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1、Unit 1 Teenage LifeDiscovering Useful Structures1In this period,you will learn:eight typcial sentence structures essential sentence components noun phrase,adjective phrase,adverb phrase identify different phrases improve a draft2Lets look at:eight typcial sentence structures essential sentence compo

2、nents noun phrase,adjective phrase,adverb phrase identify different phrases improve a draft3Review 8 typical sentence structures S V S V O S P S V IO DO S V O C S V A S V O A There be.主语 +谓语主语 +谓语 +宾语 主语 +表语主语 +谓语 +间接宾语 +直接宾语主语 +谓语 +宾语 +宾语补足语主语 +谓语 +状语主语 +谓语 +宾语+状语There be 结构4Lets look at:eight typc

3、ial sentence structures essential sentence components noun phrase,adjective phrase,adverb phrase identify different phrases improve a draft5主语名词:Italian is my first language.意大利语是我的母语。代词:Who is that woman?那个女的是谁?动名词:Living in that island country for three months is an unforgettable experience for me

4、.在那个岛国生活了三个月对于我来说是一段难忘的经历。数词:Two-third of workers are women.三分之二的工人是女性。不定式:To be or not to be is not a quesiton.生存与死亡已经不是一个问题。词组或复合结构 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.总学习并不游戏让孩子变得呆板。An adult joggig for 3,000 meters burns 230 kilo-calories.一个成年人慢跑三千米可以燃烧230千大卡。从句 What has happened proves th

5、at our policy is right.充当主语有以下词类:6谓语谓语主要分为两类:简单谓语 复合谓语凡是由一个动词构成,不管是什么时态,语态,语气都是简单谓语。We have been hoping to visit your country。很久以来一直想访问你们的国家。情态动词与动词原形 系动词+表语That may or may not be true.这可能是真的,也可能不是。It is a powerful engine.这是一台强劲的发动机。7表语可以构成表语的包括:1.名词2.代词3.数词4.动名词5.不定式1.形容词2.分词3.介词短语4.副词5.从句名词类形容类8宾语

6、可以构成宾语的包括:1.名词2.代词3.数词4.动名词5.不定式6.复合结构7.从句1.Show me your passport,please!2.They didnt promise him anything.3.How many do you need?We need two.4.I enjoy working with you.5.I hope to see you again.6.You will find the pain easing.7.Ddi you write down what she said.9定语可以构成定语的包括:1.形容词2.代词3.数词4.名词所有格5.分词6

7、.不定式7.介词短语8.副词9.词组或合成词10.从句She gave a vivid description of the battle.Our government tries to in every way to satisfy our needs.We belong to the third world.They send a government trade delegation to China.Do you know the number of book ordered by lthe library.Their aim is to find the way.Those unde

8、r 5 must come with their parents.They should tell us if there was anything up.They were mostly well-to-do farmers.This is the woman who served me.10状语可以构成状语的包括:1.副词2.介词短语3.分词(短语)4.形容词5.词组6.复合结构7.从句Theoretically you are right,but things may not work like that in fact.She did it out of kindness.They d

9、id everything they could to save lives.Please fill the card giving all the information.They all rushed over,eager to help.She jumped ten feet.That being the case,we should reconsider the whole thing.We did it because we had to.11Lets look at:eight typcial sentence structures essential sentence compo

10、nents noun phrase,adjective phrase,adverb phrase identify different phrases improve a draft12名词短语定义:定义:指由几个名词或名词及其修饰语构成的短语。构成:构成:名词与修饰语之间的关系。前置定语前置定语后置定语后置定语两个或多个名词由and 等并列连接词连接。Men and women are both invited to the party 冠词修饰名词 I dont know the woman in white.名词修饰名词 He went to the bus stop with his

11、friends.She bought a diamond necklace yesterday.分词修饰名词 The sleeping child is his son.形容词修饰名词 Jerry,the famous singer,will come to our city to perform.介词短语修饰名词 They are looking for a man without his left leg.不定式修饰名词 The meeting to be held tomorrow is very important.动名词修饰名词 He went to the swimming poo

12、l.功能:功能:在句子中充当主语、宾语、宾语补足语。13限定词在名词短语中对名词中心词起限定作用的词叫做限定词。限定词位于名词中心词之前。1.限定词与作前置修饰语的形容词同时修饰一个名词中心词时,要位于形容词之前。2.一个名词前如果有两个或两个以上的限定词,那么这些限定词按分为:前位+中位+后位all the four teacher (前+中+后)both the twin brothers(前+中)those last few months(中+后+后)前位限定词:all,both,half,double,twice,one-third what中位限定词:a(an),the,this,t

13、hat,these,those,my,your,his,her,its,some,no,every,either,enought,what(ever)后位限定词:one,two,third,first,second,third,next,last,other,another,many,much,(a)few,(a)little,fewer,(the)fewest,less,(the)least,more,most,several,such,plenty of,lots of,a great number of,a good/great many14形容词短语定义定义:由几个形容词或形容词及其修

14、饰语构成的短语。构成:构成:连接词连接两个或多个形容词。Your room is large and beautiful.very,enough 等程度副词修饰形容词 The road is long enough.介词短语置于形容词之后 The bottle is full of water.不定式可用于形容词之后 He is anxious to know the answer.功能功能:作定语,表语,宾补,状语 15副词短语定义定义:由几个副词或副词及其修饰语构成的短语。构成:构成:连接词连接两个或多个副词。I tried again and again.very,quite,extre

15、mely等程度副词修饰副词 My grandma sat in the chair quite comfortably.介词短语放在副词后面修饰副词 He ran fast on his way home.功能功能:可修饰动词,形容词,副词,介词。16Lets look at:eight typcial sentence structures essential sentence components noun phrase,adjective phrase,adverb phrase identify different phrases improve a draft17Lets do th

16、e exercises on the page of 16 your text book 18Lets look at:eight typcial sentence structures essential sentence components noun phrase,adjective phrase,adverb phrase identify different phrases improve a draft19improve a draftCheerleader Try-outs I always wanted to be a high school cheerleader.Yeste

17、rday,I tried out for my schools cheerleading team.It was really hard.First,we had to dance.The teacher showed us how to move,and them we tried.Second,we practised singing song about the school basketball team.Finally,some girls had to lift their partners.The other girls jumped and cheered.I think I did well.,the other girls were better.I m sure if I will make the team or not.20


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