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1、UNIT 1 Food for thoughtSection A Starting out&Understanding ideasSection B Using languageSection C Developing ideas,Presenting ideas&Reflection词汇一 dare modal verb&v.胆敢,敢于教材原句教材原句But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try.但是还有一些菜爸爸不敢尝试要点必记要点必记(1)dare 作情态动词时,没有人称和数的变化,但有过去式 dared,后接动词原形,否定式

2、为 dare not/darent,多用于否定句和疑问句。(2)dare 作实义动词时,有时态、人称和数的变化,后接带 to 的不定式,否定式要在其前加 do not 或 dont。不定式符号 to有时可以省略。题组练领悟方法核心词汇 归纳拓展归纳拓展 情态动词 dare 可用于以下结构:I dare say.我想/我认为 How dare you.你怎么敢 同义句转换同义句转换(1)I am so afraid that I dare not move.=I am so afraid that I _ _ _ _.(2)Dare she ring him at the office?=_ _

3、 _ _ _him at the office?(3)Most people hate Harry but they dont dare to say so.=Most people hate Harry but they _ _ so.(4)I told her I dared do anything to save her.=I told her I _ _ _ anything to save her.dared to do Does she dare to ring darent say dont dare to move 单句写作单句写作(5)He wanted to ask her

4、,but he _ _(不敢).(6)_ _ _(我认为)you know about it already.(7)_ _ _ _(你竟敢用)my car without asking!dared not/didnt dare I dare sayHow dare you use词汇二 take to(1)养成的习惯,开始定期做(2)喜欢上,对产生好感 教材原句教材原句 Even today,he still does not easily take to eating things like chicken feet.即使在今天,他仍然不喜欢吃鸡爪之类的东西。要点必记要点必记 take to

5、 doing sth.养成做某事的习惯,开始定期做某事 take to sb./sth.对某人/某物产生好感 归纳拓展归纳拓展 take apart 拆开,拆卸 take back 收回;退回 take down 拿下;记下 take in 吸收;收留;欺骗;理解 take off 脱下;起飞;突然开始成功;休假 take on 呈现;雇用;承担 take over 接管,接任 take up 拿起;占据;开始从事 单句写作单句写作(1)He hasnt _ _(对产生好感)his new school.单句语法填空单句语法填空(2)Dee has taken to _(get)up at 6

6、 and going jogging.(3)Charles was an odd character whom Kelly had never really taken _.(4)Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat belts.Our plane is taking _ soon.(5)Dont be taken _by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.(6)Some insects take _ the colour of their surroundings to p

7、rotect themselves.(7)Roger took painting _ for a while,but soon lost interest.taken togetting tooffinonup词汇三 sort(1)n.种,类(2)v.将分类,整理 教材原句教材原句 But I enjoy that sort of food myself.但是我自己喜欢这种食物。要点必记要点必记(1)all sorts/kinds of 各种各样的(名词前)of all sorts 各种各样的(名词后)this/that sort of 这/那种的(名词前)of this/that sort

8、这/那种的(名词后)sort of=kind of 有几分,有点儿(用于动词或形容词之前作状语,表程度)(2)sort.by.把按分类 sort.into.把分成 sort out 整理;挑出;解决 单句写作单句写作(1)_ _ _(这种)wet weather is bad for ourknees.(2)Films _ _ _(那种的)have lost their appealfor me.(3)I was feeling _ _ _(有点儿累)from thetrip to New York.单句语法填空单句语法填空(4)If you dont sort _ the papers on

9、 your desk regularly,your desk will be in a mess soon.(5)Rubbish can easily be separated and sorted _ plastics,glass and paper.This sort of of that sort sort of tired outinto词汇四 typical adj.典型的,有代表性的;不出所料的 教材原句教材原句 He also does a typical Sunday roast.他也会做典型的周日烤肉。要点必记要点必记 a typical example 典型例子 a typ

