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1、 中药部分中药部分 内源性的:endogenous 外源性的:exogenous 激动剂:agonists 部分激动:redesigned or modified agonists 拮抗剂:antagonists or blockers 药典:Pharmacopoeia 各论、专论:monographs 中药:Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) 中药材:Chinese materia Medica (CMM) 饮片:decoction pieces 1、来源:Origin 药材英文名称 is the 药用部位(名词单数) of 植(动)物拉丁学名属名和种(变

2、种)加词为斜体 字(科名). 药用部位:药用部位: 根:root 根茎:rhizome 皮:bark 木:wood 叶:leaf 花:flower 果实:fruit 种子:seed 全草:herb 2. 采收与加工 采收:The drug is collected in 季节 洗净泥土:wash clean 除去杂质:removed from foreign matter 晾干:dried in the air 阴干:dried in the shade 晒干:dried in the sun 3.性状性状:description 外表:external (ly + adj.) 主根:主根:m

3、ain root(principal root ) 根茎:根茎:rhizome 须根须根:rootlets 支根支根:branch root 不定根:不定根:adventitious root 痕:scars 皱纹:wrinkles 环纹:annulations 皮孔:lenticels 突起:protrusions 稀疏的:sparse 密集的:dense 明显的:distinct 不明显的:inconspicuous 间断的:interrupted 不平坦的:uneven 粗糙的:coarse 散在的:scattered 质地:texture 较:relatively + adj. 坚硬的

4、:hard 坚实的:compact 松脆的:lax and fragile 易折断的:easily broken 易弯曲的:flexible 折断面:fracture 纹理 :striations, 星点:star spots 角质样的:horny 粉性的: starchy 粘性的:viscous 味:taste 微:slightly + adj. 淡:weak 甜的:sweet 辛辣的:pungent 气:odour 特异:characteristic 芳香的:aromatic 形状: 圆锥形:conical 圆柱形:cylindrical 纺锤形:fusiform 近、类:sub- 近三角

5、形:subtriangular 类圆形:subrounded 类多角形:subpolygonal 近方形:subsquare 菱形:rhombic 不规则的:irregular 人参性状:人参性状: Main roots fusiform (纺锤形)(纺锤形) or cylindrical (圆柱形)(圆柱形) , 3-15 cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter; externally grayish-yellow, the upper part or entire root exhibiting sparse(稀疏的)(稀疏的), shallow (浅的)(浅的), int

6、errupted(间断的)(间断的) and coarse(粗糙的)(粗糙的) transverse-striations(横纹)(横纹) and distinct longitudinal wrinkles (纵皱纹)(纵皱纹) ; the lower part bearing 2-3 branch roots (支根)(支根) and numerous slender(细长的)(细长的) rootlets(须根)(须根) with inconspicuous(不明显的)(不明显的) minute(微(微 小的)小的) rubercles(疣状粒)(疣状粒). 3.鉴别 显微特征显微特征:m

7、icroscopical characters 横切面:transverse section 纵切面:longitudinal section 木栓层木栓层:cork 栓内层栓内层:phelloderm 韧皮部韧皮部:phloem 裂缝裂缝、裂隙、裂隙:cracks(clefts) 薄壁细胞薄壁细胞:parenchymatous cells 形成层形成层:cambium 木质部:木质部:xylem 射线射线:ray 导管导管:vessels 网纹的:reticulated 梯纹的:scalariform 螺纹的:spiral 环纹的:annular 纤维:纤维:fibres 木化的:ligni

8、fied 树脂道树脂道:resin canal 草酸钙簇晶草酸钙簇晶:clusters of calcium oxalate 具缘纹孔:具缘纹孔:bordered-pitted 淀粉粒淀粉粒:starch granules 脐点:hilum 髓:髓:pith 中空的:hollow 丰富的:abundant 宽的:broad 窄的:narrow 间断的:interrupted 散在的:scattered 聚集的:grouped 理化鉴别:理化鉴别:physical and chemical identification 超声处理:ultrasonicate 加热回流:heat under ref

9、lux on a water bath 提取:extract 残渣:residue 浸泡:macerate 润湿:moisten 稀释:dilute 过滤:fliter 溶解:disslove 逐滴的:dropwise 点样于:apply separately to 展开剂:mobile phase 荧光的:fluorescent To 上述操作 as the test solution. 取取本品粉末(经上述操作)作为供试品溶液。 Prepare a solution of XXXX reference drug in the same manner as the reference dru

