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1、项目8 跨境电商客户服务 【知识目标】掌握跨境电商客服工作的范畴;理解跨境电商客服工作的思路;掌握跨境电商客服工作的技巧;掌握客户关系管理的相关理论知识。【能力目标】能够履行客服的职责与义务;能够为客户提供恰当的服务;能够化解客服工作中的问题;能够对客户关系管理形成正确与深刻的见解。学习目标任务一 客服的工作范畴任务二 客服的工作思路与技巧任务三 跨境电商客户关系管理主要内容 任务引入 客户在境外店铺购买商品,会遇到各种问题,如购前对商品的疑惑、对店铺相关活动的疑问;付款后对物流状态的追踪;收货后对商品质量及使用的相关问题等。这一系列问题都需要客户与店铺沟通后进行解决。就店铺而言,其需要专门的

2、人员替店铺做推广与答疑,并且在销售一线汇总客户的问题与反应,同时监控商品物流信息等;需要专门的客服人员作为“中介”,整合店铺对内与对外的业务需要,联通客户与店铺的沟通与处理双方的诉求。任务一 客服的工作范畴 任务分析 客服人员的任务是帮助与服务买家完成整个购买流程,并在此过程中提供周到的服务,以及辅助店铺完成购买追踪与汇总客户信息。因此客服的工作范畴包括“解答客户咨询”“解决售后问题”“促进销售完成”以及“管理监控职能”四个方面。订单小单化、碎片化以及订单数量增长迅速,是目前跨境电商的两大特点。由于跨境电商业的客户服务工作所面临的环节多、情况复杂,涉及多种跨境运输渠道,以及不同国别在语言、文化

3、、商品标准与规范上的各种差异,非专业化的客服工作方式已经不能适应行业的发展与客户的需求。任务一 客服的工作范畴任务一 客服的工作范畴1.1 解答客户咨询1.2 解决售后问题1.3 促进销售1.4 管理监控1.1 解答客户咨询一、解答关于商品的咨询二、解答关于服务的咨询1.1 解答客户咨询一、解答关于商品的咨询(1)商品种类庞杂。(2)单个店铺经营的专业品类多。(3)商品规格上国内外存在巨大的差异。1.1 解答客户咨询二、解答关于服务的咨询 跨境电商的另一个特点在于服务实现的复杂性。很多商品信息在购买页面都可以被读取,但售后牵涉更多的是服务问题。一旦商品售出,客服人员所面临的都是相关商品的一系列

4、服务问题,而且相对于商品咨询,服务问题更是千差万别。商品是稳定、不变的,而服务的标准与内容,差别很大,客服人员在把握时难度更高。1.2 解决售后问题一、跨境电商售后问题产生的原因 跨境电商行业有一个非常有趣的特点,即在正常情况下,客户下单之前很少与卖家进行沟通,这就是行业内经常提到的“静默下单”。卖家首先要做的事情是在商品的描述页上使用图片、视频、文字等多种方式充分且明白地说明正在销售的商品特点,以及所能够提供的售前、售后服务。一旦这些内容落实到商品页面上,就成为了卖家做出的不可改变、不可撤销的承诺。1.2 解决售后问题二、客服人员解决售后问题所需的知识与技能1客户关系管理的能力2成本核算与规

5、避损失的能力3全面了解店铺商品与各岗位工作流程4良好的沟通能力1.3 促进销售一、客服促进再次交易的途径与方法1客服促进再次交易的两种途径 顺理成章。转危为安。2客服实现再次交易的方法 卖家对问题的完美解决会在买家心中大大加分形成客户黏性 从大量售前咨询中发掘潜在大客户促成大额交易 巧妙使用邮件群发工具形成客户社群增加回头客1.3 促进销售二、客服促进销售所需的知识与品质1发现潜在大客户的敏锐性 更重视卖家的商品丰富度 更重视商品线的备货供应情况2对成本、物流、市场情况的全面了解 类似于传统外贸中的“询盘报价”模式3持续跟进的耐力 与一位客户达成第一笔大额订单只是后续多次合作的开始1.4 管理

