Unit 6 The Media Lesson 1 From Page to Screen (ppt课件+音频)(02)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.rar

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Lesson 1 P52-55新新北师大选择性必修北师大选择性必修Book 2 Unit 6 THE MEDIA From Page to ScreenLook and discuss.1.Do you know these books and films?2.What is each one about?Look at the following pictures and discuss the questions.The Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎肖申克的救赎The Legend of 1900海上钢琴师海上钢琴师Schindlers List辛德勒的名单辛德勒的名单The Boy in the Striped Pajamas穿条纹睡衣的男孩穿条纹睡衣的男孩1Pair Work.Have you ever watched a film that is adapted from a book?Which one do you think is better,the original book or the film made from it?Why?JawsPeter Benchleys original 1974 novel,Jaws,is entertaining,but not memorable.In contrast,Steven Spielbergs adaptation pretty much defined the blockbuster genre.The movie was originally going to be a big,dumb,loud B-movie with the shark on screen for several scenes,but because the mechanical shark was so susceptible to failure,Spielberg had to work around it and instead created the suspenseful masterpiece it is today.What does the title“From Page to Screen”mean?Read paragraph 1.What is the writers attitude towards it?2“From Page to Screen”means adapting books to make films or TV series.3Read the whole article.What is the passage mainly about?a.the authors opinion on adaptations and the causes for failureb.the authors opinion on adaptationsc.the authors opinion on original booksThe structure of the passage:Para.1 issue Para.4 cause 2 Para.2 issuePara.3 cause 1Para.5 cause 3Para.6 cause 4 Para.7 opinion The Source Materialsclassic novelsshort storiescomic booksstage playsbiographiesnon-fictionComplete the diagram,focusing on the source materials for adapted films and the main challenges faced by filmmakers.The original VS The filmit becomes a question for screen writers to decide what is appropriate for the screen The Castits difficult to find actors acceptable to film audienceTechnical Reasonssome films are difficult to be adapted for technical reasonsThe Screenwriterif the writers are the screen writers,they may be too close to the material and find it difficult to adapt to a new form;if the writers are not,they may be very unsatisfied with the film versions of the book.The Main Challenges for Filmmakerspage(books)Screen(films)4Group Work.Talk about the reasons why many adaptations fail with both cinema audiences and critics based on Activity 3.Many adaptations fail because:Films have to be a specific length causing parts of the book to be left out.Finding actors acceptable to film audiences is the key to readers imagination of characters.5 Group Work.Think and share.1.Why do audiences always have the feeling of“the film is not like the book”?Because the films length is about two hours,some plots are left out or changed.Even the endings may be changed.2.What factors should be taken into consideration when adapting books into films?The selection of casts,the use of technology and the screenwriters should be considered when adapting books into films.3.What is the authors opinion at the end about adapted films?Highlight the evidence in the article.Do you agree with the authors point of view?Why or why not?The author is negative about it,because he says that“it is always a bad idea to watch a film of a book you love”.6Group Work.Discuss how the author develops his argument.Underline the related sentences in the article.1.How did he introduce the problem?2.From what aspects did he analyse the problem?3.How did the author conclude his argument?7Use the correct form