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1、 Unit 6 foodReading(Period 2)What we eat and how we liveSay something about Kitty and her dietKitty,12,dancer,two hourstired,need,importantchanged,before,seldom ate,ate,liked,not goodnow,for breakfast,for dinner,notany moreSay something about Daniel and his diet:Daniel,12,top,like studying,after cla

2、ss,changed,before,always,liked,not goodnow,exercise,swim,for breakfast,for dinner,usuallyI want to be a teacher.My brother/my cousin wants to be a computer engineer(doctor).They want to be policemen.Language Points:1.want to be 想想成成为为对对我我们们/学学生生/老老年年人人来来说说,学学好好英英语语/了了解解世世界界/吃吃健健康康的的食食物物是是重重要要的的.Its

3、important for us to learn English well.Its important for the students to learn the world.Its important for the old people to eat healthy food.2.Its+形形容容词词+for sb.to do sth)(easy,important,good,bad,interesting)对对(某某人人)而而言言做做(某某事事)是是(怎怎么么样样)的的水水果果和和蔬蔬菜菜对对你你有有好好处处.甜甜食食对对你你的的牙牙齿齿有有坏坏处处.Its good for you

4、to have fruit and vegetables.Eating sweet is bad for your teeth.3.be good/bad for对有好处/有坏处4 4.h ha av ve e.f fo or r.餐餐吃吃 I often have noodles for breakfast.I often have vegetables for lunch.I often have fish for supper.我我早早餐餐/中中餐餐/晚晚餐餐经经常常吃吃面面条条/蔬蔬菜菜/鱼鱼.He isin/having good health=He is healthy(健健康康的

5、的).5.be healthy=be in/having good health6.not very often=seldom(很很少少,不不常常)I seldom exercise.exercise vi.do morning/eye exercises7.I dance for half an hour every day.do sth for+一一段段时时间间Translate:我我每每晚晚做做2小小时时作作业业。8.They have too much sugar and are bad for my teeth.too much+不不可可数数名名词词too many+可可数数名名词词

6、复复数数9.I plan to eat more fruit and vegetables every day.plan-plans-planning plan to do1.They want to be_(舞舞者者).2.He is _(健健康康)than before.3.I like _(聊聊天天)with friends on the Internet.4.I swim _(两两次次)a week.Consolidation(exercises):dancershealthierchattingtwice根根据据汉汉语语完完成成句句子子,每每空空一一词词。1、我我长长大大后后想想当当

7、一一名名歌歌唱唱家家。I _ a singer when I _ _.2、躺躺在在床床上上看看书书对对眼眼睛睛有有害害。_in bed is _ eyes.3、学学好好英英语语对对我我们们来来说说是是非非常常重重要要的的。Its very important_ _ _ _ English well.want to begrow upReading bad forfor usto learn 4、李李丽丽已已不不再再玩玩电电脑脑游游戏戏了了。Li Li_play computer games _.5、我我喜喜欢欢和和朋朋友友一一起起在在网网上上聊聊天天。I like _ _my friends

8、_the Internet.6、李李明明早早上上常常吃吃什什么么?What _Li Ming often _ breakfast?doesntany morechatting withondoeseat/have forHello!Im from CCTV.May I ask you some questions about your diet and lifestyle?1.What do you often eat?2.Which lifestyle do you like better,often exercise or seldom?Make an interview in pairs

9、Mr.Wangfoodbreakfast no breakfastlunchmeat,fish,ricesupperhamburgerslifestyle never exercise,like watching TV go to bed very lateadvice(建议)Eat breakfast,not eat too much meat or hamburgers;eat more vegetables;exercise every day;go to bed early Homework:1.Oral work:Listen to,repeat and recite the text2.Written work:Write the students own food and lifestyles.


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