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1、七(下)七(下)Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?八(上)八(上)Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?八(下)八(下)Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.八(下)八(下)Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?教材内容:教材内容:课前自测课前自测1.在湖边扎营_ 2.去海滩_ 3.熬夜_ 4.跑开_ 5.放风筝_ 6.当导游_ 7.搭帐篷_ 8.生火_ 9.爬到森林里_ 10.上蹦下跳_ 11.写日记_ 其他:12.冲.大声叫嚷

2、 _ 13.把.弄醒_ 14.等待某人_ 15.给.的感觉_ 16.似乎做某事_17.尝试做某事_ 设法做某事_ 18.决定做某事_ 19.想知道该做什么_20.不喜欢做某事_ 21.一把雨伞_ 22.吃惊_ 23.相当多_ 24.因为_ 25.大多数时间 _ camp by the lake go to the beachstay up laterun awayfly a kite work as a guideput up the tentmake firemove into the forestjump up and downkeep a diaryshout at/to wake.up

3、 wait for sb.seem to dotry doing 有关节假日活动的短语 feel like try to dodecide to do sth.wonder what to do dislike to do/doing sth.an umbrellaget a surprisequite a few because of most of the time重点单词重点单词动物:1.绵羊_(复)_ 2.老鼠_(复)_3.蛇 _ 4.母鸡_ 5.猪 _ 6.鸟 _ 7.鸭 _名词8.语言_ 9.月亮_ 10.耳朵_ 11.自行车_12.顶部_13.小山_ 14.森林_15.婴儿_(复

4、)_ 形容词16.潮湿的_ 17.足够的_ 副词18.以前_ 19.像.一样_20.在.下面_(反义词)_兼类词21.惊讶(n.)_使吃惊(v.)_惊讶的(adj.)_ mousemicesnakehen pigbirdduck languagemoon top bike/bicycleearhillforestbabybabies wet enoughagoasabove below surprise surprisesheepsheep surprised同词根22.建筑物_建筑(v.)_23.游客_参观,拜访(v.)_ 24.印度_ 印度的(adj.)/印度人(n.)_25.活动_ 活跃

5、的(adj.)_26.商人_ 贸易(v.)_27.差别_ 不同的(adj.)_不同地(adv.)_ 28.自然的_大自然(n.)_29.厌倦的_令人厌倦的(adj.)_30.饥饿的_饥饿(n.)_重点单词重点单词buildingbuild visitorvisit IndiaIndianactivityactive tradertradedifference different differently natural nature boredboringhungryhunger写出下列不定代词写出下列不定代词某事某事/物物任何事,任何事,任何物任何物没有什么,没没有什么,没有东西有东西每件事,

6、每件事,每样东西每样东西 某人某人任何人任何人没有人没有人每人,每人,所有人所有人 everythingnothing anythingsomethingsomeonesomebody anyoneanybody no onenobodyeveryoneeverybody写出下列写出下列8个反身代词个反身代词 第一人称第一人称第二人称第二人称 第三人称第三人称我自己我自己我们自己我们自己 你自己你自己 你们自己你们自己他自己他自己她自己她自己它自它自己己他们自己他们自己 myself ourselves yourself yourselves himself herselfitselfthem

7、selves写出下列不规则动词的过去式和过去分词写出下列不规则动词的过去式和过去分词动词动词(AAAAAA型)型)过去式过去式过去分词过去分词动词动词(ABC(ABC型型)过去式过去式过去分词过去分词put am/is read are (ABA(ABA型)型)过去式过去式过去分词过去分词see run take come wake (ABB(ABB型型)过去式过去式过去分词过去分词write feel eat leave drink make swim sit go say fly buy get feed sing keep have find putput readreadranrunc

8、amecomefeltfelt leftleftmademadesatsat saidsaidboughtboughtfedfed keptkept hadhad foundfound wasbeen werebeensawseentooktakenwokewokenwrotewrittenateeatendrankdrunk swamswumwentgoneflewflowngotgotsangsungOn Sunday afternoon,we went boating.The weather was beautiful,so I went to the beach with my par

9、ents.We visited many interesting places and had a wonderful time.常用句型:七下U12 I had a busy weekend.I was so scared that I couldnt move.八上U16.我们去了黄果树瀑布,它非常壮观。I _ to Huangguoshu Waterfall.It was _.7.我给父母买了特别的礼物,但没给自己买,因为我没看到我喜欢的东西。I _ _ special for my parents,but _ for myself,because I didnt see _ I lik