10、ical feature 典型的特征 be typical of.是典型的 It is typical of sb.to do sth.做某事是某人的特点。单词积累单词积累typically adv.典型地;一向如此;通常 单句单句语法填空语法填空(1)Jack is late again.It is typical of him _(keep)others waiting.(2)The woman she acted in the film is typical _ the women in the 1930s.(3)It _(typical)takes a day or two,depen

11、ding on size.单句写作单句写作(4)她这个人就是爱忘事。_to keepoftypicallyIt was typical of her to forget.词汇五 had better(not)do sth.最好(不要)做某事(常用来提建议)教材原句教材原句.but Mum says wed better not eat too much roast food as it may make us suffer from heat inside our bodies,according to traditional Chinese medicine.但是妈妈说我们最好不要吃太多的烤

12、 制食物,因为根据中医的说法,它可能会使我们遭受体内热量的折磨。要点必记要点必记 其他常见的提建议的句型:Shall we do sth.?我们做好吗?Lets do sth.咱们做吧。Why not do sth.?=Why dont you/we dosth.?为什么不做呢?What/How about doing sth.?做怎么样?Would you like sth.?你想要吗?Would you like to do sth.?你愿意做吗?Will you please do sth.?请你做好吗?单句写作单句写作(1)_ _ _(我们最好)stay in the open whe

13、n an earthquake happens.(2)Youd better _ _ _ _(不要搬动家具).(3)2015陕西卷 _ _ _(咱们去参加)the New Years Eve party,shall we?Why not?I guess it will be fun.(4)_ _ _ _(你愿意吗)watch the basketball match with me this evening?(5)Its going to rain._ _ _(请你好吗)help me get in the clothes on the line?(6)_ _(怎么样)watching som

14、e programs about entertainment?We had betternot move the furnitureLets go toWould you like toWill you pleaseHow/What about词汇六suffer v.(1)(身体或精神上)受苦;遭受(痛苦)(2)遭受(困难);吃苦头,受损害 要点必记要点必记 suffer 直接接宾语,表示“受之苦”;suffer 接 from 再接宾语,表示“因受苦”,from 表示原因。(1)suffer from a bad back 背疼 a bad cold 患重感冒 ill health 身体不好

15、a headache/toothache 头疼/牙疼(2)suffer pain/hardship 经历痛苦/困难 a defeat/a loss/damage/punishment 遭受失败/损失/损害/惩罚 单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Shortly after _(suffer)from an earthquake,the city took on a new look.(2)Although Rosemary _(suffer)from a serious illness for years,she lost none of her enthusiasm for life 单句写作单

16、句写作(3)People who _(患头痛)will find they get relief from this medicine.(4)Many young people _(承受压力)both from home and work.(5)Many countries _(损失惨重)in the financial crisis.sufferinghad sufferedsuffer from headachesuffer from stresssuffered huge losses词汇七according to 据所说;按照,根据 要点必记要点必记 according to the

17、latest survey 根据最新调查 according to the rules 按照规则 go according to plan 按计划进行 误区警示误区警示 according to 用来引出来自他人或他处的消息,不能与 me 或 my opinion 连用。表示“依我看”可用 in my opinion。according to me()according to my opinion()in my opinion()as far as Im concerned()according to Mike()单句写作单句写作(1)_ _(据所说)the doctor,it will ta

18、ke him a long time to recover from the injury.(2)They are paid _ _(根据)how long they have been employed.(3)If everything _ _ _ _(按计划进行),we will finish on schedule.(4)_ _ _(在我看来),the law should be changed.According to according to goes according to planIn my opinion/view词汇八come across 偶然遇见;偶然发现 教材原句教材

19、原句 But just when I thought I could deal with all Chinese food,I came across stinky tofu,a horrible grey thing that looked and smelt like a burnt sports shoe.但就在我以为自己能吃得下所有中国菜的时 候,我遇到了臭豆腐,一种可怕的灰色东西,看起来和闻起来都像烧焦的运动鞋。要点必记要点必记 表示“偶然遇见”的短语还有:run across,run into,meet.by chance come 短语:短语:come about 发生,产生(常

