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1、期中综合素质评价 时间:60分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二总分得分听力部分 (30分)一、听句子,判断下列句子与你所听内容是(Y)否(N)相符。(5分)()1. Jenny taught Danny to play pingpong. ()2. Im throwing the basketball. ()3. Do you like this Tshirt or that Tshirt?()4. You need to eat more vegetables. ()5. I run for 20 minutes every morning. 二、听句子,给所听句子选择正确的

2、问句。(5分)()1. A. What sport do you play?B. What sport do you like?()2. A. Does he have any balls? B. Do you have any balls?()3. A. Where did you go yesterday? B. What do you do every day?()4. A. How many minutes do you exercise? B. How often do you exercise?()5. A. What do you do after supper? B. What

3、 do you do before breakfast?三、听句子,给下列图片排序。 (10分) () () () () ()四、听短文,填入所缺的单词。(10分)Hi, Im a 1. _. I get up 2. _early in the morning. I do 3._ for 30 4. _ in the morning. I always have breakfast. I work hard every day. I 5. _ play 6. _ for fun. I like to play 7. _ and 8. _. Im 9. _ and 10. _. (70分)五、根

4、据句意把下列每组字母重新排列,组成正确的单词,补全句子。(5分)wearnshhigrytrongtsseay1. The kite is flying _ in the sky. 2. The man is _. 3. I _ to teach him. 4. Its _ for me to catch the ball. 5. I can _ the question. 六、根据图片和句意提示写单词,补全句子。(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. “Can I help you?” _ the woman. 2. Math is _ for me. I finish my home

5、work quickly. 3. She is _. Because she always eats breakfast. 4. Eating too much candy is _ for your teeth. 5. My kite is flying _ in the sky. 七、单项选择。(10分)()1. Does he want to buy _ masks?A. someB. anyC. a()2. Tom likes pingpong _. A. well B. good C. best()3. She _ a new blue dress. A. wear B. wears

6、 C. wearing()4. _ the cake please. I made it. A. Try B. Drink C. Has()5. Did he go to Wuhan by bus _ by train?A. by B. or C. of()6. John likes swimming _ much. A. to B. great C. very()7. Exercise helps make your body _ and strong. A. bad B. healthy C. heavy()8. _ month, he will go to school in Shang

7、hai. A. Next B. Last C. The()9. Eating too much ice cream is _ for your health. A. good B. bad C. nice()10. He is a good boy. He _ helps his family. A. often B. never C. do八、用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. Everyone _ (want) to be strong and healthy. 2. I eat fruit _(two) a day. 3. How often _ (do) Danny eat brea

8、kfast last week?4. Exercise can make you _(health). 5. You need to play sports _(a) hour a day. 九、选择合适的疑问词(组)将句子补充完整。(5分)How often When What else How much How many1. _ minutes do you need to play sports? About fifty minutes. 2. _ does Li Ming play badminton? About three times a week. 3. _ are your s

9、hoes? They are 100 yuan. 4. _ did you do last summer holiday?I bought some new books and read them. 5. _ did you go to the new movie theatre? Last Tuesday afternoon. 十、补全对话。(5分)A:Hi, Peter. 1. _B:I often play pingpong and basketball. A:2. _B:Pingpong is my favourite sport. A:3. _B:About three times

10、a week. 4. _A:No, I dont. I often watch sports games on TV. B:5. _ That is good for your body. A:Okay. I will. A. How often do you play pingpong?B. What sports do you often play?C. You need to play sports for exercise. D. Do you often play sports?E. Whats your favourite sport?十一、阅读理解。(20分)(一)根据短文内容,

11、 为下列图片选择合适的句子。(10分)Today was Toms first visit to the dentist. Tom didnt want to go there. His brother John had told him all about it. The dentist was a big, scary monster(怪兽)who lived in a dark cave(黑洞). Tom never wanted to go to the dentist. He hid under his bed. “Oh, there you are!” said Mum. “ I