of the words below to complete the sentences.pessimistic/journalist/generate/rating/adaptation/liberty /appropriate/screenwriter/cast/version/critic/visualise1.Some film _ get lower _than the original books because they often fail with both cinema audiences and _.2.Arts _ James Hope has often been _ about a film of a book he loves.adaptationsratingscriticsjournalistpessimistic3._ have difficulty deciding what is _ for the screen and take creative _by changing the plot and making additions.4.The _ may be the problem.Readers _ characters and have definite ideas about how they should look and sound.5.CGI(Computer _ Image)technologyhas made it possible for the previously unfilmable to become a reality.6.Writers have sometimes been very unsatisfied with the film _ of their books.ScreenwritersappropriatelibertycastvisualiseGeneratedversions新北师大选择性必修新北师大选择性必修Book 2 Language points P52-53Unit 6 THE MEDIA 课文回顾:1.Reading a book and watching a film are two very different experiences,but its normal to have high expectations when a film of a favourite book is made.句意:读书和看报纸是两种截然不同的体验。如句意:读书和看报纸是两种截然不同的体验。如果人们最喜欢的书籍被翻拍成电影,他们对电影果人们最喜欢的书籍被翻拍成电影,他们对电影的期待值自然更高,这种现象很正常。的期待值自然更高,这种现象很正常。expectation n.期待,预期,预料期待,预期,预料例句:例句:Students expectations were as varied as their expertise.学生们的期待根据他们的专业各有不同。学生们的期待根据他们的专业各有不同。expectation of 期望;希望期望;希望例句:例句:He had determined to live up to the expectations of his company.他决心不辜负公司的期望。他决心不辜负公司的期望。2.And why do some adaptations get lower ratings than others?句意:为什么有些改编作品的评分比其他作品低呢句意:为什么有些改编作品的评分比其他作品低呢?adaptation n.改写本,改编本;适应,改造改写本,改编本;适应,改造例句:例句:Branagh is the screen adaptation of Shakespears Henry the Fifth.布拉纳改编自莎士比亚亨利五世的影片。布拉纳改编自莎士比亚亨利五世的影片。Most living creatures are capable of adaptation when compelled to do so.大多数生物都能在迫于压力的情况下适应新环境。大多数生物都能在迫于压力的情况下适应新环境。3.Since a typical film is only around two hours long,it becomes a question for screenwriters to decide what is appropriate for the screen and what to leave out.句意:电影通常只有两小时,在有限的时间里,句意:电影通常只有两小时,在有限的时间里,编剧要决定书中哪部分适合银幕,哪部分不适合。编剧要决定书中哪部分适合银幕,哪部分不适合。appropriate adj.恰当的;合适的恰当的;合适的例句:例句:The teacher can take appropriate action.老师可以采取适当的行动。老师可以采取适当的行动。an appropriate measure/method一个恰当的措施一个恰当的措施/方法方法appropriate for sth 合适的合适的例句:例句:Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party.正式聚会上穿牛仔裤不合适。正式聚会上穿牛仔裤不合适。appropriate to sth 合适的合适的例句:例句:The book was written in a style appropriate to the children.这本书的文体适合儿童阅读。这本书的文体适合儿童阅读。4.CGI(Computer Generated Image)technology has had a huge impact on the film industry.句意:电脑生成动画技术对电影产业有重大影响。句意:电脑生成动画技术对电影产业有重大影响。have an impact on 对对有影响有影响例句:例句:Because this is the most dynamic economic region in the world,what we do will have an impact on everywhere else.由于这里是世界上经济最活跃的地区,我们的做由于这里是世界上经济最活跃的地区,我们的做法对任何其他地区都将产生影响。法对任何其他地区都将产生影响。impact v.有影响,有作用有影响,有作用impact on/upon sth impact sth 例句:例句:Her fathers death impacted greatly on her childhood years.父亲去世对她童年造成巨大影响。父亲去世对她童年造成巨大影响。The companys performance was impacted by the high value of the pound.公司的业绩受到了英镑高值的冲击。公司的业绩受到了英镑高值的冲击。5.In fact,sometimes authors are very involved in the process and may even be the screenwriter.句意:事实上,作者有时的确会参与改编,甚至句意:事实上,作者有时的确会参与改编,甚至可能担任电影编剧。可能担任电影编剧。be/become/get involved in 参与;作为一部分参与;作为一部分例句:例句:We need to examine all the costs involved in the project.我们需要检查所有和这一项目有关的费用。我们需要检查所有和这一项目有关的费用。I didnt want to be involved in the fight.我不想参与这场打斗。我不想参与这场打斗。be involved in/with sb/sth 耗费很多时间;关注耗费很多时间;关注例句:例句:She was deeply involved with the local hospital.她曾全心投入当地医院。她曾全心投入当地医院。I was so involved in my book,so I didnt hear you knock.我全神贯注在看书,因此没有听见你敲门。我全神贯注在看书,因此没有听见你敲门。