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1、Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.(1)This information comes from Yang Xuehuiat Shili high school in Xihe,Gansu.初中学生时代快要结束了。初中学生时代快要结束了。Junior high school days are over.你有些特殊的回忆吗?你有些特殊的回忆吗?Do you have any special memories?我记得在七年级遇见了你们所有人。我记得在七年级遇见了你们所有人。I remember meeting all of you in

2、 Grade 7.在初中我记得:在初中我记得:At junior high school,I remember 赢过奖;赢过奖;winning a prize;当过志愿者;当过志愿者;being a volunteer;做过学校调查;做过学校调查;doing a school survey;帮我解决困难的一位朋友。帮我解决困难的一位朋友。a friend helping me with a problem.认真做作业以便达到严格老师的标认真做作业以便达到严格老师的标准;准;did homework carefully to meet the standards of a strict teac

3、her;记得丢过书包;记得丢过书包;remember losing a schoolbag;记得见过这帮朋友;记得见过这帮朋友;remember meeting this group friends;快乐享受初中的每一年。快乐享受初中的每一年。has enjoyed every year of junior high school.有的人不喜欢体育课。有的人不喜欢体育课。Someone didnt like P.E.老师建议有的人稍微休息一会儿再老师建议有的人稍微休息一会儿再跑步。跑步。someone was advised to take a break from running by a

4、teacher.有的人健康出了问题。有的人健康出了问题。Someone had a health problem.有人加入了学校乐队。有人加入了学校乐队。Someone joined the school band.有的人喜欢亨特先生的教学方法。有的人喜欢亨特先生的教学方法。Someone liked Mr.Hunts teaching methods.谁想学医呢?谁想学医呢?Who wants to study medicine?是谁叫有的人休息一会儿再跑呢?是谁叫有的人休息一会儿再跑呢?Who told someone to take a break from running?谁伤了他的或

5、者她的膝盖?谁伤了他的或者她的膝盖?Who hurt his or her knee?谁以为谁以为“这就是生活这就是生活”音乐会是最音乐会是最好的回忆呢?好的回忆呢?Who thinks the Thats Life concert is the best memory?你记得起亨特先生吗?你记得起亨特先生吗?Do you remember Mr.Hunt?当然记得!他是一位了不起的老师当然记得!他是一位了不起的老师。Of course!Hes a great teacher.在体育课上他把要领讲解得非常清在体育课上他把要领讲解得非常清楚。楚。He gave really clear inst

6、ructions during P.E class.是啊,他是啊,他Yeah,he.初中毕业后你最想念的老师是谁呢初中毕业后你最想念的老师是谁呢?Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school?李老师和布朗老师。李老师和布朗老师。Ms.Lee and Mr.Brown.我知道李老师在数学课上对你总是我知道李老师在数学课上对你总是耐心关照,耐心关照,I know that Ms.Lee was always patient with you in math class.无论问题有多难,她都帮助你找到无论问题有多难,她都

7、帮助你找到问题的答案。问题的答案。She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were.是,布朗老师指导我在科学学科取是,布朗老师指导我在科学学科取得很大进步,得很大进步,Yes,and Mr.Brown guided me to do a lot better in science.无论任何时候我不明白的地方,无论任何时候我不明白的地方,Whenever I couldnt understand anything,他总是花时间给我解释清楚。他总是花时间给我解释清楚。he always

8、 took the time to explain things to me clearly.你会想念谁呢?你会想念谁呢?格里芬老师,格里芬老师,Who will you miss?Ms.Griffin.她在英语课上鼓励我,她在英语课上鼓励我,She encouraged me in English class.她总是说她总是说“你真行!你真行!”She always told me“You can do it!”.因为她我付出了更多努力,因为她我付出了更多努力,Because of her,I put in more effort,并且考试成绩翻了一倍。并且考试成绩翻了一倍。and my e

9、xam scores doubled.我们给每位老师买一张贺卡和礼物我们给每位老师买一张贺卡和礼物来表示感谢好吗?来表示感谢好吗?Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?好主意啊!好主意啊!Good idea!咱们明天去买东西吧!咱们明天去买东西吧!Lets go shopping tomorrow!Good habits achieve beautiful life.Try to be your best.Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.(2)Thi

10、s information comes from Yang Xuehuiat Shili high school in Xihe,Gansu.我记得我记得 I remember回顾过去三年时光回顾过去三年时光Looking back at these past three years许多往事记在心上许多往事记在心上I remember many things尽力准时赶上晨读尽力准时赶上晨读Trying to be on time for morning readings午餐铃响跑向食堂午餐铃响跑向食堂Running when the lunch bell rings 记得每年校运会上记得每年校