6、监控职能 一、建立及时发现与统计问题的工作制度 完整的“统计反馈”制度 固定的“统计分责”机制二、做到发现问题后及时向相关部门反馈“一事一议”的实时沟通三、掌握与其他部门沟通的技巧 管理信息提供者 相关培训 任务引入 客服面对客户的不同问题,在沟通与解决的时候,如果没有正确而统一的思路与技巧,不但无法解决客户的问题,还可能使问题放大。解决客户提出的问题,需要正确的思路与技巧,客服必须熟练掌握这些技巧,同时做到随机应变,对客户进行分类。具体的技巧包括:向客户提供专业服务、做谈判的主导、控制客户对事件的认知与情绪,解决方案由卖家积极提供、让买家有选择,坚持主动承担责任、第三方承担错误。任务二 客服

7、的工作思路与技巧2.1 对客户进行分类一、客户属性分类方法 社会属性 行为属性 价值属性二、RFM模型分类方法 R(Recency)指最近的一次消费 F(Frequency)指消费频率 M(Monetary)指消费金额比值2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 一、售前 1当买家光顾店铺,并询问商品信息时 Hello,my dear friend.Thank you for your visiting to my store,you can find the products you need from my store.If there is not what you need,you can te

8、ll us,and we can help you to find the source,please feel free to buy anything!Thanks again.2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 一、售前 2库存不多,催促下单时 Dear X,Thank you for your inquiry.Yes,we have this item in stock.How many do you want?Right now,we only have lots of the X color left.Since they are very popular,the product ha

9、s a high risk of selling out soon.Please place your order as soon as possible.Thank you!Best regards,(Your name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 一、售前 3回应买家砍价 Dear X,Thank you for your interests in my item.I am sorry but we cant offer you that low price you asked for.We feel that the price listed is reasonable and ha

10、s been carefully calculated and leaves me limited profit already.However,wed like to offer you some discounts on bulk purchases.If your order more than X pieces,we will give you a discount of xx%off.Please let me know for any further questions.Thanks.Sincerely(Your name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 一、售前 4断货(out

11、of stock)Dear X,We are sorry to inform you that this item is out of stock at the moment.We will contact the factory to see when they will be available again.Also,we would like to recommend to you some other items which are the same style.We hope you like them as well.You can click on the following l

12、ink to check them out.http:/ Please let me know for any further questions.Thanks.Sincerely(Your name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 一、售前 5推广新品 Hi friend,Right now Christmas is coming,and Christmas gift has a large potential market.Many buyers bought them for resale in their own store,its high profit margin product

13、,here is our Christmas gift link,Please click to check them,if you want to buy more than 10 pieces,we also can help you get a whole sale price.Thanks.Regards(Your name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 二、售中 1选择第三方支付方式,提醒折扣快结束了 Hello X,Thank you for the message.Please note that there are only 3 days left to get 10%off

14、 by making payments with Escrow(credit card,Visa,Mastercard,money bookers or Western Union).Please make the payment as soon as possible.I will also send you an additional gift to show our appreciation.Please let me know for any further questions.Thanks.Best regards,(Your name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 二、售中 2合

15、并支付及修改价格的操作 Hello X,Thank you for the message.Please note that there are only 3 days left to get 10%off by making payments with Escrow(credit card,Visa,Mastercard,money bookers or Western Union).Please make the payment as soon as possible.I will also send you an additional gift to show our appreciat

16、ion.Please let me know for any further questions.Thanks.Best regards,(Your name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 二、售中 3提醒买家尽快付款 Dear X,We appreciated your purchase from us.However,we noticed you that you havent made the payment yet.This is a friendly reminder to you to complete the payment transaction as soon as pos

17、sible.Instant payments are very important;the earlier you pay,the sooner you will get the item.If you have any problems making the payment,or if you dont want to go through with the order,please let us know.We can help you to resolve the payment problems or cancel the order.Thanks again!Looking forw

18、ard to hearing from you soon.Best Regards,(Your name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 二、售中 4海关税(customs tax)Dear X,Thank you for your inquiry and I am happy to contact you.I understand that you are worried about any possible extra cost for this item.Based on past experience,import taxes falls into two situations.Fir

