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1、UnitUnit 2 Bridging2 Bridging Cultures Cultures P140P140UnitUnit 1 Science1 Science andand ScientistsScientistsUnitUnit 3 Food3 Food andand culture culture P283P283UnitUnit 4 Journey4 Journey AcrossAcross a VastVast Land Land P409P409UnitUnit 5 First5 First Aid Aid P548P548UnitUnit 1 Science1 Scienc

2、e a andnd ScientistsScientists SectionSection B BLearningLearning AboutAbout Language Language P49P49SectionSection C CUsingUsing LanguageLanguage()P73P73SectionSection D DUsingUsing LanguageLanguage()&AssessingAssessing YourYour Progress Progress P86P86单元重点总结单元重点总结 P131P131SectionSection A AReading

3、Reading andand ThinkingThinking.知识体系图解 重点词汇 1.cholera n.2.diarrhoea n.3.dehydration n.4.contradictory adj.5.germ n.6.pump n.7.household n.8.raw adj.9.pure adj.霍乱 腹泻脱水相互矛盾的;对立的;不一致的微生物;细菌;病菌泵;抽水机;打气筒一家人;家庭;同住一所(套)房子的人未煮的;生的;未经处理的;原始的干净的;纯的;纯粹的SectionSection A AReadingReading andand ThinkingThinking10

4、.statistic n.pl.11.epidemiology n.12.adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的 13.adj.懊恼的;沮丧的;失意的 14.vt.使感染;传染 n.感染;传染 15.vt.认购(股份);定期订购;定期交纳(会费)16.n.证据;证明;检验 17.adj.数量多的;多种多样的 18.vt.&vi.怀疑;疑有;不信任n.犯罪嫌疑人;可疑对象 19.vt.把归咎于;责怪;指责n.责备;指责 统计数字;统计资料;统计学流行病学severefrustratedinfectinfectionsubscribeproofmultiplesuspectblame20.n.把手

5、;拉手;柄vt.处理;搬动;操纵(车辆、动物、工具等)21.n.介入;出面;干涉 22.n.联系;纽带vt.把连接起来;相关联 23.adj.大量的;价值巨大的;重大的 24.n.减少;降低;减少量vt.&vi.(使大小、数量等)减少;减小;降低 25.vt.使改观;使改变形态vi.改变;转变 26.n.显微镜 handleinterventionlinksubstantialdecreasetransformmicroscope重点短语1.最终地;彻底地 2.同意;赞同 3.幸亏;由于 4.水泵 5.照料;照顾 6.die from 7.give birth 8.in general 9.f

6、ind out 10.as a result of.once and for allsubscribe tothanks towater pumpattend to死于分娩一般来说查明由于重点句式1.It seemed that the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.2.The people who drank this water were much more likely to get cholera than those who dr

7、ank pure or boiled water.阅读导学A.阅读P2P3课文,根据事件发生的先后顺序排序。()John Snow began to test two theories.()An outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854.()John Snow marked the deaths on a map.()He announced that the water carried the disease.()John Snow investigated two streets where the outbreak was very severe.()

8、King Cholera was defeated.()He found that most of the deaths were near a water pump.()He had the handle removed from the water pump.21537486B.根据P2P3课文内容,选择正确答案。1.Why did John Snow become frustrated?A.An outbreak of cholera hit Europe.B.Nobody knew how to prevent or treat cholera.C.Cholera used to be

9、 one of the most feared diseases.D.He had to attend to Queen Victoria when she gave birth.2.How did John Snow do the research?A.By using maps and statistics.B.By drinking the water himself.C.By questioning the patients.D.By experimenting with himself.答案:B答案:A3.Why had some households had no deaths?A

10、.Beer was a cure for the disease.B.They lived far away from the water pump.C.They had not drunk the water from the pump.D.They worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street.4.How did John Snow stop the people from using the water from the pump?A.By telling people that the water was polluted.B.By asking wa

11、ter companies to sell pure water.C.By removing the handle of the water pump.D.By drinking more free beer.答案:C答案:C重点词汇重点句式随堂练习1.Snow subscribed to the second theory.斯诺赞同第二种理论。【词汇精讲】subscribe vt.认购(股份);定期订购;定期交纳(会费);同意;捐助She subscribes to an environmental action group.她定期给一个环境行动小组交会费。The magazine is t

12、rying to get more readers to subscribe.该杂志正大力发展更多新订户。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展】subscribe to订阅subscribe to the view/theory同意观点/理论subscribe for预定;认购How many shares did you subscribe for the new company?你在这家新公司认购了多少股?I planned to subscribe to many magazines.我计划订阅许多杂志。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习2.Snow

