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1、1PPT课件Prepare Yourself communications satellite mobile telephony intelligent robot clone telecommunications 通讯卫星 移动通讯 智能机器人 克隆 远程通讯2PPT课件Prepare Yourself 文学 科幻小说 空间旅行 外星人 人类社会 高技术 信息时代 信息产业 literature science fiction space travelling alien human society hi-tech information age information industry3P

2、PT课件Textual organization IDEA DIAGRAM Science and scientists vs.literature and writers The area where their ideas meet is:So far writers of science fiction have:4PPT课件Textual organization The future of business communication depends on:The important thing for writers of science fiction in the inform

3、ation age is:The author concludes that:5PPT课件Textual organization The theme of the text:6PPT课件TEXT 1WHATS THE BIG IDEA?Imagination is more important than knowledge.Albert Einstein7PPT课件Paragraph 1 Nokia sponsors a wide range of educational,cultural and other activities.One of the most unusual activi

4、ties was the sponsoring of“Future Histories”,a collection of stories by prominent writers of science fiction.Why should a telecommunications company become involved with literature?It could be called“research”.8PPT课件 sponsor spnsprovide funds for(a project or activity or the person carrying it out)资

5、助,主办 Joe is being sponsored by a government training scheme.乔有政府培训计划的经费资助。*9PPT课件 a wide range of 一系列 a series of e.g.The area offers a wide range of activities for the tourist.该地区为游客提供各种各样的活动。幅度;范围 e.g.The cost to learn here is thought to be in the range of 100 yuan to 200 yuan a day.*10PPT课件 promi

6、nent prminnt important;famous 重要的;卓越的,著名的 Eileen Chang is a prominent writer in twentieth century of China.张爱玲是中国二十世纪的一位杰出作家。*11PPT课件 fictionfiknnovels,that describes imaginary events and people 小说,长篇小说 fictionist 小说家;short story,novella nuvel 短中篇小说;river novel长篇小说*12PPT课件 involveinvlv be involved w

7、ith涉及 be involved in 参与,被卷入;专心地(做)be involved in trouble 卷入纠纷*13PPT课件 research ris:t研究,调查 a research student研究生 a research paper研究论文 make scientific researches on进行.的科学研究 academic research学术研究 field research实际教学,现场调查研究 applied research应用研究 descriptive research描述性研究*14PPT课件Paragraph 1 translation 诺基亚

8、公司出资赞助了众多的教育、文化以及其他活动。其最不寻常的活动之一就是它赞助了一本未来历史小说集,“未来历史”指的是由著名的科幻小说作家所创作的作品集。为什么一家通讯公司要同文学扯上关系呢?你可以把它看成是一种“研究”。15PPT课件Paragraph 2 Science and literature have traditionally been hostile to each other.Writers have regarded scientists as dull creatures who take pleasure in destroying great words of the i

9、magination with boring facts.Scientists have thought of writers as frivolous people with no respect for the rules of evidence.At the heart of their mutual suspicion is the question of who owns the truth.Does something become real when it is imagined or when it is physically created?16PPT课件 hostile h

10、stailunfriendly 不友善的;敌对的 People are very hostile to the idea 人们强烈反对这个意见*17PPT课件 frivolousfrivls(of a person)carefree and not serious (人)轻薄的,轻浮的 not having any serious purpose or value 无严肃目的的,无意义的,无价值的 rules to stop frivolous law suits 制止为琐事打官司的规章*18PPT课件 mutual mju:tul experienced or done by each of

11、 two or more parties 相互的,彼此的 My father hated him from the start and the feeling was mutual.我的父亲从一开始就讨厌他,他也相应的讨厌父亲。*19PPT课件 suspicioussspis having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something 对.怀疑 He was suspicious of/about her motives She gave him a suspicious look.suspect v.doubt?n.嫌疑犯*20

12、PPT课件 physicallyfizik()li tangible or concrete物质的;有形的;实物的 physical assets such as houses or cars 房子或汽车之类的实物资产 of or relating to the body as opposed to the min 身体的,肉体的 a whole range of physical and mental challenges 对身体和智力的全面挑战 physical(n.)examination 体格检查*21PPT课件 createkrieitbring(something)into exi

