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1、Lesson70Red for danger 危险的红色危险的红色 n.斗牛 例句:Some people cant bear to watch a bullfight.有些人不忍心看斗牛。Bullfighter/matador n.斗牛士 例句:He always wanted to be a bullfighter/matador.他很想当斗牛士bullfight n.公牛 Bulldog n.斗牛犬,牛头犬bull n.醉汉例句:It suddenly caught sight of the drunk.突然它看见了醉汉。adj.陶醉的,兴奋的(+with)例句:He was drunk

2、 with success.他因成功而陶醉。drunk vi.漫游;闲逛;流浪;徘徊(+about/off/over/through)例句:1.Dont wander about the room like that.不要那样在房间里乱走,找点事情做。2.If you wander off too far,my love will get you home.如果走了太远,我的爱会携你回家。wanderwander vi.漫游;闲逛;流浪;徘徊(+about/off/over/through)例句:3.I wander over where you cant see.我在你看不见之处徘徊。4.I

3、 will wander through the wilderness in the skin of a lion.我将披上狮皮漂泊在旷野。vi.(精神)错乱;(思想)混乱;出神,开小差 例句:My attention wandered.我走了神。(河流等)蜿蜒;曲折地流 例句:The stream wanders through the forest.小溪蜿蜒流过森林。wander 圈;环;环形物例句:Fatigue brought on dark rings under her eyes.劳累使她眼睛下部出现了黑圈。戒指;耳环 圆形竞技场地ringunaware adj.不知道的,未察觉的

4、(+of/that)例句:She was unaware that you were coming.她不知道你要来。remark 1.vt.谈到;评论;说(+that)例句:A local newspaper remarked that crime was on the decrease.一家地方报纸评论说犯罪案件在减少。2.vi.谈论,议论;评论(+on/upon)例句:Prof.Smith remarked on the difference between the two dictionaries.史密斯教授谈到了这两本词典的不同之处。I want to remark upon your

5、 statement.我想就你的陈述发表一下意见。apparently adv.显然地 例句:He was apparently much surprised at the news.他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。adv.表面上,似乎 例句:Apparently she did not succeed.看样子她没有成功。sensitive adj.敏感的;易受伤害的(+to)例句:Donna is sensitive to strong smells.唐娜对强烈的气味很敏感。神经过敏的;易怒的(+to/about)例句:He is sensitive about his failure.人家一

6、提他的失败他就生气。灵敏的,灵敏度高的 例句:We didnt have a receiver sensitive enough to pick up the signal.我们的接收器不够灵敏,未能收到这个信号。sensitive感光的例句:I need some sensitive paper.我需要一些感光纸。要审慎处理的;机密的例句:The conference debated the sensitive issue of race relations.会议辩论了敏感的种族关系问题。易波动的,易受影响的(+to)例句:”The cost is not sensitive to the

7、batch size.价格不随批量大小波动。【医】过敏的例句:The child is sensitive to eggs.那孩子对鸡蛋过敏。charge 索价;对.索费;课(税)(+for)例句:This store often charges only 65 US cents a dozen for large eggs.一打大鸡蛋在这家店里常常仅卖六十五美分。冲锋,向前冲(+at)例句:The lion charged at those little animals.狮子向那些小动物冲了过去。clumsily adv.笨拙地 例句:The first pitch came in and

8、shaya swung clumsily and missed.面对第一次投球,沙亚笨拙地挥了一下球棒,没有命中。Clumsiness n.笨拙 例句:I seem to be suffering from clumsiness lately.最近我似乎显得很笨拙。bow n.弓 例句:Believe it or not,she can draw a strong bow.你信不信由你,她能挽强弓。虹(rainbow)弦乐器的弓;琴弓的一拉 蝴蝶结;蝴蝶领结 例句:She tied her shoelaces in a bow.她把鞋带打成蝴蝶结。bow vi.鞠躬,欠身(+to/before

