Unit 1 Teenage Life Discovering Useful Structures (ppt课件) (2)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、青少年时养成的好习惯能让人受益终身。亚里士多德Learning Objectives学习名词短语、形容词短语、副词短语;使用名词短语、形容词短语、副词短语修改作文、完善信息。Phrases1名词短语(Noun Phrase)指以一个名词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于名词。2形容词短语(Adjective Phrase)指以一个形容词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于形容词。3副词短语(Adverb Phrase)指以一个副词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于副词。短语是由句法、语义和语用三个层面上能够搭配组合起来的没有句调的语言单位,又叫词组。它是大于词而又不成句的语法单位。简单的短

2、语可以充当复杂短语的句法成分,短语加上句调可以成为句子。由语法上能够搭配的词组合起来的没有句调的语言单位。从功能上可以分为名词性短语(Noun Phrase或NP)、形容词性短语(Adjective Phrase或AdjP)、副词性短语(Adverb Phrase或AdvP)、介词短语(Prepositional Phrase或PP)和动词短语(Verb Phrase或VP)。本单元重点学习前三种短语的用法。基本知识概述Activity InquiryTask1 名词短语(Noun Phrase)【探究发现】分析下列句子中名词短语充当的成分。These red roses are for yo

3、u.这些红玫瑰是给你的。these red roses在句中充当(1)。I have three close friends.我有三个要好的朋友。three close friends在句中充当(2)。He is my best friend.他是我最好的朋友。my best friend在句中充当(3)。Activity1名词短语、形容词短语、副词短语探究主语宾语表语短语类型组成功能例子名词短语(Noun Phrase)1.名词+and+名词2.冠词+名词3.名词+名词4.形容词+名词5.名词+介词短语6.不定式(短语)+名词7.动词-ing形式+名词在句中用作主语/宾语/表语/宾语补足语/

4、状语men and womenbus stop a beautiful campusa solution to the questionthe meeting to be held tomorrowswimming pool 1.名词性短语(Noun Phrases)是指语法功能相当于名词的一类短语。名词性短语一般可以在句子中充当主语、宾语、表语、宾补、同位语等成分。充当主语例如:Two of my brothers friends came to see him off.我哥哥的两个朋友为他送行。A few black dogs are playing on the grassland.几只

5、黑色的狗在草地上玩耍。分 类 解 析充当宾语例如:I have several tasks to finish.我有几个任务需要去完成。Tom wants to buy a sports car.汤姆想买一辆跑车。充当表语例如:People believe that being helpful is one of the most important qualities.人们认为乐于助人是重要的品质之一。My hometown is a beautiful place for people to live in.我的家乡是一个漂亮的适合居住的地方。充当宾补例如:We all call him

6、cunning fox.我们都叫他狡猾的狐狸。He gave me three boxes of chocolates.他给了我三盒巧克力。充当同位语例如:Miss Li,our math teacher,is very young.我们的数学老师非常年轻。Obama,president of America,is also a great lawyer.Activity InquiryTask2形容词短语(Adjective Phrase)【探究发现】分析下列句子中形容词短语在句中充当的成分。Your room is large and beautiful.你的房间又大又漂亮。形容词短语la

7、rge and beautiful在句中作(1)。The news made her very sad.这消息使她非常难过。形容词短语very sad在句中作(2)。You have a small but beautiful room.你有一个漂亮的小房间。形容词短语small but beautiful在句中作(3)。表语宾语补足语 定语短语类型组成功能例子形容词短语(Adjective Phrase)1.形+and/but+形2.副+形3.形+介词4.形+不定式在句中当作表语、定语、宾语补足语或状语large and beautiful extremely cold full ofdif

