北京市昌平区2019届高三上学期二模英语试题 Word版含解析.doc

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1、昌平区昌平区 2019 年高三年级第二次统一练习年高三年级第二次统一练习 英语试题英语试题 第一部分:知识运用第一部分:知识运用 (共两节,共两节,45分分) 第一节(共第一节(共 10 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,共分,共 15 分)分) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的个适当的 单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 A I love music. When I was 16, I formed my firs

2、t band called Frog. At the beginning, we depended _1_ playing instruments in the street to earn money. Then we wore false beards pretending to be famous musicians. In addition, we added humorous acts to our performances and played jokes on one another. Soon, our funny jazz became famous and we _2_ (

3、invite) to perform everywhere. Afterwards, we made a record in a studio. About one million _3_ (copy) were sold and we became rich and popular. 【答案】1. on/upon 2. were invited 3. copies 【解析】这是一篇记叙文。记叙了作者从小热爱音乐,并和自己的乐队靠滑稽爵士乐出名 的经过。 【1 题详解】 考查固定短语。句意:起初,我们靠在街上演奏乐器赚钱。短语 depend on/upon取决于; 依靠。故填 on/upon。

4、 【2 题详解】 考查动词时态语态。句意:不久,我们的滑稽爵士乐就出名了,我们被邀请到各地演出。 本句主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且根据上文 our funny jazz became famous 可知应用一 般过去时,故填 were invited。 【3 题详解】 考查名词的数。句意:大约售出了一百万册,我们变得富有和受欢迎。copy 为可数名词, 根据上文 one million 可知应用复数形式,故填 copies。 B Voyages of people from England played _4_ important part in spreading the English

5、language. At present, English is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries. _5_(base)on British English, English spoken in these countries can be understood well by native English speakers. But actually, English has been changing _6_ (gradual) in terms of accents, spellin

6、gs, expressions and vocabulary usage. Because of these facts, you can recognize the differences and tell from which country a foreigner comes. 【答案】4. an 5. Based 6. gradually 【解析】这是一篇说明文。主要说明了英国人的航海对英语的传播起了重要作用。 4 题详解】 考查冠词。句意:英国人的航海对英语的传播起了重要作用。固定短语 play an important part in起重要作用,故填 an。 【5 题详解】 考查非

7、谓语动词。句意:以英式英语为基础,这些国家说的英语可以被以英语为母语的人很 好地理解。本句已经存在谓语动词且句中没有连词,故 base 只能做非谓语动词与逻辑主语 构成被动关系,故填过去分词 Based。 【6 题详解】 考查副词。句意:但实际上,英语在口音、拼写、表达方式和词汇用法方面都在逐渐发生变 化。change 为动词需要副词修饰,故填 gradually。 C Charlie Chaplin was an extraordinary performer _7_ acted in and directed many outstanding comedies. Few were bore

8、d in _8_ (watch) his moustache, his gestures or his entertaining reactions when chased by detectives. Being drunk, sliding on a banana peel or whispering his own failures to nobody, he made _9_ (we) feel more satisfied with our life without even having to use one word. His unique sense of humor _10_

9、 (astonish) people across the world even till this day. 【答案】7. who/that 8. watching 9. us 10. has astonished 【分析】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一位杰出的演员查理 卓别林,他独特的幽默感直到 今天仍然让世界各地的人们感到惊讶。 【7 题详解】 考查定语从句连接词。句意:查理 卓别林是一位杰出的演员,他出演并导演了许多杰出的 喜剧。 本句为定语从句修饰先行词 performer, 且先行词在从句中做主语, 指人, 故填 who/that。 【8 题详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:很少有人对他

