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1、英 文 书 籍 T H E P L E A S U R E O F R E A D I N GThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals,There Are Always Difficulties汇报:天天日期:2030年10月C CONTENTSONTENTS01Book description02About the Author03Main Contents04Impressions of the book05Good booksB

2、ook DescriptionThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals,There Are Always DifficultiesR E A D S H A R EBook Description7979%Something about us that you should knowThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychologic

3、al Aspirations And Goals,There Are Always Difficulties And Obstacles On The Way Forward,We Still Need To FaceBook Description2626%SOMETHING ABOUT US THAT The Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals,There Are Always Difficulties And Obstacles

4、On The Way Forward,We Still Need To FaceOnly In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals,There Are Always Difficulties And Obstacles On The Way Forward,We Still Need To FaceAbout the AuthorThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirati

5、ons And Goals,There Are Always DifficultiesR E A D S H A R EAbout the Author2121%Something about us that you should knowThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。The Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychologica

6、l Aspirations And Goals。First First HeaderHeaderThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。First First HeaderHeaderThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。First First HeaderHeader

7、About the AuthorThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals,。The Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals,There Are Always Difficulties And Obstacles On The Way Forward,We Still Need To

8、 Face And Overcome All Difficulties.Something about us that you should knowBRAND STRATEGYPROMOTIONDEVELOPMENTIDENTITY DESIGNMain ContentsThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals,There Are Always DifficultiesR E A D S H A R EMain ContentsPa

9、trika JaySarah HowelsAlisa MayDESIGNERDEVELOPERMARKETING0102The Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals,There Are Always Difficulties And Obstacles On The Way Forward,We Still Need To Face And Overcome All Difficulties.READINGREADINGThe Futur

10、e Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。Something about us that you should knowThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。Something about us that you should knowMain ContentsThe Future Nee

11、ds Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。First First HeaderHeaderThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。First First HeaderHeaderThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve

12、Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。First First HeaderHeader0102The Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。Something about us that you should knowThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations

13、 And Goals。Something about us that you should knowMain Contents0102The Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals,There Are Always Difficulties And Obstacles On The Way Forward,We Still Need To Face And Overcome All Difficulties.READINGREADINGTh

14、e Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。Something about us that you should knowThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。Something about us that you should knowPatrika JaySarah How

15、elsAlisa MayDESIGNERDEVELOPERMARKETINGMain ContentsThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。First First HeaderHeader0101The Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。First First Heade

16、rHeader0202The Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。First First HeaderHeader0 03 3The Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。First First HeaderHeader0 04 4Impressions of the bookTh

17、e Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals,There Are Always DifficultiesR E A D S H A R EImpressions of the book读书对于智慧也像体操对于身体一样。爱迪生Reading for wisdom like gymnastics to the body。-EdisonGorky once said,Books are the stepping stones to human pr

18、ogress.高尔基说:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”Impressions of the bookActivity is the only road to knowledge.(George Bernard Shaw,British dramatist)行动是通往知识的唯一道路。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G.)A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way.(Adams Franklin,American humorist

19、)我的大部分知识都是这样获得的:在寻找某个资料时意外的发现了另上的资料。(美国幽默作家 富兰克林.A.)A free man obtains knowledge from many sources 1 besides books.(Thomas Jefferson,American president)一个自由的人除了从书本上获取知识外,还可以从许多别的来源获得知识。(美国总统 杰斐逊.T.)Impressions of the bookIf a man empties his purse into his head,no man can take it away from him,an in

20、vestment in knowledge always pays the best interest.(Benjamin Franklin,American president)倾已所有追求知识,没有人能夺走它;向知识投资,收益最佳。(美国总统 富兰克林.B.)Imagination is more important than knowledge.(Albert Einstein,American scientist)想象力比知识更为重要。(美国科学家 爱因斯坦.A.)Knowledge is power.(Francis Bacon,British philosopher)知识就是力量。

