Unit 1 People of Achievement 重点词汇讲解(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT阅读课文,选择正确选项()1.Whats the main theme of the text about?AA Nobel Prize winner.BThe Nobel Prize.CA new treatment for malaria.DThe process of the research.AUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT()2.Which of the following statements about artemisinin is NOT true according to the passage?A

2、It has saved so many lives.BIt has improved peoples health.CIt is a great discovery.DIt has saved 100,000 lives a year in the world.DUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT()3.Where is the passage possibly chosen from?AA hospital registration.BA report of great people.CA speech for Nobel Prize.DA book about med

3、icine.BUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT()4.What can we infer about Tu Youyou and her team members?AThey are generous and strict.BThey are relaxed and ambitious.CThey are determined and persistent.DThey are curious and courageous.CUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT()5.How is the passage mainly organized?AIn orde

4、r of time.BIn order of space.CIn order of importance.DIn order of location.AUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT1vital adj.必不可少的;极其重要的;充满生机的(P2)Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria,and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone.【翻译】青蒿素已成为治疗疟疾的重要组成部分,仅在非洲一年就可以挽救10万人的生命

5、。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTbe vital to/for 对很重要It is vital to do sth.做某事是很重要的It is vital that 是十分重要的(that从句中要用虚拟语气,即should do,should可以省略)【用法详解】UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTThese measures are vital to/for national security.这些措施对国家安全很重要。He is firmly convinced that it is vital to do this.他坚信做这件事至关重要。It

6、is vital that we should be kept informed of all developments.重要的是我们必须熟悉所有的发展情况。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT针对练习单句语法填空(1)Its vital that we _(carry)out the operation immediately.(2)It is vital _(protect)wild animals.(3)Consideration for other people is vital _ all of us.【答案】(1)(should)carry(2)to protec

7、t(3)to/forUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT完成句子(4)Skillful employees _ the success of any company.熟练的雇员对任何公司的成功都极为重要。(5)_ you keep accurate records when you are self-employed.当你是个体经营者时,准确记录账目是至关重要的。【答案】(4)are vital to/for(5)It is vital that UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT2commit vt.承诺;保证vi.忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活动等)(P

8、2)Tu Youyou,a committed and patient scientist,was born in Ningbo,China,on 30 December 1930,and graduated from Peking University Medical School in 1955.【翻译】屠呦呦,一位坚定而有耐心的科学家,于1930年12月30日出生在中国宁波,1955年毕业于北京大学医学院。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT(1)committo把送交,托付给;对作出承诺,承担义务,担负责任;使(自己)致力于commit oneself to(sth.

9、/doing sth./do sth.)承诺;保证(做某事、遵守协议或安排等)commit a crime犯罪【用法详解】UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT(2)committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信的be committed to致力于;投身于(3)commitment n承诺;交托;信奉Tom is a committed member of our football team.汤姆是我们足球队忠于职守的队员。He committed himself to/was committed to the cause of education.他投身于教育事业。U

10、NIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTLiu Hulan committed herself to fight for the happiness of the people of the whole nation.刘胡兰承诺要为全国人民的幸福而奋斗。【语境串记】Also,you should be totally committed to what you do,as excellence is only possible only with commitment.此外,完全致力于你所做的事,因为只有完全付出才可能达到卓越。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT

11、针对练习单句语法填空(1)He has committed himself _(support)them.(2)The boy _(commit)to the care of his aunt yesterday.(3)What really matters about a leader is their _(commit)to getting to the right answer and to doing it in the right way.【答案】(1)to support(2)was committed(3)commitmentUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT

12、完成句子(4)China _,development and cooperation in international affairs.中国在国际事务中一贯致力于和平、发展与合作。(5)I _ now and cannot draw back.我已经做了承诺,无法反悔。【答案】(4)is committed to peace(5)have committed myselfUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT3evaluate vt.评价;评估(P2)Her team examined over 2,000 old medical texts,and evaluated 280

13、,000 plants for their medical properties.【翻译】她的团队查看了2,000多本古老的医学文献,并对28万株植物的药用特性进行了评估。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT(1)evaluate sb.on/by根据评价某人(2)evaluation n估计;评价make an evaluation of对进行评估【用法详解】UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTThe anger was that all the rest of us were evaluated on what we produced.大家之所以感到愤怒

14、是因为我们其余所有人都是按劳取酬的。Therefore,establishing an evaluation system is necessary for our course reform.因此,对我们的课程改革来讲,建立一个评价体系是很有必要的。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTIn order that you can stay motivated to achieve the goal,firstly you need to evaluate yourself properly.为了保持动力去实现目标,首先你需要恰当地评估自己。【语境串联】A real case

15、was evaluated using this evaluation system.用此评价体系对一个具体案例进行了评估。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT针对练习单句语法填空(1)We must evaluate her ability _ her work.(2)The school has only been open for six months,so its hard _(evaluate)its success.(3)The key approaches to be used in test and _(evaluate)have been proven ri

16、ght.【答案】(1)on/by(2)to evaluate(3)evaluationUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT一句多译我们必须评估火灾造成的后果。(4)We _ the consequences caused by the fire.(evaluate)(5)We must _ the consequences caused by the fire.(evaluation)【答案】(4)must evaluate(5)make an evaluation ofUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT4obtain vt.(尤指经努力)获得;赢得vi.