13、stence,produce e.g.over 170 jobs were created creator=the Create 造物主,上帝 creature:an animal,as distinct from a human being 动物(与人相对)*22PPT课件Paragrapg 2 translation 长久以来,科学和文学一直水火不容。作家一直都把科学家看作是一群无聊家伙,他们用乏味的事实来摧毁想象力伟大的作品,并且乐此不疲。科学家则认为作家非常轻浮,根本不尊重事实。双方相互质疑的关键所在是:谁代表着真理?事物到底是有了构想之后就真实存在,还是实物被制造出来之后才真实存在。

14、23PPT课件Paragraph 3 Science fiction is the one area where these two opposing groups have met and exchanged ideas.As its name suggests,science fiction is literature which predicts the technology of the future and the effect this will have on human society.Over the years many of their speculations have

15、 been remarkably accurate.Space travel,communications satellites,nuclear power,robotics,cloning and mobile telephony have all appeared in books before they appeared in reality.24PPT课件 opposepuz compete with(someone)in a contest(比赛中)竞争 e.g.a candidate to oppose the leader in the presidential contest

16、disapprove of and attempt to prevent,especially by argument反对 oppose M against/to N 把M与N相对照或相比 oppose oneself to反对*25PPT课件 exchangeiksteindan act of giving one thing and receiving another in return e.g.negotiations should eventually lead to an exchange of land for peace in exchange for以.换 on the sto

17、ck exchange在证券交易上 exchange sth.with sb.与某人交换某种东西*26PPT课件 predictpridiktto make a judgment about what is going to happen 断言;预言,预计;预卜 e.g.He predicts that the flu will become more serious.It is too early to predict a result.forebode,forecast,foresee,foretell*27PPT课件 speculatespekjuleit form a theory o

18、r conjecture about a subject without firm evidence推测 e.g.my colleagues speculate about/on my private life.invest in stocks,property,or other ventures in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss做投机买卖 e.g.He didnt look as though he had the money to speculate in shares.*28PPT课件 remarkablerim:kblworth

19、y of attention;striking值得注意的,显著的,突出的 e.g.a most remarkable musician 卓尔不群的音乐家 preeminent considerable/noticeable/appreciable*29PPT课件 accurate kjurit correct in all details;exact准确的,精确的 Accurate information about the illness is essential关于此病的准确信息至关重要 precise/exact*30PPT课件 appearpicome into sight;becom

20、e visible or noticeable进入视野;出现,显现 It appears to me that.disappear/vanish/go away come out*31PPT课件Paragraph 3 Translation 科幻小说使得这两个相互对立的群体得以相遇并交流思想。顾名思义,科幻小说是预测未来技术以及它给人类社会所带来的影响的文学形式。多年以来,他们的很多构想竟然惊人的准确。在成为事实之前,太空旅行、通讯卫星、核能、机器人、克隆和移动通讯早已经出现在科幻小说中。32PPT课件Paragraph 4 Yet sometimes the writers have got

21、 it wrong.Nobody predicted the emergence of personal computers,for instance.And contact with alien beings from other planets still seems a long way off,despite being a common subject of science fiction.33PPT课件 emergeim:d appear suddenly浮现,显露 e.g.newly emerging areas of science 新兴的科学领域 Several facts

22、started to emerge from my investigation.我的调查开始见出若干事实 appear,arise,come out*34PPT课件 contact kntktthe state or condition of communicating or meeting be in contact withbe out of contact with make/have/lose contact with contract*35PPT课件 being bi:a real or imaginary living creature or entity,especially a

23、n intelligent one e.g.a rational being/alien beings existence e.g.The railway brought many towns into being.铁路的建成使许多城镇兴起.The single market came into being in 1993.该单一市场形成于1993年.creature*36PPT课件 common kmn 一般的;常见的;通常的,日常的;普遍的 its common for a woman to be depressed after giving birth 妇女分娩后心情沮丧是常见的现象 o

24、rdinary普通平凡的;平民的;无特殊级别(或地位)the dwellings of common people平民住宅 a common soldier普通士兵 of common birth 下层社会的出身 公共的;共同的;共为的 the two countries common border这两个共和国的公共边界 common market common knowledge众所周知的事*37PPT课件Paragraph 4 Translation 然而,有时候作家(的预言)也会出错。比如说,没有谁预测到个人电脑的出现。尽管外星人早就是科幻小说的经典题材,但同来自其他星球的外星人接触似乎

