
上传人(卖家):无敌的果实 文档编号:410992 上传时间:2020-03-29 格式:PPTX 页数:12 大小:14.75MB
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1、新型冠状病毒,你需要知道些啥新型冠状病毒,你需要知道些啥 英国英国卫报卫报 This is an outbreak of disease that started in Wuhan, one of the central Chinese cities. Its caused by a novel corona virus that means its brand- new. So new that actually it doesnt have a name yet. 这次疾病爆发始于武汉,中国的一个中部城市。它是由新型冠状病毒引起的, 这意味着它是全新的,新到实际上还没来得及给它起名。 ou

2、tbreak n 合成词(暴力、疾病等坏事的)爆发 / 突然发生 (out + break) novel adj 熟词生义 新颖的;与众不同的 brand-new adj 合成词 全新的;崭新的 What are the symptoms? Its from a family called the corona viruses. The symptoms of this illness are pretty mundane (平凡的) on the face of it: its a dry cough fever and then breathing problems. It seems q

3、uite mild in lots of people, and probably those people dont end up in hospital at all. symptom n 症状 family n 术语(动植物的)科 pretty adv 非正式用语 颇;相当 on the face of it 非正式用语 表面上看 mild adj 轻微的;温和的;不强烈的 (近义词slight) end up 最终处于;最终成为 in hospital 英 住院 not at all 根本不 症状是哪些? 它来自冠状病毒科。从表面看,这种疾病症状相当普通:干咳、发烧和呼吸困 难。对很多

4、人来说,症状轻微,这些人甚至可能都不用住院。 We only know about the more severe cases, which is where people have gone on to develop viral pneumonia, and those people obviously end up in hospital, and all the deaths have been amongst those people. 我们只知道那些更严重的病例,即继续发展成病毒性肺炎的病例,那些人 显然最终要住院,而所有死亡的人都在这些人里。 case n 一词多义 病例 (基本

5、义“事例;实例”) go on to do sth(完成某事后)接着做另一件事 pneumonia n 肺炎 amongst prep 英, 同among 在中 Where have cases been confirmed so far? This brand-new corona virus came from animals, and its believed that the source was actually a seafood market in Wuhan, which also sells wild animals. So far as far as we know all

6、 the cases have come out of Wuhan. So some of these people are in places like Thailand and Japan, but they havent picked it up there. They actually got it in Wuhan and then they traveled. 目前病例确认在哪里? 这种全新的冠状病毒来自动物,据信来源于一个武汉的海鲜市场,这个市场也出售野 生动物。据我们所知,目前所有的病例都来自武汉。其中一些人在泰国和日本,但他 们并不是在那里感染上病毒的。实际上他们在武汉感染上

7、病毒,然后旅行。 confirm v 证实;确认 source n 来源 so far 迄今为止(常与现在完成时连用) come from 来自 it is believed that 据信 as far as we know 据我们所知 come out of 由产生 pick up 非正式用语 熟词生义 感染 Should I be panicking about this outbreak? (they traveled ) in China where the most cases are. Its older people who are ending up in hospital

8、with this. Theyre usually over 40, and the very youngest person diagnosed is about 13 or 14 years old. So it doesnt appear to be affecting small children and 这次爆发是否应该恐慌? 大多数病例在中国,送院的基本上都是年龄较大的人,通常超过40岁,确诊 感染者年龄最小的人是13、14岁。所以,似乎没有感染小孩 panic about 对感到恐慌 it is / was + who 强调句式 diagnose v 诊断 appear to d

9、o sth 似乎做某事 affect v 使感染 and those who have died tend actually to have underlying conditions as they say, that theyre frail, they may have heart disease or cancer already, and so theyre vulnerable. Basically their immune systems are not very robust, and theyre gong to find it very hard to fight off

