Unit 3 Reading and Thinking (ppt课件)(6)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit食物把不同层次的人聚集在一起。它是心灵和身体的养料,是真正的爱。-吉娅达德劳伦蒂斯Where do you think this photo was taken?What is happening in this photo?In the Miao Stockade Village of One Thousand Households in Leishan,Guizhou(贵州雷山千户苗寨贵州雷山千户苗寨).People are having a 1,000-Person-Long-Table Banquet,which is popular in ethnic minority ar

2、eas in Guangxi,Yunnan,Guizhou,Hunan,etc.贵州雷山千户贵州雷山千户苗寨苗寨的的“千人长桌宴千人长桌宴”。苗族千人长桌宴是苗族千人长桌宴是苗族宴席的最高形式与隆重苗族宴席的最高形式与隆重礼仪,已有几千年的历史。礼仪,已有几千年的历史。通常用于接亲嫁女、满月酒通常用于接亲嫁女、满月酒以及村寨联谊宴饮活动。左以及村寨联谊宴饮活动。左边是主人座位,右边是客人边是主人座位,右边是客人座位。主客相对,敬酒劝饮座位。主客相对,敬酒劝饮并对酒高歌。并对酒高歌。cuisinepriorprior toconsist consist ofpepper recipebold c

3、hef peppercornvinegarn.菜肴;风味;烹饪菜肴;风味;烹饪adj.先前的;优先的先前的;优先的在在之前的之前的vi.由由组成;由组成;由构成构成 由由组成组成(或构成或构成)n.甜椒;灯笼椒;胡椒粉甜椒;灯笼椒;胡椒粉n.烹饪法;食谱烹饪法;食谱adj.大胆自信的;敢于冒险的大胆自信的;敢于冒险的n.厨师;主厨厨师;主厨n.胡椒粒胡椒粒n.醋醋stuffslice slice.off onionlamblamb kebab elegantdim sumexceptionalminimumvt.填满;把填满;把塞进塞进 n.东西;物品东西;物品n.(切下的食物切下的食物)薄片

4、薄片 vt.把把切成薄片切成薄片切下切下n.洋葱洋葱;葱头葱头n.羊羔肉;羔羊羊羔肉;羔羊烤羊肉串烤羊肉串adj.精美的;讲究的;文雅的精美的;讲究的;文雅的n.点心点心(中国食品中国食品)adj.特别的;罕见的特别的;罕见的adj.n.最小值;最少量最小值;最少量 最低最低(限度限度)的;最小的的;最小的consume tempervegetarian junkjunk food garlicbacon ham sausagecabbage bean curdvt.吃;喝;饮;消耗吃;喝;饮;消耗n.脾气;火气脾气;火气n.素食者素食者n.无用的东西无用的东西(=junk)垃圾食品垃圾食品n

5、.蒜蒜n.熏猪肉;咸肉熏猪肉;咸肉n.火腿火腿n.香肠;腊肠香肠;腊肠n.甘蓝;卷心菜;洋白菜甘蓝;卷心菜;洋白菜n.(=tofu)豆腐豆腐Unit 3 Reading and ThinkingUnderstand the link between food and culture1.Before you read,discuss these questions in groups.How many kinds of Chinese cuisine are there,and how can these cuisines be described?There are eight main re

6、gional cuisines in China:Anhui cuisine(徽菜徽菜)Sichuan cuisine(川菜川菜)Shandong cuisine(鲁菜鲁菜)Canton cuisine(粤菜粤菜)Fujian cuisine(闽菜闽菜)Jiangsu cuisine(苏菜苏菜)Zhejiang cuisine(浙菜浙菜)Hunan cuisine(湘菜湘菜)Besides the eight cuisines,there are many other local cuisines that are famous,such as:Miao cuisine(苗族菜苗族菜)Hui

7、cuisine(回族菜回族菜)Tibetan cuisine(藏菜藏菜)Mongolian cuisine(蒙古菜蒙古菜)Zhuang cuisine(壮族菜壮族菜)What,if anything,do these cuisines tell you about the people who eat them?Step 2Careful-readingRead the passage carefully and choose the best answer.1.According to the passage,what can t be shown in the food you eat?A