11、运会上I remember the excitement那些令人兴奋时光那些令人兴奋时光Of the school sports day each year很长时间运动训练很长时间运动训练The many long hours of training让我战胜恐惧豪情满膛让我战胜恐惧豪情满膛Pride of overcoming fear还记得开学第一天还记得开学第一天I remember starting day one班上最害羞的本人班上最害羞的本人The shyest in my whole class从不跟人搭讪交谈从不跟人搭讪交谈Never speaking to anyone认为很难

12、突破这一关认为很难突破这一关And thinking I would not pass可我慢慢结识新朋友可我慢慢结识新朋友Then slowly I made some new friends我把他们铭记在心房我把他们铭记在心房To remember forever 彼此帮助完成作业彼此帮助完成作业Helping each other with home-work好好学习一起向上好好学习一起向上Getting better together为艺术节充分准备为艺术节充分准备Preparing for art festivals却制造了许多麻烦却制造了许多麻烦And making a great

13、big mess 新年聚会玩得尽兴新年聚会玩得尽兴Having fun at New Years parties 致以大家最好祝愿致以大家最好祝愿Wishing everyone the best 我们学了不同语言我们学了不同语言We have learned a different language来自另外一个国度来自另外一个国度That is from a foreign land英语带来许多挑战英语带来许多挑战English brings many challenges全力以赴将它征服全力以赴将它征服We work hard to understand现在到了毕业时候现在到了毕业时候An

14、d now its time to graduate我们离开深爱母校我们离开深爱母校We will leave our lovely school 很难相信三年已去很难相信三年已去 I cant believe its been three years 保持冷静不让流泪保持冷静不让流泪 Im trying to keep my cool忍住不哭何等艰难忍住不哭何等艰难But its difficult not to cry思念校园花草树木思念校园花草树木Ill miss the school trees and flowers 那些善良体贴园丁那些善良体贴园丁And our kind and

15、caring teachers永远变成美好回忆!永远变成美好回忆!Wonderful memories of oursGood habits achieve beautiful life.Try to be your best.Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.(3)This information comes from Yang Xuehuiat Shili high school in Xihe,Gansu尽力按时赶上早读尽力按时赶上早读 trying to be on time for morning readings虽难但

16、坚持虽难但坚持I feel hard but stick to it.午餐铃响跑向食堂午餐铃响跑向食堂running to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings 实在太饿实在太饿I feel hungry.校运会训练校运会训练 training for sports day 虽累但令人兴奋虽累但令人兴奋Im very tired but excited.七年级第一天开始七年级第一天开始starting the first day in Grade 7 很害羞很害羞Im really shy.慢慢结识新朋友慢慢结识新朋友 slowly making

17、some new friends虽有点难但很高兴虽有点难但很高兴 I feel a little hard but very enjoyable.帮助同学完成作业帮助同学完成作业helping classmates with home-work益处多很快乐益处多很快乐Its good and Im happy.为艺术节充分准备为艺术节充分准备preparing for art festivals真高兴。真高兴。Im really happy.参加新年聚会参加新年聚会going to New Years parties兴奋又玩得尽兴兴奋又玩得尽兴I feel excited and have f

18、un.学习英语学习英语learning English许多挑战尽力征服许多挑战尽力征服I meet many challenges and try my best to understand.七年级发生了什么特别的事儿?七年级发生了什么特别的事儿?What happened in Grade 7 that was special?我们队赢得了校篮球决赛。我们队赢得了校篮球决赛。Our team won the school basket-ball competition.自从上初中以来你有何变化?自从上初中以来你有何变化?How have you changed since you start

19、ed junior high school?我变得更擅长说英语了。我变得更擅长说英语了。Ive become much better at speaking English.你认为高中的学习生活有何不同?你认为高中的学习生活有何不同?How do you think things will be different in senior high school?我觉得要更加努力学习考好试。我觉得要更加努力学习考好试。I think that Ill have to study much harder for exams.你明年的计划是什么?你明年的计划是什么?What are your plan

20、s for next year?我打算加入校排球队。我打算加入校排球队。Im going to join the school volleyball team.你记得起八年级时的事儿吗?你记得起八年级时的事儿吗?What do you remember about Grade 8?我记得当个志愿者。我记得当个志愿者。I remember being a volunteer.你过去常做而现在不做的事儿是什你过去常做而现在不做的事儿是什么?么?What did you use to do that you dont do now?我过去常上舞蹈课,我过去常上舞蹈课,I used to take d