13、suspected that the water pump was to blame.斯诺怀疑水泵是元凶。【词汇精讲1】suspect vt.&vi.怀疑;疑有;不信任n.犯罪嫌疑人I suspected that there was something wrong with the engine.我怀疑引擎出毛病了。Shes not going to be very happy about this,I suspect.我怀疑她会因为这个不高兴的。Police have issued a photograph of the suspect.警方已经发布了犯罪嫌疑人的照片。重点词汇重点句式随堂

14、练习【词汇拓展】suspect sb/sth of.怀疑某人/某事suspect sb of doing.怀疑某人做Pilcher was suspected of giving away the companys secrets to others.皮尔彻涉嫌将公司的秘密泄露给他人。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇精讲2】blame vt.把归咎于;责怪;指责n.责备;指责You shouldnt blame this accident on him;after all its not up to him to make the decision.你不该把这次事故归咎于

15、他,毕竟不是他一个人决定的。Youve failed to do what you were expected to and Im afraid the teacher will blame you.你没做成期望你做的事,我担心老师会责备你。You cant expect Terry to take all the blame.你不能指望特里承担所有的责任。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展】(1)blame sb/sth for sth因而责备某人/某物blame sth on sb把某事怪到某人头上(2)get/take the blame for.为承担责任lay/put the bla

16、me on sb/sth把某事归咎于某人/某物(3)be to blame(for)应受指责Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning,and put the blame on the alarm clock.许多人发现早上起床很难,并把责任归咎于闹钟。Dont always blame your own failure on others.Sometimes you yourself are to blame.不要总把自己的失败归咎于他人。有时该怪的是你自己。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【温馨提示】be to blame for st

17、h意为“应为某事负责或受指责”,其中不定式用主动形式表示被动含义。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习3.Accordingly,he had the handle of the pump removed so that it could not be used.因此,他把水泵的把手取下来了,以便无法用水。【词汇精讲】handle n.把手;拉手;柄vt.处理;搬动;操纵(车辆、动物、工具等)The man gave me a knife with a carved wooden handle.那人给了我一把有雕刻木柄的刀。There are several ways to han

18、dle things.有几种方法可以处理事情。Computers can handle huge amounts of data.电脑可以处理大量的数据。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习4.Moreover,Snow was later able to show a link between other cases of cholera and the different water companies in London.此外,斯诺后来能够表明其他霍乱病例和伦敦不同的自来水公司之间的联系。【词汇精讲】link n.联系;纽带vt.把连接起来;相关联To understand

19、this concept,we look at the link between law and ethics.要理解这一概念,我们先看一下法律和伦理之间的联系。The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.群众臂挽着臂组成人墙。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展】link up(with)连接;结合link.with/to.把与连接;联系The hearts of the people of all the nationalities are linked to each other.我国各族人民心连心。Is he the man who had diffe

20、rent sections of the walls linked up?是不是他让人把城墙各个部分连接起来的?重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习5.Through Snows tireless efforts,water companies began to sell clean water,and the threat of cholera around the world saw a substantial decrease.通过斯诺的不懈努力,自来水公司开始销售清洁用水,世界各地霍乱的威胁大幅减少。【词汇精讲】decrease n.减少;降低;减少量vt.&vi.(使大小

21、、数量等)减少;减小;降低There has been a steady decrease of temperature.温度在稳步下降。Due to the strict traffic regulations on drunk driving,the number of accidents from it has greatly decreased.由于对酒后驾驶的严格的交通法规,酒后驾驶导致的事故的数量大大减少了。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习We have decreased our involvement in childrens books.我们减少了对儿童读物的参与。【词汇拓展】dec

22、rease to减少到decrease by减少了on the decrease在减少Average house prices decreased by 13%last year.去年房子的平均价格下降了13%。The number of students going abroad for further study is on the decrease nowadays.当下去国外继续深造的学生数量在不断减少。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习6.Fortunately,we now know how to prevent cholera,thanks to the work

23、of John Snow.幸运的是,由于约翰斯诺的工作,我们现在知道了如何预防霍乱。【词汇精讲】thanks to幸亏;由于Thanks to your hard work,we can finish the task ahead of schedule.多亏了你的努力工作,我们能提前完成任务。Thanks to modern science and technology,people lead a more and more comfortable and rich life.多亏了现代科技,人们的生活越来越舒适、越来越富裕。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展】表示“因为;由于”的短语due

24、 to由于;因为because of由于;因为on account of由于owing to由于;因为as a result of由于的结果重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习7.Snow transformed the way scientists study diseases.斯诺改变了科学家研究疾病的方式。【词汇精讲】transform vt.使改观;使改变形态vi.改变;转变It was an event that would transform my life.那是能够改变我生活的一件事。A fresh coat of paint can tran