8、.Your personality.B.Your figure.C.Your character.D.Your culture.2.Put the following places that the author had been to in time order.Xinjiang HenanShandong BeijingGuandong A.B.C.D.3.What is the most famous food in Shandong?A.Boiled dumplings.B.Roasted meat.C.Stewed noodles.D.Pancake rolls.4.Why do p

9、eople in Xinjiang prefer their food to be cooked over an open fire?A.Because they like the flavour of boiled or roasted meat.B.Because they traditionally wandered the open range on horses.C.Because that way of cooking can bring the people together.D.Because that way of cooking can show their charact

10、er.5.What is the author s opinion about culture and cuisine?A.Cuisine has nothing to do with culture.B.The foods a person eats can reflect his personality vividly.C.Culture and cuisine are closely related to each other.D.Cuisine only shows what people grow or raise in their region.你的身材 CULTURE AND C

11、UISINE The French author Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin once wrote,“Tell me what you eat,and I will tell you what you are.”Put more simply,this means“You are what you eat.”Most people today relate this saying to healthy eating.However,Brillat-savarin was actually referring to our personality,characte

12、r,and culture.法国作家让安泰尔姆布里亚-萨瓦兰曾写道:“告诉我你平时吃什么,我就可以说出你是个什么样的人。”简单地说简单地说,这句话就是“人如其食”的意思。如今,大多数人把这条谚语与健康饮食联系起来“然而,布里亚-萨瓦兰实际上指的是指的是我们的个性、品格及文化。However,Brillat-Savarin was actually referring to our personality,character,and culture.然而,布里亚然而,布里亚-萨瓦兰实际上指的是我们的品性、性格萨瓦兰实际上指的是我们的品性、性格以及文化。以及文化。1refer to查阅;参考;谈到

13、;涉及;指的查阅;参考;谈到;涉及;指的是是一词多义一词多义写出下列句中写出下列句中refer to的汉语意思的汉语意思(1)What does the underlined word“that”in Paragraph 3 refer to?_(2)She referred to the last page of the book for answers._(3)These books they referred to at the meeting refer to Asian problems._指的是指的是查阅查阅谈到;涉及谈到;涉及refer to.as.把把当作当作;称;称为为ref

14、er.to.把把提交给提交给(以求获得帮助以求获得帮助)reference n.谈及;提及;参考;谈及;提及;参考;查阅查阅(4)The scientist the discovery the most exciting new development in this field.这位科学家将这一发现称作是这个领域中最令人兴奋的新进展。这位科学家将这一发现称作是这个领域中最令人兴奋的新进展。(5)If he gives you any more trouble,.如果他再找你麻烦,叫他来找我。如果他再找你麻烦,叫他来找我。温馨提示温馨提示在表示在表示“查阅查阅”之意时,之意时,refer to

15、后多接参考资料后多接参考资料(词典、书籍词典、书籍等等);look up多接查询的内容多接查询的内容。referred toasrefer him to me Certainly,in many ways this seems to be true.Chinese cuisine is a case in point.Prior to coming to China,my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America,with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tas

16、tes.For example,Americas most popular Chinese dish is General Tsos chicken,which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce,favoured with hot red peppers.当然,从很多方面来看,此话不假。中国菜就是个很好的例子很好的例子。来中国之前,我只在美国接触过中式烹任,那里的中国食物已被改变,以适应美国人的口味。例如,在美国最受欢迎的中国菜是“左宗棠鸡”,它在油炸的鸡肉上淋上甜酱,再佐以煸炒过的红辣椒制成。Chinese cuisine

17、is a case in point.中国的烹饪就是很好的例证。中国的烹饪就是很好的例证。2in point 恰当恰当的的in point of关于,就关于,就而论而论in point of fact事实上,实际上事实上,实际上(in reality;actually)to the point切题;切中要害切题;切中要害on the point of doing sth.即将做某事即将做某事(通常与连词通常与连词when用在一起用在一起)Prior to coming to China,my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America

