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1、高高三英语词汇复习与突破三英语词汇复习与突破英国著名的语言学家英国著名的语言学家DA Wilkins曾经说曾经说过过“没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西,而而没有了词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西没有了词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西”.Without grammar very little can be conveyed;without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.ListeningReadingWritingSpeakingg词汇,是听说读 写的基础,基础 教育阶段英语课 程的总体目标是 培养学生的综合 语言运用能力。综合语言运用

2、能 力的形成建立在 语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化 意识等素养整体 发展的基础上。VocabularyEA完型填空完型填空EA书面表达书面表达EA阅读理解阅读理解EA语法填空语法填空词汇!词汇!从高考的题型,我们 要看到,词汇并不会 单一、孤立地出现。一个单词所存在的词 场、形近字的辨析和 与之相关的表达都要 求学生掌握。因此,我们对词汇的复习不 能是孤立地、单独去 复习词汇。而是应该 构建一个体系,即词场!高三词汇复习关键词:联系重现、分类记忆、运用思维导图思维导图构建同 一话题的词场、运用思维导图思维导图记忆词 汇和短语的拓展.、利用写作任务重现与 巩固相关词汇和短语、利用单

3、词不同的形式 进行重现。Write a Write a description description of the heros/people you are familiar with of the heros/people you are familiar with.学习思路:、以描述一位、以描述一位你熟悉的人为你熟悉的人为任务,复习已任务,复习已经熟知的词汇及表达。经熟知的词汇及表达。、增加少量词汇及短语、增加少量词汇及短语,并并根据它们的用途根据它们的用途进行分类。进行分类。、利用、利用思维导图思维导图构建以构建以人物人物为话题的词场。为话题的词场。、利用写作任务,用、利用写作任务,用



6、用法头才有生命,才容易记住,才知道用法”。因此,。因此,语境是决定语义的唯一要素,舍此则无意义可言。语境是决定语义的唯一要素,舍此则无意义可言。旧词新义旧词新义 一词多性一词多性 习语习语 完型填空第完型填空第8小题小题:Ms Piasta says,if adults can 8 children in the stories and get them to pay attention to letters and words,it makes sense that they will do better at 9 word recognition.A.annoy B.leave C.int

7、erest D.puzzle C.Observe the following underlined words1.His success contributed to industry because he worked hard on the project day and night.2.Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.3.“If anybody had spoken to me like that when I was a guest in their house,it would be a long time before

8、 I would darken their door again.”勤奋勤奋麻烦不来找你就别自找麻烦。麻烦不来找你就别自找麻烦。登门拜访登门拜访.Learning the three kinds of language phenomenon1.Polysemic Words:一词多义,旧词新义一词多义,旧词新义 高考完形填空高考完形填空 A major French newspaper mistook his brother for him and carried an article announcing the death of Alfred Nobel.高考完形填空高考完形填空 Nobe

9、l arranged in his will to give the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel Prizes,which would be awarded to people who made great contributions to the causes to peace,literature,and the sciences.登载,刊出遗嘱事业 高考完型填空高考完型填空 You can add as many users as you want,provided they each have a Windows a

10、ccount.高考阅读理解高考阅读理解 It is highly probable that the two pets will get along swimmingly.Twothirds of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.The underlined word swimmingly in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _.A.early B.sweetly C.quickly D.smoothly假若,倘若,在.条

11、件/情况下D2.Words with different parts of speech 一词多性一词多性高考阅读理解高考阅读理解 The planet Earth is ruled by a mysterious creature that sits or stands in a room.高考阅读理解高考阅读理解 Others twisted their hair around their fingers or chewed their erasers while deep in thought.(注:(注:twist作名词解时为作名词解时为“拐弯,弯曲,曲折拐弯,弯曲,曲折”)高考完形填

12、空高考完形填空 It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes.in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual(智力的智力的)growth by learning situations that are designed for the average children.Mother is ironing my shirt with an electric iron.统治统治扭,转,

13、搓,拧扭,转,搓,拧 使使 成组或归类成组或归类一般标准的,普通的一般标准的,普通的熨烫熨烫熨斗熨斗3.Idioms 习语习语 Brian could have been a rich man today had it not been for his gambling,his Achilles heel.Being careless,the national football team met their Waterloo in this match.Break a leg in your test today.You are sure to pass the exam.Oh my God!

14、I saw a black cat cross my road this morning.I am afraid I have no change to pay you back.There are seven people in the car,let alone a pile of luggage.shes very handsome and shes very finely dressed,only somehow shes not-shes not the ticket,you see.He was running for all he was worth so as to catch

15、 up with the bus.You cant trust him to keep a secret-he is sure to spill the beans before long.致命弱点致命弱点遭遇失败遭遇失败祝你(考试,面试祝你(考试,面试)成功)成功更不用说更不用说遇到倒霉事遇到倒霉事有点不对路,有点不对劲有点不对路,有点不对劲竭尽全力竭尽全力泄露秘密,走漏风声泄露秘密,走漏风声Cosolidation Understand the meanings of the underlined words or phrases:1.高考阅读理解高考阅读理解 While the expr

16、ession may not often be sincere,its always spoken.The point is that people say it all the time when they like.2.高考完形填空高考完形填空 The ordinary bat that flies around at night,who is even a really swift creature in the air,can not take off from a_place.If it is placed on the floor or flat ground,all it can

17、 do is to move about.A.steep B.widespread C.straight D.level 3.The young girl thumbed her way to the passing cars.4.高考完形填空高考完形填空 For instance,we should not hurt or bully(欺骗)(欺骗)others,nor should we litter.(litter 作名词时为垃圾作名词时为垃圾 )5.高考阅读理解高考阅读理解 Feeding according to schedule runs the risk of harming t

