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1、Unit 7 Unit 7 PoemsPoems1.Words And Phrase2.Language Points3.Grammar 14.Grammar 25.Speaking6.Key Sentence7.Writing8.HomeworkReading P89Reading P89读课文读课文,有惊喜有惊喜Question:My Dad1.What does the writers dad do at work?2.Where does the writers dad work?The old newspaper seller3.What does the old man do?4.

2、Where does the old man work?Words&PhrasesWords&Phrasesordinaryfeelingorderadvicealoudgroupagree/disagreecompleteadj.普通的;平凡的n.感觉;情感n.命令n.建议adv.大声地n.组;群v.同意/不同意adj.完整的wellshowernarrowheightsupermansellersmilerushcrowdn.井;n.淋浴adj.狭窄的n.高度n.超人n.卖方v&n.微笑v.迅速移动n.人群(not)at all(be)worried aboutnewspaper stan

3、drush outa crowd of一点也(不)为.担忧报摊冲出去一群Language pointLanguage point1.water has no taste at all.水一点味道都没有。atall用于否定句,主要是加强否定的语气,意思是:根本不,一点也不。eg:He doesnt care at all.他一点都不在乎。他一点也不累。He isnt tired at all.2.Not worried about the height.不担心那个高度。be worried about意为“为.担忧”;worried为adj.,作be动词的表语,意为“担心的,担忧的”eg:她为儿

4、子感到担忧。She is worried about her son.类似的短语还有:be excited about“对.感到兴奋”be frightened about“对.感到害怕”3.A bus stops,and the people rush out.rush out 意为“冲出去”They rushed out as soon as the classroom began to burn.汽车一停人们就冲了出来。eg:教室一着火,他们立刻冲了出去。4.Then I see him watching,on the building site.我看到他在建筑工地上工作着。see sb

5、.doing 意为“看见某人正在做某事”eg:当我经过操场时,我看见Jack正在和他的父亲打篮球。I saw Jack playing basketball with his father when I passed the playground.5.Hes high up in the clouds higher than a kite.他高高在云霄,比风筝还要高。high up 意为“离地面高地;高 高在上地”eg:小鸟高高地在天上飞。Birds fly high up in the sky.6.Now hes sitting in his favourite chair Too tire

6、d to laugh or play.现在,他坐在他最喜欢的椅子上,累得既不笑也不玩。too.to do sth.意为“太.以至于不能做某事”eg:他太瘦弱以至于不能搬运它。He is too weak to carry it.too.to do sth VS.so.that.观察并翻译:He is too shy to speak to her.她是如此的美丽以至于所有的男孩们都想和她做朋友。She is so beautiful that all boys want to make friends with her.7.He comes home,has a shower.have a s

7、hower 意为“洗淋浴”。与take a shower意思相同,可以互换使用。eg:在夏天,我每天都洗澡。In summer,I have a shower every day.or you can also say:In summer,I take a shower every day.8.Hes sitting at the newspaper stand.他坐在公交车站旁边的报摊边。介词“at”意为“在(某处)”在机场在高铁站在公交车站在演唱会at the airportat the railway stationat the bus stopat the concert9.A cro

8、wd of people All very busy,with tired faces,And just one smile.一群人,都很忙碌,面带倦容,只有一个微笑。分析:为了达到语言精炼的目的,省略了谓语动词be和there be。补全句子:A crowd of people are all very busy,with tired faces,and there is just one smile.10.They dont have much time to smile.他们没有时间微笑。have sth.to do 意为“有.事要去做”eg:我仍然还有一些作业要完成。I still h

9、ave some homework to finish.11.Theyre hurrying to work.他们匆匆忙忙去上班。be hurry to do sth.意为“赶快/匆忙/急忙做某事”,与rush意思相近。eg:快要迟到了,他们正匆忙跑进课室。Its almost late,theyre hurrying to run into the classroom.Grammar 1ImperativeLook at the following sentences:Dont eat in class,Bill.Close the door,Rose.Speak louder,Jane.D

10、ont sleep in class,James.Turn to page 74,Steven.Dont bring pets to school,Mary.Lets do some housework.Can you find something in common?猜对没奖,因为老师穷!Dont eat in class,Bill.Close the door,Rose.Speak louder,Jane.1.句子有无主语?2.什么词开头?3.动词什么形式?4.这类句子我们叫作?Speak outTell me some imperative sentences用法:给出命令/指令/建议,

11、有肯定形式和否定形式。肯:动词原形+其他部分eg:Tidy up the room,Leo.否:Dont/Do not+动词原形+其他部分eg:Dont make any noise.Grammar 2 Exclamation!Look at the following sentences:What a kind man he is!What interesting books you are reading!What exciting news it is!What a mess!How kind she is!How well they dance!How fast!Think about