21、(英国哲学家 培根.F.)Impressions of the bookThe empty vessels make the greatest sound.(William Shakespeare,British dramatist)满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚.W.)Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light.知识总是从爱好开始,犹如光总是从火开始一样。Thomas Carlyle(英国历史学家卡莱尔)People need to know one another to be at their hone

22、st best.人们需要相互了解才能达到最诚实的境界。(Robbins Staca(英国作家斯达卡)Admonish your friends privately,but praise them openly.要私下告诫朋友,但是要公开夸奖朋友。Good booksThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals,There Are Always DifficultiesR E A D S H A R EGood booksThe Futur

23、e Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。First First HeaderHeader0101The Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。First First HeaderHeader0202The Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Ca

24、n We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals。First First HeaderHeader0303Good booksWuthering Heights呼啸山庄,1847年作者:Emily Bront 艾米莉勃朗特Wuthering Heights is“powered by more psychological energy than any book ever written”。Readers admire Wuthering Heights because of“its layered narrative structure

25、,because it is a work of incredible imagination,and because it is far more than a love story。The story shows”the eternal rocks beneath“our fleeting desires。呼啸山庄“蕴含巨大的心理能量,没有其它书籍能够与之匹敌。”读者推崇呼啸山庄是因为其“层层叠叠的叙述结构”和丰富惊人的想象力,更因为呼啸山庄超越了爱情故事本身,展现了我们转瞬即逝的欲望之下“永恒的震撼”。Good booksThe Pigeon Tunnel 鸽子通道作者:John le

26、Carr 约翰勒卡雷The master of espionage fiction offers a memoir of sorts,a series of meticulously crafted,witty and enthralling“stories from my life”。He describes the childhood deceptions and losses that launched him,his schooling in Switzerland,where he made his first“infant steps for British Intelligenc

27、e,delivering I knew not what to I knew not whom。”间谍小说大师推出自传体作品,细腻打造“我的生活中”引人入胜的趣事。他描述了童年遭遇的欺骗和随之而来的失落感,讲述了在瑞士的学生时光,正是在那里,他“迈出了成为英国情报人员的第一小步,把我不了解的信息传递给我不认识的人”。Good booksThe master of espionage fiction offers a memoir of sorts,a series of meticulously crafted,witty and enthralling“stories from my lif

28、e”。He describes the childhood deceptions and losses that launched him,his schooling in Switzerland,where he made his first“infant steps for British Intelligence,delivering I knew not what to I knew not whom。”The Pigeon Tunnel 鸽子通道作者:John le Carr 约翰勒卡雷勃朗特这部哥特式爱情传奇出版于1847年,内容革新,讲述了一个年轻女性追寻更为充实激情的生活,至今

29、仍能引起现代读者的共鸣。勃朗特小说的主人翁简爱是个孤儿,追寻着自我的身份,主人罗切斯特先生深深吸引着她;小说真切描述了简爱复杂的道德抉择及其有时显得有些原始的情感状态。Good booksMiddlemarch米德尔马契,1874年作者:George Eliot 乔治艾略特A novel of great characters,its an even greater novel of ideas and ideals。Middlemarch is the greatest social and psychological novel ever written in English。这部小说人物

30、角色卓越,更精妙之处在于其想法与理念。米德尔马契是迄今最伟大的英文写就的社会和心理学小说。Good booksVanity Fair名利场,1848年作者:William Makepeace Thackeray 威廉梅克皮斯萨克雷This novel features probably the greatest anti-heroine in English literature,Becky Sharp,and a plot that revolves around class,social climbing and a financial crisis that will seem eeri

31、ly familiar to modern readers。Vanity Fair has it all。It both speaks of its time,and speaks of all times。这部小说的主角或许是英国文学史上最知名的非正统派女主角贝奇夏普,小说的情节围绕阶级、跻身上流社会以及引发现代读者奇异的熟悉感的金融危机。名利场这些要素全都具备,讲述那个年代,也讲述着所有年代。感 谢 你 的 观 看T H E P L E A S U R E O F R E A D I N GThe Future Needs Us To Create,Only In This Way Can We Achieve Our Psychological Aspirations And Goals,There Are Always Difficulties汇报:天天日期:2030年10月


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