25、仍然是遥遥无期。38PPT课件Paragraph 5 Over the years,the time between the prediction of new technology in science fiction and its actual discovery has become shorter.It took 100 years before the moon landings predicted by the French writer Jules Verne actually took place.The idea of robots first emerged in the

26、 1920s.The first robots were built in the 1970s.And in the 1940s,Arthur.C.Clarke predicted that communication satellites would circle the globe by the year 2000.These arrived 30 years before they were due.39PPT课件 duedju:预定应到的;预期的,预定的;约定的 The babys due in August.孩子预产期在月份。到期的,应支付的 The May installment

27、was due.月的分期付款该付了 fall/become due到期,满期 应有的,应该得到的 She was due for a rise/promotion.她该加薪/晋升了。due to由于;起因于;归功于 owning to/thanks to*40PPT课件Paragraph 5 Translation 随着时间的推移,科幻小说中对新科技的预测和新技术真正成为现实的时间间隔已经被缩短。法国作家儒勒.凡尔纳曾经预测人类登上月球,而百年之后这一预测才真正成为现实。二十世纪二十年代人类开始有了机器人的构想,直到二十世纪七十年代机器人才第一次被制造出来。二十世纪四十年代,阿琵.西.克拉克预

28、测,到2000年,通讯卫星将围绕地球旅旋转,这一预测则提前30年成为了现实。41PPT课件Paragraph 6 Richard Dawkins,a British scientist,recently stated that scientific discovery revealed the beauty and complexity of nature in a way that the human imagination could never do.英国科学家理查德.道金斯最近提出,科学发现揭示了自然界的美和复杂性,这一点是人类的想象力永远不能做到的。”42PPT课件 reveal r

29、ivi:lmake(previously unknown or secret information)known to others透露,暴露,泄露,揭露 Tom was forced to reveal Jacks whereabouts to reveal the truth揭露真相 announce,declare,disclose,expose*43PPT课件 complexkmpleks 由许多部分组成的,复合的 a complex network of water channels 难以分析的;费解的;错综复杂的 a complex personality the situatio

30、n is more complex than it appears complicated n.a.联合企业:iron and steel complex;b.综合建筑:a leisure complex 休闲中心;a complex of hotels旅馆群*44PPT课件Paragraph 7 Yet this is not the end of the road for science fiction.Many of the developments it has predicted are used for communication and we are now in what is

31、 called the“information age”.Over one third of the population in the Western world are employed in the information technology industries.World leader call for the establishment of“knowledge-based societies.”And the people who have to do the work complain of“information overload”.45PPT课件 establishist

32、bliset up建立,确立 The school was established in 1975.The establishment of new international economic order is the essence of his article.他文章的主题是建立国际经济新秩序。*46PPT课件 complainkmplein express dissatisfaction or annoyance about sth.抱怨,发牢骚,诉苦 Some students complained bitterly about English learning,while the

33、others like it.Her husband began to complain of headaches.They complained that the wages were too low.他们抱怨工资过低。*47PPT课件Paragraph 7 Translation 然而这并不是科幻小说的穷途末路,它所预言的很多发展正用信息交流,我们正在所谓的“信息时代”,西方国家超过三分之一的人口受聘于信息科技产业。世界上的领导人倡导“知识型社会”的建立。人们尽管抱怨“信息负担过重”但还必须从事这一行业。48PPT课件Paragraph 8 In the middle of all thi

34、s,there is a real need for people with vision.The future of business communication depends on the ability to imagine new realities and then produce products and services for them.In“Future Histories”,one story deals with an investor who constantly travels in search of new opportunities in high techn

35、ology.He backs a company which produces intelligent robots,capable of learning new tasks from their environment.One day,he notices that the robots have stopped working.49PPT课件 Eventually,he realizes that they are asking themselves a question which has never occurred to him.Why are we doing this?Writ

36、ers in the information age have moved from predicting scientific discoveries of the future.Now they speculate about the effect of the revolution of communication on human society.In a world dominated by business and technology,there is still an important role to be played by people who can answer th

