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1、如何写建议信如何写建议信how to write letters of advice写作攻略写作攻略1.建议信是向收信人对某事提出写信人的建议和忠告。2.建议信有可能是写给个人,就其遇到的某个问题提出自己的看法和观点;也可能是写给某个组织和机构,就改进其服务提出建议或忠告。3.建议信要写出写信的原因,建议的内容,提出建议的理由,提出的理由要入情入理,语气一定要礼貌当先。因此建议信要写得简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力。写作步骤首段:表明写作意图。陈述事由,简单介绍自己,注意语气。主体段落:应该首先肯定对方的优点,然后再写需要改进的地方或针对具体情况提出具体建议或忠告。千万注意不要让别人以

2、为你是在投诉,而不是提建议。结尾段:对提出的建议进行总结,要注意有礼貌使读者容易接受。写作三步曲写作三步曲自我介绍,说明写信目的自我介绍,说明写信目的提出建议或改提出建议或改进措施和进措施和提出的原因提出的原因表达希望采纳建议,表达希望采纳建议,或者期盼回复。或者期盼回复。注意!注意!语言要委婉、礼貌,顾语言要委婉、礼貌,顾及对方感受。在提出缺及对方感受。在提出缺点之前,最好先肯定其点之前,最好先肯定其优点。优点。范文例析范文例析Directions(说明)(说明):Your friend Lucy asked you for some advice about a successful in

3、terview.Write a letter of no less than 100 words to give her some advice.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use Wang Hua instead.Do not write the address.例文:例文:Dear Lucy,You have asked me for some advice on how to prepare for a successful interview and I will try to offer some useful

4、 suggestions。First of all,find out all the information you can about the company before you go to the interview.Secondly,practice your answers to common questions and make a list of questions to ask,too.It will make you feel more confident and relaxed.Thirdly,try to give the interviewer the best imp

5、ression:dress appropriately;show your strengths;arrive early;be enthusiastic;shake hands firmly;be an active listener;sit up straight and maintain eye contact.Finally,do not forget to say“Thank you after the interview.I hope you will find these suggestions helpful.Good Luck!Sincerely yours,Wang Hua常

6、用句式:常用句式:1、You have asked me for some advice on/with regard to.and I will try to give some useful suggestions.您问及我有关您问及我有关.的事情,我会尽量给出一些有用的事情,我会尽量给出一些有用的建议。的建议。2、As a staff member of Sales Department/regular customer/student of Management School,I am writing to you to present my suggestions on.作为销售部的

7、职员作为销售部的职员/老主顾老主顾/管理学院的学生,我写管理学院的学生,我写信向您建议信向您建议.3、I would like to suggest that.我建议我建议.4、If I were you,I would.如果我是您,我会如果我是您,我会.5、Im writing to express my views concerning.我写信是想表达我我写信是想表达我有关有关.的观点的观点6、I think it would be more beneficial if you could.我想如果您能我想如果您能.,可能会更好。,可能会更好。7.In my personal opinio

8、n,it would be wise of you to take the following action.在下认为,在下认为,如果你能采取以下措施,将是一种明如果你能采取以下措施,将是一种明智的选择。智的选择。8.I think it would do great good if you could.9.I would like you to consider the following suggestions.10、I believe you will take seriously my advice into account.我想您会认真考虑我的建议的。我想您会认真考虑我的建议的。11

9、、I hope you will find these proposals/suggestions/recommendations practical/useful/helpful.我希望这些建议我希望这些建议/意见对您有用。意见对您有用。12、I will be more than happy to see improvements in this regard.如果这方面有所改善我会非常开心的。如果这方面有所改善我会非常开心的。13、I hope that my suggestions are helpful for your decision-making.希望我的建议能对您的决定有所帮

10、助希望我的建议能对您的决定有所帮助I hope you will take my advice into account.I hope you will consider my suggestions.Thank you for reading my letter.Im looking forward to.更多建议信常用词句:更多建议信常用词句:A建议信开头常用句式建议信开头常用句式(照应材料照应材料,表明写作意图表明写作意图)1.After I read your letter in the newspaper/magazine,I am sorry to know that 我在报纸上读

11、到你的信后,我很抱歉知道2I am very glad to hear that you want to我很高兴听说你想3I know you have trouble/difficulty with/inafter reading your letter.我知道你在方面有麻烦/困难/在阅读你的信后4.Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to.我很高兴收到你的来信询问我的建议如何 B.建议信第二段常用句式建议信第二段常用句式(给出建议给出建议,井然有序井然有序)1.First,.Second,.Third,.Fi

12、nally,.Besides,.2.Firstly,.Secondly,Thirdly,.Finally/Eventually/At last,.Whats more,.3.First of all,.Then,.Next/After that,.Finally/In the end,.In addition,.4.to begin with/to start with,at last注意衔接词使用注意衔接词使用:furthermore;moreover;not only.but also.;not.but.;,besides;in other words;on the one hand.,o

