人教版8年级上册 Unit 10 Period 5.doc

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1、 1 Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time! The Fifth Period Section B (2dSelf Check) Teaching aims(教学目标)(教学目标) 1. 熟练掌握 if+will(主将出现)的句式给别人提合理建议。 2. 关心他人,了解别人的困扰并给予帮助。 3. 掌握情态助动词 should/could 用法。 4. 培养学生书面写作能力。 Language points(语言点)(语言点) 1要求掌握以下词汇: 1)名词 n. expert, experience, advice 2

2、) 动词 v. advise,solve, discuss, believe, bring 3) 形容词 adj. normal, afraid 4) 副词 adv. certainly, halfway, else 5)连词 conj. unless 6)词组 in half, lose ones wallet, be afraid to, remember to, share with, in the future, old peoples home visit, school clean-up, childrens hospital visit (本课时的生词和词组不多, 但是鉴于前面一

3、个课时的单词和词组比较多, 而且与本课时内 容关联,所以通过读写任务进行强化,让学生尽量掌握。) 2. 要求掌握以下句式: I think he/she should. If he/she., he/she will. My friend also has two other problems. What will you do if you visit an old peoples home? If I do that, Ill bring the old people some flowers. Difficulties(难点):熟练掌握(难点):熟练掌握 if+will(主将出现主将出现

4、)的句式给别人提合理建议。的句式给别人提合理建议。 Teaching steps(教学教学步骤)步骤) 1. Warm-up(课前热身和复习)(课前热身和复习) 2. (1) Ask and answer. T: I want to buy a guitar. But I dont have enough money. What should I do? S: T: Maybe you should borrow some money from your parents. (向借) T: I argued with my best friend. What should I do? S: Yo

5、u should say you are sorry. You could write a letter to her. 2 Maybe you could go to her house and say sorry. T: The worst thing is to do nothing. It is best not to run away from your problems. (通过简单的问答并给出建议, 引出本课时的关键内容, 同时又对前面一个课时的重点句子 进行了复习和巩固。) 2. Free talk (1) Show growing pains slide. (教师通过形象的图

6、片引导学生谈论成长的烦恼。) 3. Live talk T: Do you have any problems in your life? S: T: Lets ask a radio talk show host for help. T: When you have problems, please remember: Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. (教师引入爱情公寓人物主持人曾小贤的角色, 调节课堂的兴奋点, 然后给学生一定的准备 时间后,请学生上台应用目标语言扮演主持人角色,解决“听众”的困扰,给出合理建议。 教师及时点评,应

7、用前面课时的重点句子进行巩固和情感渗透。) 4. Work on 2d T: Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box. S: Students have a lot of problems and worries. Laura Mills thinks the worst thing is_ _. She thinks youll feel worse if you dont _ about your problems. Laura remembers that she once lost her wallet and was afraid

8、 to _ about it. Now she believes you cannot feel better _ to someone. She says she will always _ in the future. Robert Hunt agrees with Larua. He thinks you should not _ your problems, but you should try to solve them. If you cannot talk to an expert like Robert, you can _ with your parents because

9、they have a lot of experience. (教师领学生读重点词组后,请学生根据语境完成练习。同时,这个也是对上个课时的有效 复习,同时教师要注意培养学生缩写课文,提炼课文重点信息的能力。) 5. Work on 2e T: Ask three students the following questions. Take notes of their answers. Thanks for listening to our show. Tell us about one of your problems. Maybe you could/should. Why dont yo

10、u 3 S: (教师安排学生以四人为一个小组,进行讨论和交流并记录重点信息,教师四处走动,给学 生指导。) 6. Work on 3a T: Talk to someone you know. Find out his/er three biggest worries. Try to think of some solutions to the problems and write them down. S: Problems Possible solutions (学生在教室里自由活动,进行采访和记录,并交流后给出建议,教师要提示学生可以应用 3a 中采集的信息,并注意比较思考谁给出的建议更

11、合理,教师在请学生进行汇报的时候, 要注意引导学生点评和总结。) 7.Work on 3b T: Write about your friends first problem and the possible solution. Use the structures below to help you plan your writing. S: My friend _ has a problem. He/She _. I think he/she should _. If he/she_, he/she will_ (教师给出一定的范本给学生作模板,同时四出走动,指导学生应用前面采集的信息,结

12、合 目标语言结构完成写作任务。给学生充分时间完成后,请学生互相交流,并集体展示部分学 生作品,达到 peer assessment 的目的。) 8. Work on 3c (教师在前面环节的铺垫下,给学生更多写作练习的机会。同时体现了写作素材的真实性, 要帮助学生处理好语言组织上存在的问题。 及时进行个别或者全班指导, 也可以请完成的优 秀的学生担任教师角色进行点评。) 1. What problems do you have with schoolwork? 2. Who do you talk to about these problems and why? 3. Who else can

13、 you get advice from? 4. Do you always tell your parents about your problems? Why or why not? 5. Do you ever give advice to your friends about their problems? What advice do you give? 4 9. We Can Help project (1) Look and answer (教师在点评学生写作情况的时候, 适时地引导学生养成积极的人生态度, 正确面对自己的 困扰,然后展示一些贫困学生的图片,诱导学生回答:What

14、s the matter with these children?/What could they do?/What should we do?然后顺利引出后面的 group work 10. Group work T: Your school is taking part in the project “We Can Help!” Add more items to the poster. Then talk about what you will do if you take part in this project. We Can Help! old peoples home visit

15、 school clean-up childrens hospital visit S: A: What will you do if you visit an old peoples home? B: If I do that, Ill bring the old people some flowers. (教师将主题扩大,引导学生积极思考帮助别人,同时培养学生合作和交流能力,如果时间 来得及,可以请学生先进行对话,再进行提纲,最后制作海报和汇报小组合作结果。) 11. Homework Oral: 调查其他组同学所完成的“We Can Help” project,并交流 What will do if you take part in the project? Written: 完成 self check 部分内容 (根据学生程度和课堂教学任务进行口语和书面作业的布置, 符合学生的生活实际, 同时拓 展了课堂学习内容的应用。)


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