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1、高考真题中的熟词生义 新课程标准和普通高等学校招生全国统一考试说明中词汇要求中一词多义现象是非常普遍的。完形填空和阅读理解等题型中熟词生义现象很多。为了能使学生顺利通过考试,我们应该在平常的教学当中注意熟词生义的运用,并带领学生学习,使学生感到极为棘手的熟词生义变得简单。如下面的句子。1.She works in a company.2.Her works are very famous.work这个词,最常见的意思是“工作”,但它还有“著作、作品”“起作用”的意思。He is a fat cat.A 它是一只肥胖的猫它是一只肥胖的猫B 他是一个大亨他是一个大亨C 他爱说大话他爱说大话D 他非

2、常懒惰他非常懒惰 B12 Hethrewusanappleofdiscord and wesoonquarreledagain.A 矛盾之源矛盾之源 B 陷阱陷阱 C 吵闹的苹果吵闹的苹果 D 战争战争A3 3.He is the black sheep of the family.a)害群之马害群之马 b)老黄牛老黄牛 c)黑马黑马 d)领头羊领头羊 A1 1熟词熟词 trip熟义熟义 _生义生义 _vi.绊倒;结巴,轻快地走绊倒;结巴,轻快地走 n.旅游;旅行旅游;旅行1.They planned to make a wedding trip to Paris._读句品词-写出单词的汉语意

3、思n.旅行2.He tried to trip me up_v绊倒3.She came tripping down the garden path_v轻快地走用trip的正确形式填空1.He _on a tree root yesterdaytripped2.I hope to _ with my leisure time.trip3.When he is nervous,he always_.trips2 2熟词熟词 get around熟义熟义 _生义生义 _传播,传开;流传;各处走动传播,传开;流传;各处走动克服克服(困难或问题困难或问题)读句品词-写出单词的汉语意思1.If you g

4、et around,you can visit a lot of different places._各处走动2.They threw him out because word got around that he was taking drugs._流传3.If news gets around,it becomes well known as a result of being told to lots of people._传播,传开1.None of these countries has found a way yet to _the problem of the polarizat

5、ion of wealth.用get around的正确形式填空get around 2.He claimed to be a journalist,and he_.got around.3 3熟词熟词 mean熟义熟义 _生义生义 _v.意味着;打算意味着;打算adj.不善良的;刻薄的不善良的;刻薄的,小气的,小气的,卑鄙的卑鄙的Mean doing sth Mean to do 意味着做某事打算做某事1.Her husband is very mean about money._ 读句品词-写出单词的汉语意思adj小气的2.That was a mean trick!_ adj卑鄙的3.I

6、 realized what he meant_.v意味着4.Success means working hard_ v意味着用mean的正确形式填空1.I _to have a healthy eating habit.mean2.Working hard _using most time to study.means 3.This snow will _ no sport this afternoon.mean单句改错1.Driving is the quickest mean of getting there.2.I mean to going on a trip.means 作为名词“

7、方法”单复数相同。例如:Every means has been tried All means have been triedMean to do 打算做某事用get around的正确形式填空Winter is the coldest season in a year.They planned to make a wedding trip to Paris.A 它是一只肥胖的猫B 他是一个大亨C 他爱说大话D 他非常懒惰If news gets around,it becomes well known as a result of being told to lots of people.

8、Driving is the quickest mean of getting there.When he is nervous,he always_.They planned to make a wedding trip to Paris.用more than的相关短语填空并翻译句子This snow will _ no sport this afternoon.caring B._The town covers 5 square miles.高考真题中的熟词生义got around.刻薄的,小气的,卑鄙的I want to cover 100 miles by dark.A heavy f

9、all of snow _the ground.It can be finished._熟义 _travel B.This snow will _ no sport this afternoon.Winter is the coldest season in a year.Ill stay here not more than three days.生义生义 _4 4熟词熟词 couple熟义熟义 _n.一对夫妇一对夫妇v.结合,连接结合,连接读句品词-写出单词的汉语意思1.They are a nice couple._n.一对2.They coupled the carriages of

10、the train together._v连接3.Two pairs of lovers coupled in our company last week._v.结婚5熟词熟词:cover熟义:生义生义:n.覆盖,盖子,封面 vt.占地面积;走完(一段路程);读(多少页书);进行新闻采访;够付(费用)1.The town covers 5 square miles.2.I want to cover 100 miles by dark.3.He was sent to cover a fire for a newspaper.4.These expenses are covered by th

