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1、Unit 2 Fit for lifeReadingTU Youyou2015.10 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against Malaria(疟疾)Artemisinin青蒿素青蒿素Artemisinin,a drug therapy for malaria that has saved millions of lives across the globe,especially in the developing world.What are the

2、y?aspirin阿司匹林阿司匹林penicillin青霉素青霉素AspirinpenicillinWhat illnesses can the two medicines cure?What else do you know about these two medicines?Understanding medical termsWe can understand medical terms by:identifying a familiar stem (medicine,medical;chemical,chemist)a compound made up of familiar word

3、s (life-saving,best-selling,widespread)the singular/plural form of a familiar word (bacteria,bacterium)Skimming for general ideasPart A on p18team workTwo life-saving medicinesaspirinpenicillinthe history of aspirinthe functions of aspirinthe history of penicillinthe functions of penicillinScanning

4、for specific informationPENICILINASPIRIN190019281940 19441971 19772003sold in shops in the form of tabletsdiscovered by Alexander Flemingmade and tested in large quantitiesmass production beganproved to reduce the risk of heart attacksused to prevent strokesused to reduce blood sugar levelsEffects o

5、f aspirin reducing fever helping stop pain reducing the risk of heart attacks preventing strokes reducing the risk of some cancers increasing the length of peoples lives reducing blood sugar levels and helps with diabetesEffects of penicillin treating illnesses caused by bacteriaDiscussPenicillin(so

6、metimes abbreviated PCN or pen)is a group of antibiotics(抗生素)derived from Penicillium fungi(青霉菌).Antibiotics overuse found to be widespread in China.Antibiotics overuse found to be widespread in China.Shall we learn more about PCN?Penicillin is the most overused.According to a report from the Health

7、 Ministry,the average dose of Penicillin that each Chinese has taken annually is almost three times higher than the international level.Chinese medical experts have warned that antibiotics have been heavily overused at hospitals,which might cause serious side-effects for the health of an entire gene

8、ration.Every coin has two sides.This article will _ two drugs that started revolutions in _ aspirin and penicillin.Aspirin was _ in 1897.Within a short time,it became the best-selling medicine in the world for _.Aspirin has proved _ for reducing fever and helping stop pain,reducing the risk of heart

9、 attacks,_ strokes,reducing the risk of some cancers,_ the length of peoples lives and reducing blood sugar levels.focus onmedicineinventedpain reliefvitalpreventingincreasingBe a reteller Penicillin was _ by Alexander Fleming in 1928.In 1940,Howard Florey and Ernst Chain managed to make and test th

10、e new drug in large _.Due to the _ use of penicillin,many lives were saved during World War.If penicillin had not been available,many people would have _ sickness or even small wounds.discoveredquantitieswidespreaddied from Penicillin became the greatest drug of the 20th century,saving millions of l

11、ives.In 1945,Fleming,Florey and Chain shared the _ in Medicine for their work.Nobel Prize What do you think the world would be like if there were no medicines?Do you believe that wonder drugs will be invented to treat diseases like AIDS in the future?Critical thinkingCareful reading1.Nearly 3500 yea

12、rs ago,people chewed on leaves or drank a kind of tea made from leaves possessing a special chemical to reduce body pains and fever.V-ing作后置定语作后置定语状语状语V-ed作后置定语作后置定语V-ed作后置定语,作后置定语,make 与前面的与前面的tea构成动宾关系。构成动宾关系。The experience gained(which has been gained)will be of great value for us.获得的经验会对我们有很大的价值

13、获得的经验会对我们有很大的价值。V-ing作后置定语,作后置定语,possess与前面的与前面的leaves构成主谓关系。构成主谓关系。Do you know the boy singing in the classroom?将近将近35003500年前,人们咀嚼一种含有特殊化学物质的树叶或年前,人们咀嚼一种含有特殊化学物质的树叶或饮用由这种树叶制成的茶,以减轻身体疼痛或退烧。饮用由这种树叶制成的茶,以减轻身体疼痛或退烧。Ln 8-101.我们碰到了一群从学校回来的孩子。We met a group of pupils returning from school.2.今晚有什么活动吗?Is t

14、here anything planned for tonight?3.医生彻夜工作以拯救伤者的生命。Doctors worked through the night to save the life of the injured man.2.Not only has aspirin proved vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain,but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.that引导定语从句引导定语从句阿司匹林不仅被证明对于退烧、止痛必不可少,阿司匹林不仅被