21、ance lessons,可现在不再上了。可现在不再上了。but I dont anymore.你盼望什么呢?你盼望什么呢?What are you looking forward to?我盼望着上高中。我盼望着上高中。Im looking forward to going to senior high school.在我上高中时,在我上高中时,When I get to senior high,要加入校游泳队。要加入校游泳队。I will join the school swim team.我的初中时光已经很快乐了。我的初中时光已经很快乐了。My time in junior high sc

22、hool has been enjoyable.在八年级我学习更认真但英语成绩在八年级我学习更认真但英语成绩很差。很差。In Grade 8,I studied harder but I still got poor grades in English.在发音与朗读课文方面有困难,在发音与朗读课文方面有困难,I had problems with pronunciation and reading texts.因此在第二学年我发奋努力取得更因此在第二学年我发奋努力取得更好的成绩。好的成绩。So the next year,I worked much harder and got better

23、grades.明年我就要上高中了,明年我就要上高中了,Next year,I will be in senior high school.我难以相信时间过得这么快啊!我难以相信时间过得这么快啊!I cant believe how fast the time went by!今年在特伦特老师的帮助下,今年在特伦特老师的帮助下,This year,with Mr.Trents help,我的英语水平一直在提高,我的英语水平一直在提高,my English level has been improving,并希望在学年末取得好成绩。并希望在学年末取得好成绩。and I hope to get go

24、od grades at the end of the year.在第一学年我课上没有好好学习,在第一学年我课上没有好好学习,In the first year,I didnt work very hard in class,可是我加入了许多不同的学校兴趣可是我加入了许多不同的学校兴趣小组过得非常快乐。小组过得非常快乐。but I joined many different school clubs and had a lot of fun.你记得起七年级的一些事儿吗?你记得起七年级的一些事儿吗?What do you remember about Grade 7?在八年级发生过什么特别的事儿

25、吗在八年级发生过什么特别的事儿吗?What happened in Grade 8 that was special?你过去常做而现在不做的事是什么你过去常做而现在不做的事是什么?What did you use to do that you dont do now?自从你上初中以来变化如何?自从你上初中以来变化如何?How have you changed since you started junior high school?你认为高中的学习生活有何不同?你认为高中的学习生活有何不同?How do you think things will be different in senior

26、high school?你来年的计划是什么?你来年的计划是什么?What are your plans for next year?你在盼望什么?你在盼望什么?What are you looking forward to?你希望将来做什么?你希望将来做什么?What do you hope to do in the future?我希望获得商学位并且成为一名经我希望获得商学位并且成为一名经理。理。I get a business degree and become a manager.今天是同学们的最后一堂课。今天是同学们的最后一堂课。Today is the students last c

27、lass.鲍勃感到心里不安,鲍勃感到心里不安,Bob feels sad about it,认为陈老师的课一直很精彩,认为陈老师的课一直很精彩,and thinks Mrs.Chens classes have been great.同学们谈论将来想干什么,同学们谈论将来想干什么,The students talk about what they want to do in the future.鲍勃希望考试过关进入高中。鲍勃希望考试过关进入高中。Bob hopes to pass the exam to get into senior high school.舍丽想考入音乐学校。舍丽想考入音

28、乐学校。Shirley wants to get into a music school.肯擅长科技并获过奖,肯擅长科技并获过奖,Ken is good at science and he won a prize for it.因此他想当一名宇航员。因此他想当一名宇航员。So he wants to be an astronaut.陈老师信任大家并鼓励大家陈老师信任大家并鼓励大家“大胆大胆一搏一搏”。Mrs.Chen believes in all of them and tells them to“go for it”.为了庆祝初中学习生活的结束,为了庆祝初中学习生活的结束,To celeb

29、rate the end of junior high,他们正在举办聚会。他们正在举办聚会。they are having a party.他们请来陈老师,他们请来陈老师,They ask Mrs.Chen to come,她很高兴地接受了邀请。她很高兴地接受了邀请。and she is happy to accept the invitation.自从你上中学以来变化如何?自从你上中学以来变化如何?How have you changed since you started junior high school?谁对你帮助最多?谁对你帮助最多?Who has helped you most?