10、的胡子、他的手势或他被侦探追捕时的有趣反应感到 厌烦。in 为介词后跟动名词做宾语,故填 watching。 【9 题详解】 考查人称代词。 句意: 他喝醉了, 踩在香蕉皮上滑倒了, 或者对着别人窃窃私语自己的失败, 这些都让我们对自己的生活感到更加满意,甚至不需要用一个词。本空做谓语动词 make 的 宾语,故填人称代词宾格 us。 【10 题详解】 考查动词时态。句意:直到今天,他独特的幽默感仍然让世界各地的人们感到惊讶。根据下 文 even till this day直到今天, 可知应用现在完成时, 且主语为单数名词, 故填 has astonished。 【点睛】定语从句中的关系词选择

11、,可考虑以下几点: 1、看清楚先行词的意义,就是理清先行词是指人、指物、时间、地点、原因。指物时不能 用 who或 whom,指人时通常不用 which 等等。 2、看清楚关系词的句法功能,就是理清关系词是担任什么句子成分,是作主语还是宾语、 是作定语还是状语等等。作定语通常用 whose,有时也用 which。作状语要用 when, where, why。 3、看清楚定语从句的种类,就是理清是限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句。that、why 通常不引导非限制性定语从句。 4、看清楚文体,就是理清是正式文体,还是非正式文体。是书面语体还是口语体。 如第一小题,句意:查理卓别林是一位杰出的演

12、员,他出演并导演了许多杰出的喜剧。本 句为定语从句修饰先行词 performer,且先行词在从句中做主语,指人,故填 who/that。 第二节第二节 完形填空(共完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,共分,共 30 分)分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最四个选项中,选出最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 My family lives in Las Vegas, where I can hardly remember the last time it sn

13、owed. We also didnt get the _11_ of the men who helped us during the last snowstorm. We had been _12_ through Albuquerque, New Mexico from Texas after a week of visiting family and friends after 15 years of not seeing them. Suddenly, we _13_ it was snowing, and soon, as we got closer to Albuquerque,

14、 _14_ snow piles littered the sides of the road. We had a quick _15_ at Clines Corners Rest Area, and got back on the road again. Slowly, we drove onto the snow-filled highway. At first, it had seemed like we would _16_ it, and we almost did. Right at the edge of the highway, we got stuck in the sno

15、w. My sister and I got out to try and push the car, but that didnt work. In the words of my sister, “this is how horror movies _17_.“ Thank goodness it wasnt so _18_ that there were cars on the road. At first, we used our bare hands to try and _19_ a car to help us. The driver looked at us and unfor

16、tunately continued driving, but I understood. It seemed he was also on a _20_ with his family. Then, we saw another car and grabbed our phones and _21_ them with the flashlights on. A man in a truck about the same height as I am _22_ in his early 30s, stopped to help us. Despite him not having any_2

17、3_, he still tried to help us push our car back onto the road. After several attempts, another truck saw us. It passed us, but someone in it _24_ the driver to back up and help. Two white men, taller than I, probably also in their 30s, got _25_and grabbed their shovel(铁锹). They knew exactly what to

18、do, shoveling the snow, and revealing a pathway of pavement for our tires to drive on. They even instructed my dad to slowly speed up. With their help, our car _26_ made it back on the road. Im really _27_ to you three who helped my family. _28_ we didnt get your names, I hope that somehow this piec

19、e of writing _29_ you, and you understand that you saved my family and two dogs, from a potentially life-threatening _30_. 11. A. jobs B. hobbies C. names D. addresses 12. A. driving B. walking C. flying D. running 13. A. believed B. noticed C. mentioned D. felt 14. A. different B. tidy C. shiny D.

20、huge 15. A. move B. look C. try D. stop 16. A. catch B. make C. avoid D. challenge 17. A. start B. continue C. stay D. spread 18. A. fast B. slow C. late D. early 19. A. power B. signal C. book D. view 20. A. campaign B. trial C. mission D. trip 21. A. called B. dropped C. waved D. tested 22. A. per

21、haps B. mostly C. otherwise D. therefore 23. A. tools B. sense C. food D. beliefs 24. A. inspired B. allowed C. persuaded D. encouraged 25. A. in B. on C. up D. out 26. A. nearly B. really C. finally D. totally 27. A. joyful B. unselfish C. friendly D. grateful 28. A. Unless B. Although C. Since D.