8、ferent fromanxious to know 注意:多个形容词修饰同一名词时顺序:美小圆旧黄,法国木书房冠词、指示代词、不定代词、物主代词+序数词+基数词+一般性描绘形容词+大小、长短、形状+年龄、新旧+颜色+国籍、出处+材料+名词2.形容词短语(Adjective Phrases).形容词短语是指由几个形容词或形容词及其修饰语构成的短语。如果两个或多个形容词可以由and,but等并列连词连接,构成形容词短语。其功能一般可以在句子中充当定语、表语、宾补等成分。充当定语例如:The box full of candies belongs to Mary.装满糖果的盒子是玛丽的。Can y

9、ou see the kite flying in the sky?你能看见天上放飞的风筝吗?充当表语例如:The meeting room is large and beautiful.会议室大且美丽。The little boy is old enough to go to school.这个小男孩到了上学的年龄了。充当宾语补足语例如:We found them tired and sleepy.我们发现他们又累又困。Our chemistry teacher made his class lively and interesting.我们化学老师的课既生动又有趣。Activity Inq

10、uiryTask3 副词短语(Adverb Phrase)【探究发现】分析下列句子中副词短语在句中充当的成分。She types quickly and correctly.她打字又快又准确。副词短语quickly and correctly在句中作(1)语。The teacher speaks clearly enough.老师说得够清楚了。副词短语clearly enough在句中作(2)语。状状短语类型组成功能例子副词短语(Adverb Phrase)1.副+and/but+副2.副+副3.very/quite/a lot/a little+副4.副+enough5.副+介词在句中可修饰

11、动词/形容词/副词和介词等,表示时间、地点、方式等,用作表语、定语、宾语。again and againextremely fastquite wellclearly enough3.副词短语(Adverb Phrases)副词短语是以副词为中心的短语,在句子中的作用相当于一个副词,通常在句中作状语。例如:Strangely enough,she didnt seem to like ballet very much.很奇怪,看起来她不怎么喜欢芭蕾舞。You should do things much more carefully.做事情时你应该更加仔细Phrases(短语或词组)短语 VS

12、句子/从句1.名词短语(NP):指以一个名词为中心构成的短语 eg:a beautiful gril2.形容词短语(AdjP):指以一个形容词为中心构成的短语 eg:a little confusing3.副词短语(AdvP):指以一个副词为中心构成的短语 eg:quite quickly1.The first week was a little confusing.2.The building is so big that Im completely lost.3.The kids over there are putting something on a round paper plate

13、.NP AdjPRead to find and mark the phrases in the sentences that fit the categories on page 16.NP AdjP AdjP NP NP4.Linda thinks and speaks quite quickly,and she can do well in the debate.5.The new coach told me that I didnt play well enough.6.My first French class was very confusing.The teacher spoke

14、 so fast.AdvP NP AdvP AdvP AdjP NP NP NP1.The students will do group discussions,timed writing,and research in the advanced literature course.2.Its raining quite heavily.He wont be back very soon.NP n.+n.NP det.+adj.+n.+n.AdvP adv.+adv.Decide whether the underlined parts are noun/adjective/adverb ph

15、rases.AdvP adv.+adv.Practice3.What you learn at school plays a very important part in shaping your behavior in society.4.Just sign up for one activity for the joy of trying something new.5.Strangely enough,she didnt seem to like ballet very much.NP adj.+n.+prep.PNP det.+n.+prep PAdjP adv.+adj.AdvP a

16、dv.+adv.AdvP adv.+adv.Practice 能 力 提 升Learn to improve a draft (对课本P16的文章进行修改润色)Cheerleader Try-outIve always wanted to be a cheerleader.Yesterday,I tried out for the team.It was hard.First,we had to dance.The teacher showed us how to move,and then we tried.Second,we practiced singing a song about t

17、he school basketball team.Finally,some girls had to lift their partners.The other girls jumped and cheered.I think I did well,but the other girls were better.Im not sure if Ill make the team or not.3.Joyce has just written a draft.Help her improve it by using noun/adjective/adverb phrases to add more information.schools cheerleadinghigh schoolreallytime and time againvery patientlymany timesan inspiringexcellentvery loudlyquitemuch


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