10、g solution. 另取另取 XXXX,用同样方法配制 XXXX 对照药材溶液。 Dissove “对照品名” CRS in (metanol) as the reference solution. 取取 XXX 为对照品,加加甲醇溶解,作为对照品溶液。 Carry out the method for thin layer chromatograghy , using XXX as the coating substance and as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate. After developing and remov

11、al of the plate, dry in air, spray with 显色剂 , (heat at 105 to the spots clear). Examine in daylight and under ultraviolet light at 365nm. 按照薄层色谱法试验,取点样于同一 XXX 薄层板上,以作为展开剂。展开,取 出,晾干,以 XXXX 显色, (在 105加热至斑点显色清晰) 。分别至日光和紫外灯(365nm) 下检视。 The spots or fluorescent spots in the chromatogram obtained with the

12、 test solution correspond in position and colour to the spots or fluorescent spots in the chromatogram obtained with the reference drug solution and the reference solution. 供试品色谱中, 在与对照药材色谱和对照品色谱相应的位置上, 分别显相同颜色的斑点 或荧光斑点。 4含量测定:assay “daodi Medicinal Material” is medicinal material that is produced a

13、nd assembled in specific geographic regions with designated natural conditions and ecological environment, with particular attention to cultivation technique,harvesting and processing.These factors lead to quanlity and clinical effects surpsass those of same botanical region produced from other regi

14、ons,and thus is widely recognized and has long enjoyed a good reputation. 道地药材是指在一特定自然条件、生态环境的地域内所产的药材,因生产较为集中,栽 培技术、 采收、 加工也都有一定的讲究, 以致较同种药材在其他地区所产者品质佳、 疗效好。 道地,也就是地道,也即功效地道实在,确切可靠。 Drugs refer to articles which are used in the prevention,treatment and diagnosis of human diseases and intended for t

15、he regulation of the physiological functions of human beings, for which indications, usage and dosage are established, including Chinese crude drugs , prepared slices of Chinese crude drugs,traditional Chinese medicine preparation,chemical drugs substances and their preparation, antibiotics, biochem

16、ical drugs, redioactive pharmaceuticals, serum, vaccines, blood products and diagnostic agents. 药品,是指用于预防、治疗、诊断人的疾病,有目的地调节人的生理机能并规定有适应 症或者功能主治、用法和用量的物质,包括中药材、中药饮片、中成药、化学原料药及其制 剂、抗生素、生化药品、放射性药品、血清、疫苗、血液制品和诊断药品等。 天然药化部分天然药化部分 n- 正 iso- 异 tert- 叔 sec- 仲 mono- 一、单 di- 二 tri- 三 tetra- 四 hex-六 semi- 半 pol

17、y- 多 meth- 甲 methylene 亚甲基 eth- 乙 prop- 丙 but- 丁 phen- 苯 form- 甲酸、甲酰 acet- 乙酸 cyclo- 环 -ane 烷 -ene 烯 -ol 醇 -one 酮 -ate 含氧酸的酯或 盐 electro- 电 hydro- 氢、水 吸收度:absorbance 吸附:adsorption 最大吸收峰:absorption maxima 丙酮:acetone 相邻的:adjacenyt 生物碱:alkaloid 氧化铝:aluminium oxide 常温:ambient temperature 抗癌的:anticacer 抗真

18、菌的:antifungal 芳香族的:aromatic 自动铺板器:automatic spreading devices 棒图:bar graph 碱性水解:basic hydrolysis 正丁醇-乙酸-水:BAW 阴干:be air dried 紫外光束:beam of ultraviolet radiation 弯曲振动:bending vibration 苯:benzene 生物转化:biotransformation 键合:bonden 丁醇:butanol 氢氧化钙:calcium hydroxide 含水硫酸钙:calcium sulphate hemihydrate 羰基:c

19、arbonyl group 正离子:cation 硅藻土:celite 纤维素:cellulose 官能团:certain functional group 化学位移:chemical shift 氯仿:chlorform 色谱分离:chromatographic fractionation 色谱技术:chromatography technique 显色剂:chromogenic reagent 柱层析:column chromatography 共轭体:conjugate 偶合:coupling with 环己酮:cyclohexanone 环丙烷:cyclopropane 细胞毒:cyt

20、otoxic 衍生物:derivative 下行法:descent 去屏蔽:deshield 检测:detection 检测器:detector 鉴定:determination 显色:develop the colors 二极管列阵检测器:diode array detector 浸渍法:dip 裂解:dissociate 正离子分布图:distribution of positive ions 二萜类:diterpenoid 低场:downfield 电磁辐射:electromagnetic radiation 电子轰击:electron impact 电负性:electronegativ

