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1、12022-11-7第二节读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。A few years ago,my mom went to the doctor to ask him about her neck,which had been a little bigger than usual.It turned out there was something wrong with her lymph glands(淋巴结),and soon they scheduled Mom to have a biopsy(组织切片检查)on the seventh of

2、 September.As soon as I found out,I was very angry,as September 7 is my birthday.They had promised to take me to see a spider-man movie and had a picnic in the yard.I shouted at her and everyone else,too.I even shouted at the dog.I started begging her to reschedule the biopsy.She gave me this look l

3、ike she was about to cry and said,Ive done everything I can.Ive got a disease.Could you forgive me?Finally,I just shouted,I hate you!and ran into my room,crying.I sat on my bed thinking-Why do things always have to happen to me?Everyone gets diseases Why couldnt mum just go to hospital another day?F

4、or the next couple of weeks I remained silently angry.Deep down I knew I sbouldnt act that way,but I did anyway.Anyone could see how sad I was making my mom.I knew it wasnt her fault,but I had to have someone to blame.Finally,my birthday came.My parents left early in the morning for the hospital,and

5、 I was sent to our neighbors house.No spider-man movie,no birthday present,and no picnic.Though I was taken good care of,I was not having a good time.This isnt fair,I thought.This was supposed to be my day.My parents came home late that night.Mom walked in with a bandage on ber neck She sat down and

6、 rested her head on my dads shoulder.It hurt so badly that it was diffcult for her to talk.注意:1,所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2,应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3、续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4,续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。22022-11-7Whats the writing style of the passage?Narration(记叙文)Argument(议论文)Exposition(说明文)A narrative storyA narrati

7、ve storyhas six elements.has six elements.what are they?what are they?32022-11-7Birthday presentwhoImotherfatherA few years agoFor the next couple of weeksSeptember 7Latethatnightwhatbirthdaypresentsee a moviehave a picnicwhyMy mother was illhowI was sent to our neighbours houseno spiderman movieno

8、birthdaypresentno picnic42022-11-7My mother _and learned that she had a lymph glands and _ to have a biopsy on September 7,which happened to be my birthday.A few years agowent to the doctorbe scheduled For the next couple of weeks I remained silently_.angryFinally,my birthday cameMy parents _early i

9、n the morning for the hospital,and I _our neighbors house.No _ movie,no birthday present,and no_.left was sent tospider-manpicnicMom walked in with a _ on ber neck She sat down and rested her head on my dads_.It hurt so badly that it was _for her to talk.My parents came home late that night.bandages

10、houlderdiffcult 52022-11-7Para.1 Introductionclimaxendinghad no birthday presentsno spider-man movieno picnic in the yardPara.2-3 developmentpara.5happy?excited?shouted atbegged ran intosat on thinkingMy mother was ill and be scheduled to have a biopsy on my birthday angryangry;sad;miserable;confuse

11、dI was sent to neighbours houseno any presentupset;disappointed;sense of loss Later that night,Mom asked me to get into her room and she pulled out a box._she pulled out a box?it was not cancerpara.6shocked?guilty?happy?A week later when Mom got the test result,she hugged me tightly and said,“Thank

12、God,it was not cancer(癌症)!”62022-11-7A:actions A:actions 动作的动作的丰富性丰富性F:feelings F:feelings 情感情感表达的多样性表达的多样性S:surroundings S:surroundings 恰当运用环境描写恰当运用环境描写Writing72022-11-7A:A:用动作的描写来表达人物的情感用动作的描写来表达人物的情感angry I shouted at her and everyone else,too.I even shouted at the dog.原文中的表达He stamped his foot i

13、n angerHis face was red with angerHe opened his eyes angrily,the veins in his forehead bulging with the roar of his breath.他怒睁着眼,额角的青筋随着呼呼的粗气一鼓一张。burst with anger82He was so surprised that he stood there with his mouth open.ashamedashamed of what he had done,he was about to turn away regretfulfeelin

14、gsHaving regretted what he had done,he couldnt hold back his tears,bent down and burst out crying with his head buried in his hands.他对自己所做的事感到羞愧,打算转身离开他对自己的所作所为感到后悔,忍不住流下了眼泪,弯下腰,双手捂着头痛哭起来。movedTears welling up in my eyes,I hugged my mother tightly and put my head against her shoulder,sobbing and say

15、ing 92DescriptionA wild gaiety(快乐)took hold of her.DescriptionThe smile on her face shone like a diamond.Description I was wild with joy.DescriptionHer flushed face was shining with excitement.Description I was pleased beyond description.happy102022-11-7F:F:情感表达的多样性情感表达的多样性my feelingsWhy?Everyone ge

16、ts diseases Why?I hate you!This isnt fair shouted at run intocrying actionswordsthoughts112022-11-7 The sound of the stream sounded relaxing,which relieved Janes anxiety.S S:恰当恰当运用环境描写运用环境描写12environmental description Stepping out of the office,we felt a sense of relief with the sun shining down ove

17、r us.They hugged each other tightly in the warm light of the setting sun.A ray of sunlight shines through the dark clouds,bringing warmth and hope to the world.Seeing the moon shining in the dark sky,he couldnt help thinking of the days that she spent with his family.The cold wind blew violately in

18、the gloomy air.With the cold wind blowing,Jane had to.122022-11-710 key words mom;neck;angry;cry;forgive;Deep down;birthday present;fair Later that night,Mom asked me to get into her room and she pulled out a box.have a tryhave a try这篇作文这篇作文再写一次再写一次 A week later when Mom got the test result,she hugg