20、与 how 连用)come along(with)(和)一起去 come back 回来;再度流行 come out 出版,发行;(太阳、月亮或星星)出现;(花朵)开放;(消息)为人所知 come to 总计为,加起来是 come up 走近;出现;被提到 come up with 想出,想到(主意、答案)单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)She came _ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.(2)Its already 10 oclock.I wonder how it

21、comes _ that she is two hours late on such a short trip.(3)2014湖北卷 Is this your necklace,Mary?I came _ it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning.(4)Several of the students have come _ with suggestions of their own.(5)His first novel will come _ next month.一句多译在去博物馆的路上,我碰巧遇到了我的一位老师。(6)On my wa

22、y to the museum,I _ _one of my teachers.(7)On my way to the museum,I met one of my teachers _ _.across about acrossupout came across/ran across/ran intoby chance词汇九gather v.聚集,集合;搜集,采集 教材原句教材原句.but I gathered all my courage to take a bite and was amazed to find it wasnt so bad.但我还是鼓起全部勇气咬了一口,并惊讶地发现它

23、并没有那么糟糕。要点必记要点必记 gather together 聚集起来,合拢 gather round/around 聚集,集合 gather in 收割;收获 gather information 搜集信息 gather speed 加快速度(=pick up speed)单词积累单词积累gathering n.聚集;聚会 单句单句语法填空语法填空(1)_(gather)around the fire,the tourists danced with the local people.(2)Can you all _ gather?Ive got something to tell yo

24、u.单句写作(3)2018北京卷 During the Mid-Autumn Festival,family members often _ _ (聚集起来)to share a meal,admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes.(4)On a clear,straight road you can _ _(加快速度).Gathering round/around gather togethergather speed 词汇十remind sb.of sb./sth.使某人想起某人/某物 教材原句教材原句 It reminded me of blue chee

25、se,a similarly strong smelling type of food you either love or hate.这让我想起了蓝奶酪,一种你要么喜欢要么讨厌的、味道同样浓烈的食物。要点必记要点必记 remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事 remind sb.that.提醒某人 归纳拓展归纳拓展 与 remind sb.of sth.结构相同的短语还有:warn sb.of sth.提醒/警告某人某事 inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事 convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事 cure sb.of sth.治愈某人的病 rob sb

26、.of sth.抢某人的某物 rid sb.of sth.使某人摆脱某事 accuse sb.of sth.指控某人犯有罪 suspect sb.of sth.怀疑某人某事 单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The program reminds the readers _ the importance of science.(2)He reminded me _(lock)up the house when I went out.(3)_(remind)not to miss the flight at 15:20,the manager set out for the airport in a

27、 hurry.(4)Please inform us _ any change of address as soon as possible.单句写作单句写作(5)What he said just now _ _ _(使我想起)that American professor.(6)_ _ _ _(提醒我买)some milk tonight.ofto lockRemindedofreminded me ofRemind me to buy词汇十一feel at home with 对感到舒适自在 教材原句教材原句.but I feel at home with food from both

28、my cultures.但我对来自两种文化的食物都感到自在。要点必记要点必记 feel at home 感到舒适自在,不拘束 make sb.feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归 make yourself at home 随便,别拘束(招呼客人时说)be the home of.=be home to.是 产地/栖息地 单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)After a while we began to feel at home _ each other.(2)We will do our best to provide you with good services and make y

29、ou feel _ home.单句写作单句写作(3)I began to _ _ _(感到舒适自在)in the new school when I saw some familiar faces.(4)Sit down and _ _ _ _(别拘束).(5)The valley _ _ _(是 的 产 地)many protected species of plants including bamboo.withat feel at home make yourself at home is home to 词汇十二symbol n.象征,标志;符号,记号 教材原句教材原句 Choose