18、,with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes.来中国之前,我唯一的一次对中国烹饪的体验就是在美国,不来中国之前,我唯一的一次对中国烹饪的体验就是在美国,不过那些食物却是为了迎合美国人的口味。过那些食物却是为了迎合美国人的口味。3prior adj.先前的;优先先前的;优先的的prior to在在之前之前previous to在在之前之前priority n.优先;优先权;优先考虑的事情优先;优先权;优先考虑的事情(1)The accident had caused 3 deaths and 20 injurie

19、s,which happened prior to his arrival there.在他到来之前,这场事故就已经造成在他到来之前,这场事故就已经造成3人死亡,人死亡,20人受伤。人受伤。(2)Prior/Previous to (leave)for France,he studied a lot about the country.他在启程前往法国之前,对这个国家做了很多研究。他在启程前往法国之前,对这个国家做了很多研究。温馨提示温馨提示在在prior/previous to 中,中,to为介词,后接名词为介词,后接名词(短语短语)或动名词或动名词(短语短语)。leavingFor exa

20、mple,Americas most popular Chinese dish is General Tsos chicken,which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce,flavoured with hot red peppers.例如,美国人最喜欢的中国菜就是例如,美国人最喜欢的中国菜就是“左公鸡左公鸡”,主料为炸鸡块,上面覆盖着甜酱,配以红辣椒调味。主料为炸鸡块,上面覆盖着甜酱,配以红辣椒调味。4consist of 由由组成组成consist in在于;存在于;以在于;存在于;以为主为主consist with与与一

21、致;相符一致;相符consistent adj.一致的;连续的一致的;连续的be consistent with.与与一致一致be consistent in.在在方面一致方面一致 This is probably not an authentic Chinese recipe,however,so it cannot tell us much about the Chinese.On the other hand,it does tell us a lot about Americans.It tells us,for example,that Americans love bold,sim

22、ple favours.And since the dish was also invented recently,it tells us that Americans are not afraid to try new foods.然而,这或许并不是地道的中餐做法,因此并不能让我们对中国人了解多少。不过在另一方面,它确实让我们对美国人了解很多。例如,这道菜说明美国人喜爱浓烈、简单的口味。此外,由于这道菜也是新发明,说明美国人不惧怕尝试新的菜品。adj.原作的,真迹的;传统的,正宗的;Later,I had a chance to experience authentic Chinese fo

23、od by coming to China.When my family and I had just arrived in China,we went looking for a good place to eat in Beijing.A Sichuan restaurant had been recommended to us by a friend,and finally,we found it.Tired,hungry,and not knowing a word of Chinese,we had no idea how to order,so the chef just bega

24、n filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten.With this,we had the pleasure of experiencing an entirely new taste:Sichuan peppercorns.The food was wonderful and different,but what was even more important was the friendship offered us.后来,我来到中国,有机会品尝地道的中国食物。我与家人刚刚抵达中国,便在北京找一个好地方吃饭。一位朋友之前向我们

25、推荐过一家川菜馆,最终我们找到了这家餐馆。我们疲惫不堪,饥肠辘辘,也不认识一个汉字,不知道该怎么点餐,所以厨师径自在我们的桌子上摆满食物;那是我们吃过的最可口的佳肴。于是,我们高高兴兴地体验了种全新的口味:四川花椒。食物妙不可言、与众不同,但更为重要的是我们所获得的友谊。Chinese,we had no idea how to order,so 主句同位语从属连词the chef just began filling our table with the best food 从句中的主句we had ever eaten.从句中的定语从句Tired,hungry,and not knowin

26、g a word of Chinese,we had no idea how to order,so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten.又累又饿又累又饿,一个汉字也不认识,我们压根儿不知道如何点餐,一个汉字也不认识,我们压根儿不知道如何点餐,于是厨师在我们桌上摆满了食物,那是我们吃过的最可口的佳肴。于是厨师在我们桌上摆满了食物,那是我们吃过的最可口的佳肴。2形容词形容词Tired,hungry和现在分词短语和现在分词短语not knowing a word of Chinese在

27、在本句中作状语。本句中作状语。形容词形容词(短语短语)作状语:作状语:(1)说明谓语动词表示的动作发生时,主语所处的状态。说明谓语动词表示的动作发生时,主语所处的状态。(2)形容词形容词(短语短语)作状语在句中还可以表示行为方式或伴随状况、原因、时作状语在句中还可以表示行为方式或伴随状况、原因、时间或条件等。间或条件等。(1),she rushed in through the back door.她从后门冲了进来,上气不接下气。她从后门冲了进来,上气不接下气。(2)The students,the way in which the questions were put,didnt know