21、e 电子伏特:electron-volts 电泳:electrophoresis 元素:element 洗脱:elute 能量:energy 酯:ester 醚:ether 溴乙烷:ethyl bromide 乙基:ethyl group 快速原子轰击: fast atom bombardment (fab) 场强:field strength 黄酮:flavone 黄酮类:flavonoid 黄酮醇:flavonol 荧光指示剂:fluorescent indicator 碎片离子:fragment ion 振动频率:frequency 官能团特性:functionality 葡萄糖:glu

22、cose 苷类:glycoside 高能电子:high-energy electron 高能端:high-energy end 亲水性:hydrophilicity 羟基:hydroxyl group 红外:infrared 无机盐:inorganic salt 同位素:isotope 参考文献:literature citation/reference 低能端:low-energy end 质谱图:mass spectrum 甲醇:methanol 次甲基:methine 甲基:methyl 亚甲基:methylene 微米:micrometer 分子:molecule 单萜:monoter

23、penoid 纳米:nanometers 噪声:noise 不等价:nonequivalent 非极性化合物:non-polar compound 无毒性的:nontoxic 非挥发性:non-volatile 自旋量子数:nuclear spin 偏共振去偶:off-resonance decoupling 有机:organic 原点:origin 烘箱:oven 峰:peak 酚性:phenolic 磷酸:phosphoryl 光子:photon 物理形态:physical state 植物化学:phytochemical 极性化合物:polar compound 聚酰胺:polyamid

24、e 正离子:positive ion 溴化钾:potassium bromide 前体药物:prodrug 比例:proportion 质子:proton 纯化:purify 定量:qualitative 定性:quantitative 四重峰:quartet 季碳:quaternary carbon 选择性反应:react selectively 重排:rearrangment 倒数:reciprocal 参照化合物:reference compound 示差折光检测器:refractive index detector 相对丰度:relative intensity 重现性:reprodu

25、cibility 分辨率:resoluntion 共振:resonance 反相:reverse phase 扫描:scan 灵敏度:sensitivity 增 强 灵 敏 度 特 性 : sensitivity-enhancing feature 自旋核发生能级裂分: separates the energy of nuclear spin states 分离:separation 制备分离:separationgs on a preparative scale 葡聚糖:Sephadex 倍半萜类:sesquiterpenoid 二倍半萜类:sesterterpenoid 屏蔽:shield

26、ing 信噪比:signal-to-noise ratio 硅胶:silica gel 硝酸银:silver nitrate 骨架:skeleton 溶剂前沿 solvent front 溶剂系统 solvent system 光谱方法:spectroscopic method 自旋状态:spin state 裂分:split 裂分图形:splitting pattern 斑点:sopt 喷雾:spray 标准物质:standard substance 固定相:stationary phase 萜类化合物:terpenoid 四甲基硅烷:tetramethylsilane (TMS) 三重峰:

27、triplet 三萜:triterpene 二维分离:two-dimensional separations 超纯:ultrapure 未知化合物:unknown compound 振动能级:vibrational energy level 可见光:visible light 体外:vitro 体内:vivo 水 不 溶 性 的 醇 溶 剂 : water-immiscible alcoholic solvent 波数:wave number 脂:lipid 石油醚:petroleum ether 乙醇:ethanol 甲酸:formic acid 甲酸乙酯:ethyl formate 乙酸乙

28、酯:ethyl acetate 挥发油:volatile oil 硫酸:sulfuric acid 盐酸:hydrochloride acid 氢氧化钠:sodium hydroxide 光谱:spectrum 结构:structure 相当大的:considerable 纸层析纸层析:Paper Chromatography(PC) One of the main advantages of PC is the great convenience of carrying out separations simply on sheets of filter paper, which serve

29、 both as the medium for separation and as the support. Another advantage is the considerable reproducibility of Rf values determined on paper, so that such measurements are valuable parameters for use in describing new plant compounds. 纸层析主要优点之一是他十分的方便: 仅用滤纸就可进行分离, 滤纸同时作为分离和支 持的介质。它的另一个优点是 Rf 值有相当好的

30、重现性,因此可用来描述新的天然化合物。 In PC, compounds are usually detected as coloured or UV-fluorescent spots, after reaction with a chromogenic reagent, used either as a spray or as a dip. 在纸层析中, 化合物通常用喷雾法或浸渍法与显色剂反应显色斑或显 UV-荧光斑点而被 检出。 薄层层析:薄层层析:Thin Layer Chromatography(TLC) 因素:factor 含水量:moisture content Another

31、reason for still using plates coated in the laboratory is that the moisture content of the silica gel can be controlled, a factor which is critical for some separations. 现在, 仍在使用实验室里铺的板的另一个原因是硅胶的含水量容易控制, 这在某些分离 过程中是关键性因素。 Rf values are considerably less reproducible than on paper and it is therefore