22、If 29. A. reaches B. entertains C. informs D. changes 30. A. mistake B. situation C. warning D. stage 【答案】11. C 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. D 21. C 22. A 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. C 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. B 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述的是作者一家去访友的途中遇到了暴风雪,结果车辆被困 雪中,在好心人的帮助下,作者一家终于摆脱困境,成功脱险,作者对善良

23、的陌生人非常感 激。 【11 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们也不知道在上次暴风雪中帮助我们的人的名字。A. jobs 工 作; B. hobbies爱好; C. names 名字; D. addresses地址。 根据前文 My family lives in Las Vegas, where I can hardly remember the last time it snowed 可知,作者也不记得上次暴风雪中帮助自 己的人的名字,故答案为 C。 【12 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们从德克萨斯州开车穿过新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基,之前我们 拜访了家人和朋友,在过去的 15年里

24、,我们没有见过他们。A. driving 驾驶;B. walking 走 路;C. flying 飞行;D. running 奔跑。根据下文 Slowly, we drove onto the snow-filled highway 可知,作者一直在开着车,故答案为 A。 【13 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,我们注意到正在下雪,很快,当我们接近阿尔伯克基时, 巨大的雪堆散落在路边。A. believed 相信;B. noticed 注意到;C. mentioned 提到;D. felt 感 觉。根据下文 it was snowing 可知,突然注意到要下雪了,故答案为 B。 【14

25、 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:突然,我们注意到正在下雪, 很快, 当我们接近阿尔伯克基时, 巨大的雪堆散落在路边。A. different不同的;B. tidy整洁的;C. shiny光滑的;D. huge巨大 的。根据下文 snow piles littered the sides of the road 可知,巨大的雪堆堆积在路边,故答案 为 D。 【15 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们在克林斯角休息区停了一会儿,又回到了路上。A. move 移 动;B. look看;C. try尝试;D. stop 停止。根据下文 at Clines Corners Rest Area,

26、and got back on the road again可知,我们在克林斯角休息区停了一会儿,然后又回到路上,故答案为 D。 【16 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。 句意: 起初, 我们似乎能做到, 而且几乎做到了。 A. catch抓住; B. make 制造;C. avoid 避免;D. challenge挑战。根据下文 it, and we almost did 可知,他们似乎快要 成功地穿过雪区了,短语 make it“成功;做到”,故答案为 B。 【17 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:用我姐姐的话来说,“恐怖片就是这样开始的。”A. start开始; B. continue继续

27、;C. stay停留;D. spread 传播。根据常识及前文 this is how horror movies 可 知,这就像是恐怖电影的开始,故答案为 A 【18 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:天还不算晚,路上还有汽车。A. fast快的;B. slow慢的;C. late 迟到的;D. early早。根据 Thank goodness it wasnt so 可知,幸运的是,时间还不是太晚, 故答案为 C。 【19 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:起初,我们赤手空拳试图示意一辆汽车来帮助我们。A. power 力量;B. signal信号;C. book 书;D. view意见

28、。根据下文 a car to help us. The driver looked at us and unfortunately continued driving 可知,作者发出信号示意车辆停下帮忙,故答案为 B。 【20 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他似乎也在和家人一起旅行。A. campaign竞选;B. trial 试验; C. mission 任务;D. trip 旅程。根据下文 with his family可知,似乎他们也是和家人在旅行, 故答案为 D。 【21 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,我们看到另一辆车,抓起我们的手机,开着手电筒向他们 挥手。 A. ca

29、lled称呼; B. dropped 下降; C. waved挥动; D. tested测试。 根据下文 them with the flashlights on可知,车辆打着双闪向他挥手,故答案为 C。 【22 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:一名男子开着一辆和我差不多高的卡车,大概 30 岁出头,停下 来帮助我们。A. perhaps也许;B. mostly主要地;C. otherwise 否则;D. therefore因此。根据 下文 in his early 30s, stopped to help us 可知,那个男的大约三十岁出头,故答案为 A。 【23 题详解】 考查名词词义辨

