Unit 3 On the Move 单元复习(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、 Unit 3On the move 单元复习课件一、核心词汇1.n.冲浪(运动)2.v.代表,表示 3.n.球门 4.n.满意,满足 5.adj.塑料制的 6.n.因素,要素 7.n.士兵,军人 8.n.武装冲突,战斗,战争 9.v.向保证,使确信10.v.记录,跟踪(变化或进展)surfingrepresentgoalcontentplasticfactorsoldierconflictassurechart11.adj.理想的,最好的 12.n.显示器 13.v.监视,监测 14.adj.可用的,可获得的 15.adj.(位置)较上的,较高的,上面的 16.n.骨头,骨 17.n.大师,

2、能手 18.n.资料,数据 19.n.标签,标记 20.v.(持续而隐隐地)作痛 21.n.(尤指体育比赛中的)冠军,第一名 idealdisplaymonitoravailableupperbonemasterdatalabelachechampion二、拓展词汇1._ v.代表,表示_ n.代表 2._ n.基础;根据_ adj.基本的;基础的 3._ n.装备,设备,用具_ vt.装配;配备 4._ v.(在比赛中)防守,防卫_ n.保护,防卫 5._ n.死,死亡_ v.死亡_ adj.死的 6._ n.(机器、仪器等调控装置的)设定位置,调节点_ vt.设置 representrep

3、resentativebasisbasicequipmentequipdefenddefencedeathdiedeadsettingset7._ adj.可调整的,可调节的_ v.调整,调节 8._ n.平衡_ adj.保持(或显示)平衡的 9._ v.包含,需要_ n.参与,牵连,包含 10._ n.回答,答复_ vi.回答;响应;作出反应 11._ v.理解,了解,解释_ n.解释 12._ n.力量_ adj.有力的;(药等)有功效的 13._ n.紧张,焦虑_ adj.紧张的 adjustableadjustbalancebalancedinvolveinvolvementrespo

4、nserespondinterpretinterpretationpowerpowerfultensiontense14._ v.消失,不见_ v.出现,显得 15._ adj.满是汗的,被汗水湿透的_ n.汗水 16._ v.鼓舞,激励_ adj.令人鼓舞的_ adj.有灵感的;受鼓舞的_ n.灵感;鼓舞 17._ v.说服,劝服_ n.说服,说服力 18._ adj.(目标等)最终的_ adv.最后disappearappearsweatysweatinspireinspiringinspiredinspirationpersuadepersuasionultimateultimately

5、 用所给词的适当形式填空1.A person living a _life can find just the right _of“greatness”and“averageness”that will make them happy.(balance)2.In order to _our country from attack outside,we must strengthen our national _.(defend)3.In the _,they discussed about whether the novel _on history can be the _of the new

6、 film.(base)4.Every classroom in our school is _with advanced _.(equip)balancedbalancedefenddefencebasementbasedbasisequippedequipment5.It _that the expert who has a good _has _from us forever.(appear)6.If you dont make any _when your life is _,you wont _yourself to the change right away.(adjust)7.T

7、o build a more _country,the president decided to use his _to send away some _officials.(power)8.I was _with your _remarks,which brought me a creative _.(inspire)appearsappearancedisappearedadjustmentadjustableadjustpowerfulpowerpowerlessinspiredinspiringinspiration三、核心短语1.尽情地;心满意足地 2.追溯到,回溯到 3.出故障;垮

8、掉 4.(战争、火灾等)爆发 5.以为例 6.放下;记下 7.形状像 8.了解的动态;与保持联系 9.订购 to ones hearts contentgo backbreak downbreak outtake.for exampleput downbe shaped likekeep track ofplace ones order10.爱上 11.即将发生 12.转而,反过来;依次,轮流地 13.消失,绝迹,灭绝 14.取得联系 15.偶然遇见 16.害怕 fall in love witharound the cornerin turndie outget in touchcome a

9、crossbe terrified of根据所给汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空1._ the game _(以为例),it _(追溯)over one thousand years to ancient China.Now you can see kids playing _(尽情地)with it.2.Li Hua and Wang Lin often keep track of(与保持联系)each other via the Internet.Although the mid-term exam is _(即将来临),they want to travel to Beijing.But

10、they have to change the plan because last week Li Huas mother was ill,he and his sister have to take care of her _(轮流地).Takefor examplegoes backto their hearts contentaround the cornerin turn3.The hunter has to _(放下)his gun and give up killing the animal.For one thing,he has _(垮掉);for another,the an

11、imal is _(灭绝).put downbroken downdying out 完成句子1.考虑到目前账面上学生贷款的数额超过1.3万亿美元,很显然许多学生是不够理智的。_ _theres now over$1.3 trillion in student loans on the books,its pretty clear that many students are far from sensible.2.这是一道难以解决的问题。It is a problem that _ _ _ _.3.大概要过许多年我们才能再见。It may be many years _ _ _ _.Given thatis difficult to solvebefore we meet again


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