Unit 1 Using Language (Introduce someone you admire)(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 1 People of AchievementUsing Language(Reading for Writing)Introduce someone you admire Lead-in Do you know the formula below?What does that mean?Who created it?E=Energy,m=mass,c=the speed of light(constant)Before Reading What do you know about Albert Einstein?What words would you use to describ

2、e him?What do you expect to read from the text?E=mc2GeniusTheory of relativityExtraordinaryIntelligent RemarkableWhile Reading Read the passage and set an appropriate topic for each paragraph.ParagraphTopic123456Introduction(mainly about his great contributions and personal qualities)Early life/Educ

3、ationWork experience(the road to the new Isaac Newton)Turbulent mid-lifeHis odd looks,three anecdotes(forgetfulness,love,humour)Death Read the text and complete the timeline.Then introduce Einsteins life story and achievements in your own words.Born in Germany1879 189619001905192219551933_1895Tried

4、but failed to enter university in SwitzerlandEntered universityGraduated from university1902Took a job as a clerk in the Swiss patent officeEarned a doctorate in physics1909Able to quit his job at the patent office and enter research full-time at a universityAwarded the Nobel PrizeDied in the United

5、 StatesHad to flee Germany In pairs,discuss the following questions.1.Apart from his remarkable achievements,what does the passage tell us about Einsteins life?Though he was brilliant,he was also a person who faced struggles,for example,when he failed to pass his university entrance exam,when he fai

6、led to get a good job,and when he had to flee Germany.2.What impressed you most about Einstein?State your reasons.I am impressed most by how friendly and easy he was to approach.Even when he was busy and did not want to be bothered,he still found a way to deal with people in gentleness and good humo

7、ur.Study the organisation and language features.1.What type of writing is this text?How does the writer develop the text?The text is a biography,which is developed chronologically.2.Find the descriptions that tell us what Einstein looked like and what kind of person he was.He had a thick moustache.r

8、eceived an electric shock.Although he was a genius,.his friends birthdays.But despite.loved by his friends and neighbours.There is even a story.with her homework.In fact,.help explain things.After many such.“Pardon me!Sorry!Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein!”3.What rhetorical devices are u

9、sed in the passage?Give examples.analogy:as the new Isaac Newton;personification:(hair)stood on end;simile:as though he had just received an electric shock;metaphor:the doors of academic institutions;euphemism:passed awayAfter Reading Write an introduction about someone you admire.1.Choose the perso

10、n you are going to write about.It should be someone you think is great in some way.It can be an ordinary person,such as a parent,a relative,or a friend.2.Make a list of things that need to be included in your introduction.3.Use your notes to write your introduction and sum up how you feel about this

11、 person.Use the form below to help your writing.ContentDetailName and Identityl Whats his/her name?l What does he/she do?l What is his/her achievement?Appearancel What does he/she look like?l Whats his/her most distinctive feature in terms of appearance?Personalityl What kind of person is he/she?(Gi

12、ve facts besides opinions)Impressive storyl Describe the story based on five elements:what/when/where/who/how.l What do I want to show by telling the story?Reason for his/hergreatnessl Why do I think he/she is great?l Whats his/her influence/contribution?My feelingl How do I feel about him/her?l If

13、I have a chance to meet him/her,what will I say or do?When people talk about sacrifice and charity for others,the name that most often comes up in my mind is Mother Teresa.In fact,she is so famous for her work that her name is most often used nowadays as a point of comparison by which others are jud

14、ged(for example,“He may do some good work,but hes no Mother Teresa”).Interestingly,though her name is still heard quite often,many younger people have no clear idea who she was.Mother Teresas real name is Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu.She was born on 26 August 1910 in Skopje,where is now the modern-day Repu

15、blic of Macedonia.When she was a young girl,she decided that she wanted to help poor people in India,so when she was 18,she left home and eventually made her way to Darjeeling,India.She formally became a nun in 1931,and took“Teresa”as her new name.In the beginning,she was just a teacher of other nun

16、s.However,in 1946 she felt stirred to help the poorest of the poor in Calcutta(modern-day Kolkata).She began to work full-time there in 1948 and was allowed to form her own charity group in 1950.In time,her group grew to thousands of members,helping orphans,refugees,the disabled,the most ill,and the