17、(规章、习俗等)存在;流行(P2)They then tried boiling fresh wormwood,and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria,but this did not work either.【翻译】然后,他们尝试煮沸新鲜的青蒿,并使用从青蒿中获得的液体来治疗疟疾,但这也不起作用。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTobtain vt.(尤指努力)获得;赢得vi.(规章、习俗等)存在;获得;流行obtain knowledge/ones degree获得知识/学位obtain sb.s

18、th.obtain sth.for sb.给某人带来某物obtain sth.by doing sth.通过做某事获得某物obtain sth.from sb./sth.从某人/物获得某物【用法详解】UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTSuch information is easily obtained from the nternet.这种信息从互联网上很容易获得。We obtained much knowledge of American history from the lecture.从这次讲座中,我们学到了许多美国历史方面的知识。As far as Im conc

19、erned,what he had done obtained him respect.在我看来,他的所作所为为他赢得了尊敬。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT针对练习单句语法填空(1)Her successful performance obtained great honour _ her.(2)Details can be obtained _ the Department of Education.(3)The value of a person can _(obtain)by relative evaluation.【答案】(1)for(2)from(3)be o

20、btainedUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT完成句子(4)Only with a firm determination will we _.只有坚定信念我们才能取得这样的改变。(5)Further information can _ head office.可以从总公司获得进一步的信息。【答案】(4)obtain such change(5)be obtained fromUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT5acknowledge vt.承认(属实、权威等);(公开)感谢(P2)However,Tu Youyou would not acknowle

21、dge defeat.【翻译】然而,屠呦呦并不承认失败。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT(1)acknowledge(doing/having done)sth.承认(做了)某事acknowledge sb./sth.to be/as 承认某人/某物是acknowledge that承认Its generally/universally/widely acknowledged that大家公认(2)acknowledgement n承认;感谢;确认【用法详解】UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTShe is usually acknowledged as

22、/to be one of our best artists.她是我们公认的最好的艺术家之一。I wish to acknowledge your assistance in the making of this film.我希望鸣谢你在拍摄这部电影中给予的帮助。It is widely acknowledged that the film is instructive and full of emotion.大家普遍认为这部电影具有教育意义,并且充满情感。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT【特别提醒】acknowledge表示“承认做了某事”,其后可接动词-ing形式,也

23、可接that从句,但通常不接不定式。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT针对练习单句语法填空(1)With no solid evidence,he refused to acknowledge _(steal)the ladys purse.(2)She is acknowledged _(be)one of the best singers in the world.(3)I was sent a free copy in _(acknowledge)of my contribution.【答案】(1)stealing/having stolen(2)to be(3)ac

24、knowledgementUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT完成句子人们普遍认为应该依据整体素质来评价学生。(4)People _ students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.(5)_ students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.【答案】(4)widely acknowledge that(5)It is widely acknowledged thatUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTThese setbacks

25、should not be acknowledged as defeat,however.但是,这些挫折不能看成是失败。If we coordinate our efforts we should be able to defeat the enemy.如果我们努力协调一致,就能够击败敌人。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT针对练习单句语法填空(1)Nian _(defeat),and from then on,the color red has been considered to bring good luck and good fortune to all.(2)Mo

26、st of you really believe that the way you get to what you do want is _(defeat)what you do not want.【答案】(1)was defeated(2)to defeatUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT完成句子(3)This is why most senior high school students _ every day.这就是大多数高中生每天遭受失败的原因。【答案】suffer defeatUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT7apparently adv.

27、显而易见;看来;显然(P2)She concluded that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical properties.【翻译】她的结论是,煮沸青蒿显然破坏了它的药用性能。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT(1)As i s a p p a r e n t l y s h o wn/s t a t e d i n t h e picture/chart/passage above正如上面图画/图表/文中明显展示/陈述的那样(2)apparent adj.显而易见的;显然的;表面上的It

28、is apparent that 显然【用法详解】UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTHe was apparently much surprised at the news.他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。It is apparent that the house was ruined beyond repair.很明显,房屋的破坏达到无法修复的程度。As is apparently shown in the picture,we can see clearly the struggle between people and desert.明显如图所示,我们可以清楚地看出人类