10、ed.8.我妹妹和我尝试了滑翔伞,我感觉像鸟一样,太刺激了!My sister and I _ paragliding.I _ _ I was a _.It _ so _.9.当我们到达山顶的时候,雨正下得大。When we _ _ the _,_ _ _ _ _.10.食物尝起来太美味了,因为我饿极了。_ wentwonderful bought somethingnothinganythingtriedfelt likebirdwasexcitinggot totop raining really hardit wasThe food tasted great because I was

11、so hungry.过去动作状态过去经常反复(the day before)yesterdaylast night/weekin 1990/just nowon Sunday morningtwo days agoLast week,Harry,Peter,Beth and Lucy went to the London Eye.When they arrived,we saw a lot of 1._(visit).The people at the front had been waiting for more than an hour!2._(luck),they didnt have

12、to wait more than ten minutes,because Harry had already bought the tickets on the Internet.The view from the top was 3._(wonder).Beth was particularly excited because when she was little she used 4._(be)scared of high places,but not any more.Lucy had brought her camera with her-she wanted to take hu

13、ndreds of photos.Unfortunately,5._ she was taking a photo of Peter and Harry,the camera slipped from her hands and 6._(fall)onto the floor.From then on it didnt work properly.She wasnt too sad,though,because she had already taken lots of beautiful photos and her camera was quite old.She said she 7._

14、(buy)a new one next month.At about half past four,they decided to leave because everyone was 8._(hunger).语法填空visitorsLuckilywonderful to be whilefellwould buyhungry重点短语:1.有点儿_ 2.提醒某人(做)某事_ _ 3.代替_ 4.把插入_ 5.变成_ 6.从前_7.爱上_ 8.(和某人)结婚_ 9.忍不住微笑_ 10.明亮地照耀_ 11.引领某人做某事_导致;通向_ 12.游乐场_ 13.取得进步_ 14.鼓励某人做某事_ 15

15、.茶艺_ 16.两个,一对_ 17.一方面另一方面_ 18.不管还是_ 19.全年_a little bitremind sb.of sth.remind sb.to do sth.instead ofstick.into.turn.into.once upon a time fall in love(with)get married(to sb.)marry sb.cant stop smiling shine bright lead sb.to do sth.lead toamusement parkmake progress encourage sb.to do sth.tea art

16、a couple ofon the one hand.on the other hand.whether.or.all year round 情绪情感:情绪情感:1.使激动使激动(v.)_ 2.微笑微笑(v.&n.)_3.害怕害怕(v.&n.)_家庭:家庭:4.夫妻夫妻/两人两人 _ 5.妻子妻子_ 6.丈夫丈夫_国籍、国家的人和语言国籍、国家的人和语言:7.德国的德国的/德语德语_德国人德国人(复数复数)_德国德国_8.日本的日本的/日语日语_日本人日本人(复数复数)_日本日本_名词名词(n.):9.石头石头_ 10.上帝上帝_ 11.物体物体 _ 12.尾巴尾巴_13.棍子棍子_ 14.丝

17、绸丝绸_ 15.地面地面_ 16.声音声音_17.照相机照相机_18.坐便器坐便器 _19.短途旅程短途旅程_ 20.省份省份_ 21.狐狸狐狸_(复数复数)_22.春天春天_ 夏天夏天_秋天秋天_冬天冬天_ spring summer autumn winterexcitesmilefearcouplewifehusband GermanGermansGermany Japanese JapaneseJapanstoneGod object tail sticksilkgroundvoice camera toiletrideprovince foxfoxes 动词动词(v.):23.射击射

18、击_(过去式,过去分词过去式,过去分词)_ _24.隐藏隐藏_(过去式,过去分词过去式,过去分词)_ _25.照耀照耀_(过去式,过去分词过去式,过去分词)_ _26.适合适合_形容词形容词(adj.)27.愚蠢的愚蠢的_ 28.有魔力的有魔力的_ 29.全部的全部的_30.快速的快速的_31.完美的完美的_连词连词(conj.)32.不管不管.,是否,是否_ 33.无论何时无论何时_数词数词(num.)34.千千_ 两千两千_ 成千上万的成千上万的_兼类词:兼类词:35.金子;发光的(金子;发光的(n.adj.)_ 36.没有人;小人物没有人;小人物(pron.n)_ 37.欺骗;骗子欺骗;