13、n the other hand.;meanwhile;at the same time;C.建议信结尾常用句式建议信结尾常用句式 1.I believe you will take my advice into account.我相信你会认真考虑我的建议的。2.I hope you will find these proposals/suggestions/recommendations practical/useful/helpful.我希望这些建议对你来说实用/有用/有帮助。3.I will be more than happy to see improvements in this r

14、egard.如果这方面有所改善我会非常开心的。三个步骤Step 1 List the key pointsStep 2 Make sentences Step3.Form a passage and polish假设你是李华,你的笔友张明来信说他英语学的不大好,请你给他写一封回信,提一些建议,帮助他学好英语。内容提示:1.一定要做好课前预习2.课堂上认真听讲,记好笔记3.课后认真独立完成作业4.每天进行英语听说练习5.加强课外阅读扩大词汇量第一步:列举要点 英语学的不大好You are not good at EnglishYou dont do well in EnglishYou have

15、 difficulty with EnglishYou are not getting along well with English提一些建议,帮助学好英语。give you some advice on English/learning English/how to learn English I will give you some suggestions which I think may be helpful to you.Here are my suggestions/tips on .做好课前预习Prepare your lessons ahead of time/preview

16、 your lessons before class课堂上认真听讲Listen(to the teacher)carefully in class/during the classPay attention to what the teacher says carefully记好笔记Set/put/write down Make/take good notes课后认真独立完成作业每天进行英语听说练习 Finish your homework by yourself/on your own/dont copy your classmates s homeworkPractise listenin

17、g and speaking every day加强课外阅读扩大词汇量read more books related to English after class to enrich/enlarge your vocabulary.点睛之笔:Nothing is impossible to a willing heart!Practice makes perfect.Never give up/lose heart.If you have any trouble,please turn to me for help.Id like to share my methods with you.On

18、ly in this way,can you learn English well.read novels,magazines and everything to do with English.适当运用模板适当运用模板Dear_,You have asked me for my advice with regard to _,and Ill try to make some constructive/useful suggestions here.In my humble opinion(依我拙见依我拙见),you would be wise to take the following ac

19、tions:_.I hope youll find these proposals useful and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.Good luck with you.Yours,XXX Dear _,Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to (引出主题引出主题).Here are a few suggestions.First,it is important to .Then,it also help

20、s to .Besides,it should be a good idea to .You can also .(此三句此三句不同不同的句式提出建议的句式提出建议)As to ,I suggest (有时根据需要有时根据需要具体到某一反面具体到某一反面).In addition,(其他建其他建议议).Im sure (预测可能的结果,给对预测可能的结果,给对方以行动的信心和决心方以行动的信心和决心).Im looking forward to (表达愿望表达愿望).Sincerely yours,XXX 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友假定你是李华,你的英国朋友PeterPeter来信向你咨询来信

21、向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你根据下列要点写回信。如何才能学好中文。请你根据下列要点写回信。要点:要点:参加中文学习班;参加中文学习班;看中文书刊、电视;看中文书刊、电视;学唱中文歌曲;学唱中文歌曲;交中国朋友。交中国朋友。注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;开头语已注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;开头语已给出。给出。Dear Peter,Dear Peter,Im glad to receive your letter asking Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese fo

22、r my advice on how to learn Chinese well._ well._ _ _Best wishes,Best wishes,Li HuaLi HuaDear Peter,Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.Here are a few suggestions.First,it is important to take a Chinese course,as youll be able to learn from the teachers a

23、nd practice with your fellow students.Then,it also helps to watch TV and read books,newspapers,and magazines in Chinese whenever possible.Besides,it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs,because by doing so youll learn and remember Chinese words more easily.In addition,You can also m

24、ake more Chinese friends.They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese.Try writing to me in Chinese next time.Best wishes,Li Hua改错1.Ill help you in your English2.My English is not very well.3.Finish it on yourself.4.There are some advise.5.Dont afraid of English.6.Set up a learning

25、 aim,go ahead to achieve it.7.Set down the knowledge in the class8.You must listen carefully and follow teachers said.9.Only if you read about it ahead of schedule,you will learn it better.with/On your ownisbeandwhatadvicewill youWell-goodOn-by I am sure youll be success.You can set down that you th

26、ink is important.successfulYou can set down what you think is important.all如何给阅卷人以好的第一直观印象如何给阅卷人以好的第一直观印象整体三部分整体三部分1.Heading点题;一两个句子;概括性;暗示性2.Body 中心记述部分;层次分明3.Ending 小结;呼应主题为了迎接即将到来的期末考试,你校要取消所有的体育课。请你以学生王丽的身份给校长写一封信,建议不要取消体育课。注意:1.词数:120左右;2.文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。DearHeadmaster,Imwritingtoexpressmyviewsconcerningourschoolsdecisionthatallphysicaleducationshouldbecancelled.


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