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1、单元总结提升Unit2 单元总结单元总结单元知识回眸.重点单词【基础词汇】1.n.城堡;堡垒 2.n.签证 3.vt.租用;出租 vi.租用;租金为 n.租金 4.vi.&vt.收拾(行李)vt.包装 n.(商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包 5.adv.极其;非常 6.adj.狭窄的 vi.&vt.(使)变窄 castlevisarentpackextremelynarrow单元知识回眸7.adj.平坦的;扁平的 n.公寓;单元房 8.n.地点;位置;现场 9.adj.唯一的;独特的;特有的 10.n.小路;路线;道路 11.n.目的地;终点 12.n.资料(或广告)手册 13.n.包裹;包装盒 vt

2、.将包装好 package tour 包价旅游flatsiteuniquepathdestinationbrochurepackage单元知识回眸14.vt.联络;联系 n.联系;接触 15.n.交通运输系统 vt.运输;运送 16.vi.徒步旅行 vt.去远足 n.远足;徒步旅行 17.n.士兵;军人 18.n.借款;信用;称赞;学分 credit card 信用卡 19.n.细节;详情;细微之处 20.n.(正式或礼貌的)要求;请求 vt.(正式或礼貌地)要求;请求 contacttransporthikesoldiercreditdetailrequest 单元知识回眸21.n.视野;景

3、色;看法 22.n.景象;视野;视力 23.n.雕塑;雕像 24.BCE abbr.公元前 25.n.坟墓 26.vt.挖掘;发掘 27.n.议论;评论 vi.&vt.发表意见;评论 viewsightstatuebefore the Common Eratombunearthcomment 单元知识回眸【拓展词汇】1.vi.&vt.申请vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂等)等_n.申请人_n.应用;申请书;申请 2.adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的_adj.惊奇的;惊喜的_ n.惊讶,吃惊;惊异 3.n.安排;筹备_vi.&vt.安排;准备;筹划 4.n.类型;种类 vi.&vt.打字_n.打字员_

4、adj.典型的;一贯的 applyamazingarrangementtypeapplication applicantamazed amazementarrange typist typical单元知识回眸5.adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的_n.力量;动力;功率;权力 vt.驱动 6.n.帝国_ n.皇帝 7.adj.官方的;正式的;公务的 n.官员;要员(形近词)_n.军官,警官 8.vt.辨别出;承认;认可_n.认出;认识 powerfulempireofficialrecogniseemperorpower officerrecognition 单元知识回眸9.n.空中航行;航

5、班;航程_(过去式_;过去分词_)vi.飞;飞行 vt.驾驶(飞机等)10.n.住处;停留处;膳宿_ vt.容纳;向提供住处 11.vt.钦佩;赞赏_ n.钦佩;羡慕_ adj.钦佩的;赞赏的 12.n.建筑设计;建筑学_n.建筑设计师 13.n.经济;节约_adj.经济(上)的;经济学的 flightaccommodationadmirearchitectureeconomyflyflewflownaccommodateadmirationadmiringeconomic architect 单元知识回眸.重点短语1.申请 2.预订 3.国内外 4.致力于;使聚焦于 5.收拾(行李);把打包

6、 6.控制;接管 7.在去的路上 apply formake reservations forat home and abroadfocus onpack uptake control ofon the way to单元知识回眸8.对感到惊讶 9.除之外 10.构成;形成 11.由组成 12.由制成 13.对来说是独特的 14.为筹划 be amazed byother thanmake upbe made up ofbe made ofbe unique tomake plans for单元知识回眸15.(在旅馆、机场等)登记 结账离开(旅馆等)16.引导/诱导某人做某事 17.迫不及待地做

7、某事 18.被称作;被认为是 check incheck out lead sb to do sthcan t wait to do sthbe known as单元知识回眸.重点句式1.It is/was+被强调部分+that+句子剩余部分.for this reason Spanish is the main official language of Peru.正因为如此,西班牙语是秘鲁的主要官方语言。It isthat单元知识回眸2.复杂祈使句 in a local hotel,the museums,_the architecture,the excellent local food,

8、shopping at the local markets.入住当地酒店,参观博物馆,观赏建筑,享受当地的美味佳肴,并在当地集市购物。Stayvisitadmireenjoyand go单元知识回眸3.It s amazing that令人惊讶的是。(it作形式主语)there are more than 8,000 statues,and no one in modern times knew about them until the 1970s.令人惊奇的是,那里有8000多座佣像,直到20世纪70年代才为人所知。It s amazing that 4.现在分词作结果状语 Each sta

9、tue has a different face,_that each one is a copy of a real soldier.每个佣像的相貌都不相同,这让研究人员认为每座佣像都是一名真实士兵的形象。leading researchers to believe单元知识回眸5.时间状语从句:notuntil直到才However,in modern times knew about the tomb or the terracotta statues _ 1974,when some farmers discovered the tomb while they were digging a

10、 well!然而,直到1974年几位农民打井时发现了这座陵墓,现代人才知道了这座皇陵及兵马俑!no oneuntil 重点句型背诵重点句型背诵1.It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.2.stay in a local hotel,visit the museums,admire the architecture,enjoy the excellent local food,and go shopping at the local markets.3.Its amazing that t

11、here are more than 8,000 statues,and no one in modern times knew about them until the 1970s.4.Each statue has a different face,leading researchers to believe that each one is a copy of a real soldier.5.However,no one in modern times knew about the tomb or the terracotta statues until 1974,when some