6.Despite the challenges,there have been some highly successful films made from popular books.句意:尽管挑战重重,还是有一些改编自畅销书句意:尽管挑战重重,还是有一些改编自畅销书的电影取得了极大成功。的电影取得了极大成功。despite prep.尽管;虽然尽管;虽然例句:例句:Despite the drought,we expect a good crop.尽管天旱,丰收依然在望。尽管天旱,丰收依然在望。The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated,despite increased spending.尽管支出在增加,但国民医疗保健服务的质量却明尽管支出在增加,但国民医疗保健服务的质量却明显下降了。显下降了。despite 不由自主;情不自禁不由自主;情不自禁例句:例句:Despite myself,Harrys remarks had caused me to stop and reflect.哈里的话让我不由自主地停下来细想。哈里的话让我不由自主地停下来细想。Hearing the good news,the kids smiled despite themselves.听到了这个好消息,孩子们不由自主的笑了。听到了这个好消息,孩子们不由自主的笑了。新北师大选择性必修新北师大选择性必修Book 2Book 2 Grammar P54-55Unit 6 THE MEDIA 人称代词人称代词 it1.it 用于用于无生命、动物、植物和无生命、动物、植物和人(性别不详)。人(性别不详)。例句:例句:Its really a wonderful city.There is a person knocking at the door.Who can it be?2.it 用于避免名词的重复。用于避免名词的重复。例句:例句:The film of the book was amazing.It stuck to the original story in every last detail.3.it 用作用作无人称代词的主语,表时间、天气、距离、无人称代词的主语,表时间、天气、距离、温度、环境和情况。温度、环境和情况。例句:例句:It was noisy when I got to the room.Its getting dark.Lets go inside.4.it 用作形式主语(当从句、动词不定式或动词用作形式主语(当从句、动词不定式或动词-ing形式作主语时)。形式作主语时)。例句:例句:It is no use trying to argue with Shylock.It is important to learn a foreign language.It 用用作形式主语时,常用于下列四种结构作形式主语时,常用于下列四种结构:1)it+be+noun+that-clauseit is a fact that事实上是事实上是it is common knowledge that众所周知的是众所周知的是2)it+be+adjective+that-clauseit is certain that很肯定的是很肯定的是 it is clear/evident that很清楚很清楚3)it+be+past participle+that-clauseit is said/reported that据说据说/报道报道it is believed that 据认为据认为;人们认为;人们认为4)it+intransitive verb+that-clauseit seems that 好像是好像是it happens/happened that 碰巧碰巧5.it 用作形式宾语(用作形式宾语(it指代后面的从句,特别是用在指代后面的从句,特别是用在enjoy,hate,like,love等动词之后的从句)。等动词之后的从句)。例句:例句:We always like it when you stay with us.I hate it when people talk with their mouths full of food.6.it 用作形式宾语(当从句、动词不定式或动词用作形式宾语(当从句、动词不定式或动词-ing形式作有宾语补足语的宾语时,形式作有宾语补足语的宾语时,it用作形式宾语,通用作形式宾语,通常用在常用在think,feel,find,take,make等动词之后)。等动词之后)。例句:例句:I find it important that people should learn a foreign language.I think it no use buying books without reading them.7.it 用于引导分裂句。分裂句是一种复杂的句子用于引导分裂句。分裂句是一种复杂的句子(有主句和从句),从句通常放在主句前面。(有主句和从句),从句通常放在主句前面。例句:例句:It wasnt until I saw the film that I realised how much I had loved the book.It is December that we are going away.8.it 用于指代自己或别人。用于指代自己或别人。例句:例句:Its me.Let me in!Oh look,its Chen!9.下面的句型中用下面的句型中用there而不用而不用it:There is something wrong with 有毛病有毛病There is no doubt of/that.无疑无疑There is no need for/to do.不需要做不需要做There is no denying.无可否认无可否认There is no hurry about.无需慌忙无需慌忙There is no difficulty in.在在方面没有困难方面没有困难There is no help for.没有办法没有办法There is no deference between.没有区别没有区别There is no possibility of/that.没可能没可能There is no room for.没有没有的余地的余地There is no sense in.是没有意义的是没有意义的.Find the following sentences in the article.What does“it”refer to in each situation?81.it is safe to say that great films may be made from not particularly good books.(lines 5-6)2.It allowed the previously unfilmable to become a reality.(lines 28-29)3.it is the book writer who is in the best position to do film adaptations.(lines 30-31)4.find it difficult to adapt to a new form.(lines 30-31)5.it is clear that viewers will not be disappointed!(lines 38)CGI technologyFind more sentences with“it”in the article.What does each of them refer to?1.its normal to have high expectations when a film.2.it becomes a question for screenwriters to decide what is appropriate for the screen and what to leave out.3.it is always a bad idea to watch a film of a book you love.9Read the sentences in Activity 8.What is the function of“it”in each sentence?1.it is safe to say that great films may be made from not particularly good books.