9、)顺从,屈服(+to/before)例句:Some people bow before money.有些人在金钱面前俯首贴耳。safety n.安全,平安 例句:The children were led to a place of safety.孩子们被带到一个安全的地方。安全设施 安全地带sympathetically adv.悲怜地;富有同情心地 例句:He is looking at her sympathetically.他同情地望着她。adj.sympathetic 同情的;有同情心的 例句:She is sympathetic over what has happened.她对已

10、发生的事抱有同情心。Text*During a bullfight,a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring.The crowd began to shout,but the drunk was unaware of the danger.His thoughts wandered back to his childhood.他回想起他的童年时代。场地的说法:场地的说法:Court 球类场地(volleyball,basketball,tennis,badminton)Ring 斗牛场地field 大型球类场地(football

11、,baseball,softball垒球)The bull was busy with the matador at the time,but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.After making a few modest remarks he finally promised to do the work.他谦虚了一番,终于接受了这项工作。Apparently sensitive to criticism,the bull forgot all

12、 about the matador and charged at the drunk.The crowd suddenly grew quiet.The drunk,however,seemed quite sure of himself.An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.山穷水尽,豁然开朗。When the bull got close to him,he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass.The crowd broke into cheers and the d

13、runk bowed.Father bowed his head;she followed him.父亲点头,她也跟着点头。He bowed his thanks.他鞠躬致谢。Bow tie 蝴蝶结领结 By this time,however,three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety.Drag v.(使)在地上拖拉,慢吞吞地走,磨蹭(drag的过去式和过去分词);拖;打捞;(用鼠标)拖动 He dragged behind the others.他在别人后面慢吞吞地走着。Anot

14、her day dragged by.又挨过了一天。*Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him,for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.*look on 在一旁观看,袖手旁观;把眼光投向以某种观点来看待或对待(某物或某人);看热闹*Sympathy n.同情,慰问,和谐的一致*Sympathetic adj.同情的,有同情心的;赞同的;相投合的,称心

15、的*sympathetically adv.adv.悲怜地,富有同情心地 2022-11-8 Summary:与动词的情况相似,形容词也可以与不同与动词的情况相似,形容词也可以与不同的介词搭配。的介词搭配。与与for,with,of,to,at,from,in,on和和about连连用的形容词:用的形容词:4.Grammer1.For 与for连用的形容词:befor be well-known for 以出名 necessary 为所必须 proper 合乎于 profitable 对有益 be suitable for对合适 grateful 因感激 eager 渴望得到 responsi

16、ble 对负责 sorry 对感到遗憾 thankful 对感谢 qualified 在有资格2.With 与with连用的形容词:bewith annoyed对某人烦恼 satisfied对满意 disappointed with 失望 concerned关心,参与 consistent 与一致 content 对满足 familiar(to)对熟悉 patient 对有耐心 popular 受喜爱3.Of 与of连用的形容词 beof composed 由组成 critical 对挑剔 aware 知觉 characteristic呈特征 careful(with)小心 short 缺乏

17、conscious 意识到 ignorant 对不了解 worthy 值得做 north/south/east/west在面 4.To与to连用的形容词:beto acceptable 可接受 essential 对很重要 suitable 适合于 comparable 比得上 obvious 对清楚 useful 对有用 similar 与相似 identical 与相同的 cruel 对残忍 new 对没经验的 5.At 与at连用的形容词:beat bad 不擅长于 clever/good擅长于 expert(in)在熟练 skillful 做.熟练 indignant 对感到愤慨 sk

18、illful(in)熟练 slow 对迟钝 6.From 与from连用的形容词:befrom remote 远离 recovered 复原 distinct 与有差别 far 远离 safe 没的危险 7.In 与in连用的形容词:bein fortunate 在很幸运 deficient 缺少 weak 在薄弱 concerned 对有牵连 confident 对信任 8.On 与on连用的形容词:beon dependent 依赖于 intent/focus 专心于 keen 热心于9.about 与about连用的形容词:beabout anxious 担心,想念 particular 对讲究 cautious 谨慎 curious 对好奇 doubtful(of)对有疑问 uneasy 对担心 enthusiastic对热心


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