19、骗子(v.n.)_38.明亮地;明亮的明亮地;明亮的(adv.adj.)_ 39.进步进步(v.n.)_shootshot shot hidehid hidden shineshone shonefitsilly magic whole rapid perfectwhetherwheneverthousand,two thousandthousands of goldnobody cheat brightprogress同词根:同词根:40.虚弱的虚弱的(adj.)_虚弱虚弱(n.)_41.使激动使激动(v.)_激动的激动的(adj.)_令人激动的令人激动的(adj.)_激动激动(n.)_42

20、.西方的西方的(adj.)_西方西方(n.)_43.结婚结婚_ 已婚的已婚的(adj.)_44.带路带路(v.)_(过去式,过去分词过去式,过去分词)_ _ 领导领导_45.勇敢的勇敢的(adj.)_勇敢地勇敢地(adv.)_46.发明物发明物(n.)_ 发明发明(v.)_ 发明者发明者(n.)_47.难以置信的难以置信的(adj.)_令人相信的令人相信的(adj.)_相信相信(v.)_48.不同寻常的不同寻常的(adj.)_ 通常的通常的(adj.)_ 通常地通常地(adv.)_49.和平的和平的(adj.)_ 和平和平(n.)_50.收藏收藏(v.)_ 收藏品收藏品(n.)_ 收藏者收藏者

21、(n.)_51.安全的安全的(adj.)_安全安全(n.)_52.社会的社会的(adj.)_社会社会(n.)_53.仅仅,只仅仅,只(adv.)_简单的简单的(adj.)_54.主要地主要地(adv.)_大部分的大部分的(adj.)_weakweaknessexciteexcitedexcitingexcitementwesternwestmarrymarried leadled ledleader bravebravely inventioninventinventor unbelievablebelievablebelieveunusualusualusuallypeacefulpeace

22、collectcollectioncollectorsafesafety socialsociety simplysimple mostlymost八(下)U61.从前,有一位老人。_ _ _ _,there was a very old man.2.它们如此之大,要花费很长时间才能走到山的另一面。They were _ big _ it _ a long time _ walk to the other side.2.移山好像是不可能的。It doesnt _ very _ to move a mountain.3.愚公不断地尝试,不放弃。Yu Gong _ _ and didnt _ _.

23、4.这个人刚一说完,愚公就说他死后,他的家人会继续移山。_ _ _ the man finished talking,Yu Gong said that his family could _ _ move the mountains after he died.Once upon a timeso that took toseem possiblekept tryinggive up As soon ascontinue to 八(下)U95.你曾经去过科学博物馆吗?_ 不,我从没有去过科学博物馆。_6.科技如此迅速发展真令人难以置信。_ _ _ technology has progress

24、ed _ _ _ _ _.7.对于成千上万的中国游客来说,这个东南亚的小岛成了既美妙又安全的度假胜地。For _ _ tourists from China,this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and _ place _ _ a holiday.Have you ever been to a science museum?No,Ive never been to a science museum.Its unbelievable that in such a rapid waythousands ofsafetotake现在完成

25、时有两种用法现在完成时有两种用法1.1.过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果或到现在为止已经发生或完成的动作。或到现在为止已经发生或完成的动作。2.2.表示过去发生的、持续到现在的动作或状态。表示过去发生的、持续到现在的动作或状态。用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。Hi,Chris,How are you?Thanks for your email.I 1._(read)it yesterday.So,here I am in California-and Im in an internet cafe in San Francisco,writing

26、to you!We 2._(have)a great time so far.Weve been to San Diego and Los Angeles,and San Francisco is the last stop on our holiday(whoops!sorry,they say vacation here!)Its a great place and the weathers been beautiful.We 3._ already 3._(do)lots of things.Yesterday we 4._(go)to Alcatraz prison-really in

27、teresting!We 5._(not be)to the Golden Gate Bridge yet,but of course Ive seen it from the city.Oh,but weve already travelled on one of the streetcars(trams)here-it was wicked!Well,its time for dinner.We 6._ already 6._(decide)that were going to eat Mexican tonight-I cant wait!Hope everythings OK with

28、 you-write again soon,OK?Love,LauraPS:I 7._ already 7._(buy)your present-an SF Giants baseball cap!Hope you like it!readhave hadhave donewenthavent beenhave decidedhave bought 1.将本课涉及到的课文认真阅读并背诵,将本课涉及到的课文认真阅读并背诵,理解透彻每句话的意思;理解透彻每句话的意思;七(下)七(下)Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?八(上)八(上)Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?八(下)八(下)Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.八(下)八(下)Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?2.做完本学案中的两个做完本学案中的两个 课堂检测和语法专课堂检测和语法专练;练;3.做完说明指导做完说明指导84-89页页 第十章的练习第十章的练习题。题。


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