32、 essential to include one or more reference compounds as markers. TLC 的 Rf 值的重现性比 PC 差许多,所以有必要用一到几个参照化合物作为对照。 高效液相色谱:高效液相色谱:High Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC) HPLC is mainly used for those classes of compound which ara non-volatile, e.g. higher terpenoids, phenolics of all types, alkaloids

33、, lipids and sugars. HPLC 主要用于非挥发性的物质的分离,如高级萜类,各类酚性化合物,生物碱,脂类 和糖。 紫外紫外-可见吸收光谱可见吸收光谱:Ultraviolet-Visible(UV-VIS)spectroscopy The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that lies just beyond the infrared reigon is visible light. 电磁谱中位于红外以外的部分是可见光区。 红外光谱:红外光谱:Infrared Spectroscopy(IR) While NMR spectr

34、oscopy is,in general,more revealing of the structure of an unknown compound,IR still retains an important place in the chemists inventory of spectroscopic methods because of its usefulness in identifying the certain functional groups within a molecule. 虽然现在核磁共振光谱总的来说更能解释一个未知化合物的结构, 红外光谱在化学家所 使用的光谱方法

35、中保留着很重要的地位。因为它对鉴定分子中某些官能团的存在很有用。 An advantage to using wave numbers is that they are directly proportional to energy while wavelengths are inversely proportional to energy. 用波数作单位的一个优点是它与能量成正比,而波长与能量成反比。 This is the region in which the vibrations characteristic of particular functional groups are fo

36、und. 某些官能团与其振动的特征频率对应的关系在这个区域内能体现出来。 It is here that the pattern of peaks varies most from compound to compound. 每一个化合物在这个区域内均有不同的吸收峰形。 质谱:质谱:Mass Spectroscopy(MS) Mass spectroscopy is the instrumental method of structure determination that is most different from the others in the group discussed in

37、 this chapter. 质谱是确定结构的仪器方法,最不同于本章讨论的其他方法。 It dose not depend on the selective absorption of particular frequencies of electromagnetic radiation but rather examines what happens to a molecule,when it is bombarded with high-energy electrons. 它不是依靠选择地吸收电磁波的部分频率, 而是检测一个分子被高能电子轰击时所发生 的变化。 核磁共振氢谱:核磁共振氢谱:

38、Proton nuclear magnetic resonance(1H-NMR) Chemists compare the shielding of protons in organic molecules by specifying their chemical shift relative to a standard substance.This substance is tertamethylsilane (TMS).The protons of TMS are more shielded than those of almost all organic compounds.In a

39、solution containing TMS, all the relevant signals apper to the left of the TMS peak. 化学家们将有机分子中的氢原子化学位移与一种标准物质中的氢相比, 并以此来比较该 分子中的氢所受的屏蔽。这种标准物质就是四甲基硅烷(TMS) 。TMS 的氢比几乎所有其他 的有机分子中的氢受到更多的屏蔽。在含有 TMS 的溶液中,所有相关信号都出现在 TMS 峰的左侧。 Peak positions are measured in frequency units (hertz) downfield from the TMS pe

40、ak.(Frequency units are more convient to use than units of magnetic field strength.The two sets of units are directly proportional to each other.) 其他质子峰的位置在 TMS 的低场处,以频率为单位进行测量。 (以频率为单位比用场 强为单位用起来更方便,并且,这两个单位直接互成比例。 ) By reporting chemical shift in parts per million,this effect of field strength is

41、taken into account:thus irrespective of magnetic field strength. 当化学位移以 ppm 表示时,磁场强度已经考虑在内,不需考虑仪器的场强。 The number of signals in a 1H nmr spectrum reveals the number of chemical shift nonequivalent protons in a molecule; the integrated areas tell us their relative ratios; their chemical shifts indicat

42、e the kind of environment surrounding the proton; and the splitting pattern is related to the number of protons on adjacent carbons. 在 1H 核磁共振光谱中,信号的数量表示一个分子中不等价值质子的化学位移的数量。 积分面积告诉我们它们的比率。 化学位移说明质子周围环境中的种类。 裂分图形与相邻碳上 的质子数量有关。 核磁共振核磁共振碳碳谱:谱:Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance(13C-NMR) Carbon-13 chemical shifts cover a rang of over 200 ppm. In many substances a separate signal is observed for each carbon atom; and the chemical shifts are charatcteristic of particular structural types. 13C 的化学位移宽度大于 200ppm。在许多物质中,每个碳原子可观察到各自的信号。 化学位移与特定的结构类型有关。


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