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1、“To read between the lines was easier than to follow the text.”(Henry James,1843-1916)Origins of thoughtsnThe story of teaching CinderellanMy observations of SABEH teachers lessonsnMy observations of the current practice of EFL reading instruction in Fujian Focus on language points Focus on vocabula

2、ry Focus on informational texts Focus on utilitarian goals语言点语言点“得词汇者得天下得词汇者得天下”报刊阅读报刊阅读工具性、实用性工具性、实用性Todays questionsnWhat should we do to guide students to reflect on and make sense of English texts?nHow do we teach students to use the strategies of text comprehension?(1)Understanding what(2)Knowi

3、ng how读得懂读得懂懂得读懂得读Todays topicsnReading&textsnReading strategiesnText comprehension strategies From language points to text comprehension From words to images&texts From dichotomy to reading continuum From language to thinkingnConcluding remarks1.Reading&textsnReading an interaction between individu

4、al readers and particular texts(Parry,1993:149)an interaction between reader and writer mediated through the text(Widdowson,1979:74)nText&discourse A text is“a verbal record of a communicative act”(Wallace,1992:6)Text refers to any written record of a communicative event,whereas discourse is reserve

5、d to refer to the interpretation of the communicative event in context.(Nunan,1993:20)nDiscourse analysisDiscourse analysis:the study of the relationship between language and the context in which it is used;“The study of language in use.”(McCarthy,1991:5)nReading in the EFL curriculum Reading for in

6、formation Reading for developing reading skills Reading for learning the language Reading for pleasure Reading for developing writing skills(刘道义,2006:96)2.Reading strategiesnReading strategies conscious means“that readers employ in order to make sense of a text”(Parry,1993:150)nReading strategies in

7、 NSEC Learn English through short stories(M4/U3,A taste of English humour)Learn English through poems(M6/U2,Poems)nMissing links in NSECnReading strategies in SHE Working out meaning(M1/U2,Heroes)Identifying theme-related words(M1/U2)Identifying main ideas of paragraphs in context(M1/U2)Reading for

8、information(M1/U3,Celebration)Reading for key words(M1/U3)Making contextual connections(M2/U5,Rhythm)Sequencing(M3/U7,The Sea)Completing notes(M3/U9,Wheels)Identifying facts&opinions(M4/U10,Money)Dealing with culture references(M4/U11,The Media)Making inferences/Reading between the lines(M5/U13,Peop

9、le)Texts with sentence gaps(M5/U14,Careers)Using linking&reference words(M5/U15,Learning)nReading strategies in SHE Prediction(M6/U16,Stories)Revision(M6/U16)Reading poetry(M6/U18,Beauty)Paragraphs and headings(M7/U19,Language)Guess meaning from context(M7/U19)Identifying accurate information(M7/U20

10、,New Frontiers)Sequencing of information(M7/U21,Human Biology)Summarizing(M8/U24,Society)Repetition(M5/U15)Use visual images(M5/U15)Language awareness 1-9(M6/U16-M8/U24)nReading strategies in the ECS Goal-setting(Metacognitive)Reflection(Metacognitive)Reading for pleasure(Affective)Awareness-raising

11、(Metacognitive:language&cultural awareness)Association(Cognitive)Activating thinking(Cognitive)Inferencing(Cognitive)Guessing meaning from context(Cognitive:Senior)Getting main ideas(Cognitive)Summarizing(Cognitive)Note-taking(Cognitive)Using diagrams(Cognitive:using text features)Using the library(

12、Resource)nText-based reading strategies Discourse awareness raising Using text features(headings,subtitles,diagrams)Using text structures Activating prior knowledge Predicting&Guessing Inferencing(Making inferences)Making connections(with real-life experiences)Visualizing(Imagery and imagination)Mon

13、itoring comprehension Empathizing 3.Text comprehension strategiesnFrom language points to text comprehensionnFrom words to images&textsnFrom dichotomy to reading continuumnFrom language to thinking从语言点到语篇理解从语言点到语篇理解从词汇到意象和语篇从词汇到意象和语篇从对立到阅读连续体从对立到阅读连续体从学语言到发展思维从学语言到发展思维3.1 From language points to tex