19、st,in most countries,it did not involve any extra expense on the buyer side for similar small or low-cost items.Second,in some individual cases,buyers might need to pay some import taxes or customs charges even when their purchase is small.As to specific rates,please cotrsult your local customs offi

20、ce.I appreciate for your understanding!Best Regards,(Your name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 二、售中 5客户买错商品,建议保留原商品,给客户折扣重买正确的商品 Dear X,Thanks for your message.I am sorry to hear that you bought the wrong item.Usually we dont accept item returns without any defects.However as you need one item#xxx(item number),I ad

21、vice you to send us xxx(how much money),hope you can understand we did offer you a great discount.In this way,there is no need for you to return the previous wrong item and we will resend you a correct item.As you know,if you return it back,you need to take it to the post office and pay for the post

22、age and restocking fee.Once we received the return,we will arrange the reshipment.That will take about 2 weeks for you to get a new item or refund.What do you think?If you agree,here is our account:(correct Paypal account).Once you send the money please tell me here,and I will arrange the reshipment

23、 in time.If you dont agree,please let me know,i will offer you other solution.Regards,(Your Name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 二、售中 6付款后发货前客户要求换货 Dear X,Thanks for your mail and please find the following item ID:xxxxxxx.If this is the item you want,please payas price difference.If you can accept that,I will send

24、a money request to your email,please check it.Once you have paid for it,please let me know,I will keep an eye on it.Any problem please contact me freely,I will try my best to help you.Best Regards.(Your Name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 三、售后 1物流遇到问题 Dear X,Thank you for your inquiry.I am happy to contact you.We

25、would like to confirm that we sent the package on 16 Jan,2012.However we were informed package did not arrive due to shipping problems with the delivery company.We have resent your order by EMS;the new tracking number is:XXX.It usually takes 7 days to arrive to your destination.We are very sorry for

26、 the inconvenience.Thank you for your patience.If you have any further questions,please feel free to contact me.Best Regards,(Your name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 三、售后 2退换货问题 Dear friend,Im sorry for the inconvenience.If you are not satisfied with the products,you can return the goods back to us.When we receiv

27、e the goods,we will give you a replacement or give you a full refund.We hope to do business with you for a long time.We will give you a big discount in your next order.Best regards,(Your name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 三、售后 3求好评 Dear friend,If you are satisfied,we sincerely hope that you can take some of your

28、precious minutes to leave us a positive comment and 5-star Detailed Seller Ratings,which are vital importance to the growth of our small company.Besides,PLEASE DO NOT leaves us 1,2,3 or 4-star Detailed Seller Ratings because they are equal to negative feedback.Like what we said before,if you are not

29、 satisfied in any regard,please tell us.Best regards,(Your name)2.2 常见问题与邮件回复模板 三、售后 4海关速度慢 Dear friend,Yes,Actually we can send these items to Italy.However,theres only one problem.Due to the Spain and Italy Customs are much stricter than any other Europe Countries,the parcels to these two Countrie

30、s often meetCustoms Inspection.That make the shipping time is hard to control.As our former experience,normally it will take 25 to 45 days to arrive at your Country.On the other hand,due to near Xmas days,most of our customers are buying for Xmas gifts.But we cant ensure the parcels can arrive Italy

31、 in time.Is that ok for you?Waiting for your reply.Sincerely,(Your name)2.3 客户沟通技巧一、向客户提供专业服务二、控制客户对事件的认知与情绪三、卖家积极提供有选择的解决方案四、坚持主动承担责任,第三方承担错误五、注重回复邮件的技巧2.3 客户沟通技巧一、向客户提供专业服务1从专业的角度解决问题2提供可信赖的数据与证据3采取多样化的回复方式2.3 客户沟通技巧二、控制客户对事件的认知与情绪1淡化事件的严重性,保障问题顺利解决,先给买家吃定心丸2向买家展示永远感恩的态度3最后一次的邮件回复一定来自卖方2.3 客户沟通技巧三

