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1、定语从句定语从句The Attributive Clause I like quiet music.I like music that is quiet.定语从句定语从句1.什么是定语从句?什么是定语从句?2.什么是先行词?什么是先行词?3.什么是关系代词和关系副词?如何确定?什么是关系代词和关系副词?如何确定?4.如何把两个句子合并为一个定语从句?如何把两个句子合并为一个定语从句?IknowLearn to discover定语从句定语从句两个句子两个句子两个词两个词主主句句从句从句?1.Iknowagirl2.wholikesred.Jimreadsbooks whicharefun.主句

2、主句 从从句句完整的句子是主句完整的句子是主句不完整的句子是从句不完整的句子是从句3.Doyouknowthethingsandpersonsthattheyaretalkingabout?两个词两个词先行词先行词关系代词关系代词被定语从句修饰的词被定语从句修饰的词whowhichthat 在在复合句复合句中修饰某一中修饰某一名词名词或或代词代词的从句叫的从句叫定语定语从句。从句。定语从句定语从句先行词:先行词:被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词先行词。定语从句一般放在先行词后面定语从句一般放在先行词后面。而汉语中而汉语中的定语则放在被修饰词之前的定语则放在被修饰词

3、之前关系词:关系词:引导定语从句的词称为关系词。关系词分为引导定语从句的词称为关系词。关系词分为 关系关系代词代词(that,which,who,whom,whose)和和 关系关系副词副词(when,where,why)。关系代词在从关系代词在从句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分,关系副词句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分,关系副词在句中作状语。在句中作状语。Mary is a beautiful girl.Mary is a girl who is beautiful.形容词作定语形容词作定语句子作定语句子作定语,修饰修饰girl,叫做叫做定语从句定语从句I like music that/whi

4、ch I can dance to.先行词先行词关系代词关系代词定语从句定语从句I like the singer who is beautiful.I like the movie that is funny.I still remember the first time when I met her.Learntothink关系代词关系代词先行词先行词决定决定先行词先行词关系代词关系代词人人物物人和物人和物whowhichthatthatthatMary is a girl.Mary has long hair.合并为一个句子合并为一个句子Mary is a girl who has lo

5、ng hair.I have an apple.An apple is red.I have an apple that is red.修饰先行词修饰先行词 an apple I have some friends.Some friends like sports.I have some friends who like sports.修饰先行词修饰先行词 friends I like the movie.The movie is exciting.I like the movie that is exciting.that 修饰先行词修饰先行词movieThe woman who lives

6、 next door is a teacher.The woman is a teacher.The woman lives next door.who修饰先行词修饰先行词womanMatch the two sentences1.Im reading a book.The book is about Bill Gates._2.He is a teacher.The teacher teaches us Chinese._ 3.I dont like the man.He is smoking._4.Where is the picture?You bought it last week._

7、 Im reading a book that/which is about Bill Gates.He is a teacher who/that teaches us Chinese.I dont like the man who is smoking.Where is the picture that you bought last week?1.关系代词关系代词that,which引导的定语从句引导的定语从句:如果如果先行词先行词是表示物的是表示物的名词或代词名词或代词,关系,关系代词应用代词应用that、which.(作作主语主语或或宾语宾语)Thisisadream.Thedrea




11、iter.Hedescribedthemanjustnow.Theman(who/whom/that)hedescribedjustnowisafamouswriter.(作宾语)作宾语)1.Thethiefhasbeensenttoprison.Thepolicecaughtthethieflastnight.Thethief(who/that/whom)thepolicecaughtlastnighthasbeensenttoprison.Practise:定语从句的用法定语从句的用法:当先行词是当先行词是物物时时,用用which 或或that引导引导.These are the tree

12、s which were planted last year.当先行词是当先行词是人人时时,用用who,whom,whose,that引导引导.who,whom,whose,that用法区别用法区别.who 作定语从句的作定语从句的主主语或语或宾宾语语.The man who is speaking at the meeting is a worker.The man is a worker.The man is speaking at the meeting.分解分解作主语作主语Whom 作定语从句的宾语作定语从句的宾语 The woman whom they wanted to visit

13、 is a teacher.The woman is a teacher.They wanted to visit the woman.分解分解作宾语作宾语whose 作定语从句的作定语从句的定定语语.I know the girl whose mother is a teacher.分解分解I know the girl.The girls mother is a teacher.作定语作定语that 可以作定语从句的可以作定语从句的主主语和语和宾宾语语.注意注意:关系代词作动词宾语时可关系代词作动词宾语时可 省略省略.The woman(whom/that)they wanted to v

14、isit is a teacher.小结:1).that 既可指人,也可指物,作主语,不能省略;作宾语,可以省略。2).which指物,作主语,不能省略;作宾语,可以省略.3).who指指人人,作主语,不能省略作主语,不能省略;作宾语,作宾语,可以省略可以省略,(常用(常用whom)注注:当关系代词在定语从句中作主语时当关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,定语定语从句从句的的谓语动词形式谓语动词形式由由先行词先行词定。定。有时有时只能用只能用that,不不用用which,常见的情况有六种:常见的情况有六种:1.当先行词是当先行词是all,any,few,little,none,anything,ev




