Unit 7 SectionA Reading课件2022-2023学年人教版八年级英语下册.pptx(纯ppt,可能不含音视频素材)

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1、Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?1.党的十九大召开的时间是党的十九大召开的时间是_.A 2018年年10月月18-24日日 B 2017年年10月月18-24日日C 2018年年9月月18日日-24日日 D 2017年年9月月18日日-24日日十九大学习2.The19th CPC National Congress(十九大十九大)was held _October 18th-24th 2018_ Beijing.A in,in B on,at C on,in D at,on BConin4 Which is the biggest

2、inland lake in the world?地理知识小测地理知识小测(small qize)1 Which is the highest mountain in the world?Qomolangma is the hightest mountain in the world.2 Which is the longest river in the world?The Nile is the longest.3 Which is the biggest desert in the world?The Sahara is the biggest.The Caspian Sea is the

3、 biggest.1.Who is the tallest/thinnest /laziest student in the class?班级小调查班级小调查(small survey)2.Who is the most hard-working/beautiful/handsome student in the class?3.Who learns Chinese/Math/English the best in the class?What is the most dangerous sport in the world?One of the worlds most dangerous s

4、ports is mountain climbing.What is the most dangerous mountain in the world?Qomolangma.Reading:Qomolangma-the most dangerous mountain in the worldReading:Qomolangma-the most dangerous mountain in the world 珠穆朗玛峰珠穆朗玛峰(Qomolangma)(Qomolangma),简称珠峰,简称珠峰,又译作圣母峰,尼泊尔称为萨加马塔峰,又译作圣母峰,尼泊尔称为萨加马塔峰,也叫也叫“埃非勒斯峰埃非勒

5、斯峰”(EverestEverest),位于),位于中华人民共和国和尼泊尔交界的喜马拉雅中华人民共和国和尼泊尔交界的喜马拉雅山脉之上,终年积雪。高度山脉之上,终年积雪。高度 米,米,为世界第一高峰,中国最美的、令人震撼为世界第一高峰,中国最美的、令人震撼的十大名山之一。的十大名山之一。8844.438844.43the Himalayasthe Amazon Riverachievement n.southwestern adj.thick adj.include v.freezing adj.condition n.take in 喜马拉雅山脉喜马拉雅山脉亚马逊河亚马逊河成就;成绩成就;成绩

6、西南的;西南方向的西南的;西南方向的厚的;浓的厚的;浓的包括;包含包括;包含冻冰的;结冰的冻冰的;结冰的条件;状况条件;状况吸入;吞入(体内)吸入;吞入(体内)Before-reading:New words succeed v.challenge v.n.in the face of achieve v.force n.nature n.even though ocean n.the Pacific Ocean实现目标;成功实现目标;成功挑战;考验挑战;考验面对(问题、困难等)面对(问题、困难等)达到;完成;成功达到;完成;成功力;力量力;力量自然界;大自然自然界;大自然=even if 即

7、使;虽然即使;虽然大海;海洋大海;海洋太平洋太平洋Read and match the main ideas.Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Spirit of climbersAchievements of climbersFacts and dangers阅读技巧:抓住每段的阅读技巧:抓住每段的关键句关键句(top sentences-frist/last sentence)Para 1:Facts and dangers about Himalayas Himalayas is one of the words _ mountains for climb

8、ing.place (地点)It run along_ part of a China.hight(高度)It is _ meters high.weather condition(天气状况)_ cover the top,_ can fall hard;more serious difficulties include _ conditions and heavy _;its very hard to_ air as you get near the top.the southweasternThick cloudssnowfreezing weatherstormstake in8,844

9、.43the most dangerousT or F 1.The first people to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29,1955.2.The first Chinese team reached the top in 1960.3.The first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from America in 1975.F T F Para 2:Achievements(成就成就)of climbers 53Japan1953年年5月月29日,日,34

10、岁来自新西兰的登山岁来自新西兰的登山家埃德蒙家埃德蒙希拉里(希拉里(Edmund Hillary)作)作为英国登山队队员与为英国登山队队员与39岁的尼泊尔向导岁的尼泊尔向导丹增丹增诺尔盖诺尔盖Tenzing Norgay 一起沿东南一起沿东南山脊路线登上珠穆朗玛峰,是纪录上第山脊路线登上珠穆朗玛峰,是纪录上第一个登顶成功的登山队伍。一个登顶成功的登山队伍。1960年年5月月25日,中华人民共和国人首次日,中华人民共和国人首次登上珠穆朗玛峰。他们是王富洲、贡布登上珠穆朗玛峰。他们是王富洲、贡布(藏族)、屈银华。此次攀登,也是首次(藏族)、屈银华。此次攀登,也是首次从北坡攀登成功。从北坡攀登成功。


12、史上的奇迹。奇迹。2010年年5月月22日,日,13岁的美国男孩乔丹岁的美国男孩乔丹罗罗梅罗梅罗(Jordan Romero)成为有史以来最年成为有史以来最年轻的登上珠峰的人。轻的登上珠峰的人。2013年年5月月23日,日本日,日本80岁探险家三浦雄岁探险家三浦雄一郎成功攀上珠穆朗玛峰峰顶,成为世界一郎成功攀上珠穆朗玛峰峰顶,成为世界上登顶珠峰年龄最大的人。上登顶珠峰年龄最大的人。Why?Para 3:Spirits(精神精神)of climbers Many climbs _ their lives to climb mountains,one of the _ is that they w

13、ant to _ themselves in the _ of difficulties.The _ of climbs shows that we should never _ trying to achieve our _.It also shows that humans can be _ than the forces of _.riskreasonschallengefacespiritgive updreamsstrongernatureAnswer the questions 1.Where are the Himalayas?A The Himalayas run along

14、the southwestern part of China.Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters high.1.What a mountain is Himalayas?2.Why is it dangerous to climb Qomolangma?3.When did the first Chinese reach the top of Qomolangma?Its one of the most popular places for mountain climbing.Because thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard.In 1960.What can you learn from climbers?b你会读吗?你会读吗?4448448,8448,844.43


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