Unit7 Seasons Revision 复习课件 2022-2023学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册.pptx

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1、RevisionLearning Aims:1.1.记忆并能正确使用四会单词;记忆并能正确使用四会单词;2.2.记忆并正确使用重点短语和句子;记忆并正确使用重点短语和句子;3 3.理解并学会理解并学会五种五种简单句式简单句式;n.1.阵雨阵雨2.温度温度3.云云4.发烧发烧5.风风6.其余的部分其余的部分7.度数度数8.一点一点9.光亮光亮10.打架打架11.陆地陆地12.冰冰13.雪球雪球14.雪人雪人基础过关基础过关showertemperaturecloudfeverwindrestdegreebitshinefightlandicesnowballsnowman/snowmenv.1.

2、下降,落下下降,落下2.上升上升3.咳嗽咳嗽4.吹,刮吹,刮5.打电话打电话6.扔扔7.引起,使发生引起,使发生adj./adv.1.有雨的有雨的2.有雪的有雪的3.糟糕的糟糕的4.困倦的困倦的5.突然地突然地6.深的深的7.激动人心的激动人心的8.大约大约9.大声的大声的10.到处到处基础过关基础过关droprisecoughblowringthrowcauserainysnowyawfulsleepysuddendeepexcitingaroundloudeverywhere一、根据句意及中文提示写单词。一、根据句意及中文提示写单词。1.What a heavy _(阵雨阵雨)that w

3、as!I was completely wet.2.When summer comes,the _(气气温温)will get higher and higher.3.We shouldnt _(落下落下)rubbish everywhere.4.A teacher told us the sun_(升起升起)in the east.5.He watched the smoke _(升起升起)from his cigarette when I walked by him.6.Grandmas _(突然突然)death madeeverybody sad.7._(突然突然),he began t

4、o cry.All of us didnt know what happened.8.The temperature is ten_(度数度数)below zero.showertemperaturedroprisesrisingsuddenSuddenlydegrees二、用所给词的适当形式填空二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.She often covers her mouth when she _(cough).2.Its exciting to have snowball _(fight)in winter.3.Look at the dark _(cloud).I think its g

5、oing to rain.4.Colours can change our moods and some may make us feel_(sleep).5.What a _(sun)day it is today!6.Suddenly,the wind _(blow)his hat away.7.The boy always_(throw)rubbish everywhere,but now he doesnt.8.He found it _(excite)to row a boat in the garden.coughsfightscloudssleepysunnyblewthrewe

6、xciting1.I bet you look cool and feel cool with nothing on!我敢说你什么都不穿看上去感觉我敢说你什么都不穿看上去感觉上去都很酷!上去都很酷!实战演练:实战演练:1.()He looked at his daughter_,because she made many mistakes.A angry B angrily C happy D happily2.()She looks very _,in fact,she often makes easy mistakes.A careful B carefully C careless D

7、carelessly3.()The dress looks good_ her.A with B in C on D atBAC翻译:翻译:1.他忘记关灯了。他忘记关灯了。2.我忘记了曾见过你。我忘记了曾见过你。3.我把书忘在家里了。我把书忘在家里了。2.When trees and flowers forget to grow,forget to do forget doing忘记要去做某事。忘记要去做某事。(未做未做)忘记做过某事。忘记做过某事。(已做已做)He forgot to turn off the light.I forgot seeing you.I left my book

8、at home.1 我今天感到有点冷。我今天感到有点冷。I feel _/a little cold today.2 瓶子里有一点水。瓶子里有一点水。There is _/a little water in the bottle.a bita bit of3.its a bit cold and dry,but there are no snowstorms here.a bit 表示表示 有一点有一点 后跟形容词后跟形容词=a littlea bit of 表示表示 有一点有一点 后跟名词后跟名词=a little4.It will be a beautiful,hot day again

9、today,with temperatures in the thirties.用所给词的适当形式完成句子:用所给词的适当形式完成句子:1.All the students sat in the classroom and _(listen)to their teacher.2.All the students sat in the classroom,_(listen)to their teacher.3.In his _ (forty),he became a famous scientist.listened listeningforties 1.看起来酷看起来酷2.不穿衣服感觉酷不穿衣