18、要弄清。定人要用定人要用who或或whom,定物,定物which当先用。当先用。关系代词用关系代词用that,定人定物有本领。,定人定物有本领。when用来定时间,用来定时间,where用来定地点。用来定地点。关系代词作成分,唯作宾语可省略。关系代词作成分,唯作宾语可省略。Exercise 1:用关系代词填空用关系代词填空1.The boy _ is playing ping-pong is my classmate.2.The e-mail _ I received yesterday was from my sister.3.I hate people _ talk much but do

19、 little.4.The car _ my father bought last month is very beautiful.who/thatwhich/thatwho/thatwhich/that5.The man _ hair is white is his grandfather.6.Is there a student _ father is a business man?7.This is the house in _ we have lived for 10 years.8.Ive never heard of the people and things _ you talk

20、ed about just now.whosewhosewhich that当先行词同时指人和物时,关系代词只能用that.Exercise 2.1.My father and his teacher talked a lot about the persons and things _ they couldnt remember.2.Say all _ you know.3.Is there anything _ I can do for you?thatthatthat当先行词是something,anything,nothing,all 等词时,关系代词只能用that.4.This is

21、 the first play _ I have seen since I came here.5.This is the best novel _ I have read.thatthat当先行词被序数词,最高级序数词,最高级等词修饰时,关系代词只能用that.6.Who is the girl _is standing under the tree?7.Which is the machine _ we used last Sunday.当主句是who或或which 引导的特殊疑问句引导的特殊疑问句,而中心词指人或物时,关系代词只能用that.thatthat先行词先行词1.Iknowag

22、irlwho_(like)red.先行词先行词2.Jimreadsbookswhich_(be)fun.先行词先行词3.Doyouknowthethingsandpersonsthatthey_(be)talkingabout?先行词先行词决定决定关系代词关系代词从句中的谓语动词形式从句中的谓语动词形式likes areare定语从句中的主谓一致定语从句中的主谓一致The mp4 that _ been given to me is home-made.(have)I,who _ your classmate,will share the work with you.(be)关系代词做从句的主

23、语时,关系代词做从句的主语时,从句从句的的谓语谓语动动词的人称和数要与先行词词的人称和数要与先行词保持一致保持一致,先行,先行词是句子时,从句的谓语动词使用单数形词是句子时,从句的谓语动词使用单数形式。式。Learntopractice1.Tomisoneoftheboysthat_(be)fromtheUSA.2.Tomistheonlyboythat_(be)fromtheUSA.areis【注意注意】He is one of the students who _ made great progress.Mr Wang is the only one of my friends who _

24、 been invited to have dinner with us.(have)one of+复数名词作先行词时,从句的复数名词作先行词时,从句的谓语动词用谓语动词用复数复数形式。但若形式。但若one前有前有 the(only)the(just)the(very)修饰时,从句的谓语动词用修饰时,从句的谓语动词用单数单数形式形式1.I have a friend _ likes listening to classical music.who/that3.The man _ leg broke in a match used to be a football player.2.Yester

25、day Emily was wearing the new dress _ I gave her.which/thatwhose4.My parents live in a house_ is more than 100 years old.5.The boy with _ John spoke is my brother.which/thatwhom6.Kevin is reading a book _ is too difficult for him.which/that7.Is there anything _ you want to buy in the town.8.All _ we

26、 can do is to study hard.9.The first one _ stands up is a little boy.thatthatthat1.I have a friend _ likes listening to classical music.who/thatwhich/thatwhose3.The man _ leg broke in a match used to be a football player.2.Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress _ I gave her.4.My parents live in a

27、 house_ is more than 100 years old.5.The boy with _ John spoke is my brother.which/thatwhom6.Kevin is reading a book _ is too difficult for him.which/that7.Is there anything _ you want to buy in the town.8.All _ we can do is to study hard.9.The first one _ stands up is a little boy.thatthatthat10.Th

28、e person _ you should write to is Mr Ball.11.The teacher from _ I learnt most was Mrs Zhu.12.The runner _ you are asking about is over there.13.The girl _ you are looking for is in the classroom.14.The meeting _ we shall take part in will be held in a hotel.15.The factory _ I worked in for over two

29、years has been closed.16.The airport _ is 30 kilometres away is the only one in the city 17.The person _ won the race was a woman from Sichuan.whowhomwho/whomwho/whomthatwhichthatwhoMatch the two sentences1.Im reading a book.The book is about Bill Gates._2.He is a teacher.The teacher teaches us Chin

30、ese._ 3.I dont like the man.He is smoking._4.Where is the picture?You bought it last week._ Im reading a book that/which is about Bill Gates.He is a teacher who/that teaches us Chinese.I dont like the man who is smoking.Where is the picture that you bought last week?1.这就是救了那个孩子命的医生这就是救了那个孩子命的医生.This

31、 is the doctor who saved the boys life.2.正在跑步的那个人是我的叔叔正在跑步的那个人是我的叔叔.The man who is running is my uncle.3.我喜欢可以随之而唱的音乐我喜欢可以随之而唱的音乐.I like the music that I can sing along with.4.住在隔壁的那个女的是一名教师住在隔壁的那个女的是一名教师.The woman who lives next door is a teacher.Learntomakeasummary定语定语从句从句1.两个句两个句子子3.先行作出两决定先行作出两决定4.两类只用莫相忘两类只用莫相忘关系代词关系代词从句谓语动词形式从句谓语动词形式1.只用只用that不用不用which(5)2.只用只用which不用不用that(2)主句主句从句从句2.两个词两个词先行词先行词关系代词关系代词Thank you for listening!


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