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1、Francis Bacon(1561-1626)Outline of the lectureHis worksBacons theoryHis lifeOutline of the lecturelSection I:Introduction about Bacons lifelSection II:introduction about Bacons workslSection III:introduction about Bacons theory and influence from 3 aspects part1:philosophy part2:Aesthetics part3:lit

2、eraturelSection IV:play a video Section IvIntroduction about his lifeBrief IntroductionvFrancis Bacon(1561-1626)was a British philosopher and scientist,he was known as the British materialism and the entire modern experimental science the real ancestor.Author of academic progress(1605)and new tools(

3、1620).vBacon sharply criticized the medieval Scholasticism that Scholasticism and theology seriously impede scientific progress,advocate a comprehensive transformation of human knowledge,the whole academic culture from Scholasticism liberation and realizing the great rejuvenation.He believes that sc

4、ience should pursue the things of nature and the reasons for the law.To achieve this goal,we must be based on sensory experiences.vHe is the father of experimental philosophy,whose father had been Lord Keeper,and himself was a great many years Lord Chancellor under King James I.Nevertheless,amidst t

5、he intrigues of a Court,and the affairs of his exalted employment(Because of bribery and extortion he was sentenced by the House of Lords to pay a fine of about four hundred thousand French livres(里弗,法国古代的货币单位)to lose his peerage and his dignity of Chancellor.),which alone were enough to engross his

6、 whole time,he yet found so much leisure for study as to make himself a great philosopher,a good historian,and an elegant writer;and a still more surprising circumstance is that he lived in an age in which the art of writing justly and elegantly was little known,much less true philosophy.Lord Bacon,

7、as is the fate of man,was more esteemed after his death than his lifetime.His enemies were in the British Court,and his admirers were foreigners.Chinese version 培根被认为是现代科学时代的始祖。他是第一个意识到科学技木能够改造世界面貌的哲学家,热情支持实验科学研究。l561年,培棍生于伦敦。他是英国伊丽莎白女王时代一 高级职员的长子。12岁入剑桥大学三一学院,但不久离开 那里,没有获得大学毕业证书。16岁开始工作,随英国驻注大使去巴黎在

8、使馆工作过一段时间。18岁时父亲去世,没留下什么钱,培根被迫去上学学习法律。21岁开始从事律师业。23岁时被选为英国下议院议员。伊丽莎白女王向议会 提出增加税收计划,培根表示反对通过这个提案,女王因而讨厌培根,培根成了伊西克斯的朋友和参谋。伊西克斯是个贪婪的贵族分子,同情培根,他决定发动反对伊丽莎白女王的政变。培根劝告他应该忠于女王,但伊西克斯不听,政变以失败而告终。因为培根在伊西克斯受审及被判死刑一案中起了某种作用,致使各阶层人民对培根有些不满情绪。1603年,伊丽莎白女王去世,培根当上继任国王詹姆斯一世的顾问,虽然詹姆斯世没有受培根劝言的约束,但却很喜欢他。因此在詹姆斯一世执政期间,培根平

9、步青云,节节高升,1617年担任掌玺大臣,1618年就任大法官,1620 年受封为子爵。不期灾难降临了。培根被指控受贿,其实受贿在当时已是司空见惯,绝非新鲜,但培根在议会里的劲敌抓住这个机会,将他赶出了官场。培根对受贿供认不讳,被判在伦敦塔坐牢,交付大批罚金,终生禁止做官。但国王释放了他,免除了他的罚金,培根只不过丧失了政治生命。培根这样评论议会决定:“我是英国50年来最公正的法官,而议会对我的判决是200年来议会所作出的最公正的判决。”培根的若干著作为他赢得了声誉。他的第一部著作论说文集发表于1597年。这部著作用辛辣评论风格写成,但却闪闪发光,引入入胜,在世界流传极广。即本精品文摘。培根的

10、最伟大的哲学著作之一名叫伟大的复兴。该著作包括6个部分,已完成的部分有:序言、新工具(对一种 新的逻辑方法的描述)、自然史和实验史概论组体现了作者某些观点及不同风格的科学和哲学沉思录 培根从1605年起开始写作,但没有完成的科学推进论 被认为是自亚里士多德时代以来最伟大的著作。Section IIlIntroduction about Bacons worksBacons Works 1.Philosophical:Advancement of Learning(论学术的进展(论学术的进展)(1605)Novum Organum(新工具论)(新工具论)(1620)2.Literary:Essa

11、ys 论说随笔文集(1625)The New Atlantics 新亚特兰蒂斯3.Professional:Maxim of the Law 格言集 Reading on the Statute of Uses 阅读在法令的应用阅读在法令的应用 The Advancement of Learningl a great tract on education l In this Book,Bacon highly praises knowledge,refuting the objections to learning;he answers the charge that learning is

12、against religion.lgreat significance:in Bacons time,for he separates theology from scientific observations and experiments,thus making a great step forward in science.Novum Organum(1620)lOutstanding treatise(论述)written in Latin on methodologylThe argument is for the use of inductive method of reason

13、ing in scientific study.lBacon advanced the necessity of accurate observation&experimentation lFour types of false notions lshows the new empirical(经验主义的)attitudes toward truth about nature.About readingStudies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability.Their chief use for delight,is in privaten

14、ess and retiring;for ornament,is in discourse;and for ability,is in the judgment and disposition of business.For expert and execute,and perhaps judge of particulars,one by one;but the general counsels,and the plots and marshalling of affairs,come best form those that are learned.To spend too much ti

15、me in studies is sloth;to use them too much for ornament,is affectation;to make judgement wholly by their rules,is the humour of a scholar.They perfect nature,and are perfected by experience:for natural abilities are like natural plants,that need proyning(pruning)by study;and studies themselves do g

16、ive forth directions too much at large,except they be bounded in/bylexperience.l l l lCrafty men contemn studies,simple men admire them,land wise men use them;for they teach not their own use;but lthat is a wisdom without them,and above them,won by lobservation.谈读书谈读书l读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时


18、,少数则须全读,读时须全神贯注,孜孜不倦。书亦可请人代读,取其所作摘要,但只限题材较次或价值不高者,否则书经提炼犹如水经蒸馏,味同嚼蜡矣。读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,作文使人准确。因此不常作文者须记忆特强,不常讨论者须天生聪颖,不常读书者须欺世有术,始能无知而显有知。l读书使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩:凡有所学,皆成性格。人之才智但有滞碍,无不可读适当之书使之顺畅,一如身体百病,皆可借相宜之运动除之。滚球利睾肾,射箭利胸肺,漫步利肠胃,骑术利头脑,诸如此类。如智力不集中,可令读数学,盖演算须全神贯注,稍有分散即须重演;如不能辨异,可令读经院哲学,盖此辈皆吹毛求疵之人;如不善求同,不善以一物阐证另一物,可令读律师之案卷。如此头脑中凡有缺陷,皆有特药可医。Thank you!


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