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1、Module 7A famous storyUnit 1.根据汉语提示写出下列根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语单词或短语1.跟随跟随,紧跟紧跟v._2.洞洞;孔孔;穴穴n._3.兔兔;家兔家兔n._4.地面地面n._5.跑过跑过_ 6.跌倒跌倒_ 7.朝朝微笑微笑_ 8.举办茶会举办茶会_ 基础初探起航关基础初探起航关followholerabbitgroundrun pastfall downsmile athave a tea party.根据汉语提示完成下列句子根据汉语提示完成下列句子1.这这本书是关于什么的本书是关于什么的?_the book _?2.它是关于一个叫爱丽丝的女孩的它是关于

2、一个叫爱丽丝的女孩的(故事故事)。Its _ a girl _ Alice.3.一天一天,爱丽丝和她的姐姐坐在河边。爱丽丝和她的姐姐坐在河边。One day,Alice _ _ _ her sister _ the river.4.然后爱丽丝到达了三月兔的家。然后爱丽丝到达了三月兔的家。Then Alice _ _ the March Hares house.Whatsaboutaboutcalledwas sitting withbyatarrived5.为了看你是否记得这个故事为了看你是否记得这个故事!To see _ you _ the story!.Read Activity 3 an

3、d answer the questions1.Why was the rabbit running?_2.What was Queen of Hearts doing?_ ifrememberBecause it was late.She was playing a strange game.重难释疑斩棘关重难释疑斩棘关 考点考点1by prep.在在旁边旁边【语境【语境感悟】感悟】*One day,Alice was sitting with her sister by the river and she saw a white rabbit with a watch.一天一天,爱丽丝正和

4、她的姐姐坐在河边爱丽丝正和她的姐姐坐在河边,她看到了一只戴着表的白兔。她看到了一只戴着表的白兔。(P56)*The city will build three new libraries by 2021.到到2021年这个城市将建成三座新图书馆。年这个城市将建成三座新图书馆。*Are you going there by bike or by bus?你打算骑自行车还是坐公交车去那里你打算骑自行车还是坐公交车去那里?*By saving hard,he was able to afford a holiday.通过努力存钱通过努力存钱,他有足够的钱度假了。他有足够的钱度假了。【知识【知识探究】


6、过通过”。过去完成时过去完成时将来时将来时【拓展】【拓展】by用于某些固定短语中用于某些固定短语中by the way顺便说一下顺便说一下,顺便问一下顺便问一下by and by不久不久;很快很快little by little逐渐地逐渐地by hand手工手工by oneself独自独自【考点【考点追踪】追踪】()(2019湘西中考湘西中考)How do you practice your spoken English,Andrew?By _English with my classmates.A.to speak B.speaking C.speak()(2019安徽中考安徽中考)On s

7、unny days,my grandma often reads a novel _the window.世纪金榜导学号世纪金榜导学号 A.byB.forC.withD.fromI send my homework to my teacher _ _(通过通过电子邮件电子邮件).BAby email 考点考点2fall v.下落下落,跌落跌落 【语境【语境感悟】感悟】*Alice followed it and fell down a hole in the ground.爱丽丝跟着它跌进地面的爱丽丝跟着它跌进地面的一个洞里。一个洞里。(P56)*When she finally fell a

8、sleep,she began to dream.当她终于睡着时当她终于睡着时,她开始做梦。她开始做梦。*Whats the weather like in the fall in Beijing?北京的秋天是什么天气北京的秋天是什么天气?【知识【知识探究】探究】(1)fall为为不及物动词不及物动词,意为意为“下落下落;跌落跌落”。其过去式为。其过去式为_(fell/falled),过去分词过去分词为为_(falled/fallen)。(2)fall作名词时作名词时,意为意为“秋天秋天”,多用于美式英语中多用于美式英语中,相当于相当于autumn(英式英式)。fellfallen【拓展】【拓

9、展】fall常见短语有常见短语有:fall down跌倒跌倒;倒塌倒塌fall asleep入睡入睡fall over摔倒摔倒,倒下倒下fall into落入落入fall behind落后落后fall off从从跌落跌落【考点【考点追踪】追踪】选词选词填空填空(into/off/asleep/behind/down)Lily fell _ from the bike and hurt her right arm.You will fall_ if you dont study hard.My mother was so tired today that she fell _ soon.The

10、leaves fell _ the trees and fell _ the water.世纪金榜导学号世纪金榜导学号down behindasleepoffinto 考点考点3if conj.是否是否;如果如果 【语境【语境感悟】感悟】*To see if you remember the story!为了看你是否记得这个故事为了看你是否记得这个故事!(P56)*If you can help us,we will finish by six.如果你能帮助我们如果你能帮助我们,我们将在六点前完成。我们将在六点前完成。*If you want to know more about space,