30、析。句意:尽管他没有任何工具,他仍然试图帮助我们把车推回到路上。 A. tools 工具; B. sense 感觉; C. food食物; D. beliefs信念。 根据下文 he still tried to help us push our car back onto the road 可知,尽管没有任何的工具,他还是努力帮助作者把车推出来,故 答案为 A。 24 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:车从我们身边开过去,但车里有人劝司机倒车帮助。A. inspired 鼓舞;B. allowed 允许;C. persuaded 说服;D. encouraged鼓励。根据下文 the dri

31、ver to back up and help 可知,车内的人说服司机退回来帮忙。故选 C。 【25 题详解】 考查介词搭配。句意:两个比我高的白人男子,大概也有 30 多岁,从车里出来,抓起铁锹。 A. in 在里面;B. on在上面;C. up 向上;D. out出去。根据下文 and grabbed their shovel(铁 锹)可知,他们从车内出来,故答案为 D。 【26 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:在他们的帮助下,我们的汽车终于回到了路上。A. nearly几乎; B. really真地;C. finally终于;D. totally完全地。根据下文 made it bac

32、k on the road可知,最 后,在他们的帮助下,作者的车终于又回到了路上,故答案为 C。 【27 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我真的很感谢你们三个帮助了我的家庭。A. joyful 欢喜的;B. unselfish 无私的;C. friendly友好的;D. grateful 感激的。根据常识及下文 to you three who helped my family可知,作者对那三位好心人非常感激,故答案为 D。 【28 题详解】 考查连接词辨析。句意:虽然我们没有得到你的名字,但我希望你能读到这篇文章,你知道 你救了我的家人和两条狗,使它们脱离了潜在的生命危险。A. Unle

33、ss 除非;B. Although尽 管;虽然;C. Since自从;因为;D. If 如果。根据下文 we didnt get your names, I hope that somehow this piece of writing 可知,尽管作者不知道他们的名字,但是希望这篇文章能让他 们知道,故答案为 B。 【29 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我们没有得到你的名字,但我希望你能读到这篇文章,你知 道你救了我的家人和两条狗,使它们脱离了潜在的生命危险。A. reaches 伸出;到达;B. entertains 招待; C. informs通知; D. changes 改变。

34、根据 I hope that somehow this piece of writing 可知,但是希望这篇文章能到达他们那里让他们知道,故答案为 A。 【30 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然我们没有得到你的名字,但我希望你能读到这篇文章,你知 道你救了我的家人和两条狗,使它们脱离了潜在的生命危险。A. mistake 错误;B. situation 情况;C. warning 警告;D. stage 舞台。根据前文 and you understand that you saved my family and two dogs, from a potentially life-thr

35、eatening 可知,让他知道从一个潜在的威胁生命的情况 中救了作者的家人和两条狗,故答案为 B。 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)分) 第一节(共第一节(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 分,共分,共 30 分)分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A I work as the reception manager at my hotel. A booking came in a few weeks ago wit

36、h a note attached that a guest would be travelling with her deaf father. This note helped us in preparing for their arrival. As they would be here for a number of days his daughter wanted to make his trip to Ireland as smooth as possible. Upon seeing this note and knowing I would be the one to check

37、 them in, I decided to learn some very basic sign language. I greeted the guest in my usual fashion, asking for the surname on the booking. Once I heard the name,I immediately realized who was standing in front of me. I had been learning for two weeks how to say: Welcome to Ireland. My sign language

38、 is terrible, but please, if you need anything during your stay, just let me know and we will help you. I smiled at the father and daughter in front of me. Turning to the father, I greeted him in ASL (American Sign Language) and began the bit I had learned for him. His daughter broke down crying and

39、 told me I was sweet. But the father just smiled and was so happy. Honestly, seeing his reaction was enough for me. It was absolutely worth the last few weeks of learning basic ASL. Sadly, I wasnt working the day they checked out, but they left a gift for me, a small box with some chocolates and a b