15、证明对于退烧、止痛必不可少,而且还有其他用途。而且还有其他用途。Ln 18-191.Not only did he turn up late,he also forgot his books.他不但迟到,还忘了带书。2.Not only do the nurses want a pay increase,they want reduced hours as well.护士们不仅想涨工资,还想减少工作时间。3.Not only has she been late three times,but she has also done no work.她不仅仅迟到了 3次,她还没干一点活。not on

16、ly.(but)also/as wellnot only.(but)also/as well:used to emphasize that sth else is used to emphasize that sth else is also true also true 不但不但而且,用于而且,用于连接两个并列成分,连接两个并列成分,着重强调后者着重强调后者,but also,but also可分开可分开使用、使用、或或省略或改用省略或改用as wellas well。Not only.(but)also/as wellNot only.(but)also/as well连接两个并列连接两个

17、并列分句分句时,时,第第1 1个分句个分句用用倒装结构:倒装结构:1.Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of playing computer games.不仅我,汤姆和玛丽也喜欢打游戏.2.He not only writes his own plays,he also acts in them.他不仅是自编剧本,还饰演其中的角色.3.If this project fails,it will affect not only our department,but also the whole organization.如果这个项目失败,不仅会

18、影响到我们部门,还会影响整个机构。4.The world is not only hungry,but it is also thirsty for water.5.I find the story not only interesting but also instructive.6.We students of Senior three goes to school not only on weekdays but on weekends as well.Not only.(but)also除可连接两个并列除可连接两个并列分句分句外,还可连接其他并列成分外,还可连接其他并列成分1.这个可怜

19、的人不仅丢了工作,而且还被送进了监狱。Not only did the poor man lose his job,but he was also sent to prison.2.爱因斯坦的财产不仅被掳掠一空,而且他的德国国籍也被剥夺了。Not only was everything Albert Einstain had taken away but also his citizenship was deprived of.3.他们不但需要衣服,而且还缺水。Not only do they need clothing,but they are also short of water.Tra

20、nslationTranslation3.Lawrence Craven,a doctor from the USA,introduced the idea in 1953 that aspirin had the potential to reduce the risk of heart attacks,because it helped the blood circulate better.美国医生劳伦斯美国医生劳伦斯克雷文在克雷文在19531953年提出一年提出一个观点,即阿司匹林可能有助于降低心脏个观点,即阿司匹林可能有助于降低心脏病发作的风险,因为它能改善血液循环。病发作的风险,因为

21、它能改善血液循环。同位语同位语同位语从句同位语从句because引导原因状语从句引导原因状语从句Ln19-221.He grabbed his suitcase and gave the impression(that)he was boarding the Tokyo plane.他突然拿起手提箱,让人以为他要登上飞往东京的飞机了。2.Ive come from Mr wang with a message that he wont be able to see you this afternoon 我从王先生那里来,他让我告诉你他今天下午不能来看你了。3.Environmental gro

22、ups welcomed the news that the area would be protected.4.Do I have your promise that you wont tell anyone about this?5.Is there any possibility(that)you could pick me up from the station?你有可能去车站接我吗?6.There is no question that(=it is completely certain that)the government knew about the deal.7.They d

23、idnt like my suggestion that we should all share the cost.他们不喜欢我所提出的費用分摊的建议。8.The thought came to her that maybe she had left the door open when she left home.她突然想起可能在她离开家时没把门关上。9.I have a theory that it only rains when I wash my car.10.Word came that our duties would be changed.as well其义为其义为“也也”,相当

24、于,相当于too,它一般放在句末。,它一般放在句末。He is a worker,and a poet as well 他是工人,也是诗人。MrLiu can speak English,and he can speak Cantonese as well 刘先生会说英语,他也能讲广东话。I am going to London and my sister is going as well.我要到伦敦去,我妹妹也要去。I write my own songs and I play the guitar as well.我唱自己谱曲的歌,也弹吉他。Ln 22-241.专家组所有成员一致认为,新技

25、术的引进可以节省劳动力。上个月,生产部门的一项分析表明,新技术的引进还能有助于提高生产效率。2.上个星期,中央电视台的一名主持人说媒体对社会有很大的影响。本周,由一位著名的英国记者发表的演讲也强调了媒体对社会的影响这个主题。1.专家组所有成员一致认为,新技术的引进可以节省劳动力。上个月,生产部门的一项分析表明,新技术的引进还能有助于提高生产效率。All members of the expert group agreed that the introduction of the new technology could save labor,and last month,an analysis