30、the correct symbols and complete the table with information from the passage.选择正确的标志,用文章中的信息完成表格。要点必记要点必记 a/the symbol of.的象征 a/the symbol for.的符号 词语词语辨析辨析 symbol,sign,mark 与 signal symbol 指作为象征或表达某种深邃意义的特殊事物。sign 指代表某种固定意义的符号或标志,也可指某种情况的迹象或征兆。mark 指在其他事物上留下的印痕或先天固有的标记。signal 指用于传达某些信息的约定俗成的信号。单句语法填

31、空单句语法填空(1)White has always been a symbol _ purity in Western cultures.(2)What is the chemical symbol _ copper?辨析辨析填空填空(symbol/sign/mark/signal)(1)In our class,when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book,it was a _ for everyone to stand up.(2)Headaches may be a _of stress.(3)I put a _in the ma

32、rgin to remind me to check the figure.(4)Dont you see the _“Keep off the grass”?(5)Red is a _of good luck in many cultures.signalsignmarksignsymboloffor词汇十三opinion n.意见,看法 要点必记要点必记 ones opinion about/of/on.某人对的看法 in ones opinion/view 在某人看来 have/hold an opinion 持有某个观点 ask for ones opinion 询问某人的观点 giv

33、e/express an opinion 提出/表达观点 have a high/low/good/bad opinion of.对评价高/低/好/差 Whats your opinion of.?=What do you think of.?你(们)对的看法如何?误区警示误区警示according to my opinion()say ones opinion()单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Who,_ your opinion,is the best soccer player in the world today?(2)They have a very high opinion _Pau

34、las work.单句写作单句写作(3)_ _ _(在我看来),Helen_ _ _ _ _ _(对评价太高)her own appearance.(4)We were invited to_ _ _(提出我们的意见)about how the work should be done.inofIn my opinionhas too high an opinion ofgive our opinions 句式一现在分词短语作原因状语 教材原句教材原句 Growing up in England with a British father and a Chinese mother,Ive enj

35、oyed food from both countries ever since I was able to hold a knife and forkand chopsticks!我在英国长大,父亲是英 国人,母亲是中国人。自从我能拿刀叉和筷子以来,我就喜欢上了两国的食物!要点必记要点必记 现在分词短语作原因状语,一般位于句首,相当于一个原因状语从句。重点句式 归纳拓展归纳拓展 现在分词(短语)作状语:(1)作时间状语(相当于时间状语从句)(2)作原因状语(相当于原因状语从句)(3)作条件状语(相当于条件状语从句)(4)作让步状语(相当于让步状语从句)(5)作结果状语(表示自然而然的结果)(

36、6)作伴随或方式状语 单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)2013北京卷_(find)the course very difficult,she decided to move to a lower level.(2)_(hear)that she had just been admitted to Beijing University,she jumped with joy.(3)2016天津卷 The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows,_(make)air conditioning unnecessary.(4)_(buy)this c

37、oat,you can get that T-shirt for free.(5)The visitors stood on top of Mount Tai,_(enjoy)the rising sun.(6)_(know)all this,they made me pay for the damageFindingHearingmakingBuyingenjoyingKnowing句式二People/They say that.据说 教材原句教材原句 People say that one mans meat is another mans poison,but I feel at hom

38、e with food from both my cultures.人们说,甲之熊掌,乙之砒霜,但我对来自两种文化的食物都感到自在。要点必记要点必记 同义句式:It is said that.Sb./Sth.is said to do sth.(不定式有时态和语态的变化)归纳拓展归纳拓展“It+be+过去分词+that.”句式中,it 是形式主语,that 引导的从句是真正的主语。It is reported that.据报道 It is announced that.据宣布 It is considered that.人们认为 It is agreed that.人们一致认为 It is b

39、elieved that.人们相信 It is hoped that.人们希望 It is suggested that.有人建议 同义句转换同义句转换(1)People say that he has moved to Chicago.=_ _ _ _ he has moved to Chicago.=He _ _ _ _ _ to Chicago.(2)It is said that the Yeti is a large,hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being.=The Yeti _ _ _ _ a large,hai