10、服感觉酷3.充满充满4.是放风筝的好时候是放风筝的好时候5.在花丛中嬉戏在花丛中嬉戏6.变成棕色变成棕色7.躲避阵雨躲避阵雨8.夏日的美好回忆夏日的美好回忆9.忙于收割庄稼忙于收割庄稼 基础过关基础过关look coolfeel cool with nothing onsweet memories of summer dayshide(away)from the showersturn brownplay among flowersa perfect time to fly kitesbe full of/be filled withbe busy harvesting crops10.一堆堆

11、地落在地上一堆堆地落在地上/落地积成堆落地积成堆11.气温下降气温下降/上升上升12.量某人的体温量某人的体温13.覆盖整个大地覆盖整个大地14.下降到零度以下下降到零度以下15.在树荫下在树荫下16.这个星期的其余时间这个星期的其余时间17.使我们昏昏欲睡使我们昏昏欲睡/(感到)瞌睡(感到)瞌睡 18.保持在零度以上保持在零度以上19.覆盖着厚厚的雪覆盖着厚厚的雪20.患了重感冒患了重感冒21.最高、低气温最高、低气温the temperature drops/risesfall into piles upon/on the groundtake ones temperaturecover

12、the whole earthdrop below zerounder the shade of treesthe rest of this weekmake us sleepystay above zerobe covered in/with deep white snowcatch/have a bad coldthe highest/lowest temperature22.引起引起/导致许多问题导致许多问题23.不得不用围巾遮住他们的脸不得不用围巾遮住他们的脸24.伴随着伴随着30多度的气温多度的气温25.在傍晚抵达在傍晚抵达26.堆雪人,打雪仗堆雪人,打雪仗27.用胡萝卜作为雪人们的

13、鼻子用胡萝卜作为雪人们的鼻子28.在雨在雨/雪天雪天29.进行短途环城旅行进行短途环城旅行30.的原因(两种)的原因(两种)cause/led to a lot of problems have to cover their faces with scarves with(the)temperatures in the thirtiesarrive in the late afternoon.make snowmen and have/play snowball fightsuse carrots for(the)snowmens noses.on rainy/snowy dayshave a

14、 short trip around the citythe cause of./the reason for.1.我打赌说什么不穿看起来酷,感觉也凉爽。我打赌说什么不穿看起来酷,感觉也凉爽。2.鸟儿飞向远方,去寻找温暖明媚的天堂。鸟儿飞向远方,去寻找温暖明媚的天堂。3.春天风和日丽,正是放风筝的好时光!春天风和日丽,正是放风筝的好时光!I bet you will look cool and feel cool with nothing on.The birds fly far away,to find a warm and sunny day.基础过关基础过关The days of spr

15、ing are windy and bright.What a perfect time to fly a kite!4.蜜蜂和蝴蝶在花丛中嬉戏,有时要躲避四月阵雨蜜蜂和蝴蝶在花丛中嬉戏,有时要躲避四月阵雨的突袭。的突袭。5.厚厚的白雪覆盖了一切,湖泊和河流都结冰了。厚厚的白雪覆盖了一切,湖泊和河流都结冰了。6.我们向对方扔雪球,叫着,笑着。我们向对方扔雪球,叫着,笑着。Bees and butterflies play among flowers.Then hide from the April showers.Everything is covered with/in deep white

16、 snow,and the lakes and rivers are frozen.We throw snowballs at each other,screaming and laughing.7.本周的剩余几天本周的剩余几天/时间阳光与蓝天将与我们为伴。时间阳光与蓝天将与我们为伴。8.明天将有雨明天将有雨/下雨。下雨。9.明天天气将会如何?明天天气将会如何?(2种种)Sunshine and blue skies will stay with us for the rest of the week.What will the weather be like tomorrow?How wil

17、l the weather be tomorrow?It will rain tomorrow.(rain是动词:下雨是动词:下雨)It will be rainy tomorrow.(be rainy 是有雨的)是有雨的)There will be rain tomorrow.(there be+名词名词rain,语法合理,但一般不用,除非前面有,语法合理,但一般不用,除非前面有heavy修饰,表示一场大雨修饰,表示一场大雨)1.主语主语+(不及物)动词(不及物)动词 _2.主语主语+(及物)动词(及物)动词+宾语宾语 _3.主语主语+(连系)动词(连系)动词+表语表语 _4.主语主语+(及

