1、井下作业指令井下作业指令2 11.Trip in 下钻(管柱)下钻(管柱)trip trp in n 进入进入 Run in hole.trip远足;轻快地走远足;轻快地走 12.trip out 起钻(管柱)起钻(管柱)trip trp out at 出来出来 Pull out of hole.起管柱起管柱 13.Change bit.换钻头换钻头 change ten(d)换(换(改变)改变)bit bt 钻头钻头change 下钻下钻 起钻起钻 换钻头换钻头 in out bit.Trip Trip Change Trip intrip outChange bit.下钻下钻起钻起钻换钻头
2、换钻头 14.Latch the elevator.扣吊扣吊卡卡 latch lt 扣,闩扣,闩 elevator elvet 吊卡吊卡 15.Unlatch the elevator.开吊卡开吊卡 unlatch nlt 拉开插栓拉开插栓 elevator elvet 吊卡吊卡 “不-”Un-the elevator.扣吊卡扣吊卡 the elevator.开吊卡开吊卡Latch Unlatch11.下钻下钻12.起钻起钻13.换钻头换钻头14.扣吊卡扣吊卡15.开吊卡开吊卡 in out bit.Trip Trip Change the elevator.Latch Unlatch the
3、 .elevator1.下钻下钻2.起钻起钻3.换钻头换钻头4.扣吊卡扣吊卡5.开吊卡开吊卡Trip in trip out Change bit.Latch the elevator.Unlatch the elevator.16.Set slips.座卡瓦座卡瓦 set set 座,放座,放 slipsslps 卡瓦卡瓦slip 17.Test BOP 测试防喷器测试防喷器 test test 测试测试 BOP=blowout preventer blowout blat 喷出喷出 preventer privnt 妨碍物妨碍物 座卡瓦座卡瓦 slips.测试防喷器测试防喷器 BOP Se
4、tTest 18.The hole is kicking.井涌井涌了了 kick kk 踢踢 kicking kk 19.The hole is tight.遇阻了。遇阻了。is iz 是是 tight tat 紧的紧的 井涌了井涌了 The hole is .遇阻了遇阻了 The hole is .kickingtight 20.Shut in the BOP.关闭防喷器关闭防喷器 shut in 关闭关闭 t n 座卡瓦座卡瓦 slips.测试防喷器测试防喷器 BOP SetTest 井涌了井涌了 The hole is .shut in The hole is .kickingtight
5、 关闭防喷器关闭防喷器 the BOP.遇阻了遇阻了下钻下钻起钻起钻换钻头换钻头扣吊卡扣吊卡开吊卡开吊卡Trip in trip out Change bit.Latch the elevator.Unlatch the elevator.座卡瓦座卡瓦.测试防喷器测试防喷器.遇阻了遇阻了.井涌了井涌了.关闭防喷器关闭防喷器Set slipsTest BOP The hole is tight.The hole is kicking.Shut in the BOP.Trip in trip out Change bit.Latch the elevator.Unlatch the elevator.Set slipsTest BOP The hole is tight.The hole is kicking.Shut in the BOP.