32、、卖家积极提供有选择的解决方案1方案应由卖家主动提供,而不是买家提出2尽量提供多个方案(至少2个)供买家备选2.3 客户沟通技巧四、坚持主动承担责任,第三方承担错误1寻找合适的解释理由2真诚地承担责任2.3 客户沟通技巧五、注重回复邮件的技巧1基本功扎实,避免拼写与语法错误2邮件中不要有成段的大写3尽量使用结构简单、用词平实的短句4巧用分段与空行,让客户尽快找到想看到的重点 任务引入客服人员的工作不仅是机械地与客户进行联系,还要具备一定的客户关系管理理念,以理念指导实践。而且客户关系管理理念是从领导层到基层工作人员都应放在首位的店铺工作指导思想。客服人员的工作不仅局限于服务客户,更关键的是要在

33、客服工作中融入客户关系管理的思想,帮助店铺做好客户关系管理工作。任务三 跨境电商客户关系管理3.1 跨境电商客户关系管理基础一、客户关系管理的含义 客 户 关 系 管 理(C u s to m e r Re l a t i o n s h i p Management,CRM)的定义是:企业为提高核心竞争力,利用相应的信息技术以及互联网技术来协调企业与顾客间在销售、营销和服务上的交互,从而提升其管理方式,向客户提供创新式的个性化的客户交互和服务的过程。其最终目标是吸引新客户、保留老客户以及将已有客户转为忠实客户,增加市场份额。3.1 跨境电商客户关系管理基础二、客户生命期阶段划分与特点 客户生

34、命周期的划分 客户生命期是客户关系生命周期的简称,是指客户关系水平随时间变化的发展轨迹。1潜在客户2新客户3老客户4新业务的新客户3.2 跨境电商老客户关系管理一、实施全面质量营销 产品质量+服务质量二、提高市场反应速度 善于倾听客户的意见和建议 减少老客户的流失 用平和心态来对待客户的投诉三、与客户建立关联 向买家灌输长远合作的意义 优化客户关系项目实训 正值2016年圣诞节消费旺季,盯着消费者钱包的不仅是正在大肆搞促销的商家,还有一批网络诈骗分子。大量亚马逊用户在Facebook、Twitter等社交平台上发帖称,自己曾遭遇虚假亚马逊邮件诈骗,并且已有不少网友因此泄漏了个人重要信息。收到诈

35、骗邮件的多为英国、美国、澳大利亚等地区的亚马逊用户,有些人被告知“订单无法发货”,且无法访问亚马逊账户和其他订单,需要通过单击邮件中的一个链接确认信息方能恢复使用。据了解,收件人被要求输入的个人信息包括姓名、手机号、地址和银行卡信息等。值得一提的是,受骗人在输入个人信息并单击保存后,将会自动地跳转到亚马逊官方网站,这也使得越来越多的消费者很难意识到自己被骗。项目实训 另一种常见诈骗手法与之类似。诈骗人会向用户发送一封“订单确认”邮件,声称该用户的订单已确认,并附上订单详情以及预计的交货日期等。而用户如果未购买此商品,可通过右图中的链接取消订单。除了以上两种常见的诈骗方式外,还有一种“领取礼品卡

36、”的诈骗行为存在。项目实训亚马逊法国用户Guillaume Gaulup在推特上发帖并亚马逊官方账号称,其于今天收到了一封邮件,被告知获得了价值110欧元的礼品卡,并可通过点击邮件中提供的链接来激活。随后,亚马逊官方回复称这并非官方发送的邮件,并询问对方有无向客服人员反馈。事实上,类似的诈骗行为早已有之,亚马逊也在官方网站上给出了解释。亚马逊方面称,亚马逊不会要求用户通过单击邮件中的链接来核实或确认账户信息,不会以订单确认或其他可疑请求为名,要求用户打开邮件中的附件,也不允许亚马逊商家向买家提出这种要求。对于消费者来说,其在节假日购物期间仍应加强防范,不能轻易泄露个人信息。项目实训思考:请问卖家遇到类似问题应安排客服人员做哪些处理工作?本项目主要介绍了跨境电商客服的相关知识,包括客服的工作范畴、客服工作的思路与技巧以及客户关系管理相关内容。项目小结THANK YOU


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