11、please look through the book A Brief History of Time.如果你想了解更多有关太空的知识如果你想了解更多有关太空的知识,请浏览请浏览时间简史时间简史这本这本书。书。【知识【知识探究】探究】if的用法的用法【考点【考点追踪】追踪】()(2019达州中考达州中考)Jeff,could you tell me if it _tomorrow?If it _tomorrow,I will stay at home.Its reported that it will be sunny;lets go camping on the Fenghuang mou

12、ntain.A.rain;rainB.rains;rainC.will rain;rainsD.will rain;will rainC()(2019邵阳中考邵阳中考)Lets go climbing Langshan Mountain this Saturday _the weather is fine.Good idea!世纪金榜导学号世纪金榜导学号A.thoughB.ifC.unless(2019广州中考广州中考)他正在考虑是否能参加足球俱乐部。他正在考虑是否能参加足球俱乐部。He is thinking about _ _ _ join the football club.Bif/wh

13、ether he can分层诊断得胜关分层诊断得胜关【夯【夯基础】基础】.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1.The boy _(fall)down from the tree and hurt his legs.His parents took him to the nearest hospital quickly.2.I saw him _(sit)by the river just now.3.Tom _(watch)TV at eight oclock yesterday evening.4.Twenty minutes ago,Lisa _(meet)a st

14、ranger on her way home.5.Mrs Black tells us _(rabbit)eat grass.fellsittingwas watchingmetrabbits.单项选择单项选择()1._ do you like Alice?Because she is an honest girl.A.What B.How C.Why D.Who()2.Project Hope built many schools _big classrooms and libraries.世纪金榜导学号世纪金榜导学号 A.withoutB.haveC.hasD.withCD()3.I ca

15、lled you this morning,but nobody answered it.Oh,I _ some running in the park.A.am doingB.was doingC.have doneD.did()4.Listen!The birds are singing _the tree.A.inB.onC.byD.at()5.Lucy has a black and white cat _ Rosie.世纪金榜导学号世纪金榜导学号A.callsB.calledC.callingD.to callBAB.完成句子完成句子1.我看见孩子们在玩一种奇怪的游戏。我看见孩子们在

16、玩一种奇怪的游戏。I saw the children _ _ _ _.2.看看!谁坐在河边谁坐在河边?Look!Whos _ _ _ _?3.他问我是否记得那个故事。他问我是否记得那个故事。世纪金榜导学号世纪金榜导学号He asks me _ _ _ _ _.playing a strange gamesitting by the riverif I remember that story4.一天一天,一名报社记者拜访了我爷爷。一名报社记者拜访了我爷爷。_ _ a newspaper reporter visited my grandfather.5.我们准备明天在大礼堂开一个茶话会。我们准

17、备明天在大礼堂开一个茶话会。We are going to hold a _ _ in the hall tomorrow.One daytea party【培【培素养】素养】.阅读理解世纪金榜导学号阅读理解世纪金榜导学号A long time ago,the monkey and the turtle were good friends.One day,they saw a fallen banana tree and decided to plant it.They divided the tree into two parts.The monkey took the part with

18、leaves,thinking that it would grow faster,then they went home and planted it.Many days passed,the monkeys plant died but the turtles grew well and produced fruit.When the fruit was ripe(成熟的成熟的)the turtle asked the monkey to share it with him.The monkey climbed up the tree and ate all the fruit.So th

19、e turtle got angry.He found some sharp sticks and put them around the tree.When the monkey came down,he hurt himself.The turtle laughed and hid himself under a big shell(贝壳贝壳).The monkey got very angry and caught the turtle.“Ill cut you into pieces,”said the monkey.“Good,so there will be many turtle

20、s.”“No,Ill put you into the fire.”“Thats better,my skin will be red.”“No,Ill throw you into the river.”“No,”said the turtle,“Ill die.”The monkey threw the turtle into the river,and the turtle swam happily.()1.The monkey and the turtle saw _.A.an apple treeB.some bananasC.a fallen banana treeD.some l

21、eaves()2.The turtles plant _.A.grew wellB.produced fruitC.diedD.Both A and B CD()3.When the fruit was ripe,_.A.the monkey shared it with the turtleB.the turtle picked the bananas himselfC.the monkey ate all the bananasD.the monkey picked bananas for the turtle()4.The turtle got angry and he _.A.clim

22、bed up the treeB.hid himself in a big shellC.found some sharp sticksD.hit the monkeyCC()5.Which of the following words would you use to describe the monkey?A.Selfish.B.Lovely.C.Honest.D.Clever.A.短文填空短文填空 One day,a farmer was working in a 1.f_ near a forest.A hare(野兔野兔)ran towards him,and it didnt se

23、e him 2.u_ it was close to him.Then it turned away quickly and 3.r_ into a big tree;it broke its neck against the tree and died at 4.o_.The farmer was 5.h_ because he would have a good meal.He put down his spade(铁锹铁锹)and decided to stand 6.n_ the tree and wait for 7.a_ one.He waited for a long time,but no more hares 8.c_.It was 9.g_ dark.The farmer was 10.t_ and hungry.He was very disappointed(失望的失望的).ieldntilannceappyearnotherameettingired


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