14、t comprehensionnMake sense of cohesion&coherence Cohesion:sentences are tied together by cohesive devices(e.g.,reiteration and collocation)Coherence:sentences follow each other in ways which make sense(McCarthy et al,2010:87)Text 1When I first got married,I lived in a small terraced house in the mid

15、dle of the city.It was a modest place,but it was all I needed at that time.A few years later,when the kids came along,we moved to a semi-detached on the outskirts of the town.This spacious property has been our home for more than 20 years,though were now considering down-sizing to a stone cottage in

16、 the country.Text 2When I first got married,I lived in a small terraced house in the middle of the city.As a bachelor,it was all I needed before that time.The cottage had a large garden and lots of bedrooms.Although I dont mind living in a small town apartment,my ultimate goal is to move out to a st

17、one cottage in the country.(McCarthy et al,2010:88)Text 1When I first got married,I lived in a small terraced house in the middle of the city.It was a modest place,but it was all I needed at that time.A few years later,when the kids came along,we moved to a semi-detached on the outskirts of the town

18、.This spacious property has been our home for more than 20 years,though were now considering down-sizing to a stone cottage in the country.Lexical cohesionWords for house:terraced house;place;semi-detached;property;stone cottage;Expressions of time:first;at that time;a few years later for more than

19、20 years;now;Expressions of place:city;town;country;Words for size:small;modest;spacious;down-sizing;(McCarthy et al,2010:88)Text 2When I first got married,I lived in a small terraced house in the middle of the city.As a bachelor,it was all I needed before that time.The cottage had a large garden an

20、d lots of bedrooms.Although I dont mind living in a small town apartment,my ultimate goal is to move out to a stone cottage in the country.Lack of lexical cohesionInternal contradictions:married/bachelor;terraced house/cottage/apartment;city/town;small/large garden/lots of bedrooms(McCarthy et al,20

21、10:89)Text 3You know,when you hear your parents argue you never understand why theyre arguing,you know.Why do they argue?They have three great kids.You know what I mean?And,and then you kind of have to realise that,you know,theyre just like any of us,you see.They have lots of problems and they have

22、to deal with it,and its not so easy to deal with them sometimes,you know.Lexical chains and topicsThe main topic?The overall cohesion?Chains of vocabulary:parents;kids;problems;argue,arguing,argue;hear;understand;realise;deal with it;not so easy to deal with;The functions?Discourse markers:You know;

23、You know what I mean?kind of;you see The function?The parental problem(McCarthy et al,2010:90)3.2 From words to images&textsnLearning words in textsTeaching words in texts involves giving learners appropriate strategies so that they can both process and produce new language(McCarthy et al.,2010:97)D

24、efining key words in a text Identifying the lexical relations in a text Making inferencesText 4 EcosystomsEcosystems,such as ponds,grasslands or forests,are living,dynamic systems.They consist of all the organisms in a community,their biotic and abiotic environments,and exchanges within and between

25、each of these.The biotic environment of an organism is its interactions with other organisms,and its abiotic environment is its physical environment.An ecosystem is thus a higher organisational level than an ecological population or community(Ladiges et al.,2010)1 Identifying word relationsEcologica

26、l words:Properties:Components:2.Inferencing:biotic,abioticLexical knowledge:Knowledge of co-text:World knowledge:3.Defining ecosystemsEcosystems are living,dynamic ecological systems consisting of interacting biotic and abiotic components.nWords in texts(quotations)Beauty:“Beauty,n.:the power by whi

27、ch a woman charms a lover and terrifies a husband.”(Ambrose Bierce,1842-1914);Finish:“When youre finished changing,youre finished.”(Benjamin Franklin)Make,produce:“God makes stars.I just produce them.”(Samuel Goldwyn);Marriage:“Keep your eyes wide open before marriage,half shut afterwards.”(Benjamin

28、 Franklin)Nation:“A nation is the same people living in the same place.”(James Joyce)nWords,images&textsnWords,images&textsnWords,images&textsnWords,images&textsnWords,images&texts3.3 From dichotomy to reading continuumnInformative&literary textsInformative textLiterary textPoetryMain ideaTheme or m