25、sform a room beyond recognition.新涂的一层油漆可以使房间焕然一新。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展】transform.into.使变成transform.from.into.把从变成It is a surprise that the city has been transformed from a small town into a modern industrial center in recent ten years.真令人惊奇,在近十年中这个城市由一个小乡镇转变成了一个现代化的工业中心。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随

26、堂练习1.It seemed that the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.这位妇女似乎非常喜欢水泵的水,所以她每天都让人把水送到她家。【句式剖析】本句是一个复合句。It seemed是主句,that the woman liked.是表语从句,so.that.引导的是结果状语从句,在结果状语从句中,had it delivered是“have+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,由于it和deliver有逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词形式作宾语补

27、足语。There is something wrong with my watch and I must have it repaired.我的表坏了,我必须找人修理一下。I had my hair cut yesterday.我昨天理发了。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【句式拓展】“have+宾语+过去分词形式”的用法(1)表示请(让)别人做某事Can I have this parcel weighed here?我可以在这儿称一下这个包裹吗?(2)表示经历或遭遇了某事He had his finger cut this morning.今天早晨他把手指割破了。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习(3)表示

28、主动地完成某动作或解决某事I have had all my mistakes corrected.我把所有的错误都改正了。(4)表示容忍或允许做某事(用于否定句,尤其与wont,cant 等连用)。We wont have anything said against the teacher.我们不允许有人这样攻击老师。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习2.The people who drank this water were much more likely to get cholera than those who drank pure or boiled water.喝这

29、种水的人比喝纯净水或白开水的人更容易得霍乱。【句式剖析】本句是一个复合句。句中两个who引导的是定语从句,分别修饰the people和those。be likely to do意为“可能做”。The price is likely to go down because of the competition.由于竞争,价格可能会下降。You are likely to suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.如果继续吸烟,你的身体健康会受到损害。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【句式拓展】(1)Its likely that.很可能(2)unlikely

30、adj.不大可能发生的be unlikely to.不可能It is likely that they can understand us better and give us some reasonable advice.他们很可能更理解我们并给我们一些合理的建议。Its most unlikely that shell arrive before seven.她极不可能在七点前到达。【温馨提示】英语中有“It is likely that.”和“sb/sth be likely to do sth”的用法,但没有“It is likely for sb/sth to do sth”的用法。

31、重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习.课文语法填空John Snow,a well-known doctor in London,became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people who (expose)to cholera,a deadly disease of its day.(thousand)of people died every time there was an outbreak no one knew the cause of it,which made John Sn

32、ow frustrated.John never lost his desire_ (defeat)cholera.were exposed Thousandsbutto defeat重点词汇重点句式随堂练习He got interested in two theories (explain)how cholera killed people.He believed in the second theory that suggested that people absorbed the disease with their meals.In 1854,another outbreak hit

33、London,he was ready to test the two (theory).With the help of the map he made,he got a (value)clue about the cause of the disease.Finally,he was able to announce that the water was (blame).Thanks to the work of John Snow,the threat of cholera around the world greatly decreased.Moreover,Snow transfor

34、med the way scientists study diseases by using maps and statistics.this reason,Snow is considered the father of modern epidemiology.explainingwhentheoriesvaluableto blameFor重点词汇重点句式随堂练习.概要写作根据课本P2P3内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。参考范文:John Snow,who is considered the father of modern epidemiology,were determined to

35、defeat cholera which was one of the most feared diseases in the world in the 19th century.(要点1)When cholera broke out in London in 1854,he found out the cause of the disease by using maps and statistics.(要点2)Thanks to his effort,the threat of cholera around the world greatly decreased.(要点3).知识体系图解 重

36、点词汇 1.cell n.2.virus n.3.finding n.4.vaccine n.5.n.思想;思维;见解 6.n.蛋白质 7.adj.最初的;开始的;第一的 8.n.框架;结构 9.adj.可靠的;固体的;坚实的n.固体 细胞;小房间;单间牢房 病毒发现;调查结果;(法律)判决疫 苗thinkingproteininitialframeworksolid SectionSection B BLearningLearning AboutAbout LanguageLanguage重点短语 1.theoretical framework 2.make sense 3.calm dow

37、n 4.deal with 5.get down to doing sth 6.打开 7.依靠 8.集中于;专注于 9.执行 理论框架有意义;讲得通平静下来;镇定下来处理;涉及着手做某事turn ondepend upon/onfocus oncarry out重点句式Many scientists subscribe to the view that it is human activity that has caused global warming.重点语法表语从句.释义匹配1.solidA.of or at the beginning2.frameworkB.hard or firm,

