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1、Introduction Do your family members or friends smoke?Do you smoke?Non-smokerheavy smoker passive smokerIntroductionSome Facts of Smoking Read Facts about smoking.Choose the answers you think are correct.1)During the 1990s,(21,000/21,000,000)people died as a result of smoking cigarettes.2)A quarter o

2、f young people who smoke more than(10/20)cigarettes a day will die prematurely(过早地过早地)as a result of smoking.happening before the natural or proper time3)In the United Kingdom,smoking causes(12,000/121,000)deaths a year.4)Thirteen people die(every hour/every day)from illness related to smoking tobac

3、co,such as cancer,bronchitis and heart disease.5)Every year,about(20/200)people are killed and(200/2000)are seriously injured in fires caused by smoking.So terrible!Why do so many people smoke?1 Reduce pressure.2 Curiosity.3 Popular actors and kids do it.4 It is cool.5 Mothers or fathers smoke.6.Som

4、e are addicted to it.They feel uncomfortable without smoking.7.It can make people feel energetic.Top reasons for peoples esp Ss smoking.What are the disadvantages of smoking?(1)waste money (2)cause social problems,e g.stealingI am thiefI am thief (3)cause illnesses,e g.cancer,heart disease(4)cause f

5、iresWhat measures should people take?anti-smoking advertising anti-:againstantiwaranti-tankanti-aircraft How do foreign countries carry out anti-smoking advertising?Heavy smoker?Heavy illness?Say good bye?His boots dont smoke!Who do you remember?Todays Highlight in History May,31st 禁烟日禁烟日No smoking

6、Day firstly started in America in 1984.It aimed at all people who would like to give up smoking,including teenagers.Each year,many countries carry out(进行进行)all kinds of campaigns(活动活动)on this day to help smokers to quit.Smoking bans Find words in the box which mean The end of life An illness which a

7、ffects your bronchial tubes and makes you cough.A very serious disease that often causes death.Two things some people smoke.hurtbronchitiscancerdeathbronchitis cancer cigarette death heart disease injured tobaccocigarette/tobaccoinjured1die from 死于That middleaged man died from drinking too much wine

8、.那位中年男子死于饮酒过度。The fish in that lake all died from polluted water.那个湖里的鱼都死于污染了的水。Language points【辨析】die of/die from易混词汇辨析例句die of常指死于疾病,饥饿,情感等内部原因。Eventually they die of the disease.最后他们病入膏肓而死掉。die from指死于疾病,饥饿,情感等以外的原因,后接具体的疾病时则二者皆可。He died from a car accident.他死于车祸。die from 由于而死(原因是来在外部的)a wound(受伤

9、),an accident(事故),overwork(工作过量),cancer(癌症),carelessness(粗心),drinking(饮酒过量),some unknown cause(不明原因)die of:因患而死hunger(饥饿),cold(寒冷),poison(中毒),illness(病),old age(年老),a disease(疾病),cancer(癌症),boredom(无聊),thirst(渴),sorrow(忧伤),disappointed love(失恋),a fever(发烧),heat(热)【完成句子】冬天越来越多的老人死于空气污染。More and more

10、old people _ polluted air in winter.他死于禽流感。He _ Bird Flu.食物中毒可导致死亡Food poisoning can cause_.答案died fromdied ofdeath2be related to与有关Thirteen people die(every hour/every day)from illnesses related to smoking tobacco,such as cancer,bronchitis and heart disease.(每小时/每天)有13人死于与吸烟有关的疾病,例如癌症、支气管炎和心脏病。The

11、question is closely related to the one to be discussed.这个问题和马上要讨论的这个有密切联系。relation nU关系C亲属relative adj.相关的;相对的nC亲属;亲戚relationship n关系;联系in relation to 与相比;关于把与联系起来relate to 与有关系/关联;涉及;有关【完成句子】这封信与房子的销售有关。This letter_ the sale of the house.一切事物都与其他事物有联系。All things _ all other things.与这项工程有关的计划正在讨论。The plan_ is under discussion.答案is related to are related torelated to the project


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