37、e question whats the big idea?50PPT课件 visionvinthe faculty or state of being able to see She had defective vision.她的视力有缺陷。beyond ones vision在视野之外,看不见的 眼力;远见 The organization had lost its vision and direction.这个组织已经失去了远见和方向*51PPT课件 occurk:happen;take place 发生 The accident occurred at about 3.30 p.m.o

38、ccur to)(of a thought or idea)come into the mind of(someone).(想法)产生 It occurred to him that he hadnt eaten.*52PPT课件 dominatedmineit支配;控制 The stronger dominates the weaker.弱肉强食。dominant:重要的;强大的;有影响的 My father is in a more dominant position in our family.*53PPT课件Paragraph 8 Translation 在所有问题中,人们具有想像力是

39、必须的。未来的商业交流主要依赖于把幻想变为现实的能力。能力具备了,才能生产出更多的产品和享有更多的服务,在“未来的历史”中,讲述了一个投资人的故事,他经常奔波于探寻高科技带来的新机遇。他主办了一家公司,主要生产智能机器人,这种机器人能够根据它所处环境而学习处理各种任务。有一天,他发现,机器人停止工作了。54PPT课件Paragraph 8 Translation 最后,他才认识到:机器人们在自问一个他以前从未想过的问题。信息时代的作家们已不再预言未来的科学发现,我们该怎样应对这一问题呢?于是人们就着手开始估测交际变革对人类的影响,在商业和技术占统治地位的社会中,人们仍需要扮演的一个重要角色,那

40、就是回答:“什么是大创意呢?”55PPT课件KEY TO EXERCISES56PPT课件Vocabulary Study(A)1 in search of 2 a wide range of 3 plays a major role in 4 revealed 5 calling for 6 in reality 7 dominate 8 respect 9 was predicted 10 speculation57PPT课件Vocabulary Study(B)1 culture 2 cultural 3 sponsoring 4 sponsored 5 complication 6 c

41、omplexity 7 prevail 8 dominated 9 supporters 10 investors58PPT课件Vocabulary Study(C)1 overdose n.2 overpopulated adj.3 overemphasized v.4 overload v.5 overwhelming adj.6 overworked adj.&v.7 overcrowded adj.8 overcharging n.59PPT课件Grammar review I 1 He established his reputation as a radical with his

42、first speech.2 Tolstoy regarded this as one of his most important works.3 Acid rain is recognized as one of the most serious global environmental problems.60PPT课件 4 We may define a square as a rectangle with four equal sides.5 He always describes himself as a business executive;in fact,he is a clerk

43、.6 Am I to take this excuse as a reason for your behavior?61PPT课件Grammar review II 1 Conditions which apply to your flight are available at the travel agency where you book your holiday.2 The company is trying to create an easy atmosphere where employees enjoy their work.3 Except for those isolated

44、areas in her vicinity where occasionally the illegally run casinos would appear,the city was virtually casino free.62PPT课件 4 An applicants educational background is not the most important criterion;his or her attitude is what counts.5 Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge;it is

45、 thinking that makes what we read ours.6 If you are interested in what college students think and are concerned about,please call us for tickets to the lecture on college life in todays China.63PPT课件Tranlation(English-Chinese)Science fiction is a literary genre developed in the 20th century in which

46、 the fiction writer addresses how scientific discoveries,technological developments,and future events and societal changes affect human beings.科学幻想小说是20世纪发展起来的一种文学体裁,科幻小说作家在其作品中描述科学发现,技术进步以及未来的事件和社会变化如何影响人类。64PPT课件 The description of these influences may be a careful and informed extrapolation of sc

47、ientific facts and principles.Or it may range into farfetched areas flatly contradictory of such facts and principles.对这些影响的描写,可能是对科学事实和原理的一种细致而有根据的推断,或是描写与这些事实和原理完全矛盾的令人难以置信的一些领域。65PPT课件Translation(Chinese-English)由于现代科学的兴起,特别是天文学和物理学的巨大变革,科学幻想小说的出现才成为可能。Science fiction was made possible only by th

48、e rise of modern science itself,notably the great revolutions in astronomy and physics.66PPT课件 真正的科幻小说始于19世纪末儒勒凡尔纳的科学幻想浪漫故事,不过,凡尔纳的科学只是停留在发明的水平上。Science fiction proper began toward the end of the 19th century with the scientific romances of Jules Verne,whose science was rather on the level of invention.67PPT课件68PPT课件


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