28、the answer to them.学生们对这些问题的提出方式感到吃惊,不知道它们的答案。学生们对这些问题的提出方式感到吃惊,不知道它们的答案。(3)After a whole days work on the farm,Richard returned home,.在农场工作了一整天,理查德回到家,又脏又累。在农场工作了一整天,理查德回到家,又脏又累。Breathlesssurprised atdirtyand tired返 回We soon moved to Shandong Province in the eastern part of North China.My favourite

29、 dish there was boiled dumplings served with vinegar.I observed that family is important to the people there.It has become a favourite traditional dish of the people in North China,where making dumplings has always been a family affair with everyonefrom the youngest to the oldestjoining in to help.L

30、ater,I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions.不久,我们到了位于华北东部的山东省。在那里我最喜爱的食物是蘸着醋吃的水饺。我发现那里的人都很重视家庭水饺已成为华北人民最喜爱的一种传统食物:包饺子一直是一项全员参与的家庭活动,无论老少都会加入进来帮忙。后来,我了解到,最有名的山东食物是煎饼卷大葱。(2)It has become a favourite traditional dish of the 主句people in N

31、orth China,where making dumplings has always 定语从句动名词短语作从句主语been a family affair with everyonefrom the youngest to with的复合结构作状语the oldestjoining in to help.Then we moved to northern Xinjiang.Some of our friends were Kazak and Inner Mongolian.These groups traditionally wandered the open range on horse

32、s.As a result,their traditional foods are what you can cook over an open fireusually boiled or roasted meat,such as lamb kebab.随后,我们又到了新疆北部。我们的一些朋友是哈萨克族人和内蒙古人。传统上,他们骑着马在广阔的草原上漫步。因此,他们的传统食物在篝火上烹制而成,通常是水煮肉或烤肉,例如羊肉串。Our travels then took us to South China,and then on to central China.In each place we w

33、ent,we experienced wonderful local dishes,from Guangdongs elegant dim sumsmall servings of food in bamboo steamersto the exceptional stewed noodles In Henan.Everywhere,the food was as varied as the people.However,one thing is always true:Through food,Chinese people everywhere show friendship and kin

34、dness.接着,我们前往华南,之后又去了华中。我们每到一处,都会品尝当地美食,有广东的精致点心一一那是放在竹蒸笼里笼出来的小份食品,还有河南独特的烩面。所到之处的美食与当地人一样精彩纷呈。然而,有一件事始终不变:每个地方的中国人都通过食物展现友情与善意。exceptional adj.特别的;罕见的*(2020全国卷)We will wander in traditional small towns and end our tour with an exceptional museum in Shanghai.我们将在传统的小城镇里漫步,并在上海的一个特别的博物馆结束我们的旅行。*Every

35、one should help clean this room and you are no exception.每个人都应帮忙打扫房间,而你也不例外。*We all laughed,with the exception of Jerry.除了杰瑞,我们都笑了。(1)exceptional performance/circumstances/measures/ability.非同一般的表现/情况/措施/能力等(2)except prep.除之外except for除了以外;要不是由于except that.只可惜;除了之外(3)exceptionn.例外;异议with the exceptio

36、n of 除了以外no exception无一例外(4)exceptionally adv.异常地;特殊地;例外地 At a minimum,the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region,what kinds of lives they lead,and what they like and do not like.Could we also say,for example,that those who like bold flavours are bold themselves?Or

37、,that those who like spicy food tend to have a hot temper?Maybe.Maybe not.What we can say,however,is that culture and cuisine go hand in hand,and if you do not experience one,you can never really know the other.当地人的食物种类至少能让我们知道该地区种植什么作物、人们过着怎样的生活以及他们的爱憎。例如,我们是否也能这样推断,喜欢重口味的人性格粗犷?抑或喜欢辛辣食物的人往往牌气火暴也许是的

