Unit 5 Reading and thinking知识点复习(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、SectionSection D DUsingUsing LanguageLanguage()&AssessingAssessing YourYour ProgressProgress 选选修一修一 Unit5 reading and thinking 知识点检测知识点检测 1.Key words1.vt.把献(给);把专用于;专心于 2.n.不足;缺少;短缺 3.vt.解决(难题);应付(局面);处理 4.n.危机;危急关头 5.vt.使增长;使兴旺n.增长;提高;激励 6.vt.使相信;使确信;说服 7.n.特征;特点;品质adj.典型的;独特的 8.vt.(通常经过努力)获得;得到 9.

2、adj.传统的;习惯的 devoteshortagetacklecrisisboostconvincecharacteristicattainconventional10.n.假定;设定;(责任的)承担;(权利的)获得 11.adj.热切的;十分强烈的;激烈的 12.vt.克服;解决;战胜 13.vt.&vi.扩大;增加vt.扩展;发展(业务)14.n.产量;输出;输出量vt.输出 15.vt.估计;估价;估算n.估计;估算 16.adj.本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的 17.n.消耗;消耗量;消费 18.vt.包括;包含;由组成 assumptionintenseovercomeexpand

3、outputestimatedomesticconsumptioncomprise19.vt.产生;引起 20.n.闲暇;休闲;空闲 21.n.泥土;土壤;国土;领土 22.n.名望;名誉;名人;名流 23.n.谷物;谷粒;颗粒 24.n.想象;视力;视野;影像 25.n.现实;实际情况;事实 26.adj.含盐的;咸的 generateleisuresoilcelebritygrainvisionrealitysalty课文复习课文复习1.以.而知名2.追求一个事业3.不好的收成4.严重的食物短缺5.解决这个危机6.增加收成7.一个具有挑战性的问题8.袁相信9.杂交水稻的一个特点known

4、as pursue a careerpoor harvesta serious shortage of foodtackle this crisisboost yielda challenging questionYuan is convinced that.a characteristic of hybrid1.获得一个更高的收成2.传统的作物3.自授粉植物4.一个具有巨大争议的问题5.普遍的设想 6.通过不懈的努力7.袁克服了巨大的技术难题8.被应用于9.扩大产量10.据估计attain a higher yield conventional cropself-pollinating pl

5、anta matter of great debatea common assumptionthrough intense effortovercome enormous technical difficultiesbe used forexpand outputit is estimated that.1.国内水稻消耗2.由.组成3.产自袁的杂交品种4.创新5.也依赖水稻6.由于他的无价的贡献7.大量的奖8.考虑到9.退休过一种休闲的生活10.远远不是这种情况domestic consumptionis comprised of generate from Yuans hybrid stra

6、insinnovationdepend on rice as well because of his invaluable contributionsnumerous awardsGiven that.retire to a life of leisurefar from the case1.内心深处 2.属于土地的人3.不在意名望和钱4.做出很大的捐赠5.实现他的梦想6.想象水稻和高粱一样高7.最新的想象8.成为现实9.充满想象10.梦想deep down a man of soilcare little for celebrity or moneymake large donationsf

7、ulfill his dreamenvision rice plant as tall as sorghumlatest visionbecome a reality is full of vision dream up Choose the right content from the box to complete the summary of the text.boosting yields,60%,science or medicine,salty land,fulfil his dreams,agriculture,farmerBecause he works the land,sc

8、ientist Yuan Longping,the“father of hybrid rice”,considers himself to be a(n)1._.Born in Beijing in 1930,his parents wanted him to study 2._,but concerned about farmers poor harvests,he chose to study 3._ at Southwest Agricultural College in Chongqing instead.farmer science or medicineagricultureAft

9、er graduating in 1953,he realised that the solution lay in 4._ with hybrid rice,a cross of two or more rice species.Overcoming great difficulties,he produced his first in 1974 and today some 5._ of Chinas rice consumption comes from Yuans hybrid strains.Whats more,they have helped to feed other coun

10、tries as well.Continuing to 6._,his latest vision for“seawater rice”has also become a reality,potentially allowing rice production in Chinas 7._.Despite his age,everyone is waiting to see what Yuan will achieve next.boosting yields,60%,science or medicine,salty land,fulfil his dreams,agriculture,far

11、merboosting yields 60%fulfil his dreams salty land 课文语法填空课文语法填空Yuan Longping is one of Chinas most famous scientists,considering himself a farmer at heart.Born in 1930 in Beijing,Yuan Longping was concerned about the farmers 1._ often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of fo

12、od 2._(eat)and chose to study agriculture.After 3._(graduate)in 1953,he was determined to search for a way to increase rice harvests without 4._(expand)the area of the fields.After twenty years hard work,he overcame enormous technical 5._(difficulty)to develop the first hybrid rice which can enable

13、farmers to expand their output greatly.who to eatgraduatingexpandingdifficulties Yuans innovation has helped 6._(feed)not just China but many other countries that depend on rice as well.Although his hybrids have made him quite 7._(wealth),he cares little for celebrity or money.8._ impresses people m

14、ost about him is his ongoing ability to fulfill his dreams.His latest vision for“seawater rice”has also become 9._ reality.10._ his advanced years,Yuan Longping is still full of dreams that he is turning into reality.feedwealthyWhataDespiteComplete the sentences with the correct forms of the words i

15、n the box.Use word formation to guess the meaningOften,new words are not really“new”they are just different forms of words that you may already know.For instance,a word ending with ate is often a verb,while a word ending in tion is often a noun.Thus,we have communicate(verb)and communication(noun).E

16、nglish has many word patterns like this.1.This school has _ thousands of bright young students over years.2.Most students look for jobs after university _.3.Because of the _ of new strains of hybrid crops,people in many parts of the world now have more food to eat.educatedgraduationcreation create,e

17、stimation,education,generation,graduate4.Last year,this new electric power plant _ enough energy to power the whole city.5.It was difficult to calculate exactly how many trees had been cut down.However,a general _ was possible.generatedestimation create,estimation,education,generation,graduate1这些措施将

18、更好地让我们能够应对当前的危机,促进经济的复苏和增长。These measures will better enable us_and promote economic recovery and growth.(tackle)2如果我们想保护环境,我们必须阐明问题并说服人们采取行动。If we want to protect the environment,we must clarify the problem and_.(convince)3为了完成这项艰巨的任务,估计大约需要1000万美元。To complete this huge task,_about 10 million dolla

19、rs will be needed.(estimate)to tackle the current crisisconvince people to take actionit is estimated that4鉴于人口在过去几年里增长快速,存在食物短缺的现象就不足为奇了。_in the past few years,it is hardly surprising that there exists a food shortage.(given)5他决心把毕生精力奉献给教育事业。He is determined to_the cause of education.(devote.to.)6他们到底打算做什么现在还完全不清楚。_is far from clear now.(what引导主语从句)Given that the population has increased rapidlydevote his life toWhat they really intend to do


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