12、dont want to go to the dentist!” said Tom. “Everyone has to go to the dentist,” said Mum. “I feel poorly,” said Tom. “You are well,” said Mum. When they got there, Tom was surprised. It didnt look like a dark cave at all. The dentist didnt look like a monster, either. “Would you like to sit on my ch

13、air?” he asked. “Open wide!” said the dentist. “Great, Tom. Remember to keep brushing your teeth!” The dentist gave Tom a sticker. “This is fun!” said Tom. “Can we come here again tomorrow, Mum?”1. 2. 3. 4. 5. () () () () () A. Can we come here again tomorrow, Mum?B. Oh, there you are. C. He hid und

14、er the bed. D. His brother John had told him all about it. E. “Open wide!” said the dentist.(二)根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)All of my friends are great sports lovers. This girl is Amy. She is good at tennis. She often plays tennis with her sister on weekends. She never plays football. That girl is Tina.

15、She is good at skating. She skates twice a week. She also likes playing pingpong. Swimming is Bobs favourite sport. He swims very fast. He also plays football and basketball. But he doesnt like playing tennis. He seldom(很少) plays tennis. Jack and Jill are from the same family. They both like horse r

16、iding and swimming. Jack doesnt like tennis and Jill doesnt like skating. I am Peter. I love all kinds of sports. My favourite sport is roller skating(滑旱冰). ()1. All of my friends are great animal lovers. ()2. Amy is good at tennis. ()3. Jack and Jill come from different families. ()4. Tina is good

17、at playing tennis. ()5. This passage(文章) talks about five children. 十二、写作训练。(10分)请你介绍一项自己最喜欢的运动项目。提示: favourite sport; wear to; play with; playabouta week要求: 1. 写明运动名称、时间、次数。 2. 语句正确、通顺。3. 不少于7句话。_期中综合素质评价听力材料:一、1. Jenny taught Danny to play pingpong. 2. Im catching the basketball. 3. Do you like th

18、is Tshirt or that Tshirt? 4. You cant eat too much candy. 5. I run for 20 minutes every morning. 二、1. I play basketball every day. 2. Yes,I do. 3. I went to a park. 4. I exercise once a day. 5. I wash the dishes after supper. 三、1. Alice is not strong. The bag is too heavy for her. 2. Ben likes to wa

19、tch games on TV. 3. Mary often eats fruit. She is healthy. 4. Jim always helps his mother do housework. 5. John likes sports. He often plays sports after school. 四、Hi, Im a policeman. I get up very early in the morning. I do exercise for 30 minutes in the morning. I always have breakfast. I work har

20、d every day. I often play sports for fun. I like to play basketball and football. Im strong and healthy. 答案:一、1. Y2. N3. Y4. N5. Y二、1. A2. B3. A4. B5. A三、41352四、1. policeman2. very3. exercise 4. minutes5. often 6. sports7. basketball 8. football9. strong 10. healthy五、1. high 2. strong3. try 4. easy5

21、. answer六、1. asks 2. easy3. healthy 4. bad 5. high七、1. B2. C点拨:likebest“最喜欢”。 3. B点拨:主语为第三人称单数,所以用wears。4. A5. B6. C点拨:likevery much指“非常喜欢”。7. B点拨:makesb. /sth. 形容词,指“使某人或某物”。8. A9. B10. A八、1. wants点拨:不定代词everyone 作主语时,动词要用第三人称单数形式。2. twice 3. did点拨:根据last week 可知句子的时态要用一般过去时,因此动词用过去式。4. healthy点拨:h

22、ealth是名词“健康”,healthy是形容词“健康的”,此处要用healthy。5. an点拨:hour是以元音音素开头的可数名词。九、1. How many2. How often3. How much4. What else5. When十、1. B2. E3. A4. D5. C十一、(一)1. D2. C3. B4. E5. A(二)1. F2. T3. F4. F5. F点拨:本文提到了五个朋友,加上作者一共是六个孩子。十二、范文:BasketballI can play basketball and pingpong. Basketball is my favourite sport. I often wear my Tshirt and shorts to play basketball. I often play it with my friends after school. We play games together. That is fun. I play basketball about three times a week. Thats good for my body. On Sundays, I like to watch basketball games on TV.


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