《技术与商务交流英语(第二版)》课件Chapter 12 Technical analysis.ppt

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1、ObjectivesLearn how to do technical analysis:Analysis through classificationAnalysis through partition Concept of technical analysis Technical analysis is a writing technique to incorporate large quantities of information into a document in a logical order.It is a way to make sense of an otherwise o

2、verwhelming amount of information.By using analysis,you can establish a whole,identify the parts that make up the whole,and clarify the relationship between the whole and the parts.All the following situations call for technical analysis.Ground water pollution is a local problem.There can be many po

3、ssible causes for this problem.How can you arrange them in your report?Doctors and nurses in a hospital are encouraged to drop suggestions for quality improvement into a suggestion box.There are forty-eight suggestions in the box.How can they be grouped?There are basically two types of technical ana

4、lysis:classification and partition.Classification organizes collections of facts into groups.Partition breaks a single large item or concept into parts.I.Analysis through classificationClassification recognizes that different items have similar characteristics and sorts these items into related grou

5、ps.An example of classificationThere are so many distressing events of environmental destruction that sometimes it seems impossible to know how to comprehend them.It may be helpful to classify them and thus begin to organize our thoughts and feeling so that we may be able to respond appropriately.We

6、 may classify the various examples of environmental threats according to their extent of affection under three types:local,regional,and global scales.Most instances of water pollution,air pollution,and illegal waste dumping are essentially local in nature.Problems like acid rain,the contamination of

7、 underground water,and large oil spills are fundamentally regional.However,the problems of greenhouse effect and ozone depletion are considered as global because they have affected the entire ecological system throughout the world.1.Methods of Classification In classification,the point is to find so

8、me meaningful approach to grouping,and use this approach to convert jumbled information(杂乱的信息)into useful categories.Information can be grouped in any of five principal ways:category,time,location,alphabet,and continuum.How could the following cities be classified?The cities could be grouped in the

9、following ways:Grouping them by a category such as size 按照大小分类(small,medium,and large)Arranging them by age 按照历史长短分类(youngest to oldest)Grouping them by location 按照地理位置分类(Asia,Europe,America)Listing them alphabetically 按字母顺序排列(from A to Z)Putting them on a scale 按照等级差异分类(warmest to coldest or riches

10、t to poorest)2.Characteristics of a Classification SystemThe categories in a classification system should meet the following qualifications in order to be adequate.Coordination(在语法和内容上)等同Mutual exclusiveness 相互排斥(相互独立)Nonoverlapping 不相重叠Completion 完整CoordinationCoordination means the groups(or categ

11、ories)that items are sorted into must be on the same level both in grammar and in content.For instance,classification of ovens according to source of power into the following categories is inadequate:charcoal,natural gas,and electric.The error is in the grammatical form of the word electric,which is

12、 an adjective,while charcoal and natural gas are nouns.Coordination can be achieved by changing electric into electricityMutual ExclusivenessBeing mutually exclusive means each category must be independent of the other categories in existence.For instance,if a department store classifies its coats o

13、n sale according to the materials they are made of,such as cotton,leather,synthetics,and nylon,the classification is inadequate because nylon belongs to a subcategory of synthetic materials.NonoverlappingBeing nonoverlapping means one item in a classification can be placed into only one category.If

14、an item can reasonably be put under more than one category,the categories should be rearranged.For example,if a supermarket classifies its sweaters on sale according to the materials they are made of,such as natural fibers,synthetics,and blends,it would be difficult to determine the category of thos

15、e made of part cotton and part wool because the material here is of natural fibers but it is also a blend.CompletionBeing complete here means every item to be classified must have a category to logically fit into,with no item left out.For instance,the categories of foreign language skills in a class

16、ification according to their functions would not be sufficient unless the categories were these:reading,speaking,listening,writing and translating.3.Use of Graphics 使用图解使用图解Graphics is a useful tool in classification.The most useful graphics for classifications are generally tables and diagrams that

17、 give a schematic presentation(纲要性表达)of your material.If your information is primarily numerical,a table is often the most efficient way to present it.An example:classification based on types of machine partsIf you want to display the exact conceptual relationships among things within a group,a diag

18、ram is often effective to illustrate the classification.For example:4.General Guidelines for Giving an Analysis through Classification(分类分类分析的基本原则分析的基本原则)The categories must be coordinate.The categories must be mutually exclusive.The categories must not overlap.The categories must be complete.II.Ana

19、lysis through partition 划分(分割)划分(分割)Partition is an analysis that breaks down a concrete subject,a process or an abstract subject into components.Examples of partitioncomputer:central processing unit,memory bank,input devices and storage devicesprocess of how to operate a camera:turn on the switch,l

20、ook through the viewfinder,aim at the object,and press the shutter releaseinflation:causes and effectsAn adequate partition system should meet the following criteria:The divisions should be coordinate.各部分应该是并列的。The divisions should be mutually exclusive.各部分应该是相互独立的。The divisions should not overlap.各

21、部分应该是不相重叠的。The divisions should be complete.各部分应构成一个整体。1.Methods of PartitionThe first step in writing a partition is to find an effective way of breaking a large item into parts.As with classification,a partition can also be done by way of category,time,location,and continuum.An example of partitio

22、nThe heart is a muscular organ that drives the blood through the blood vessels to keep the blood circulation throughout the body.The heart mainly consists of two parts,the left heart and the right heart.In each part,there are two chambers,the upper chamber and the lower chamber.The upper chambers re

23、ceive the blood from the veins and are called the left atrium and the right atrium respectively,while the lower chambers pump the blood out into arteries and are called the left ventricle and the right ventricle.Each chamber is connected to the other by a valve that allows the blood to flow in one d

24、irection only.The left atrium is connected to the left ventricle by the mitral valve;the left ventricle,in turn,is connected to the main arteries by the aortic valve.The right atrium is connected to the right ventricle by the tricuspid valve;the right ventricle,in turn,is connected to the pulmonary

25、arteries by the pulmonic valve.Example analysisThe description in this example meets the four criteria of partition.It includes all the major parts of a heart,making it a complete description.It divides the components of the heart in three levels according to its construction:two hearts,four chamber

26、s,and four valves.The categories on each level are coordinate,mutually exclusive and non-overlapping.2.Use of Graphics 使用图解使用图解As with classifications,partitions can often be improved with graphics.For example,the previous description of the heart by partition can be improved with the following char

27、t.和分类系统一样,划分也可通过使用图解进行完善。例如,前文通过划分对心脏进行的描述可以使用图表进一步完善。Chart Showing the Structure of a Heart by PartitionExploded Drawing(分解图分解图)of a Gas Grill(户外用瓦斯烧烤炉户外用瓦斯烧烤炉)Used for Partition3.General Guidelines for Giving an Analysis through Partition(划分分析法的基划分分析法的基本原则本原则)Only a singular subject can be partiti

28、oned.只有一个物体是才可使用划分。The divisions in partition must be coordinate.划分出的不同部分要等同。The divisions must be mutually exclusive.划分出的部分必须互相排斥。The divisions must not overlap.划分出的各部分之间不相重叠。The divisions must be complete.每一部分都应完整。You may present a partition analysis in outlines,in verbal explanation,in graphics,or in combination of these forms.可以使用纲要法、口头解释法、图表法或联合使用以上方法进行划分。Homework:1.Do Ex.III and V on page?in the textbook for classification and partition analysis.


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