18、he rapidly growing brain 6.A lot of my friends backed my plan.7.He always says none of the people can resist his charm(魅力)(魅力).So we all gave him the horse laugh.乱扔垃圾乱扔垃圾尽管尽管最关键的一点最关键的一点 D向向.做搭顺风车的手势做搭顺风车的手势不信任的嘲笑不信任的嘲笑冒着冒着.的风险的风险支持支持Conclusion 1.就旧词新义,一词多性的词语来说,根据词语在句中所充当的就旧词新义,一词多性的词语来说,根据词语在句中所充当

19、的成分来确立该词的词性,再根据该词的词性来把该词的含义名词成分来确立该词的词性,再根据该词的词性来把该词的含义名词化,动词化,形容词化,副词化等。化,动词化,形容词化,副词化等。2.就习语来说,根据单词与前后的词语所构成的搭配关系确定词就习语来说,根据单词与前后的词语所构成的搭配关系确定词义。切忌把构成习语的若干个单词逐个拆开,孤立地理解。应把义。切忌把构成习语的若干个单词逐个拆开,孤立地理解。应把构成习语的若干个词当成一个整体,结合上下文来作整体的理解。构成习语的若干个词当成一个整体,结合上下文来作整体的理解。即即 You cant translate idioms word for wor

20、d.3.克服旧词新义,一词多性和习语的最有效的办法就是在语境中克服旧词新义,一词多性和习语的最有效的办法就是在语境中,即上下文中确定单语词义。把单词放在词组语境,句子语境,段即上下文中确定单语词义。把单词放在词组语境,句子语境,段落语境及篇章语境中根据上下文的逻辑关系确定词义。即落语境及篇章语境中根据上下文的逻辑关系确定词义。即learn from the context.Additional Exercises1.根据上下文判断根据上下文判断hand 在各句中的意义:在各句中的意义:The steel plant has taken over 300 extra hands.The coup

21、le bought a second-hand car for their trip.My grandma has a dexterous hand at knitting.Please just have a rest and let me have a hand.The elderly lady writes a good hand.Dont blame the boy too much.He is a new hand.There is something wrong with the minute hand.2.根据语境解释下列各句中斜体根据语境解释下列各句中斜体fish的意义及词性:

22、的意义及词性:I like fish.He caught a fish.You are such a poor fish.He looked eager to fish for compliments.3.选择斜体习语的正确解释选择斜体习语的正确解释:She is hot.A lot of guys at school like her.A.furious B.serious C.attractive You new project was a hit at the meeting on Friday.A.success B.a funny routine C.a silly proposal

23、 Oh,you dont know.He is history because he was always late for work.A.was a great teacher B.was fired C.was unhealthy Sharon went bananas when she found out that she won a large shopping spree.A.was depressed B.was overly excited C.was sensitiveHe just started his new job so hes still pretty green.A

24、.funny B.nave C.strongDont worry.Her husband will pay for the meal.He has deep pockets.A.no money B.long trousers or pants C.a lot of money 一轮复习结束后进入高考专题复习阶一轮复习结束后进入高考专题复习阶段,以精选的完形填空和阅读理解文章为段,以精选的完形填空和阅读理解文章为材料复习词汇,加强对词汇活用能力的培材料复习词汇,加强对词汇活用能力的培养。养。利用完形填空利用完形填空,强化重点词汇记忆强化重点词汇记忆:Familiar stories can b

25、e told differently or extended in interesting and humorous ways.At the request of the hare,a second race is arranged and this time,the hare runs without taking a rest and wins.The moral lesson is that fast and Then it is the tortoise that challenges the hare to a third race along a different route i

26、n which there is a river just before the final destination.The moral lesson is“First identify your strengths ,and then change the playing field to suit them.”Both competitors know their own drawbacks and limitations very well;they jointly decide to have one last race not to decide who the winner or

27、loser is,but just for their own pleasure and satisfaction.The two cooperate as a team.Firstly,the hare carries Then ,the tortoise swims to the opposite bank of the river.Lastly,the hare.The most obvious one is the importance of teamwork .Another moral which also means a great deal is“competition aga

28、inst situations rather than against rivals(对手对手).”学会欣赏词汇学会欣赏词汇 阅读理解试题取材较广阅读理解试题取材较广,表达地道表达地道,其中不乏优美的词汇其中不乏优美的词汇,学生们可学生们可以仔细品位用词的精确达意以仔细品位用词的精确达意,从而提高词语辨析能力和写作能力从而提高词语辨析能力和写作能力.动词动词 There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her.若替换为若替换为:go,move,run,come,它们只描述了物体位置的它们只描述了物体位置的改变

29、改变;而而advance有一种有一种”逼近逼近”的意味的意味,准确而传神准确而传神!学会欣赏词汇学会欣赏词汇词组词组:you sit in a car that falls from a tall tower and you scream your way down to a safe landing.(一路尖叫一路尖叫)原有储备原有储备:fight ones way feel ones way crawl ones way make/force ones way改变一个词,就能形象地展现某个特定情景下的动作!学会欣赏词汇学会欣赏词汇副词副词:Rio de Janeiro,Brazils second largest city,stretches itself lazily along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.“慵懒地慵懒地”伸展在伸展在 (拟人的修辞拟人的修辞,传神达意传神达意)总之总之,词汇的复习要与话题、语境及学习词汇的复习要与话题、语境及学习任务等联系起来。任务等联系起来。具体而生动的语境,不具体而生动的语境,不仅仅能体验词汇的用法和意义,更具有语仅仅能体验词汇的用法和意义,更具有语言的生命力和交流的幸福感言的生命力和交流的幸福感。


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