30、你爸妈给你提过什么建议?你爸妈给你提过什么建议?What advice have your parents given you?你毕业后要干什么?你毕业后要干什么?What will you do after you graduate?你盼望什么?你盼望什么?What are you looking forward to?Good habits achieve beautiful life.Try to be your best.Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.(4)This information comes from Yan

31、g Xuehuiat Shili high school in Xihe,Gansu.女士们先生们,女士们先生们,Ladies and gentlemen,感谢大家今日光临第三初级中学的感谢大家今日光临第三初级中学的毕业典礼。毕业典礼。Thank you for coming today to attend the graduation ceremony at No.3 Junior High School.首先我要向今天在座的所有同学们首先我要向今天在座的所有同学们表示热烈祝贺,表示热烈祝贺,First of all,Id like to congratulate all the stude

32、nts who are here today.我还记得曾与你们大家见面,我还记得曾与你们大家见面,I remember meeting all of you,那时你们刚步入校园开始七年级学那时你们刚步入校园开始七年级学习生活。习生活。when you were just starting Grade 7 at this school.你们个个朝气蓬勃、渴望知识。你们个个朝气蓬勃、渴望知识。You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.当然你们中有些同学有点难以对付当然你们中有些同学有点难以对付!And yes,some of

33、you were a little difficult to deal with!但是今天我看到满堂都是对未来充但是今天我看到满堂都是对未来充满希望富有天赋的年轻人。满希望富有天赋的年轻人。But today I see a room full of talented young adults who are full of hope for the future.你们成长了许多,我为你们感到无你们成长了许多,我为你们感到无比自豪。比自豪。Youve all grown up so much and Im so proud of you.虽然在过去的三年时光里你们曾经虽然在过去的三年时光里你们

34、曾经发奋学习,发奋学习,Although youve all worked very hard over the last three years,但你们都不是独自作战。但你们都不是独自作战。none of you did it alone.我希望你们记住在你的生活中帮助我希望你们记住在你的生活中帮助过你,支持过你的重要之人过你,支持过你的重要之人-I hope youll remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported you-如父母、老师还有朋友。如父母、老师还有朋友。your parents,you

35、r teachers and your friends.请认真想一想他们为你做过什么,对请认真想一想他们为你做过什么,对你来说意味着什么,你来说意味着什么,Please consider what theyve done for you and what they mean to you.永远不要忘记对你身边的人感恩之永远不要忘记对你身边的人感恩之情。情。Never fail to be thankful to the people around you.最后初中学习生活的结束其实是新最后初中学习生活的结束其实是新生活的开始。生活的开始。Lastly,the end of junior hig

36、h school is the beginning of a new life.没有必要告诉你们高中的学习生活没有必要告诉你们高中的学习生活将会更加艰难,将会更加艰难,I dont need to tell you that life in senior high school will be harder,而且还会有很多艰巨任务摆在你们而且还会有很多艰巨任务摆在你们面前。面前。and that you have many difficult tasks ahead of you.你们一路上还会犯错误,你们一路上还会犯错误,Youll make mistakes along the way,但

37、重要的是你们要学会从错误中汲但重要的是你们要学会从错误中汲取教训并且永不放弃。取教训并且永不放弃。but the key is to learn from your mistakes and never give up.可是虽有困难伴随但也有很多让人可是虽有困难伴随但也有很多让人激动的事正在等着你。激动的事正在等着你。But along with difficulties,there will also be many exciting things waiting for you.在你打开每一扇大门之后有的是学在你打开每一扇大门之后有的是学习新事物的机会,习新事物的机会,Behind eac

38、h door you open are chances to learn new things,你有能力作出自己的选择。你有能力作出自己的选择。and you have the ability to make your own choices.选择要明智,并要为自己的决定和选择要明智,并要为自己的决定和行为负责。行为负责。Choose wisely and be responsible for your decisions and actions.虽然你们现在不得不各奔前程,虽然你们现在不得不各奔前程,Although you have to go your separate ways now

39、,但我希望在不久的将来,但我希望在不久的将来,I hope that in a few years time,你们能回母校看一看,你们能回母校看一看,youll come back to visit our school.在你们踏上新旅程的时候,在你们踏上新旅程的时候,As you set out on your new journey,不应该忘记养育你们的地方。不应该忘记养育你们的地方。you shouldnt forget where you came from.未来属于你们!未来属于你们!The future is yours.同学们,祝你们好运相随期待早日同学们,祝你们好运相随期待早日

40、与你们相见!与你们相见!Good luck and hope to see you again sometime soon!Good habits achieve beautiful life.Try to be your best.Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.(5)This information comes from Yang Xuehuiat Shili high school in Xihe,Gansu.七年级同学的面貌怎么样?七年级同学的面貌怎么样?What were the students like in Gr