40、ook on ASL. Inside was a note saying: Thank you very much for what you did. My father has been in amazing spirits from the time you checked us in and insisted we get you a gift before we left. You have no idea how much this meant to my father and me, and we cant thank you enough. Youve made his trip

41、 very special with one simple gesture. I cried for a solid five minutes when I came into work the next day and found this gift in my locker. 31. The daughter left a note when booking the hotel in order to _. A. ask for special service for herself B. give some useful advice to the hotel C. express gr

42、atitude to the hotel manager D. make her fathers trip more comfortable 32. The daughter cried when they checked in because _. A. the authors sign language was really terrible B. her father was unwilling to live in that hotel C. she appreciated what the author had done for her father D. the author wo

43、uldnt be working when they checked out 33. Seeing the fathers reaction during check-in, the author probably felt _. A. thankful B. satisfied C. disappointed D. regretful 34. From this passage, we can know that _. A. the author made the daughters check-out smooth B. the author was deeply moved by an

44、unexpected gift C. the daughter cried for five minutes before they left D. the daughter asked the author to learn sign language 【答案】31. D 32. C 33. B 34. B 【分析】这是一篇记叙文。本文作者回忆了接待一对父女来爱尔兰旅游,帮助他们登记的故 事,因为那位父亲是个聋哑人,执着专门学了手势语“欢迎来爱尔兰“,结果那位父亲对于作 者的接待很满意,走得时候还送给作者礼物,并给经理写信,希望给作者加薪。 【31 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句

45、As they would be here for a number of days, his daughter wanted to make his trip to Ireland as smooth as possible.(由于他们要在这里呆几天,他的女儿 想让他的爱尔兰之行尽可能顺利。 )可知,女儿在预订旅馆时留下了一张便条,以便让父亲 的旅行更舒适。故选 D。 【32 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第五段 His daughter broke down crying and told me I was sweet. But the father just smiled and was s

46、o happy.可知当他们登记入住时,女儿哭了,女儿情绪失控的原因是作者 的细心体贴感动了她,这让她的爸爸很开心。故选 C。 【33 题详解】 推理判断题。 根据第五段 Honestly, seeing his reaction was enough for me. It was absolutely worth the last few weeks of learning basic ASL.(老实说,看到他反应就足够了。最后几周的 ASL 基础学习绝对值得。 )可知,看到这位爸爸很开心,作者感到了他的付出是很值得的;因此 看到父亲在入住时的反应,作者可能感到很满足。故选 B。 【34 题详

47、解】 推理判断题。 根据最后一段 I cried for a solid five minutes when I came into work the next day and found this gift in my locker.(第二天上班时,我在储物柜里发现了这件礼物,哭了整整五分 钟。 )可知,作者受到这份特殊的礼物后很感动;故选 B。 【点睛】细节理解题大多是根据文章中的具体信息如事实、例证、原因、过程、论述等进行 提问的。抓住文段中的事实和细节是做好该题型的关键,也是做好其它类型问题的基础。该 题型几乎都可以在文章中直接找到与答案有关的信息, 或是其变体。 在一篇短文里大部分篇

48、 幅都属于这类围绕主体展开的细节。做这类题一般采用寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问题快 速阅读短文, 找出与问题和选项有关的词语或句子, 再对相关部分进行分析对比, 找出答案。 正确选项虽然一般不是原文照搬,但是一般是原文的改写,意思不变。如换一个同义词,把 否定改为肯定,把肯定改为否定等。如第二小题,根据第五段 His daughter broke down crying and told me I was sweet. But the father just smiled and was so happy.可知当他们登记入住时,女 儿哭了,女儿情绪失控的原因是作者的细心体贴感动了她,这让她的爸爸很开心。故选 C。 B Special Offers for Universal Orlando Resort Vacation Package: Stay More Save More Wake up where the action is and save up to $150 when you stay four nights or longer. With hotel accommodations and admission to all three theme parks included, the longer you


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