10、a virus. 而那些死亡的人往往都患有基础病:他们虚弱,他们也许已患有心脏疾 病或者癌症,因此很脆弱。基本上来说,他们的免疫系统不是很强壮,所以 会发现他们很难抵抗病毒。 tend to do sth 往往会做某事 underlying adj AW 只用于名词前 潜在的 underlying conditions 基础病 condition n(长期)疾病 frail adj(因年老或生病而)虚弱的 / 瘦弱的 vulnerable adj 脆弱的;易受伤害的 basically adv 基本上;从根本上说 immune system 免疫系统 robust adj 强健的;强壮的 fi

11、ght off 竭力摆脱(某种疾病) How is this virus transmitted? Weve only just discovered that the new corona virus is actually transmitted from one person to another. It was hoped at first actually that it just came from animals as all corona viruses do. But now it looks as though it is actually passed from one

12、human being to another. So weve got people to people transmission, because the market has been closed for sometime, and there are cases in people whove never been near it. 这种病毒是如何传染的? 我们刚刚发现新型冠状病毒实际上是人传人。最初希望它实际上来自动物,就像所有 冠状病毒那样。但是现在看来它是人传人。所以有人传人的感染,因为那家市场已关 闭一段时间,而有些患者从未靠近过那里。 transmit v 正式用语 传播;传

13、染 transmit sth from to 把某事物从传 给 it is hoped that 希望 at first 起初;起先 it looks as though 看似 be passed from to 从传给 transmission n AW 传染 (近义词transfer) people to people transmission 人传染人 What treatment is available? So there actually isnt any treatment at the moment at all, because this is a virus. Antibi

14、otics (抗生素) wont work. They only work against bacteria not viruses. So really you want to know antiviral treatment but none of the flu drugs that we got, and we have got a couple of those will work on this. A corona virus is different from a flu virus, so there actually isnt any treatment at the mom

15、ent at all. 有无现成治疗方法? 实际上,目前没有任何治疗方法,因为这是病毒,抗生素无效,他们只对细菌有效, 而不是病毒。所以要了解抗病毒治疗,但我们手头的流感药物,我们有的几种药物, 没有一个对它起作用。冠状病毒不同于流感病毒,因此,目前没有任何治疗方法。 available adj 可得到的 able to be found or got at the moment 目前 work v 起作用;有效 work against 对有效 work on 对起作用 antiviral adj 抗病毒的 (anti- + viral virus) a couple of 几个 be di

16、fferent from 不同于 How serious is this outbreak compared to others in the past? This one is scary because it is a brand-new virus so we dont know how its going to behave. But I have to say, we perhaps ought to put it in the context of some of the other things. I went to Sierra Leone to cover the West

17、Africa outbreak of Ebola (埃 博拉) and that was killing more than half of all those people who were infected. SARS which was a novel corona virus just like this one back in 2002, did end up causing a global panic. 和过去相比,这次爆发有多严重? 它很可怕,因为这是种全新的病毒,所以我们不知道它会如何变化。但是我得说,我 们也许应和其他一些情况一起考虑。我去过西非塞拉利昂报道过埃博拉疫情,这

18、种疾病使得一 半的感染者死亡。2002年的SARS和这次一样,也是冠状病毒,最终导致全球恐慌。 (be) compared to 与相比 in the past 在过去 scary adj 非正式用语 恐怖的;可怕的 (scare + -y) behave v 术语 作某种自然反应或变化 I have to say 表示强调 我得说 put sth in the context of 放到的背景 里来考虑 cover v 熟词生义 报道 And that was largely because nobody had ever seen it before, but also the death

19、 rate was at around 10%. And here so far were talking about a death rate of 2%, which is a lot less and it does look as if many of those people actually have had underlying health problems, which would make it more likely that they would die. They could equally have died of flu, so you have to put it into that context, I think. 主要的原因是从未有人见过这种病毒,并且死亡率也在10%左右。到目前,新型冠 状病毒的死亡率是2%,小的多,并且看起来死亡的人中许多实际上有其他健康基础 病,这使他们更有可能死亡。他们同样可能死于流感,所以必须考虑这些情况。 largely adv 主要地 the death rate 死亡率 around adv 大约 a lot 修饰形容词、副词比较级 得很;得多 look as if 看似 (= look as though) equally adv 同样;也 die of 死于


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