40、ry animal that walks on two feet like a human being.(3)It is said that he is studying in Australia as an exchange student.=He is said _ _ _ in Australia as an exchange studentIt is said thatis said to have movedis said to be to be studying 单句写作单句写作(4)2015福建卷 _ _ _ _(据说)body language accounts for 55

41、per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.(5)_ _ _ _(据报道)the famous photographer founded a new studio.(6)_ _ _ _(有人建议)we should hold an exhibition for the old artist.It is said thatIt is reported thatIt is suggested that句式三“否定词+比较级”表达最高级含义 教材原句教材原句 To me,theres nothing better

42、 than a cross-cultural afternoon tea of English biscuits and a cup of Chinese oolong tea in a fine china cup!对我来说,没有什么比英式饼干配上一杯放在精致瓷杯 里的中国乌龙茶的跨文化下午茶更好的了!句式分析句式分析 theres nothing better than.意为“没有比更好的了”,否定词 nothing 与比较级 better 连 用表示最高级含义。要点必记要点必记 构成:否定词+形容词或副词的比较级(+than)常用的否定词:not,no,never,nothing,n o

43、body,hardly 等。意义:没有更的了,再不过了 归纳拓展归纳拓展 比较级形式表示最高级含义的其他结构:比较级+than+any other+单数名词any of the other+复数名词any of the othersall the other+复数名词all the othersanyone/anything else 单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)2014湖 南 卷 There is no _(great)pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,staring at the night sky

44、.(2)Mr Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been _(popular).(3)Nobody is _(good)at this scientific project than him.单句写作单句写作(4)没有什么比打败高手更畅快的了。_ _ _ _ _ someone whos playing well.(5)我以前从未看过比这更好的电影。I _ _ _ _ _ film before.greater more popular betterTheres nothing bett

45、er than beating have never seen a better 一句多译一句多译 他比班上其他任何男生都高。(6)He is taller than _ _ _in his class.(7)He is taller than _ _ _ _ _ in his class.(8)He is taller than _ _ _ _ in his classany other boyany of the other boysall the other boysUNIT 1 Food for thoughtSection B Using language 词汇一 function(

46、1)n.(事物的)功能;作用;(某人的)职责 (2)v.起作用,正常运转 教材原句教材原句 Now talk about the function of modals.现在谈谈情态动词的功能。要点必记要点必记 the function of the heart 心脏的功能 perform/fulfil a function 发挥功能;履行职责 function as 起作用 function well/normally 运转良好/正常题组练领悟方法核心词汇 单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Compared to the traditional ones,they have three new u

47、nique _(function).(2)We have a spare bedroom that also functions _ a study.单句写作单句写作(3)Despite the power cuts,the hospital continued to _ _(正常运作).(4)In your new job you will _ _ _ _ _(履行许多不同的职责).perform a variety of functions as function normally functions词汇二 related adj.有关系的,相关的 要点必记要点必记(1)a related

48、 question 相关的问题 a stress-related illness 压力导致的疾病 be related to 与有关系/有关联 be closely/directly related to 与 有密切的/直接的关系(2)relate to 涉及;与相关 relate A to B 把 A 与 B 联系起来(3)in relation to 关于;与相关 误区警示误区警示 related to 和 connected with 常在句中作后置定语,相当于 which/that 引导的定语从句。单词积累单词积累 relate v.有关联;把联系起来 relation n.关系;联系

49、 relative adj.相对的 n.亲戚 relatively adv.相当地,相对地 单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)词汇复现 He suffers from memory loss _(relate)to his disease.(2)Police now believe that the three crimes could be _(relate).(3)The study found a direct _(relate)between smoking and lung cancer.(4)We need to explain why these issues are importa

50、nt and relate them _ everyday life.(5)Lack of exercise is also a risk factor for heart disease but its _(relative)small when compared with the others.单句写作单句写作(6)词汇复现 There is no doubt that your disease _ _ _(与有关)your unhealthy diet.(7)His remarks didnt _ _(与有关)the topic under discussion.relatedrelat


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