12、 it:When should we use What or How?How to choose What or How:还原句子:1.What a kind man he is!还原=He is a kind man.2.How kind she is!How well George writes!还原=She is kind.=George writes well.着重点在名词“man”着重点在形容词“kind”/副词“well“What感叹句的结构:1.What+a/an+adj.+n.单数+主语+谓语+!eg:What a kind girl she is!Give me more e

13、xamples2.What+adj.+n.复数+主语+谓语+!eg:What interesting books youre reading!Give me more examples3.What+adj.+不可数n.+主语+谓语+!eg:What exciting news it is!Give me more examples改错题:1.What a good numbers it is!2.What clever girl she is!3.What a dangerous road!4.What beautiful bird are they!删掉a增加aCorrectbird加sar

14、e they改为they areHow感叹句的结构:1.How+形容词+主语+谓语+!eg:How tall you are!Give me more examplesHow感叹句的结构:2.How+副词+主语+谓语+!eg:How tall you are!Give me more examplesHow感叹句的结构:3.How+主语+谓语+!eg:How time flies!Give me more examples改错题:1.How beautiful you are!2.What interesting the book is!3.How delicious food!4.How t

15、hey shout!CorrectHowthe food isCorrectSpeakingWord stressWhen we say words of more than one syllables,we stress one of the syllables.Which syllable should be stressed?always building narrowaround begin cartoondelicious October magazine重音:单音节词单独读时都重读;两个或两个以上的音节才有重音。次重音:在含有3个或更多音节的单词中,有的除了主重音还有次重音,次重音

16、表示读该音节时要弱于重音节而强于其他音节。单词重音的一般规律:A.双音节词的重音多数在第1音节上,daily,matter,cleverB.带a-,be-,en-,for-,im-,in-,mis-,pre-,un-,to-,等不可分的前缀的双音节词,重音常落在第2音节上。above,believe,forget,mistake,todayC.多音节词的重音多落在倒数第3个音节上。satisfy,magnificent,immediatelyD.以-ic,-ial,-ian,-ion等后缀结尾的多音节 词,重音落在倒数第2个音节上。republic,musician E.3个音节以上的词除了主

17、重音外往往还带有一个次重音。次重音多落在第1个或第2个音节上。Pronunciation,examination.F.复合词的重音一般落在第1个音节上。homework,classroom,paper-knife词组的重音分不同情况,不同的重音位置会产生不同的意思。walking stick 走路用的手杖walking stick 会走路的魔杖English teacher 英国老师English teacher 英语老师Key sentenceKey sentence1.From dawn to dusk,I never stop.From dawn to dusk 从早到晚Peasants

18、 work from dawn to dusk all the year round.2.I sweep the streets,and make them clean.我打扫这些街道,让它们变得干净。Make sb./sth.+adj.“让变得”The news made me sad.3.I clean up things that people things that people dropdrop.clean up“打扫干净”Things that people drop“人们扔的东西”those who fightdogs that bark 4.We drive along the

19、 streets all night to stop thieves and those who fight.to stop thieves and those who fight 在句中做_状语目的He got up early to catch the school bus.Writing-A poem活动一分类找出押韵的单词,PK,速度快的人/组获胜。blue,bite,feed,said,talk,tight,hawk,bed,weed,write,too,who,night,speed,dead,walk,fork,head,need,fight,do,grew,red,deed,t

20、hrough,pork,who,might,/e/i:/ai/u:/答案Talk,chalk,fork,pork,walk,hawkBed,dead,head,red,saidFeed,deed,need,speed,weedWrite,night,fight,might,tight,biteBlue,do,grew,through,who,too/e/i:/ai/u:/活动二根据押韵,拼出一首诗。答案One,two,How do you do?Three,four,Open the door.Five,six,Pick up the sticks.Seven,eight,Sit up str

21、aight.Nine,ten,Give me a pen.请你根据以下提示,以“My English teacher”为题,写一首诗。提示:1.王老师是名英语老师;2.他很早起床,工作很勤奋;3.他的英语课很有趣4.对我们很有耐心,总是面对微笑地回答我们的问题。参考词汇:take trouble away书面表达MyMy English teacher English teachernameMr.WangEnglish teacherWhat does he do every day?1.Get up early,hard-working2.answer questionsWhat is hi

22、s personality?1.Patient2.smile3.goodHow do you think of him?1.His class is interesting2.Take trouble waayMy English teacherOur English teacher Mr WangIs a hard-working man.He gets up early every day.Our English teacher Mr WangIs a good and patient man.He makes his classes interesting.He always answers our questionsWith a smile on his face.He comes into our lifeAnd takes our trouble away.HomeworkHomework


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