38、,也许又不是。但是,我们可以确定的是,文化和美食这两者息息相关,如果你没有体验过其中的一个,你就永远无法真正了解另一个。At a minimum,the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region,what kinds of lives they lead,and what they like and do not like.至少,当地人食用的食物种类告诉我们,他们地区所种植的至少,当地人食用的食物种类告诉我们,他们地区所种植的作物,他们过着什么样的生活以及他们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。作物,他

39、们过着什么样的生活以及他们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。5minimum adj.最低最低(限度限度)的;最小的的;最小的 n.最小值;最最小值;最少量少量at a minimum至少;处于最小限度至少;处于最小限度at the minimum of以最低的以最低的keep.to a minimum把把保持在最低限度保持在最低限度reduce(bring).to a minimum把把减少到最小减少到最小(低低)限度限度maximum adj.最大最大(限度限度)的;最大的的;最大的 n.最大值;最大量最大值;最大量What we can say,however,is that culture and

40、 cuisine go hand in hand,and if you do not experience one,you can never really know the other.然而然而,我们可以肯定地说,文化与美食是密切相连的;如果你没有体验过,我们可以肯定地说,文化与美食是密切相连的;如果你没有体验过其中的一个方面,你绝不会真正地了解另一方面。其中的一个方面,你绝不会真正地了解另一方面。6go hand in hand密切相关;密切相关;齐头并进齐头并进hand in hand手拉手;联合手拉手;联合by hand用手,手工的用手,手工的from hand to mouth仅够糊

41、口地仅够糊口地on hand在手头,现有在手头,现有on the other hand另一方面另一方面(1)As the saying goes,success and failure always go hand in hand.俗话说,成功和失败如影随形。俗话说,成功和失败如影随形。(2)With the coming of new technologies,writing has become a thing of the past.随着新技术的出现,手写已成为过去的事。随着新技术的出现,手写已成为过去的事。(3),information technology also brings a

42、bout some new problems.另一方面,信息技术也引起了一些新的问题。另一方面,信息技术也引起了一些新的问题。by handOn the other handThe French author Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin once wrote,“Tell me what you eat,and I will tell you what you are.”Put more simply,this means“You are what you eat.”Most people today relate this saying to healthy e

43、ating.However,Brillat-Savarin was referring to our personality,character and culture.1.Find out the key sentence of paragraph 1.Paragraph 12.The first paragraph has a quote:“You are what you eat.”In pairs,discuss what you think this saying means.Main idea:You are what you eat.Careful readingTell me

44、what you eat,and I will tell you what you are.Jean Anthelme Brillat-SavarinJunk foodfatterhealthy foodslimmerThe saying means that the kind of food we eat tells something about our personality,character,and culture.Certainly,in many ways this seems to be true.Chinese cuisine is a case in point.Prior

45、 to coming to China,my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America,with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes.For example,Americas most popular Chinese dish is General Tsos chicken,which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce,flavoured with hot red peppers.Th

46、is is probably not an authentic Chinese recipe,however,so it cannot tell us much about the Chinese.On the other hand,it does tell us a lot about Americans.It tells us,for example,that Americans love bold,simple flavours.And,since the dish was also invented recently,it tells us that Americans are not

47、 afraid to try new foods.1.In America,what kind of Chinese food did the author once experience?2.What is Americas most popular Chinese dish?And what can the dish tell us about Americans?Chinese food had been changed to suit American tastes.Main idea:Chinese food in America.Paragraph 2General Tsos ch

48、icken has been changed to suit American tastes.Cause:Effect:We know that Americans are not afraid to try new foods.Therefore Later I had a chance to experience authentic Chinese food by coming to China.When my family and I had just arrived in China,we went looking for a good place to eat in Beijing.

49、A Sichuan restaurant had been recommended to us by a friend,and finally,we found it.Tired,hungry,and not knowing a word of Chinese,we had no idea how to order,so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten.With this,we had the pleasure of experiencing an entirely new t

50、aste:Sichuan peppercorns.The food was wonderful and different,but what was even more important was the friendship offered us.1.In Beijing,where did the author and the family enjoy the Chinese food?2.And in the restaurant,what impressive taste did the author experience?Main idea:Chinese food in Beiji


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