41、ade 7?他们个个朝气蓬勃渴望知识。他们个个朝气蓬勃渴望知识。They were all full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.如今的同学们变化如何?如今的同学们变化如何?How have the students changed?他们都是对未来充满希望富有天赋他们都是对未来充满希望富有天赋的年轻人。的年轻人。They are now talented young adults who are full of hope for the future.同学们应该感谢谁?为什么?同学们应该感谢谁?为什么?What should the students

42、 thank and why?他们应该感谢生活中帮助过与支持他们应该感谢生活中帮助过与支持过自己的的重要人物过自己的的重要人物-They should thank the important people who helped and supported them in their lives.高中是什么样子?高中是什么样子?What will senior high be like?高中的生活将会更加艰难,高中的生活将会更加艰难,The life in senior high school will be harder,他们将会有许多不同的任务摆在面他们将会有许多不同的任务摆在面前。前。an

43、d they will have many difficult tasks ahead of them.同学们将如何应对未来?同学们将如何应对未来?How should the students deal with the future?他们应该从错误中学习并且永不放他们应该从错误中学习并且永不放弃。弃。They should learn from their mistakes and never give up.明智地选择对自己的决定和行动负明智地选择对自己的决定和行动负责。责。Choose wisely and be responsible for your decisions and a

44、ctions,别忘了养育自己的地方。别忘了养育自己的地方。and not forget where they came from.你要给刚开始初中生活的同学们有你要给刚开始初中生活的同学们有什么建议?什么建议?What advice would you give to students who are just starting junior high school?你们个个朝气蓬勃,能力非凡,满你们个个朝气蓬勃,能力非凡,满怀希望;怀希望;You are all full of energy and have talents and hope for the future.尽力按时早读,尽力

45、按时早读,Try to be on time for morning readings.克服害羞与恐惧;克服害羞与恐惧;overcome shyness and fear,慢慢结识新朋友,慢慢结识新朋友,make some new friends slowly,互帮互学完成功课;互帮互学完成功课;help each other with lessons,全力以赴学好英语,全力以赴学好英语,work hard on English to understand,积极参加各项活动,积极参加各项活动,take part in all kinds of activities,既长身体又长知识,既长身体又

46、长知识,grow up and make progress,希望大家发奋学习永不放弃。希望大家发奋学习永不放弃。I hope you all work harder and never give up.该说声该说声“再见再见”的时候了,的时候了,It is time to say goodbye,但我们大家没有人想离开。但我们大家没有人想离开。but none of us want to leave.要与那些曾经共度过去三年时光的要与那些曾经共度过去三年时光的人分手始终很难。人分手始终很难。It is always hard to separate from those whom you ha

47、ve spent so much time with for the past three years.然而我们考入高中开始新生活旅程然而我们考入高中开始新生活旅程依然感到很激动。依然感到很激动。However,we are still excited to set out on a new journey when we enter senior high school.老师从我们的眼神中能看到我们对老师从我们的眼神中能看到我们对知识的渴望。知识的渴望。The teacher can see in our eyes that we are thirsty for knowledge.她对我们

48、说知识会给我们插上腾飞她对我们说知识会给我们插上腾飞的翅膀。的翅膀。She tells us that knowledge will give us wings to fly.我们明天即将参加初中毕业典礼。我们明天即将参加初中毕业典礼。We will attend the junior high graduation ceremony tomorrow.对我们而言是一个非常特殊的时光。对我们而言是一个非常特殊的时光。It is a very special time for us.老师和父母亲都为我们感到骄傲,老师和父母亲都为我们感到骄傲,Our teachers and parents wi

49、ll be proud of us,因为我们已经长大了,因为我们已经长大了,because we have grown up,能对我们自己负责了。能对我们自己负责了。and can be responsible for ourselves.有一个来自我初中生活时代我永远有一个来自我初中生活时代我永远不会忘记的人是王老师,我七年级不会忘记的人是王老师,我七年级的英语老师。的英语老师。The one person from my junior high school days that I will never forget is Mrs.Wong,my English teacher in Gr

50、ade 7.当我首次开始七年级生活的时候我当我首次开始七年级生活的时候我很腼腆不敢与任何人交谈。很腼腆不敢与任何人交谈。When I first started Grade 7,I was shy and did not dare to speak to anyone.我的英语很不好,我的英语很不好,My English was not very good,在课上我回答问题时感到很紧张,在课上我回答问题时感到很紧张,and I felt nervous when I had to answer questions in class.即使我知道答案但在说话时有点困即使我知道答案但在说话时有点困难


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