38、keeping a clear shape3.initialC.your opinion or ideas about something4.thinkingD.a very small living thing that causes infectious disease5.virusE.a supporting structure around which something can be built答案:1.B2.E3.A4.C5.D.单句语法填空1.The energy is makes the cells able to do their work.2.What he really

39、means is he disagrees with us.3.Your dictionary is still you put it yesterday.4.It sounds as someone is knocking at the door.5.I drove to Zhuhai last week and that was I had a few days off.what thatwhereif/thoughwhy重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习This was when you should have calmed down and got down to doing some

40、solid work.这就是你本应该冷静下来做一些扎实的工作的时候。【词汇精讲1】calm down(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来These useful tips will help you calm down before entering the room.在进入房间之前,这些有用的小技巧会帮你镇静下来。The baby was crying and the mother was trying her best to calm him down.那个婴儿在哭,他妈妈想尽办法使他安静下来。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习【词汇精讲2】get down to开

41、始干,着手做(尤指非常花费精力之事),其中的to是介词,后接动词时要用动词-ing形式。I must get down to study tonight,as the exams start next week.我今晚必须开始认真学习,因为下周开始考试了。Theres not much time left.Lets get down to repairing the machine.时间所剩不多了,让我们开始修理这台机器吧。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习【词汇拓展】get over克服get across被传达;被理解get through做完;通过(考试);接通(电话)get along/

42、on with进展;与某人相处We can surely get over all the difficulties that may come up.我们一定能够克服可能发生的一切困难。How can I get it across to you how important this is?我怎么做才能让你们理解这件事有多么重要呢?重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习【词汇精讲3】solid adj.可靠的;固体的;坚实的n.固体She didnt eat solid food for several weeks.她数周以来都没有吃固体食物。This has pr

43、ovided a very solid foundation for the group to grow.这为集团发展提供了一个非常坚实的基础。The process of heating is to change something from a solid to a liquid.加热是使某物由固态转变为液态的过程。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习Many scientists subscribe to the view that it is human activity that has caused global warming.许多科学家都认为是人类活

44、动导致了全球变暖。【句式剖析】本句是一个复合句。Many scientists subscribe to.是主句,that引导的是同位语从句,其中it is human activity that.是强调句,强调的是从句的主语human activity。It was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。It was my brother who bought me the bike as a present.是我哥哥给我买的这辆自行车做礼物。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习【句式拓展】(1)强调句的基

45、本句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其余部分.(2)强调句的一般疑问句形式:Was/Is it+被强调部分+that+句子其余部分?强调句的特殊疑问句形式:疑问词(被强调部分)+is/was+it+that+句子其余部分?重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习(3)not until的强调句型:It is/was not until.that.It is summertime that means we can fire up the grill and enjoy the great outdoors.正是夏日意味着我们可以生起烤架享受美好的户外时光。It was not

46、 until the area was seriously polluted that they realized that it was high time to take action to stop pollution.直到这个地方被严重污染了他们才意识到该采取行动阻止污染了。What was it that prevented him from coming in time?是什么使得他没及时来?重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习表语从句表语从句是在复合句中作表语的名词性从句,放在系动词之后,一般结构是“主语+系动词+表语从

47、句”。可接表语从句的连系动词常见的有:be,feel,seem,look,appear,sound,taste,smell等。1.that无词义,在句中不作成分。The trouble is that we are short of money.困难是我们资金短缺。My idea is that he can teach children English in this school.我的想法是他能够在这所学校教孩子们英语。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习2.whether意为“是否”,在句中不作成分。The question is whether we need more ice cream

48、.问题是我们是否还需要一些冰激凌。The key is whether we can solve the problem ourselves.问题是我们能否自己解决这个问题。3.what在表语从句中可作主语、宾语和表语。That is what I want to tell you.那就是我想告诉你的。This is what we have been looking forward to for years.这是我们多年来一直期望的。Thats what he is worrying about.那就是他在担心的事。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习4.who,which,whom,whose

49、除在句子中起连接作用外,还可作主语、宾语和定语,本身具有词义。The question is which of us should go.问题是我们哪一个应该去。The problem is who we can get to replace her.问题是我们能找到谁去替换她呢。5.when,where,how除在句子中起连接作用外,在从句中还充当时间、地点、方式或原因状语,本身具有词义。Go and get your coat.Its where you left it.去把外套拿来。就在你原来放的地方。The problem is how we can find him.问题是我们如何找

50、到他。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习6.That/This is why.那/这就是为什么。后面跟结果。That/This is because.那/这是因为。后面接原因。That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around New England fields.那就是为什么在新英格兰牧场周围用石头墙而不用栅栏。That is because I love the place too much.那是因为我太爱这个地方了。7.as if/as though意为“好像”At that time,it seemed as if I co


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