(lines 5-6)2.It allowed the previously unfilmable to become a reality.(lines 28-29)3.it is the book writer who is in the best position to do film adaptations.(lines 30-31)4.find it difficult to adapt to a new form.(lines 30-31)5.it is clear that viewers will not be disappointed!(lines 38)a third-person singular that refers to an object or an ideaa pronoun that works as a formal subjecta pronoun that leads an emphasised part in a sentencea pronoun that works as a formal objecta pronoun that works as a formal subject 10Use“it”to rewrite the sentences according to the requirements.1.Simon spent two hours finishing his homework.Use“it”to stand for“finishing his homework”.It spent Simon two hours to finish his homework.2.They made such a film in one month,which was unbelievable.Use“it”to stand for“to make such a film in one month”.It is unbelievable that they make such a film in one month.3.Jason was reading the new comic book.He found reading the book so interesting.Use“it”to stand for“reading the book”.It was reading the new comic book that Jason found was so interesting.4.The film is very interesting.Obviously the viewers will not be disappointed.Use“it”to stand for“the viewers will not be disappointed”.The film is very interesting,and it is obvious that the viewers will not be disappointed.5.I dont find it easy to learn languages,and I improve my English only by studying very hard.Use“it”to emphasise“only by studying very hard”.I dont find it easy to learn languages.It is only by studying very hard that I improve my English.11Pair Work.Discuss a film/TV series you have watched that is adapted from a book.How does the film/TV series differ from the book?Do you think it is as good as the book?Why or why not?Take The Call Of The Wild as an example.The Call Of The Wild野性的呼唤野性的呼唤Book by Jack LondonFilm by Harrison FordThe Call Of The Wild:4 big differences between the book and the Harrison Ford film1.Buck has more backstories.In the book,we dont get to know Buck very well before he is taken,and the judge,played by Bradley Whitford in the film,is only ever referenced.We just learn what and where Buck is and then hes off.However,in the film,we know Buck is taken by a stranger who knows he can make money off him.I think the film is better because:2.Harrison Fords character is alone.In The Call of the Wild film,Harrison Fords Jack Thornton is a man living in the Yukon territory,where so many people are searching for their fortune,but Jack is not.He moved there simply to be alone because he lost a son and could not bear to be around other people.This back story is created specifically for the film,as Jack Thornton in the book is a different man.3.Jack is killed by Hal.Hal survives much longer in the film,because he ends up becoming the films main villain.He follows Jack,assuming he is hiding a major gold find,which turns out to be true.Hal and Jack get into a fight that burns down the cabin,and Buck arrives just in time to make sure Hal burns with it,though not in time to save Jack.Im sure this will come as a shock to you,but this Hollywood version of The Call of the Wild added in entire action scene that dont take place in the novel.The action scene is when Francois and Perrault are crossing an iced lake,Francois falls into the cold water.Buck then jumps into the lake to save her and nearly drowns himself.Honestly,if the Francois from the book had fallen into the lake,Buck would have likely let him go.4.Theres much more action.Thank you!
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