12、farmers discovered the tomb while they were digging a well.1.正因为如此,西班牙语是秘鲁的主要官方语言2.入住当地酒店,参观博物馆,观赏建筑,享受当地的美味佳肴,并在当地集市购物。3.令人惊奇的是令人惊奇的是,有8 000多座雕像,直到20世纪70年代现代的人们才了解它们。4.每个佣像的相貌都不相同,这让研究人员认为每座佣像都是一名真实士兵的形象。5.然而,然而,直到直到1974年,一些农民在挖井年,一些农民在挖井时发现了这座陵墓,现代的人时发现了这座陵墓,现代的人才才知道这知道这座陵墓和兵马俑。座陵墓和兵马俑。单元知识回眸.单元语法

13、现在进行时表示将来一、用于现在进行时表示将来的动词1.表示位置转移的动词或动词词组,如arrive,come,leaveget(to),return,start,travel,take off,fly,see off等。2.表示趋向性的动词或动词词组,如do,buy,meet,have,play,publish,spend等。此时句中一般要有表示将来的时间状语。The young man is meeting his girlfriend tonight.其他表示将来时的用法1.will/shall do用于说话时才想到或决定的事 或表示非主语意志,客观的将来(自然趋势)。或表示非主语意志,客

14、观的将来(自然趋势)。2.be be going togoing to+动词原形主观打算,意图。或动词原形主观打算,意图。或表示有迹表示有迹象表明,预料即将发生的事象表明,预料即将发生的事3.be+to do表示预定、按计划或安排将会发生,也可表示将来必定发生或表示命令等。4.be about to do意为“刚要,正要”5.一般现在时表示将来一般现在时表示将来1)表示)表示“出发出发/到达到达”的词和词组,如的词和词组,如arrive,come,go,leave,start,begin,take off等,等,可用可用一般现在时一般现在时表示表示按时刻表按时刻表或规定即将即将发生的事。语气比

15、现在进行时更肯定。发生的事。语气比现在进行时更肯定。2)用于条件、时间及让步状语从句中。It will be five years before the project is completed.(时间状语从句)五年后这项工程才能完成。主题拓展阅读Peru导读 秘鲁,南美洲西部一个遥远的国度,一个充满古文化魅力的国度,你了解它吗?Peru,officially the Republic of Peru,is located in western South America and faces the South Pacific Ocean.It is bordered by Ecuador a

16、nd Colombia to the north,Brazil and Bolivia to the east,and Chile to the south.Peru is a country that has diversity(多样性)and wealth not common in the world.主题拓展阅读Although Peru has rich natural resources and many great places to visit,around 19%of the population is very poor.The rich,consisting mostly

17、 of a Hispanic elite,live in the cities while most Peruvians are great nationalists and love their country with pride.Many Peruvians separate the state of Peru and its government in their minds because they distrust their government and police.The Peruvian economy is healthy and strong with a high l

18、evel of human development and an upper-middle income level.Tourism to Peru is growing faster than any other country in South America.主题拓展阅读Generally,people are very friendly,peaceful and helpful.When in trouble,it is most likely that you can depend on anyone for help.But it is always good to watch o

19、ut for yourself and try to avoid bad situations.If you get into an argument,it is a good idea to remain friendly,but firm.Most of the time,you can find a compromise(妥协)that satisfies everyone.主题拓展阅读Peru is not exactly a heaven for efficiency(效率).Do not expect things to be on time,or exactly as they

20、intend to be.English is uncommon outside major cities,and the people,who are trying to be friendly,sometimes can give wrong or inexact advice,so a translator can always be helpful in this case.Plan ahead and leave plenty of time for travelling.Indeed,in recent years English is being taught in most o

21、f the schools as a requirement of the Peruvian government,and most people can understand English but they do not speak it.主题拓展阅读As in other Latin American and European countries,Peruvian people prefer tourists use their language.The mobile technology and the Internet make it easy to learn the Englis

22、h language nowadays.主题拓展阅读【典句赏析】1.It is bordered by Ecuador and Colombia to the north,Brazil and Bolivia to the east,and Chile to the south.秘鲁北部与厄瓜多尔和哥伦比亚接壤,东部与巴西和玻利维亚接壤,南部与智利接壤。赏析 border此处用作动词,意为“与接壤”。主题拓展阅读2.The rich,consisting mostly of a Hispanic elite,live in the cities while most Peruvians are

23、 great nationalists and love their country with pride.富人主要由西班牙裔精英组成,住在城市里,而大多数秘鲁人都是伟大的民族主义者,他们自豪地热爱着自己的国家。赏析 while在此引导两个并列分句,表示前后分句的对比,意为“而”。consisting mostly of a Hispanic elite是现在分词短语修饰句中的the rich,作定语,consist of意为“由组成”。主题拓展阅读3.When in trouble,it is most likely that you can depend on anyone for hel

24、p.当遇到麻烦时,你很有可能可以依靠任何人来获得帮助。赏析 此句中when引导时间状语从句,从句省略了you are;it is most likely that是固定句式,意为“很有可能”。主题拓展阅读4.As in other Latin American and European countries,Peruvian people prefer tourists use their language.和在其他拉美和欧洲国家一样,秘鲁人更喜欢游客使用他们的语言。赏析 此句中as引导方式状语从句,意为“正如”,其后省略了it is。又如:This year,as in last year,tickets sold very quickly.像去年一样,今年的票卖得很快。


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