了一会儿。盯着窗外发呆做个白日梦让我放松了一会儿。Staring out of the window and daydreaming2.distract vt.分散分散(注意力注意力);使分心使分心*The main thing is reminding distracted students that they need to pay attention in class.最主要的是提醒那些注意力不集中的学生最主要的是

39、提醒那些注意力不集中的学生,他们需要他们需要在课堂上集中注意力。在课堂上集中注意力。*Tom admits that playing video games sometimes distracts him from his homework.汤姆承认玩电子游戏有时会让他做家庭作业时分心。汤姆承认玩电子游戏有时会让他做家庭作业时分心。*He was distracted by/with an unhappy love affair.他因一次不愉快的恋爱而心烦意乱。他因一次不愉快的恋爱而心烦意乱。*A weekend at the beach was a good distraction from

40、 her troubles.在海滩度过周末能很好地分散她的烦恼。在海滩度过周末能很好地分散她的烦恼。【词块积累】【词块积累】(1)distract from 转移转移;使从使从分心分心(2)distract by/with被被分散注意力分散注意力(3)distractionn.注意力分散注意力分散;心烦意乱心烦意乱【即学活用】【即学活用】语法填空语法填空(1)Once she gets involved in a research,nothing can distract her mind_ it.(2)I find it hard to work at home because there

41、are too many _(distract).fromdistractions(3)Im going to distract him _ my funny toy!(4)One of the girls tried to distract him _sticking a newspaper under his nose.withby3.inquire vi.&vt.询问询问;打听打听*Whatever it is,I know I need to inquire and assess what is going on.不管是什么不管是什么,我知道我需要询问和评估正在发生的事我知道我需要询问

42、和评估正在发生的事情。情。*Inspectors were appointed to inquire into the affairs of the company.检查员被派去调查该公司的事务。检查员被派去调查该公司的事务。*I recommend that you inquire about the job.我建议你打听一下这项工作。我建议你打听一下这项工作。*He went to inquire for a letter at the post office.他到邮局去查问一封信。他到邮局去查问一封信。*Im inquiring after any information the lib

43、rary might have on future city planning.我正在查阅这家图书馆可能保存的关于城市未来规划我正在查阅这家图书馆可能保存的关于城市未来规划的任何资料。的任何资料。【词块积累】【词块积累】inquire about询问询问;咨询咨询;打听打听inquire for询问询问;要见要见inquire into调查调查inquire of询问询问(某人某人);向向(某人某人)了解情况了解情况inquire after查阅查阅;问候问候【即学活用】【即学活用】(1)He frowned and determined to _ _.他眉头一皱他眉头一皱,决定要把事情查究个

44、彻底。决定要把事情查究个彻底。(2)I called the station _.我打电话到车站询问火车时刻。我打电话到车站询问火车时刻。inquirethoroughly into the matterto inquire about train time(3)She wrote to _.她写信去询问拖延的理由。她写信去询问拖延的理由。(4)She _.她问候我母亲的健康情况。她问候我母亲的健康情况。inquire the cause of the delayinquired after my mothers health4.adjust vt.调整调整;调节调节vi.&vt.适应适应;(

45、使使)习惯习惯*Could you teach me how to adjust the height of the desk?你能教我怎么调节书桌的高度吗你能教我怎么调节书桌的高度吗?*He stopped to try to adjust his vision to the faint starlight.他停下来他停下来,试着使眼睛适应微弱的星光。试着使眼睛适应微弱的星光。*He cant adjust himself to the whirl of modern life in this big city.他无法适应这个大都市里现代生活的忙碌。他无法适应这个大都市里现代生活的忙碌。【词

46、块积累】【词块积累】(1)adjust to(doing)sth.适应适应(做做)某事某事(2)adjust oneself/sth.to sb./sth.调整以适应调整以适应(3)adjustmentn.调整调整,调节调节【即学活用】【即学活用】(1)He will have to make major _(adjust)to his thinking if he wants to make progress in his lesson.(2)He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.=_ adjustmentsH

47、e adjusted very quickly to the heat of the country.5.tendency n.趋势趋势;倾向倾向*People have a tendency to lean towards whatever they are interested in.人们总是倾向于他们感兴趣的东西。人们总是倾向于他们感兴趣的东西。*Linda has to tend on/upon her master to make a living.琳达要靠服侍她的主人来维持生活。琳达要靠服侍她的主人来维持生活。*Who will tend the garden while you

48、are on vacation?在你休假期间谁照料花园在你休假期间谁照料花园?*He tends to get very angry when people disagree with him.当有人与他意见不一致时他往往很生气。当有人与他意见不一致时他往往很生气。【词块积累】【词块积累】(1)have a tendency to do 有做某事的倾向有做某事的倾向(2)tendv.易于易于,有助于有助于,照顾照顾(3)tend to/towards倾向于倾向于【即学活用】【即学活用】(1)语法填空语法填空There is a growing _(tend)for people to work

49、 at home instead of in offices.A problem for manufacturers is that lighter cars tend _ be noisy.tendencyto(2)People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.=People _to think that the problem will never affect them.have a tendency6.at work有某种影响有某种影响,在工作在工作*We spend most of our time at w

50、orkso why not make it the most out of it?在工作中我们花费了大多数的时间在工作中我们花费了大多数的时间那么为什么不那么为什么不最大限度地利用它呢最大限度地利用它呢?*There are bound to be many factors at work for this phenomenon.这种现象必然有很多因素在起作用。这种现象必然有很多因素在起作用。【词块积累】【词块积累】at work这一短语的基本意思是这一短语的基本意思是“在工作在工作;在上班在上班”,也也可表示可表示“起着某一特定的作用起着某一特定的作用”【即学活用】【即学活用】(1)When


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