Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Listening and Speaking (ppt课件)(2)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、Morals and VirtuesPeriod 1 Listening and SpeakingBook 3 Unit 2长河高级中学长河高级中学Whats your understanding of the quote?Can you translate it into Chinese?一个好人一生最好的部一个好人一生最好的部分,是他细小的、无名分,是他细小的、无名的、不被人记得的出于的、不被人记得的出于善良和爱的行为。善良和爱的行为。Can you share any acts of kindness and love?Lead-in1.What can you see in the p

2、icture or refer from it?Look and say2.What are the two possible choices that the boy could make?Who?Where?When?What?but if he does so,he will suffer from _.Look and say2.What are the two possible choices?He could _,a moral dilemmamoral dilemmaA situation in which you have two or more difficult choic

3、es.If you choose one,you might get in trouble for not choosing the other(s).but if he does so,he will be _.He could leave the old woman alone,and he will not be _,guiltlate for the examhelp the old woman uplate for the examanother moral dilemmamoral dilemmaPre-listeningYou are taking an entrance exa

4、mination for a famous medical university.What are some ways to deal with this situation and whats the possible(positive and negative)result of each choice?During the exam,the girl next to you fainted.SituationSituationThe girl is taking the entrance examination for _ in Beijing.During the exam,the s

5、tudent next to her fainted.ChoicesChoicesShe can _orShe can _Possible Possible resultsresults_but_but_a medical universityfinish the examstop and help the studentShe will get into the medical universitythe girl may not get the help she need.She can put the needs of others first she has to give up he

6、r choice to get into the medical universityA moral dilemmaSituationThe girl is taking the entrance examination for _ in Beijing.During the exam,the student next to her fainted.The girls choicesShe can_.orShe can _.Possible results_,but the fainted girl_._,but _.finish the exama medical universitysto

7、p and help the girlShe will get into medical university might not get the help she needsShe can put the needs of the other person firstgive up her chance to get into medical university1.The girl did all the following to help the student 1.The girl did all the following to help the student except exc

8、ept?A.carrying her to a safe place B.going to the hospital C.calling the teacher2.What was the girls name?And what 2.What was the girls name?And what waswas she she famous forfamous for?A.Lin Qiaozhi,she always put the needs of the others first.B.Lin Qiaozhi,her life was full of hard choice,but she

9、always take care of others.C.Lin Qiaozhi,she cared for tens of thousands of women and babies.3.What kind of person is the girl can you infer from Janes words?3.What kind of person is the girl can you infer from Janes words?A.kind and devoted B.kind and modest C.devoted and modestsisterHer life was f

10、ull of hard choices,but she didnt let them stop her from taking care of people who were in need.She always cared for others more than for herself.Jane is sharing an article about moral dilemmas with her friend Luke.This article mentions a girl t_ the entrance exam for a famous medical university in

11、Beijing.During the exam,the student next to her _.The girl stopped to help the student,t_ that it was better to p_ needs of the other person f_.Although the girl l_ the exam that day,she became a great doctor.Her name was Lin Qiaozhi,who was famous for c_ for tens of thousands of women and their bab

12、ies in China.takingfaintedthinkingput firstleftcaringFill in the blanks according to the listening text.Does Jane admire what Lin Qiaozhi did?Does Luke doubt anybody would do what Lin Qiaozhi did?Listen for attitudes stress(重音重音)intonation(音调)(音调)wordsspeed(语速)(语速)exaggerate or raise your voice/spea

13、k loudlystrongly disagreequicklyexcited/angryexcited/angryslowly/stop oftenconfused/not sure/say sth important“excellent”“Wow”“perhaps/maybe”excitednot sureListen for attitudes 1.Jane is eager to share the magazine article with Luck.2.Luck doubts that young people face moral dilemmas all the time.3.

14、Jane admires what the girl in the story did.4.Luck doesnt believe anybody would do what the girl in the story did.5.Jane wonders how the girl became a doctor later.Listen and decide whether the statements are true or false.1.Imagine you are eager to share a piece of news or an interesting story with

15、 your friend,what would you do or what would you say?2.If you are doubtful about your friends words,what expressions would you use?3.What would you say to express your admiration for someone?4.What would you say to express your curiosity about the development of a story?Listen for the speakers attit

16、udeSpeak very fast;speak a bit louder;use short sentences.Ask questions using rising intonation.What?Really?Like what?Use interjections,such as wow,awesome Keep asking questions 3.Listen again and decide whether the statements are true(T)or false(F).1 Jane is eager to share the magazine article with

17、 Luke.2 Luke believes that young people face moral dilemmas all the time.3 Jane admires what the girl in the story did.4 Luke believes anybody would do what the girl in the story did.5 Jane wonders how the girl became a doctor later.Why?interestingReally?Like what?I cant believe she would give up As

18、k questions using rising intonation.listeningListen for attitudeSo she became a doctor even though she left her exam that day!Situations like that dont happen very often.Luke:Hi Jane!What are you reading?Jane:Oh,hey,Luke!Im reading a very interesting magazine article about moral dilemmas.Luke:Moral

19、dilemma?What do you mean?Jane:You know,its when you have two choices,and you have to choose one,but for moral reasons sometimes it could be really difficult to decide.Luke:Oh,situations like that dont happen very often,do they?Jane:Actually,I think people face moral dilemmas all the time,even us stu

20、dents.Luke:Really?Like what?Jane:Well,for example,it mentions a girl who was taking the entrance exam for a medical university in Beijing.During the exam,the student next to her fainted.The girl had a choice.Should she finish the exam or should she stop and help the student?Luke:Surely the teachers

21、would look after the student who fainted!Jane:Well,thats what I thoughtbut not this girl.She stopped to help the student,thinking that it was better to put the needs of the other person first.Luke:So what happened to her exam?Jane:She never finished it.Instead,she carried the student to a safe place

22、 and looked after her.Then she went to the hospital with the student and called her sister.Luke:I cant believe she would give up her chance to get into medical university!Who would do such a thing?Jane:Well,that girl was LinQiaozhi.She later DID get into medical university and then she became a grea

23、t doctor.She became famous for caring for tens of thousands of women and their babies.Luke:Oh,wow!So she became a doctor even though she left her exam that day!Jane:Yes.Her life was full of hard choices,but she didnt let them stop her from taking care of people who were in need.She always cared for

24、others more than for herself.stress、intonation、speed、wordsattitudes Do you admire what Lin Qiaozhi did?Would you do what Lin Qiaozhi did?What would you do in other moral dilemma?A:If I were ever in a situation like.faced,I think I would choose to.B:Why?Are you sure?A:Because I think that is the most

25、 important.What about you?B:I think I would.Discuss about your choiceWho will you choose to save?Five people you dont know or one of your family members?Expression BankTo my mindAs far as I am concernedIn my viewGenerally/Personally speakingTo be frank/honestExampleA:If I were ever in a situation li

26、ke this,I think I would choose to B:Why?Are you sure?A:Because I think that is most important.What about you?B:I think I would Post-listeningWhat principles guided Lin Qiaozhis action?What principles will guide your action?The best portion of a good mans life is his little,nameless,unremembered acts

27、 of kindness and of love.It was better to put the needs of the other person first.She always cared for others more than for herself.Unit 2 Morals and VirtuesThank you“Life is precious.To a person nothing is more precious than their life,how could I refuse that trust,saying Im cold,hungry,or tired?”Your action matters!


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