29、ain ideaThemeOrganization of argumentPlotImageryCredentials of authorCharacter developmentSpecial&general vocabularyPoints that support argumentSpecial&general vocabularySentence structureGraphs,charts,and so onAuthor information,setting,cultural information,toneTone,cultural informationPoint of vie

30、w(Based on Aebersold&Field,1997)Langston Hughes(1902-1967)nReading continuumTravel brochureNews reportDiary,adShort story/NovelPoetryLiterary textsInformational textsNon-fictionFiction3.4 From text to thinkingnText structure&thinking Problem-solution pattern Cause-effect pattern Comparison-contrast

31、pattern Question-answer pattern General-specific pattern Description pattern Sequencing patternnText 5In developing countries,military expenses are closely linked to infant mortality.A relatively high spending on weapons means that less money is going into education,health,and infrastructure.As a re

32、sult,access to quality healthcare,clean water,and basic foods becomes limited.This puts vulnerable humans,such as infants,at higher risk.In the long run,high military expenses also impede economic growth,which may lead into a negative spiral of unemploy-ment,violence,and further threats to infants.n

33、Identify the text structurenIdentify signal wordsCause-effect patternCauseEffectMilitary expenses -infant mortalityLess money limited healthcare,water,and foodinfants at risk-economic growthunemployment,violence,and further threatsclosely linked to,means,as a result,impede,lead into(Oakhill et al.,2

34、015:84)nText 6There are many reasons to buy organic food rather than conventionally produced food.The most commonly stated reason is that organic foods are thought to be healthier.However,this is rarely found in proper studies of comparable products.The main difference is that organic foods are pro-

35、duced in ways that are less stressful for the animals and environments involved.Less intensive farming costs more,so organic food is usually more expensive.nIdentify the text structurenIdentify signal wordsCompare-contrast patternOrganic food vs.Conventional foodhealthierless stressfulless intensive

36、more expensiverather than,however,the main difference,less,more (Oakhill et al.,2015:84)nText 7Many houses were originally built at a proper distance from the road.As roads have been expanded,these houses are now very close to the roads,and the rooms facing the roads can be plagued with noise.New no

37、ise insulating windows and wall covers may reduce the noise substantially.Another solution is to use new road surfaces containing mixes of rubber so that the traffic does not create as much noise.nIdentify the text structurenIdentify signal words(Oakhill et al.,2015:84)Problem-solution patternProble

38、m:the noise in houses close to roadsSolutions:(1)new noise insulation (2)new road surfaces containing mixes of rubberOpening:Cause-effect patternCause EffectRoads expanded Houses plagued with noiseclose to the roads,plagued with noise,reduce the noise,not as much noisenText 8Max,the Test,and the Sno

39、w“Have you studied for your test?”Maxs mother asked.“I will,Mom.”Max replied.He was working on one of his car models and didnt want to stop until he had one part completely finished.He wasnt worried about the test.He had heard on the TV news that a snowstorm was expected overnight.That would mean sc

40、hool would be closed tomorrow.So,he had no plans to waste his time studying.After Max went to bed,the wind suddenly began to change direction.The air became warmer.The clouds began to break up.Max was surprised when his mom woke him early the next morning.He walked to the window and looked out.His h

41、eart sank.There wasnt a bit of snow on the ground.He was going to have to go to school.That will teach me to trust the weather reports!Max thought to himself.(Reading Strategies for Literature,Level 5:11)nMake predictions about the story from the titlenDo you want to change your original prediction?

42、nWhats your new prediction?nIdentify the text structureSequencing PatternEvents&Time sequences:Snowstorm overnightSchool to be closed tomorrowWeather changed after going to bedMax surprised next morningnEmpathizing Learning to put yourself in the place of story characters to understand feelings in v

43、arious situations,or“Put yourself in my shoes”Imagine you are in Maxs place,and try to make predictions about the story;“If you were Cinderellas stepmother,would you stop Cinderella from attending the ball?”If you were Anne Frank 4.Concluding remarksnText comprehension in the EFL curriculum as an interactive process for learning English language for information for pleasure for thinkingnText comprehension strategies Text coherence Text structureBeyond interaction:Reading the art of being human阅读阅读人之为人的艺术人之为人的艺术


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