18、物)动词(及物)动词+间宾间宾+直宾直宾 _5.主语主语+(及物)动词(及物)动词+直宾直宾+宾补宾补 _S+VS+V+OS+V+PS+V+IO+DOS+V+DO+OC简单句的五种句型结构简单句的五种句型结构 综合提升综合提升1.She laughed.2.He bought a T-shirt.3.Jay named his dog Bobby.4.She looks lovely.5.He gave Mary a present.(S+V)(S+V+O)(S+V+DO+OC)(S+V+P)(S+V+IO+DO)Describe the main structures of the foll

19、owing sentences.6.He found his friend generous.7.She is singing.8.They protect endangered animals.9.I love my parents 10.The man looks young.SSDOOCVVSVOSVOSVP13.Liu Ming is running.14.Mary is reading an English book.15.Tigers are dangerous.16.Father bought me a new book.17.We keep our classroom clea

20、n and tidy.SVSSSSVVVVOPIODODOOC翻译并说出句型结构:翻译并说出句型结构:1.我每天六点半到校。我每天六点半到校。2.这种面包看上去很棒。这种面包看上去很棒。3.我每天喂那只小狗食物。我每天喂那只小狗食物。4.妈妈昨天为我买了一支钢笔。妈妈昨天为我买了一支钢笔。5.我发现英语有点难。我发现英语有点难。I arrive at school at 6:30 every day.This kind of bread looks great.I feed that little dog food every day./I feed food to that little d

21、og every day.Mum bought me a pen yesterday./Mum bought a pen for me yesterday.I find English a little difficult./I find that English is a little difficult.单项选择单项选择()1.Mum,what are you cooking?It _ so sweet.A.tastesB.feelsC.sounds D.smells()2.Some of the apples are bad,but I believe the rest _ sweet.

22、A.taste B.tastes C.are tasted D.is tasted()3.Lucy did all kinds of things to make the baby _.A.to stop crying B.to stop to cry C.stop crying D.stop to cry()4.The structure of this sentence“My uncle gave me a nice computer.”is _.A.S+V+OB.S+V+IO+DOC.S+V+P D.S+V+DO+OCDACB综合提升综合提升()5.-What a heavy rain!

23、Will it last long?-_.Were getting into the rainy season now.A.Of course not.B.Im afraid so.C.Thats impossible.D.Im afraid not.()6.Are you still reading the book Gullivers travels?Yes,it is long.I still need time to finish it.A.a bit;a bit of B.a bit of;a bit of C.a bit;a bit D.a bit of;a bit()7.-Mum

24、,I dont quite understand the English saying Every dog has its day.-Dear,dont worry.the years go by,you will get to know it.A.When B.While C.Since D.AsBAD1.变为形容词的词缀是:变为形容词的词缀是:2.变为副词的词缀是:变为副词的词缀是:3.变为名词的词缀是:变为名词的词缀是:4.变为否定的词缀是:变为否定的词缀是:+y+ly+ful+less rainy shiny friendly weekly useful useless hopeful

25、 hopelessreally badly happily easilymeaning illness happiness celebration invitationVisitor actor speaker reporter tourist scientistuncertain unpleasant inactive incorrect indirect incomplete impatient impossible impolite improper dishonest+ly +ing+ness+ion+or+er+ist un-in-im-dis-On Pages 27,39,51,6

26、5,77,89.1.Whats the weather like tomorrow?Its_.Cant you see the_ in the sky?They look like sheep and cotton.(cloud)2.Look,its_outside.Lets go out and play with the _.We can make a lovely snowman.(snow)3.We had a_ test on each subject.(month)4.To me,learning foreign languages is _ fun.(real)5.My tick

27、et is _now,but Ill keep it!(use)Fill in the blanks with proper words.cloudycloudssnowysnowmonthlyreallyuseless6.Its _ to sleep with that noise(possible).7.Are you able to fix your bicycle,Andy?No.Im _ that I can fix it myself.(certain)8.They need our _(protect).9.We hope you can accept our _(invite)and join us.10.Thank you for your _(kind).11.Birds are _(sing).They can make beautiful sounds.12.Some _(art)like to paint birds.impossibleuncertainprotectioninvitationkindnesssingersartists


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