26、 made by the production department showed that the introduction of the new technology could help improve productivity,as well.2.上个星期,中央电视台的一名主持人说媒体对社会有很大的影响。本周,由一位著名的英国记者发表的演讲也强调了媒体对社会的影响这个主题。Last week,a host of CCTV said that the media have a great influence on society,and this week,a lecture deliv

27、ered by a famous British journalist stressed the topic of the media influence on society,as well.After reading1.Focus on=pay attention toWhen listening to a lecture,you should focus on the speakers main points.听讲座的时候,你应该关注演讲者的主要观点。My parents often tell me to focus my attention on my study.我爸妈常常叫我把注意

28、力放在学习上。N.=sb/sth that attracts the most attention or interestThe superstar soon became the focus of attention as she came into the hall.这位巨星一进入大厅,就很快成为众人的焦点。2.Open up 开开的门的门Three armed men were waiting when he opened up the shop.当他开门营业时,3名持械男子正等着他们。(使)(地方、经济、兴趣领域等)开放(使)(地方、经济、兴趣领域等)开放As the market o

29、pens up,I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods.随着市场的放开,我认为人们将能够增加用于消费品的支出。(使)(机会、可能性等)出现;(使)产生(使)(机会、可能性等)出现;(使)产生New opportunities are opening up for investors who want to establish overseas companies.希望建立海外公司的投资者获得了新的机会。(通常指大幅度地在比赛中通常指大幅度地在比赛中)取得取得(领先地位领先地位)The C

30、hinese team had opened up a lead of more than two minutes.中国队取得了两分多钟的领先优势。畅谈;无拘无束地谈;自由自在地谈畅谈;无拘无束地谈;自由自在地谈Lucy found that people were willing to open up to her.露西发现人们愿意对她畅所欲言。3.counter N.These tablets are available over the counter.这些药片无需处方可直接购买.In some areas drugs were once sold under the counter.在

31、一些地区,毒品曾一度在暗地里出售.V.Exercise helps counter the effects of stress.锻炼有助于抵消压力造成的影响。They countered our proposal with one of their own.他们针对我们的建议提出了一项相反的建议他们针对我们的建议提出了一项相反的建议.I pointed out the shortcomings of the scheme,but he countered that the plans were not yet finished.我指出那方案的缺点,但他申辩说各项计划尚未完成.Ad.Econom

32、ic trends are running counter to the forecasts.经济发展趋势与预测的结果截然相反.Counter-counter-productive产生相反作用的counter-attack 回击4.chewChew your food well before you swallow it.食物要先嚼烂再下咽.She chewed on her lip and stared at him.她咬着嘴唇,眼睛盯着他。Chew over a problem=think about sth carefully and slowly 细想Chewing-gum口香糖Bit

33、e off more than one can chew试图做过多的事或太费周折的事5.possessV.=own(不可进行时不可进行时)He decided to give away everything he possessed and become a monk.他决定放弃他所有的一切,出家为僧.Does he possess the necessary patience to do the job well?他有做好这项工作必备的耐性吗?Vt.(尤被动态尤被动态)She was possessed by jealousy.她妒火中烧.He was possessed of a larg

34、e fortune,but sadly no brains to speak of.他拥有大量财富,不幸的是并无智慧可言。PossessionHe is said to possess the house.据说他拥有这所房子。=He is said to take possession of the house.=It is said that the house is in his possession.When her father died,she came into possession of a large fortune.父亲去世后,她继承了一大笔财产。He lost all hi

35、s possessions in the storm.在那场风暴中他失去了所有的财产。6.potential N.U应该鼓励所有的孩子发挥他们的全部潜能。All children should be encouraged to realize/fulfil their full potential.她有做艺术家的潜质.She has artistic potential/the potential to be/potential as an artist.a country with great potentialities 具有很大潜力的国家 a potentially rich count

36、ry潜力大的国家(有丰富自然资源可开发者)7.circulateBlood circulates through the body.血液在体内循环.open a window to allow the air to circulate 开窗使空气流通.The news of her death circulated(=spread)quickly.她死去的消息迅速传开.The document was previously circulated in our class.这份文件先前在我们班传阅过。8.carry out 执行,贯彻,落实,完成We need to carry out more

37、 research.我们需要进行更多的研究。The study will be carried out over a six-month period.调查将持续6个月时间。The police carried out a thorough search of the rooms,but failed to find any drugs.警方彻底搜查了那些房屋,并没有找到任何毒品。More research on the subject needs to be carried out.在这个问题上需要更多的研究。9.noteN.C记录,记录,plural笔记,草稿笔记,草稿Dave made