17、 poorest people around the world.However,Mother Teresa is most famous for her Home of the Dying and the Destitute in Calcutta.This work began when she found a poor man dying alone in the street of Calcutta,and decided that she had to do something to help,as nothing could be worse than dying alone in

18、 the streets.Workers for the Home of the Dying and the Destitute would find dying people in the streets,and bring them to the centre,where they would be cared for,fed,and loved until their final moments.For her work,Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.When she died on 5 September

19、 1997,she was given a state funeral by the government of India,which was attended by more than 15,000 people and broadcast around the world on TV,with many world leaders singing praises to her.People who met Mother Teresa often remarked at how small she wasshe was only 152 cm tall.She was also very

20、quiet and gentle in the way she behaved.This all proves that even the smallest or gentlest people can still do great and mighty things.Exchange your draft with a partner.1.Use the checklist to help you review your partners draft.Does the writer describe the persons appearance and personality?Does th

21、e writer tell an impressive story of the persons life?Does the writer say why the person is great?Does the writer sum up how he/she feels about this person?2.Take your draft back and revise it.Words and Expressions He made numerous contributions to the world,the most well-known being the general the

22、ory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc2.(P8)他为世界作出了无数的贡献,最为出名的当数广义相对论和著名的方程式E=mc2。theory /ri/n.理论;学说理论;学说 The theory remains untested.该理论仍未经过验证。theorist n.理论家 theoretical adj.理论上的 theoretically adv.理论上 Theoretically,the price is supposed to be marked on the shelf.从理论上说,价格是要标在货架上的。While workin

23、g there,out of a strong passion for knowledge,he continued to study,earning a doctorate in physics in 1905.(P8)工作期间,出于强烈的求知欲,他仍继续学习,于1905年获得物理学博士学位。passion /pn/n.酷爱;激情酷爱;激情full of passion 充满激情 have a passion for 对充满激情/爱好 To work and live full of passion,everything will be so dynamic.充满激情地工作和生活,一切都会如

24、此充满活力。The English have a passion for gardens.英国人酷爱花园。passionate adj.狂热的 Circumstances changed in 1933,when Hitler came to power in Germany.(P8)1933年,希特勒在德国上台,形势发生了变化。come to power (开始)掌权;上台(开始)掌权;上台 But he has come to power in difficult circumstances.但是他是在艰难的情况下上台的。be in power 执政,掌权 beyond/out of on

25、es power 力所不能及的 Clearly,you dont want to make an enemy of someone who will be in power for a while.显然,你不会想和一个暂时还在当权的人作对。Finishing the task in just one day is out of my power.仅在一天之内就完成这个任务是我力所不能及的。As a consequence,he had to flee Germany.(P8)因此,他不得不逃离德国。consequence /knskwns/n.结果,后果结果,后果as a consequenc

26、e=in consequence 结果,因此take/suffer/face the consequences(of sth)承担的后果 He suffered much in consequence.结果他遭受了很大的损失。He was prepared to face the consequences.他准备承担后果。consequent adj.作为结果的,随之而来的 consequently adv.结果,因此 The rain was heavy,and consequently the road was flooded.雨下得很大,结果道路被淹了。After spending ti

27、me in Europe,he finally took up a position as a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton,USA.(P8)在欧洲度过一段时间后,他终于在美国普林斯顿高等研究院谋得研究员一职。take up a position 担任;任职担任;任职 He left a career in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council.他放弃了教学工作,到艺术委员会任职。He left to take up a new posi

28、tion with another company.他走了,在另一家公司谋得了一个新职位。take up 接受;开始从事;占据(时间或空间)I wont take up any more of your time.我不会再占用你的时间了。Use your notes to write your introduction and sum up how you feel about this person.(P9)用你的笔记写下你的介绍并总结你对这个人的感觉。sum /sm/vi.总结;概括总结;概括 n.金额;款项;总数;总和金额;款项;总数;总和sum up 总结;概括 to sum up 概

29、括地说 in sum 总之;总而言之 The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.一个三角形的所有内角之和是180度。To sum up,there are three main ways of tackling the problem.概括起来说,这一问题主要有三种解决办法。In sum,talent is not so important as working hard in either study or daily work.总之,无论是在学习中还是在日常工作中,天赋并不像努力那么重要。Polish up your introduction writing.


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