11、e state.5.How many pages have you covered?小镇小镇占地占地5平方英里。平方英里。我想在天黑之前我想在天黑之前走完走完100英里。英里。他被派去为报纸他被派去为报纸采访采访失火的新闻。失火的新闻。这些费用都由国家这些费用都由国家负担负担。你读了多少页书了?你读了多少页书了?读句品词-写出单词的汉语意思用cover的正确形式填空1.The reporter_ the event.covered 2.Ill _that street.cover3.He tried to _his mistakes of the past few years.cover up

12、4.A heavy fall of snow _the ground.covered6熟词:more than 熟义:生义:超过多于;不仅仅;非常;超出相关短语:no more than not more thanMore.than仅仅不超过与其说.不如说.读句品词-写出单词的汉语意思1.He was more than sad when he heard the news that his grandmother had passed away.非常2.I made such great progress in English that my teacher praised me sayin

13、g that I was more diligent than smart.与其说.不如说.3.Ill stay here not more than three days.不超过用more than的相关短语填空并翻译句子1.He is _a father and he is a friend.more than 2.The job needs _three people.It can be finished.more than 3.More than one person has made this suggestion.翻译这个句子4.There are _fifty workers i

14、n this workshop 这个车间有50多个人。more than 不止一个人提过这个建议7 7熟词熟词 season熟义熟义 _生义生义 _n.季节季节n.赛季赛季 v.给给加上调料加上调料,适应适应读句品词-写出单词的汉语意思1.Winter is the coldest season in a year._2.He will captain the basketball team next season._3.He began to season the climate in the Middle East._n.季节n.赛季v.适应caring B.When he is nerv

15、ous,he always_.I mean to going on a trip.熟义 _Winter is the coldest season in a year.More than one person has made this suggestion.Ill stay here not more than three days.Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants,flowers,patterns and masses of color.How many pages have you covered?Thi

16、s snow will _ no sport this afternoon.not more than_travel B.刻薄的,小气的,卑鄙的熟义 _Two pairs of lovers coupled in our company last week.用get around的正确形式填空The clock struck nine.The journey was intended to achieve to more than what Captain Robert Falcon Scott had done.He was sent to cover a fire for a newspa

17、per.熟义 _That was a mean trick!_This snow will _ no sport this afternoon.This snow will _ no sport this afternoon.If news gets around,it becomes well known as a result of being told to lots of people.8熟词:熟词:strike熟熟义义:生义生义:vt.突然想到;(疾病、地震、洪水等)侵袭,袭击;(钟)敲响,报(时)vt.&n.打,打击;打动;罢工 1.An idea suddenly struck

18、me.2.The earthquake struck the city in the night.3.The clock struck nine.4.Strike while the iron is hot.5.Strike a match,and the you can get fire.忽然产生一个念头。忽然产生一个念头。袭击袭击了这个城市。了这个城市。钟钟敲敲了九下。了九下。趁热趁热打打铁铁划燃划燃火柴,火柴,读句品词-写出单词的汉语意思(2019全国全国卷卷)“Im here to tell you today why you shouldshould”Chris trips on t

19、he“-ld,”a pronunciation difficulty for many non-native English speakers.What does the underlined word”trip”A.travel B.tell C.stammer D.Speak高考链接C(2019全国全国卷卷)Then came my tweens and teens,and _girls who were smoking cigarettes,breaking rules and playing jokes on others and cool kids.Which of the foll

20、owing best describes these girls?A.caring B.humorousC.kind D.meanD(2019全国全国卷卷)Researchers from Georgia Tech say that they have come up with a low-cost device(装置装置)that gets around this problem:a smart keyboard.写出下面划线单词的汉语意思克服(2019全国全国卷卷)That relief is coupled with a deep understanding of why the sam

21、e people keep coming back for more:.连接,结合高考链接(2016年全国卷2)1.The journey was intended to achieve to more than what Captain Robert Falcon Scott had done.More than+从句 意为超出2.Have you ever visited a garden that seemed just right for you,where the atmosphere of the garden appeared to total more than the sum

22、 of its parts.3.Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants,flowers,patterns and masses of color.More than+名词 不仅仅仅仅高考链接高考链接(2019全国全国卷卷)The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for another season.赛季There are many common methods used

23、 to cook fish.The easiest is to steam it.First,clean it and season it with your choice of spices.给.加上调料1shootv.射击射击Vi 冒出冒出2.Once Adv 一次,曾经Conj一.就3figureN数字Vt(out)搞明白4Work outVi 算出Vi锻炼5pointv.指向n.要点 N特别留意6averageAdj平均的Adj普通的7applyV申请Vi适用于8then Adv 在那时Adj当时的9businessn商业,生意 N要事10processN过程过程Vt审视审视11violentlyadv暴力地Adv猛烈地12textn课文n文本13bookn书本V预定14changeV改变N零钱15second num第二 v赞成、附和


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