38、a note of her address.戴夫记下了她的地址。She always lets me borrow her Maths notes.她总是允许我借她的数学笔记。注释,评注注释,评注The notes to the text课文注释 便条便条She left me a note to say my supper was in the fridge.她给我留了个便条,告诉我晚饭在冰箱里。纸币,票据纸币,票据A five-pound note一张5英镑的钞票 Compare notes(with sb)与某人交换意见与某人交换意见/信息信息We saw the movie toget

39、her and compared notes afterwards.我们一起看了那部电影,后来交换了意见。Next time you chat with him,take note of the topics.下次你和他聊天时,注意一下话题。v.记录,记下记录,记下The policeman noted down what I said.警察记下了我的陈述。注意,留意注意,留意Please note how the computer is operated.请注意计算机的操作方法。提及,指出提及,指出As noted above如上所述10.Astonish vt.以前谁也没想到这一点,使每个

40、人都感到惊讶.=It astonishes everyone that no one has thought of this before.=It is astonishing that no one has thought of this before.=Astonishingly,no one has thought of this before.=To everyones astonishment,no one has thought of this before.11.tryTry ones best/hardest/utmost尽最大的努力He studied hard to try

41、 for a scholarship.他努力学习力图获得奖学金。You wont make the team if you dont try out.不参加选拔就不能加入这个队.The drug has not been tried out on humans yet.这种药尚未经过人体试验.12.approveI approve of your trying to earn some money,but please dont neglect your studies.我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要误了功课.The bills were approved.提案已获得通过.Sam always

42、 tried hard to win his fathers approval.萨姆总是努力地想要获得父亲的认可。She received many approving glances.很多赞许的目光向她投来.She smiled at him approvingly.她朝他微笑表示赞许。(antonym)disapprove13.massThere were masses of dark clouds in the sky.天上有朵朵乌云.a mass meeting 群众大会mass murder 大屠杀Lu Xun urged the masses to rise up.劳动群众mass

43、 communications/media 大众传播工具/媒介The garden was a mass of color.花园里的景色五彩缤纷.Words ReviewRead the explanation and speak out the word it explains.a change in the way a country is governed,usually to a different political system and often using violence or war a piece of furniture or a small part of a roo

44、m with a door or doors behind which there is space for storing things,usually on shelves helpful,useful or good to crush food into smaller,softer pieces with the teeth so that it can be swallowed;to bite something with your teeth,usually in order to taste its flavour revolutioncupboardchewn.巨变,大变革;革

45、命巨变,大变革;革命n.橱柜,食物柜橱柜,食物柜beneficialv.咀嚼,咬咀嚼,咬adj.有益的,有用的有益的,有用的a long,flat,narrow surface or table in a shop,bank,restaurant,etc.at which people are servedany of various usually liquid substances that can react with and sometimes dissolve other materialscountern.柜台柜台acidn.酸,酸性物质酸,酸性物质adj.酸的,酸性的,酸味的,尖

46、酸的酸的,酸性的,酸味的,尖酸的to have or own something,or to have a particular qualitya small solid piece of medicine;a thin,flat,often square piece of hard material such as wood,stone,or metal necessary for the success or continued existence of something;extremely important possesstabletvitalvt.拥有,具有拥有,具有n.药片;丸;

47、牌,匾,碑药片;丸;牌,匾,碑adj.对对极重要的;必不可少的极重要的;必不可少的to move around or through something,or to make something move around or through something to surprise someone very much an official request for something,usually in writing;way in which something can be used for a particular purpose;when you spread or rub a s

48、ubstance such as cream or paint on a surface,or a layer of cream or paint circulateastonishapplicationv.循环;传播,散布循环;传播,散布vt.使十分惊讶,使吃惊使十分惊讶,使吃惊n.申请;应用;涂抹申请;应用;涂抹possible when the necessary conditions exist;someones or somethings ability to develop,achieve or succeed different from what is usual or ave

49、rage,especially in a way that is bad to increase the speed;to happen or make something happen sooner or faster potentialabnormalacceleraten.可能性,潜在性;潜力可能性,潜在性;潜力adj.不正常的,反常的不正常的,反常的v.(使)加速,加快(使)加速,加快not able to do something successful or achieving the results that you want having a positive opinion o

50、f someone or something having an effect on or involving a large number of people or forming a large amount;a large amount of something that has no particular shape or arrangement unableeffectiveapprovalmassadj.不能,无法不能,无法adj.有效的,生效的有效的,生效的n.批准,赞成批准,赞成adj.大规模的;数量极多的大规模的;数量极多的n.一团,一堆;许多一团,一堆;许多the cond


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