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1、snowysunnyhotcloudyrainycoldwarmwindycoolSunny!Sunny!Is it sunny?Yes!Yes,it is.Snowy!Snowy!Is it snowy?No!No,it isnt.Rainy!Rainy!Is it rainy?Yes!Yes,it is.Windy!Windy!Is it windy?No!No,it isnt.I am happy and I am sunny.Write a postcard to friends around the world.用postcard和世界各地小朋友做朋友。addressee收件人收件人

2、sender寄件人寄件人 sends(寄)a postcard to John.Johns dad1.Listen,skim and circle.快速听读,圈出正确答案。(1).Where is Johns dad?(2).Where is John?Circle the answers.(1).Where is Johns dad?(2).Where is John?The earth is divided into northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere.地球分为南北半球,南北半球气候相反。Johns dadBeijingSydney2.P

3、eruse and choose.细读,选出正确答案,填序号。3mins A.sunny and hot B.cool and windy(1).Whats the weather like in Sydney?Its .A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.(2).Is the water cold in Sydney?_weatherSydneywater coldSydneyA.Yes,he can.B.No,he cant.(3).Can Johns father swim(游泳)outside?_swim outsideCircle or underline the ke

4、ywords.圈出或划出关键词。Circle or underline the keywords.圈出或划出圈出或划出关键词。关键词。A.hot and sunny B.cool and windy(1).Whats the weather like in Sydney?Its .A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.(2).Is the water cold in Sydney?_ABweatherSydneywater coldSydney_A.Yes,he can.B.No,he cant.(3).Can Johns father swim(游泳)outside?Use th

5、e pictures.利用图片。利用图片。AListen and imitate.3.Read and answer.读一读,写出正确答案。(1).Is it sunny in Sydney?书写规则:书写规则:The first letter should be capital.开头开头字母要大写字母要大写。One letter space between words.词词词之间要距离词之间要距离。Remember the punctuation.句句末记得要标点末记得要标点。(2).Guessing 猜一猜猜一猜:Whats the weather like in Beijing?Is i

6、t in Beijing?snowy1.Skim and try to understand the text.快速快速阅读,掌握大意。阅读,掌握大意。2.Find the key words.抓住关键词。抓住关键词。3.Use the pictures.利用插图辅助理解。利用插图辅助理解。Read and choose.细读,选出正确答案。A.sunny and hot B.cold and windy(1).Whats the weather like in Beijing?Its .A.warm B.cold(2).The water is very .weatherBeijingwat

7、erFind the key word.抓住关键词。A.Yes,he can.B.No,he cant.(3).Can John fly his kite?fly kiteA.sunny and hot.B.cold and windy.(1).Whats the weather like in Beijing?Its .A.warm B.cold(2).The water is very .BBA.Yes,he can.B.No,he cant.(3).Can John fly his kite?_ AWrite a postcard to friends around the world.

8、用postcard和世界各地小朋友做朋友。addressee收件人收件人sender寄件人寄件人address收件人地址收件人地址address寄件人地址寄件人地址stamp邮票邮票Layout格式格式addressee收件人收件人sender寄件人寄件人Amy1.Write a postcard to a new friend.给新朋友写一封明信片。Cue words 提示词windycoolcloudy snowy rainy sunny cold hotwarm 2.Share your postcard in your group.组内分享。Evaluate your postcard

9、 in your group.组内评价。3.We can make friends with the postcards.明信片能帮助我们结交更多朋友。2.It can transmit culture and message.明信片能传递文化和信息。1.It can send our wish to friends and family.明信片帮助我们交流感情。We should connect more frequently,and the relationship will be more intimate.记得多交流,多联系哦!Listen and imitate for 4 times.Copy the new sentences for 3 times.Design a new postcard and send it to your friends or family.自制自制明信片明信片,写完后寄给朋友、家人或笔友。


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