29、与沙漠之间的较量。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT针对练习单句语法填空(1)He paused,_(apparent)lost in thought.(2)Soon,it was apparent to everyone _ he couldnt sing.【答案】(1)apparently(2)thatUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT完成句子(3)_,there are about 10%students supporting the idea.正如上面图表所明确显示的那样,大约10%的学生支持这种观点。【答案】As is apparently s

30、hown in the chart aboveUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT8insist vi.&vt.坚持;坚决要求(P3)Tu Youyou and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe.【翻译】屠呦呦和她的团队成员甚至坚持要在自己身上测试这种药,以确保它的安全性。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT(1)insist on/upon(doing)sth.坚决要求(做)某事(2)在“ins

31、istthat”结构中,当insist作“坚决主张,坚持要求”讲时,其后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词用“should动词原形”,should可以省略。当insist作“坚持说,坚持认为”讲时,其后的宾语从句用陈述语气。【用法详解】UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTMy mother insisted that I(should)clean my room first.妈妈强烈要求我先把我的房间打扫干净。She insisted on/upon(our)going to Beijing by air as it was more comfortable.她坚持要(我们

32、)乘飞机去北京,因为乘飞机更舒适。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTThough all his friends blamed him,he insisted that he had done nothing wrong.尽管他所有的朋友都责备他,但他坚持认为他没做错任何事。You should respect the views of others,and at the same time insist on what you think is right.你应该尊重别人的观点,同时坚持你认为正确的。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT【语境串联】Ins

33、isting that Tom had stolen his car,Mr Smith insisted that he(should)be put into prison.史密斯先生坚持认为汤姆偷了他的小汽车,并强烈要求把他关进监狱。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT针对练习单句语法填空(1)He insisted _ walking me to the station to see me off.(2)The teacher insisted on all the homework _(hand)in on Monday.(3)He insisted that the

34、problem _(discuss)at the meeting.【答案】(1)on/upon(2)being handed(3)(should)be discussedUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT完成句子(4)The woman insists that _ and cant do it.那位女士坚持说她丈夫是个诚实的人,不会做那件事情的。(5)We insisted that _ himself.我们坚持让他自己完成这项工作。【答案】(4)her husband is an honest man(5)he(should)finish the workUNIT 1P

35、EOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT1(P2)In 1967,the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria,and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen.【翻译】1967年,中国政府组建了一支以探索治疗疟疾新方法为目的的科学家队伍,屠呦呦是其中首批入选的研究人员。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT【句式剖析】句中过去分词“chosen

36、”作名词“researchers”的后置定语,相当于定语从句“that were chosen”的省略。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT(1)过去分词作定语时通常与所修饰的名词构成被动关系,或表示动作已完成。(2)过去分词还可以在句中作时间、原因、条件、让步、伴随、方式等状语。此时过去分词通常与句子的主语构成被动关系,或表示动作已完成。【归纳拓展】UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTGiven a lot of money,he lived a better life.给他许多钱后,他的日子过得好多了。The experience gained will

37、 give you more confidence to help your customers.获得的经验会给你更多的信心去帮助你的客户。When crossing the river,the Red Army soldiers took care not to touch the trees newly planted by the river.渡河的时候,红军战士小心翼翼,以防碰到了河边新种的树木。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT针对练习单句语法填空(1)The teacher came in,_(follow)by a group of students.(2)_

38、(use)with care,one tin will last for six weeks.(3)There are many beautifully _(decorate)houses in this rich area.【答案】(1)followed(2)Used(3)decoratedUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT完成句子(4)_ will be fully supplied.所需的所有工具将全部供应。(5)With great care,the 7-year-old boy put away the books _.这个七岁大的男孩小心翼翼地把昨天在学校新发的

39、书收起来。【答案】(4)All the tools needed(5)newly distributed at school yesterdayUNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT2(P3)Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize,she said,“The honour is not just mine”【翻译】当听到自己被授予诺贝尔奖时,她说,“荣誉不只是属于我自己的”UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT【句式剖析】在本句中,“介词uponv.-ing形式”构成介词短语,用作时间状语。u

40、pon还可转换为介词on,表示一件事紧接着另一件事发生。这种用法常见于正式的文体,依据语境,可译作“在的时候;当时;一就”。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT(1)一些表示短暂性动作的动词,如:arrive,return,reach,hear,see,receive,enter,step,get,recognize,leave等,它们相应的名词形式或动名词形式用在upon或on之后可表达“一就”。【归纳拓展】UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT(2)某些at开头的介词短语可用来表达“一就”,如:at the sight of(一看到);at thethought of(一想到);at the sound of(一听到);at the first opportunity/chance(一有机会)等。(3)在名词minute,moment和instant前加上定冠词the可以引导时间状语从句来表达“一就”。它们后面可以加that,含义不变。UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT(4)可用副词immediately,instantly和directly可表达“一就”。这时,这几个词所起的作用相当于连词,引导时间状语从句。这种用法主要用在英国英语及口语中。


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