19、ed me tightly and said,“Thank God,it was not cancer(癌症)!”132022-11-7 Later that night,Mom asked me to get into her room and she pulled out a boxMy mother slowly handed me my birthday present and said with a smile:“Happy birthday!my dear son.”妈妈慢慢地递给我生日礼物,笑着说:“生日快乐!”我亲爱的儿子”I couldnt wait to open the

20、box,pleased beyond description.我迫不及待地打开盒子,高兴得无法形容。一个期待已久的蜘蛛侠玩具出现在我面前。A toy of spider-man appeared in front of me,which I was expecting for a long time.我紧紧地抱住她说:“谢谢妈妈,我爱你!”我还以为你忘了我的生日呢!”I hugged her tightly,saying:“thank you mom,I love you!I thought you forgot my birthday!”The whole family was immers

21、ed in the warm atmosphere.全家人都沉浸在温暖的气氛中。142022-11-7 A week later when Mom got the test result,she hugged me tightly and said,“Thank God,it was not cancer(癌症)!”“What?cancer?”I was so surprised that I stood there with my mouth open.“什么?癌症吗?我惊呆了,目瞪口呆地站在那里。I was flooded in the shame.我感到羞愧难当。妈妈病得这么重,我却因为

22、她没有在我生日那天陪我看电影和野餐而生气。Mom got terribly serious desease.However,I was angry that she didnt go to the movieand picnic with me on my birthday.我紧紧地抱住妈妈,把头靠在她的肩上,泣不成声地说:“妈妈,请您原谅我!”Tears welling up in my eyes,I hugged my mother tightly and put my head against her shoulder,sobbing and saying“Mom,please forg

23、ive me!Im sorry to be angry with you!It isnt fair for you!”152022-11-7 Later that night,Mom asked me to get into her room and she pulled out a box,slowly handed me my birthday present and said with a smile:“Happy birthday!my dear son.”I couldnt wait to open the box,pleased beyond description.A toy o

24、f spider-man appeared in front of me,which I was expecting for a long time.I hugged her tightly,saying:“Thank you mom,I love you!I thought you forgot my birthday!”The whole family was immersed in the warm atmosphere.(第一段)162022-11-7 A week later when Mom got the test result,she hugged me tightly and

25、 said,“Thank God,it was not cancer(癌症)!”“What?cancer?”I was so surprised that I stood there with my mouth open.I was flooded in the shame,thinking“Mom got terribly serious desease.However,I was angry that she didnt go to the movie and picnic with me on my birthday.”Tears welling up in my eyes,I hugg

26、ed my mother tightly and put my head against her shoulder,sobbing and saying“Mom,please forgive me!Im sorry to be angry with you!It isnt fair for you!”(第二段)172022-11-7 Later that night,Mom asked me to get into her room and she pulled out a box,slowly handed me my birthday present and said with a smi

27、le:“Happy birthday!my dear son.”I couldnt wait to open the box,pleased beyond description.A toy of spider-man appeared in front of me,which I was expecting for a long time.I hugged her tightly,saying:“Thank you mom,I love you!I thought you forgot my birthday!”The whole family was immersed in the war

28、m atmosphere.A week later when Mom got the test result,she hugged me tightly and said,“Thank God,it was not cancer(癌症)!”“What?cancer?”I was so surprised that I stood there with my mouth open.I was flooded in the shame,thinking“Mom got terribly serious desease.However,I was angry that she didnt go to

29、 the movie and picnic with me on my birthday.”Tears welling up in my eyes,I hugged my mother tightly and put my head against her shoulder,sobbing and saying“Mom,please forgive me!Im sorry to be angry with you!It isnt fair for you!”182022-11-7 Later that night,Mom asked me to get into her room and sh

30、e pulled out a box._ 她用颤抖的手把它递给我。显然,她很虚弱。这是我的生日礼物一个蜘蛛侠玩具。She handed it to me with her shaking hands.Obviously,she was weak.It was my birthday present a toy of spider-man.“对不起,没有包装。”她低声说。“我们没有时间去买电池,不过我很快就会去买的。”“I am sorry,its not wrapped,”she said in a very low voice.“And we didnt have time to get b

31、atteries,but Ill get some soon.”“谢谢你,”我说。这就是我能说的。我心里还是有点生气。“Thank you,”I said.That was all I could say.I still felt a little angry in my heart.范文范文192022-11-7A week later when Mom got the test result,she hugged me tightly and said,“Thank God,it was not cancer(癌症)!”Cancer!I was numb with shock.I had

32、never thought Mom have got cancer.癌症!我吓呆了。我从没想过妈妈会得癌症。一想到我就快失去她了,我就害怕,我有多自私,尽管我知道她没事。Its scary to think how close I was to losing her how selfish I had been,even though I knew she was all right.我的话对她的伤害肯定比疾病更大。My words must have hurt her more bitterly than the disease.“妈妈,请原谅我!”我再也抑制不住眼泪,扑进她的怀里。“Mom

33、,please forgive me!”.I could no longer hold back my tears and threw myself into her arms.202022-11-7 Later that night,Mom asked me to get into her room and she pulled out a box.She handed it to me with her shaking hands.Obviously,she was weak.It was my birthday present a toy of spider-man.“I am sorr

34、y,its not wrapped,”she said in a very low voice.“And we didnt have time to get batteries,but Ill get some soon.”“Thank you,”I said.That was all I could say.I still felt a little angry in my heart.A week later when Mom got the test result,she hugged me tightly and said,“Thank God,it was not cancer(癌症

35、)!”Cancer!I was numb with shock.I had never thought Mom have got cancer.Its scary to think how close I was to losing her how selfish I had been,even though I knew she was all right.My words must have hurt her more bitterly than the disease.“Mom,please forgive me!”.I could no longer hold back my tears and threw myself into her arms.范文范文212022-11-7


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